Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * QBiC Project Wizard enables users to create hierarchical experiments including different study * conditions using factorial design. Copyright (C) "2016" Andreas Friedrich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If * not, see <>. *******************************************************************************/ package views; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import parser.XMLParser; import properties.Property; import uicomponents.UploadComponent; import logging.Log4j2Logger; import main.ProjectwizardUI; import uicomponents.Styles; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.PropertyType; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.basic.dto.DataTypeCode; import control.Functions; import io.DBVocabularies; import life.qbic.openbis.openbisclient.IOpenBisClient; import uicomponents.Styles.*; import com.opencsv.CSVParser; import com.opencsv.CSVParserBuilder; import com.opencsv.CSVReader; import com.opencsv.CSVReaderBuilder; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.combobox.FilteringMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.OptionGroup; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.TextArea; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Upload.FinishedListener; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import com.vaadin.ui.Upload.FinishedEvent; // import; public class MetadataUploadView extends VerticalLayout { private OptionGroup typeOfData = new OptionGroup("Type of Metadata", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Samples"))); private Label info; // ConditionsPanel pane; // Button dlTemplate; private TabSheet sheet; private UploadComponent upload; private Button send; private XMLParser xmlParser = new XMLParser(); private IOpenBisClient openbis; private Map<String, Object> metadata; private List<String> customProperties = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList("IGNORE (removes column)", "[Experimental Condition]", "[Other Property]")); private Map<String, String> propNameToCode; private Map<String, Map<String, String>> propToVocabulary; private Map<String, Map<String, String>> propToReverseVocabulary; private Set<String> allowedSpaces; private logging.Logger logger = new Log4j2Logger(MetadataUploadView.class); private List<Table> sampleTables; private Button reload; private Map<String, Sample> codesToSamples; private String barcodeColName; private List<String> collisions; private List<String> codesInTSV; private boolean overWriteAllowed = false; public MetadataUploadView(IOpenBisClient openbis, DBVocabularies vocabularies, boolean overWriteAllowed) { allowedSpaces = new HashSet<String>(vocabularies.getSpaces()); this.overWriteAllowed = overWriteAllowed; sheet = new TabSheet(); sampleTables = new ArrayList<Table>(); Map<String, String> taxMap = vocabularies.getTaxMap(); Map<String, String> tissueMap = vocabularies.getTissueMap(); propToVocabulary = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); propToVocabulary.put("Q_NCBI_ORGANISM", taxMap); propToVocabulary.put("Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE", tissueMap); Map<String, String> reverseTaxMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : taxMap.entrySet()) { reverseTaxMap.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } Map<String, String> reverseTissueMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tissueMap.entrySet()) { reverseTissueMap.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } propToReverseVocabulary = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); propToReverseVocabulary.put("Q_NCBI_ORGANISM", reverseTaxMap); propToReverseVocabulary.put("Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE", reverseTissueMap); this.openbis = openbis; setSpacing(true); setMargin(true); addComponent(typeOfData); upload = new UploadComponent("Upload Metadata (tab-separated)", "Upload", ProjectwizardUI.tmpFolder, "meta_", 200000); upload.setVisible(false); addComponent(upload); reload = new Button("Reset columns"); reload.setVisible(false); addComponent(reload); reload.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { try { parseTSV(upload.getFile()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); send = new Button("Send to Database"); send.setEnabled(false); initListeners(); } private void initListeners() { typeOfData.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { upload.setVisible(true); } }); upload.addFinishedListener(new FinishedListener() { @Override public void uploadFinished(FinishedEvent event) { if (upload.wasSuccess()) try { send.setVisible(parseTSV(upload.getFile())); reload.setVisible(true); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); send.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { try { ingestTable(); Styles.notification("Done!", "Your metadata was sent to the Database.", NotificationType.SUCCESS); sheet.removeComponent(getActiveTable()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Styles.notification("Something went wrong!", "Sorry, your metadata could not be registered. Please contact a delevoper.", NotificationType.ERROR); } } }); } public Table getActiveTable() { return (Table) sheet.getSelectedTab(); } protected void ingestTable() throws IllegalArgumentException, JAXBException { Table sampleTable = getActiveTable(); metadata = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Property> conditions = new ArrayList<Property>(); List<String> codes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object col : sampleTable.getContainerPropertyIds()) { String attribute = getSelectedProperty(col); if (!attribute.equals("Properties -->")) { String unit = null; properties.PropertyType propType = null; if (attribute.startsWith("Condition: ")) propType = properties.PropertyType.Factor; if (attribute.startsWith("Property: ")) propType = properties.PropertyType.Property; if (propType != null) { attribute = attribute.replace("Condition: ", "").replace("Property: ", ""); Property prop = null; if (attribute.contains("[") && attribute.contains("]")) { unit = parseUnit(attribute); attribute = attribute.replace(" [" + unit + "]", ""); prop = new Property(attribute, "", properties.Unit.valueOf(unit), propType); } else prop = new Property(attribute, "", propType); conditions.add(prop); attribute = prop.toString(); } else { if (propNameToCode.containsKey(attribute)) attribute = propNameToCode.get(attribute); types.add(attribute); } Map<String, String> curTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Object row : sampleTable.getItemIds()) { int id = (int) row; if (id != -1) { String bc = getBarcodeInRow(id); String val = parseLabelCell(id, col); // if (propType != null) { // val = propType + ": " + val; // if (unit != null) // val = val + " [" + unit + "]"; // } if (!codes.contains(bc)) codes.add(bc); if (propToVocabulary.containsKey(attribute)) val = propToVocabulary.get(attribute).get(val); curTypeMap.put(bc, val); } } metadata.put(attribute, curTypeMap); } } Map<String, String> xmlPropertyMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String code : codes) { List<Property> newFactors = new ArrayList<Property>(); String existingXML = codesToSamples.get(code).getProperties().get("Q_PROPERTIES"); List<Property> oldFactors = xmlParser.getExpFactorsFromXML(existingXML); for (Property condition : conditions) { for (Property f : oldFactors) { Property test = null; if (f.hasUnit()) test = new Property(f.getLabel(), "", f.getUnit(), f.getType()); else test = new Property(f.getLabel(), "", f.getType()); if (!conditions.contains(test)) { newFactors.add(f); } } Map<String, String> condMap = (HashMap<String, String>) metadata.get(condition.toString()); Property prop = parseProperty(condition, condMap.get(code)); newFactors.add(prop); } if (!newFactors.isEmpty()) // xmlPropertyMap.put(code, xmlParser.toString(xmlParser.createXMLFromFactors(newFactors))); xmlPropertyMap.put(code, xmlParser.toString(xmlParser.createXMLFromProperties(newFactors))); } for (Property condition : conditions) { metadata.remove(condition.getLabel()); } if (!xmlPropertyMap.isEmpty()) { types.add("Q_PROPERTIES"); metadata.put("Q_PROPERTIES", xmlPropertyMap); } metadata.put("identifiers", codes); metadata.put("types", types);"Ingesting metadata"); openbis.ingest("DSS1", "update-sample-metadata", metadata); } private Property parseProperty(Property propWithOutVal, String value) { if (propWithOutVal.hasUnit()) return new Property(propWithOutVal.getLabel(), value, propWithOutVal.getUnit(), propWithOutVal.getType()); else return new Property(propWithOutVal.getLabel(), value, propWithOutVal.getType()); } protected boolean parseTSV(File file) throws IOException { for (Table t : sampleTables) { t.removeAllItems(); sheet.removeComponent(t); } removeComponent(sheet); addComponent(sheet); sheet.addSelectedTabChangeListener(new SelectedTabChangeListener() { @Override public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event) { reactToTableChange(); } }); sampleTables.clear(); CSVParser parser = new CSVParserBuilder().withIgnoreQuotations(true).withSeparator('\t').build(); CSVReader reader = new CSVReaderBuilder(new FileReader(file)).withCSVParser(parser).build(); String error = ""; ArrayList<String[]> data = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String[] nextLine; int rowID = 0; while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null) { rowID++; if (data.isEmpty() || nextLine.length == data.get(0).length) { data.add(nextLine); } else { error = "Wrong number of columns in row " + rowID + " Please make sure every row fits the header row."; Styles.notification("Parsing Error", error, NotificationType.ERROR); reader.close(); return false; } } reader.close(); String[] header = data.get(0); data.remove(0); int barcodeCol = -1; String projectCode = ""; for (int j = 0; j < header.length; j++) { String word = data.get(0)[j]; if ((Functions.isQbicBarcode(word) || word.contains("ENTITY-")) && barcodeCol == -1) { barcodeCol = j; barcodeColName = header[barcodeCol]; projectCode = word.substring(0, 5); } } if (barcodeCol == -1) { error = "No barcode column found. Make sure one column contains QBiC Barcodes to map your information to existing samples!"; Styles.notification("File Incomplete", error, NotificationType.ERROR); return false; } if (barcodeCol != 0) { header[barcodeCol] = header[0]; header[0] = barcodeColName; for (String[] d : data) { String bc = d[barcodeCol]; d[barcodeCol] = d[0]; d[0] = bc; } barcodeCol = 0; } List<Sample> projectSamples = openbis.getSamplesWithParentsAndChildrenOfProjectBySearchService(projectCode); codesToSamples = new HashMap<String, Sample>(); Map<String, List<String>> sampleTypeToAttributes = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); Map<String, DataTypeCode> propertyToType = new HashMap<String, DataTypeCode>(); for (Sample s : projectSamples) { String space = s.getSpaceCode(); // don't add samples the user should not be able to see if (allowedSpaces.contains(space)) codesToSamples.put(s.getCode(), s); } propNameToCode = new HashMap<String, String>(); codesInTSV = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { String bc = data.get(i)[barcodeCol]; if (!codesToSamples.containsKey(bc)) { // if samples don't exist or user doesn't have rights to see them, show error Styles.notification("Sample not found!", "Sample with code " + bc + " was not found in the Database.", NotificationType.ERROR); return false; } String type = codesToSamples.get(bc).getSampleTypeCode(); if (!sampleTypeToAttributes.containsKey(type)) { List<PropertyType> props = openbis.listPropertiesForType(openbis.getSampleTypeByString(type)); List<String> propertyNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PropertyType p : props) { String propName = p.getLabel(); String propCode = p.getCode(); propNameToCode.put(propName, propCode); DataTypeCode dataType = p.getDataType(); switch (dataType) { case CONTROLLEDVOCABULARY:// TODO properties without mapping? if (propToVocabulary.containsKey(propCode)) { propertyToType.put(propName, dataType); propertyNames.add(propName); } break; case MATERIAL: break; case TIMESTAMP: break; case XML: break; default: propertyToType.put(propName, dataType); propertyNames.add(propName); } } sampleTypeToAttributes.put(type, propertyNames); } codesInTSV.add(bc); } for (String type : sampleTypeToAttributes.keySet()) { Set<String> options = new HashSet<String>(); options.addAll(customProperties); options.addAll(sampleTypeToAttributes.get(type)); // options.removeAll(hiddenProperties); Table sampleTable = new Table(type + " Samples"); sampleTable.setWidth("100%"); sampleTable.setStyleName(Styles.tableTheme); sampleTable.addContainerProperty(header[barcodeCol], String.class, null); for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) { if (i != barcodeCol) { sampleTable.addContainerProperty(header[i], Component.class, null); } } List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(); row.add("Properties -->"); for (int i = 1; i < header.length; i++) { // if (i != barcodeCol) { String headline = header[i]; ComboBox attributeOptions = new ComboBox("", options); attributeOptions.setStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); attributeOptions.setImmediate(true); attributeOptions.setInputPrompt("<Select Attribute>"); attributeOptions.setWidth("100%"); attributeOptions.setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); attributeOptions.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); attributeOptions.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { List<Object> toRemove = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object item : attributeOptions.getItemIds()) { String val = item.toString(); if (val.startsWith("Condition: ") || val.startsWith("Property: ")) if (!attributeOptions.getValue().equals(item)) toRemove.add(item); } for (Object item : toRemove) { attributeOptions.removeItem(item); } if (attributeOptions.getValue() != null) { String selectedProperty = (String) attributeOptions.getValue(); if (selectedProperty.equals("[Experimental Condition]") || selectedProperty.equals("[Other Property]")) createConditionWindow(attributeOptions); else { if (selectedProperty.equals("IGNORE (removes column)")) { sampleTable.removeContainerProperty(headline); reactToTableChange(); } else { DataTypeCode dType = propertyToType.get(selectedProperty); if (dType != null) { switch (dType) { case CONTROLLEDVOCABULARY: createVocabularySelectWindow(attributeOptions, selectedProperty, collectLabelsInCol(headline));// TODO ? break; case REAL: case INTEGER: checkForNumberConsistency(headline, dType); reactToTableChange(); break; default: reactToTableChange(); break; } } else { reactToTableChange(); } } } } } }); row.add(attributeOptions); // } else { // row.add("Properties -->"); // } } sampleTable.addItem(row.toArray(), -1); for (int i = 0; i < codesInTSV.size(); i++) { String thisType = codesToSamples.get(codesInTSV.get(i)).getSampleTypeCode(); if (thisType.equals(type)) { row = new ArrayList<Object>(); row.add(codesInTSV.get(i)); for (int j = 0; j < header.length; j++) { if (j != barcodeCol) { row.add(new Label(data.get(i)[j])); } } sampleTable.addItem(row.toArray(), i); } } sheet.addTab(sampleTable); sampleTables.add(sampleTable); sampleTable.setPageLength(Math.min(20, sampleTable.size())); styleTable(sampleTable); reactToTableChange(); } addComponent(send); return true; } protected List<Label> collectLabelsInCol(String headline) { Table sampleTable = getActiveTable(); List<Label> res = new ArrayList<Label>(); for (Object itemID : sampleTable.getItemIds()) { int id = (int) itemID; if (id > -1) { Item item = sampleTable.getItem(id); Label l = (Label) item.getItemProperty(headline).getValue(); res.add(l); } } return res; } protected void checkForNumberConsistency(String headline, DataTypeCode dType) { boolean consistent = true; boolean needsDelimiterChange = false; String moreInfo = "Not a number."; String barcode = ""; for (Object item : getActiveTable().getItemIds()) { int id = (int) item; if (id != -1) { String val = parseLabelCell(id, headline); if (!val.isEmpty()) { if (dType.equals(DataTypeCode.INTEGER)) { try { Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { consistent = false; } } if (dType.equals(DataTypeCode.REAL)) { // try normal parse try { Double.parseDouble(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // normal parse unsuccessful, check for different delimiter NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.GERMANY); try { format.parse(val); // worked, needs different delimiter needsDelimiterChange = true; } catch (ParseException e1) { // didn't work, not a double value barcode = getBarcodeInRow(id); consistent = false; } } } } } } if (consistent) { if (needsDelimiterChange) createDelimiterChangeDialogue(headline); } else { createNotRightTypeDialogue(headline, moreInfo, barcode); } } private void createNotRightTypeDialogue(String headline, String moreInfo, String barcode) { Window subWindow = new Window(" Wrong data type!"); subWindow.setWidth("400px"); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setMargin(true); Label preInfo = new Label( "Data of barcode " + barcode + " in this column doesn't fit the attribute type. " + moreInfo); layout.addComponent(preInfo); Button ok = new Button("Ignore Column."); Button no = new Button("Select different attribute."); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { getActiveTable().removeContainerProperty(headline); subWindow.close(); } }); no.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { resetAttribute(headline); subWindow.close(); } }); layout.addComponent(ok); layout.addComponent(no); subWindow.setContent(layout); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setIcon(FontAwesome.BOLT); subWindow.setResizable(false); ProjectwizardUI ui = (ProjectwizardUI) UI.getCurrent(); ui.addWindow(subWindow); } protected void resetAttribute(String headline) { Item item = getActiveTable().getItem(-1); Object cell = item.getItemProperty(headline).getValue(); ComboBox c = ((ComboBox) cell); c.setNullSelectionAllowed(true);; c.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); } // // public static void main(String[] args) { // int infoMaxLength = 21; // String res = "ID01-spleen-150114-L243_TUE39"; // System.out.println(res.substring(0, Math.min(res.length(), infoMaxLength))); // // RegexpValidator factorLabelValidator = new RegexpValidator("([a-z]+_?[a-z]*)+([a-z]|[0-9]*)", // "Name must start with a lower case letter and contain only lower case letters, numbers or // underscores ('_'). Underscores must be followed by a letter."); // List<String> tests = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "a_1", "abc_abc_de1", // "isotope12c_or13c", "abc", "abc1", "abc_1", "abc_asd1_x", "abc1_abc2")); // for (String x : tests) // System.out.println(x + ": " + factorLabelValidator.isValid(x)); // } private void createDelimiterChangeDialogue(String headline) { Window subWindow = new Window(" Unexpected number format"); subWindow.setWidth("400px"); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setMargin(true); Label preInfo = new Label("The decimal delimiter of this type needs to be replaced with '.'."); layout.addComponent(preInfo); Button ok = new Button("Change numbers in this column."); Button no = new Button("Select different attribute."); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { changeDelimiterInCol(headline); subWindow.close(); } }); no.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { resetAttribute(headline); subWindow.close(); } }); layout.addComponent(ok); layout.addComponent(no); subWindow.setContent(layout); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setIcon(FontAwesome.QUESTION); subWindow.setResizable(false); ProjectwizardUI ui = (ProjectwizardUI) UI.getCurrent(); ui.addWindow(subWindow); } protected void changeDelimiterInCol(String headline) { for (Object item : getActiveTable().getItemIds()) { int id = (int) item; if (id != -1) { String val = parseLabelCell(id, headline); writeLabelCell(id, headline, val.replace(",", ".")); } } } private void reactToTableChange() { collisions = new ArrayList<String>(); Table t = getActiveTable(); t.setCellStyleGenerator(t.getCellStyleGenerator()); showStatus(); } private void styleTable(Table table) { // Set cell style generator table.setCellStyleGenerator(new Table.CellStyleGenerator() { @Override public String getStyle(Table source, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { String type = null; if (propertyId != null) { // barcode col if (propertyId.equals(barcodeColName)) return "blue-hue1"; // combobox col type = getSelectedProperty(propertyId); } // not set yet if (type == null) return "red-hue"; else { // check for data in openbis that would be overwritten String collision = getCollisionOrNull(propertyId, itemId); if (collision != null) { collisions.add(collision); return "yellow-hue"; } else return "blue-hue1"; } } }); } // make findable for table styler private void fillCollisionsList() { Table sampleTable = getActiveTable(); for (Object propertyId : sampleTable.getContainerPropertyIds()) { for (Object itemId : sampleTable.getItemIds()) { String type = getSelectedProperty(propertyId); // type set if (type != null && !propertyId.equals(barcodeColName)) { // check for data in openbis that would be overwritten String collision = getCollisionOrNull(propertyId, itemId); if (collision != null) { collisions.add(collision); } } } } } private void showStatus() { boolean ready = true; for (Object colName : getActiveTable().getContainerPropertyIds()) { String selected = getSelectedProperty(colName); ready &= selected != null && !selected.isEmpty(); } if (ready) { fillCollisionsList(); if (collisions.size() > 0) { Window subWindow = new Window(" Collisions found!"); subWindow.setWidth("400px"); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setMargin(true); Label preInfo = new Label("The following entries exist and would need to be overwritten:"); layout.addComponent(preInfo); TextArea tf = new TextArea(); tf.setWidth("350px"); tf.setValue(StringUtils.join(collisions, "")); tf.setStyleName(Styles.areaTheme); layout.addComponent(tf); String overwriteInfo = "In order to keep your data safe, you are not allowed to overwrite existing information by default. " + "You can either remove the columns in question (choose 'ignore column') or contact QBiC."; if (overWriteAllowed) overwriteInfo = "You can either remove the columns in question (choose 'ignore column') " + "before sending it to the Database or overwrite the metadata."; Label info = new Label(overwriteInfo); Button ok = new Button("Got it!"); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { subWindow.close(); } }); layout.addComponent(info); layout.addComponent(ok); subWindow.setContent(layout); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setIcon(FontAwesome.BOLT); subWindow.setResizable(false); ProjectwizardUI ui = (ProjectwizardUI) UI.getCurrent(); ui.addWindow(subWindow); } else { Styles.notification("No collisions found!", "You can update the metadata in our database without overwriting something. To do so press 'Send to Database'", NotificationType.DEFAULT); } send.setEnabled(collisions.isEmpty() || overWriteAllowed); } else send.setEnabled(false); } protected void createVocabularySelectWindow(ComboBox selected, String propName, List<Label> entries) { Window subWindow = new Window(" " + propName); subWindow.setWidth("300px"); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setMargin(true); layout.setSpacing(true); // create combobox per unique value for this column to find a mapping to the source vocabulary Map<String, String> entriesToVocabValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); Set<String> uniqueEntries = new HashSet<String>(); // keep these old values in case user chooses different property afterwards List<String> oldEntries = new ArrayList<String>(); ValueChangeListener resetSelectionListener = new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { // reset labels to what they were before for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { entries.get(i).setValue(oldEntries.get(i)); } // remove reset listener, it won't be needed until a vocabulary field is selected again selected.removeValueChangeListener(this); } }; selected.addValueChangeListener(resetSelectionListener); List<ComboBox> boxes = new ArrayList<ComboBox>(); Set<String> vocabOptions = propToVocabulary.get(propNameToCode.get(propName)).keySet(); for (Label l : entries) { String val = l.getValue(); oldEntries.add(val); if (!uniqueEntries.contains(val)) { ComboBox b = new ComboBox(val); b.addItems(vocabOptions); b.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); b.setStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); b.setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); layout.addComponent(b); boxes.add(b); uniqueEntries.add(val); val = StringUtils.capitalize(val); if (vocabOptions.contains(val)) { b.setValue(val); b.setEnabled(false); } } } Button send = new Button("Ok"); send.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { boolean valid = true; for (ComboBox b : boxes) { if (b.getValue() != null) { String newVal = b.getValue().toString(); entriesToVocabValues.put(b.getCaption(), newVal); } else valid = false; } if (valid) { for (Label l : entries) { l.setValue(entriesToVocabValues.get(l.getValue())); } subWindow.close(); // check for collisions now that values have changed reactToTableChange(); } else { String error = "Please select a value for each entry."; Styles.notification("Missing Input", error, NotificationType.DEFAULT); } } }); layout.addComponent(send); subWindow.setContent(layout); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setIcon(FontAwesome.FLASK); subWindow.setResizable(false); ProjectwizardUI ui = (ProjectwizardUI) UI.getCurrent(); ui.addWindow(subWindow); } protected void createConditionWindow(ComboBox selectionBox) { String val = (String) selectionBox.getValue(); // val.equals("[Experimental Condition]") String header = " Experimental Condition Name"; String prefix = "Condition"; Resource icon = FontAwesome.FLASK; if (val.equals("[Other Property]")) { header = " Property Name"; prefix = "Property"; icon = FontAwesome.FILE_TEXT; } final String category = prefix; Window subWindow = new Window(header); subWindow.setWidth("300px"); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setMargin(true); TextField label = new TextField(); label.setRequired(true); label.setStyleName(Styles.fieldTheme); RegexpValidator factorLabelValidator = new RegexpValidator("([a-z]+_?[a-z]*)+([a-z]|[0-9]*)", "Name must start with a lower case letter and contain only lower case letter words, which can be connected by underscores ('_'). It can end with one or more numbers."); label.addValidator(factorLabelValidator); label.setValidationVisible(true); label.setImmediate(true); ComboBox unitSelect = new ComboBox("Unit"); unitSelect.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); unitSelect.addItems(properties.Unit.values()); String nullItem = "[None]"; unitSelect.addItem(nullItem);; unitSelect.setStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); unitSelect.setImmediate(true); Button send = new Button("Ok"); send.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (label.isValid()) { String unit = ""; if (!unitSelect.getValue().equals(nullItem)) unit = " [" + unitSelect.getValue() + "]"; String name = category + ": " + label.getValue() + unit; selectionBox.addItem(name);; subWindow.close(); } else { String error = "Please input a name for this " + category + "."; if (!label.isEmpty()) error = factorLabelValidator.getErrorMessage(); Styles.notification("Missing Input", error, NotificationType.DEFAULT); } } }); layout.addComponent(label); layout.addComponent(unitSelect); layout.addComponent(send); subWindow.setContent(layout); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setIcon(icon); subWindow.setResizable(false); ProjectwizardUI ui = (ProjectwizardUI) UI.getCurrent(); ui.addWindow(subWindow); } private String parseLabelCell(int id, Object propertyId) { Item item = getActiveTable().getItem(id); Label l = (Label) item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue(); return l.getValue(); } private void writeLabelCell(int id, Object propertyId, String text) { Item item = getActiveTable().getItem(id); Label l = (Label) item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue(); l.setValue(text); } private String getBarcodeInRow(int id) { Item item = getActiveTable().getItem(id); String bc = (String) item.getItemProperty(barcodeColName).getValue(); return bc; } private String parseUnit(String label) { if (!label.contains("]") && !label.contains("[")) return null; label = label.substring(label.indexOf("[") + 1); label = label.substring(0, label.indexOf("]")); return label; } protected String getCollisionOrNull(Object propertyId, Object itemId) { String typeName = getSelectedProperty(propertyId); String typeCode = propNameToCode.get(typeName); String res = null; int id = (int) itemId; if (id != -1) { String val = parseLabelCell(id, propertyId); String barcode = getBarcodeInRow(id); String openbisVal = ""; Map<String, String> props = codesToSamples.get(barcode).getProperties(); properties.PropertyType propType = null; if (typeName.startsWith("Condition: ")) propType = properties.PropertyType.Factor; if (typeName.startsWith("Property: ")) propType = properties.PropertyType.Property; if (propType != null) { typeName = typeName.replace("Condition: ", "").replace("Property: ", ""); String unit = null; if (typeName.contains("[") && typeName.contains("]")) { unit = parseUnit(typeName); val = val + " " + unit; typeName = typeName.replace(" [" + unit + "]", ""); } openbisVal = parseXMLConditionValue(props.get("Q_PROPERTIES"), typeName, propType); } else openbisVal = props.get(typeCode); if (propToReverseVocabulary.containsKey(typeCode)) openbisVal = propToReverseVocabulary.get(typeCode).get(openbisVal); boolean empty = openbisVal == null || openbisVal.isEmpty() || val == null || val.isEmpty(); boolean same = val != null && val.equals(openbisVal); boolean collision = (!empty && !same); if (collision) { res = barcode + ": " + openbisVal + " --> " + val + "\n"; } } return res; } private String parseXMLConditionValue(String xml, String label, properties.PropertyType type) { List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>(); try { props = xmlParser.getAllPropertiesFromXML(xml); } catch (JAXBException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } String res = ""; for (Property f : props) { if (f.getLabel().equals(label) && f.getType().equals(type)) { res = f.getValue(); if (f.hasUnit()) res += " " + f.getUnit(); } } return res; } protected String getSelectedProperty(Object propertyId) { Item item = getActiveTable().getItem(-1); Object cell = item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue(); if (cell instanceof ComboBox) return (String) ((ComboBox) cell).getValue(); else return cell.toString(); } }