Example usage for com.rabbitmq.client ConnectionFactory subclass-usage

List of usage examples for com.rabbitmq.client ConnectionFactory subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.rabbitmq.client ConnectionFactory subclass-usage.


From source file com.avricot.avrilog.rabbitmq.HaConnectionFactory.java

public class HaConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HaConnectionFactory.class);

From source file com.ericsson.eiffel.remrem.publish.helper.RMQBeanConnectionFactory.java

public class RMQBeanConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {


From source file com.github.larsq.spring.embeddedamqp.SimpleAmqpConnectionFactory.java

 * @author lars
public class SimpleAmqpConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {
    private static void LOG(Logger logger, String operation, String data) {
        logger.debug("op={}, data={}", operation, data);

From source file io.druid.firehose.rabbitmq.JacksonifiedConnectionFactory.java

 * A Jacksonified version of the RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory for better integration
 * into the realtime.spec configuration file format.
public class JacksonifiedConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {
    public static JacksonifiedConnectionFactory makeDefaultConnectionFactory() throws Exception {

From source file io.druid.segment.realtime.firehose.JacksonifiedConnectionFactory.java

 * A Jacksonified version of the RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory for better integration
 * into the realtime.spec configuration file format.
public class JacksonifiedConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {

From source file io.opentracing.contrib.rabbitmq.TracingConnectionFactory.java

public class TracingConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {

    private final Tracer tracer;

    public TracingConnectionFactory(Tracer tracer) {
        this.tracer = tracer;

From source file net.joshdevins.rabbitmq.client.ha.HaConnectionFactory.java

 * A simple {@link ConnectionFactory} proxy that further proxies any created {@link Connection} and subsequent
 * {@link Channel}s. Sadly a dynamic proxy
 * cannot be used since the RabbitMQ {@link ConnectionFactory} does not have an
 * interface. As such, this class extends {@link ConnectionFactory} and
 * overrides necessary methods.

From source file org.apache.druid.firehose.rabbitmq.JacksonifiedConnectionFactory.java

 * A Jacksonified version of the RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory for better integration
 * into the realtime.spec configuration file format.
public class JacksonifiedConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {
    public static JacksonifiedConnectionFactory makeDefaultConnectionFactory() throws Exception {