Example usage for Java com.rabbitmq.client ConnectionFactory fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | DEFAULT_USER Default user name |
String | DEFAULT_PASS Default password |
String | DEFAULT_VHOST Default virtual host |
int | DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MAX Default maximum channel number; 2047 because it's 2048 on the server side minus channel 0, which each connection uses for negotiation and error communication |
int | DEFAULT_FRAME_MAX Default maximum frame size; zero means no limit |
int | DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT Default heart-beat interval; 60 seconds |
String | DEFAULT_HOST The default host |
int | DEFAULT_AMQP_PORT The default non-ssl port |
int | DEFAULT_AMQP_OVER_SSL_PORT The default ssl port |
int | DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT The default TCP connection timeout: 60 seconds |
int | DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT The default AMQP 0-9-1 connection handshake timeout. |
Map | getClientProperties() Retrieve the currently-configured table of client properties that will be sent to the server during connection startup. |
int | getConnectionTimeout() Retrieve the TCP connection timeout. |
String | getHost() |
String | getPassword() Retrieve the password. |
int | getPort() |
int | getRequestedHeartbeat() Retrieve the requested heartbeat interval. |
String | getUsername() Retrieve the user name. |
String | getVirtualHost() Retrieve the virtual host. |
boolean | isSSL() |
Connection | newConnection() Create a new broker connection. |
Connection | newConnection(Address[] addrs) Create a new broker connection, picking the first available address from the list. |
Connection | newConnection(AddressResolver addressResolver) Create a new broker connection, picking the first available address from the list provided by the AddressResolver . |
Connection | newConnection(List addrs) Create a new broker connection, picking the first available address from the list. |
Connection | newConnection(String connectionName) Create a new broker connection. |
Connection | newConnection(ExecutorService executor) Create a new broker connection. |
Connection | newConnection(Address[] addrs, String clientProvidedName) Create a new broker connection with a client-provided name, picking the first available address from the list. |
Connection | newConnection(List addrs, String clientProvidedName) Create a new broker connection with a client-provided name, picking the first available address from the list. |
Connection | newConnection(ExecutorService executor, Address[] addrs) Create a new broker connection, picking the first available address from the list. |
Connection | newConnection(ExecutorService executor, List addrs) Create a new broker connection, picking the first available address from the list. |
Connection | newConnection(ExecutorService executor, AddressResolver addressResolver) Create a new broker connection, picking the first available address from the list provided by the AddressResolver . |
Connection | newConnection(ExecutorService executor, String connectionName) Create a new broker connection. |
void | setAutomaticRecoveryEnabled(boolean automaticRecovery) Enables or disables automatic connection recovery. |
void | setClientProperties(Map Replace the table of client properties that will be sent to the server during subsequent connection startups. |
void | setConnectionTimeout(int timeout) Set the TCP connection timeout. |
void | setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) Set the exception handler to use for newly created connections. |
void | setHandshakeTimeout(int timeout) Set the AMQP0-9-1 protocol handshake timeout. |
void | setHeartbeatExecutor(ScheduledExecutorService executor) Set the executor to use to send heartbeat frames. |
void | setHost(String host) |
void | setMetricsCollector(MetricsCollector metricsCollector) |
void | setNetworkRecoveryInterval(int networkRecoveryInterval) Sets connection recovery interval. |
void | setNetworkRecoveryInterval(long networkRecoveryInterval) Sets connection recovery interval. |
void | setNioParams(NioParams nioParams) Sets the parameters when using NIO. |
void | setPassword(String password) Set the password. |
void | setPort(int port) Set the target port. |
void | setRequestedChannelMax(int requestedChannelMax) Set the requested maximum channel number |
void | setRequestedFrameMax(int requestedFrameMax) Set the requested maximum frame size |
void | setRequestedHeartbeat(int requestedHeartbeat) Set the requested heartbeat timeout. |
void | setSaslConfig(SaslConfig saslConfig) Sets the sasl config to use when authenticating |
void | setSharedExecutor(ExecutorService executor) Set the executor to use for consumer operation dispatch by default for newly created connections. |
void | setShutdownExecutor(ExecutorService executor) Set the executor to use for connection shutdown. |
void | setShutdownTimeout(int shutdownTimeout) Set the shutdown timeout. |
void | setSocketConfigurator(SocketConfigurator socketConfigurator) Set the socket configurator. |
void | setSocketFactory(SocketFactory factory) Set the socket factory used to create sockets for new connections. |
void | setThreadFactory(ThreadFactory threadFactory) Set the thread factory used to instantiate new threads. |
void | setTopologyRecoveryEnabled(boolean topologyRecovery) Enables or disables topology recovery |
void | setUri(URI uri) Convenience method for setting the fields in an AMQP URI: host, port, username, password and virtual host. |
void | setUri(String uriString) Convenience method for setting the fields in an AMQP URI: host, port, username, password and virtual host. |
void | setUsername(String username) Set the user name. |
void | setVirtualHost(String virtualHost) Set the virtual host. |
void | useNio() Use non-blocking IO (NIO) for communication with the server. |
void | useSslProtocol(String protocol) Convenience method for configuring TLS using the supplied protocol and a very trusting TrustManager. |
void | useSslProtocol(SSLContext context) Sets up TLS with an initialized SSLContext . |
void | useSslProtocol() Convenience method for configuring TLS using the default set of TLS protocols and a trusting TrustManager. |