List of usage examples for com.vaadin.server FontAwesome BOLT
FontAwesome BOLT
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From source
License:Open Source License
private void createNotRightTypeDialogue(String headline, String moreInfo, String barcode) { Window subWindow = new Window(" Wrong data type!"); subWindow.setWidth("400px"); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSpacing(true);/* w ww.jav a2 s .c om*/ layout.setMargin(true); Label preInfo = new Label( "Data of barcode " + barcode + " in this column doesn't fit the attribute type. " + moreInfo); layout.addComponent(preInfo); Button ok = new Button("Ignore Column."); Button no = new Button("Select different attribute."); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { getActiveTable().removeContainerProperty(headline); subWindow.close(); } }); no.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { resetAttribute(headline); subWindow.close(); } }); layout.addComponent(ok); layout.addComponent(no); subWindow.setContent(layout); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setIcon(FontAwesome.BOLT); subWindow.setResizable(false); ProjectwizardUI ui = (ProjectwizardUI) UI.getCurrent(); ui.addWindow(subWindow); }
From source
License:Open Source License
private void showStatus() { boolean ready = true; for (Object colName : getActiveTable().getContainerPropertyIds()) { String selected = getSelectedProperty(colName); ready &= selected != null && !selected.isEmpty(); }// ww w . j a v a2 s . co m if (ready) { fillCollisionsList(); if (collisions.size() > 0) { Window subWindow = new Window(" Collisions found!"); subWindow.setWidth("400px"); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setMargin(true); Label preInfo = new Label("The following entries exist and would need to be overwritten:"); layout.addComponent(preInfo); TextArea tf = new TextArea(); tf.setWidth("350px"); tf.setValue(StringUtils.join(collisions, "")); tf.setStyleName(Styles.areaTheme); layout.addComponent(tf); String overwriteInfo = "In order to keep your data safe, you are not allowed to overwrite existing information by default. " + "You can either remove the columns in question (choose 'ignore column') or contact QBiC."; if (overWriteAllowed) overwriteInfo = "You can either remove the columns in question (choose 'ignore column') " + "before sending it to the Database or overwrite the metadata."; Label info = new Label(overwriteInfo); Button ok = new Button("Got it!"); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { subWindow.close(); } }); layout.addComponent(info); layout.addComponent(ok); subWindow.setContent(layout); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setIcon(FontAwesome.BOLT); subWindow.setResizable(false); ProjectwizardUI ui = (ProjectwizardUI) UI.getCurrent(); ui.addWindow(subWindow); } else { Styles.notification("No collisions found!", "You can update the metadata in our database without overwriting something. To do so press 'Send to Database'", NotificationType.DEFAULT); } send.setEnabled(collisions.isEmpty() || overWriteAllowed); } else send.setEnabled(false); }