List of usage examples for com.mongodb WriteConcern ACKNOWLEDGED
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@Override public void open() throws IOException { DB db = mongoClient.getDB(mongoDbName); collection = db.getCollection(mongoCollectionName); if (collection == null) { collection = db.createCollection(mongoCollectionName, null); }/*from w w w.j a v a 2s. com*/ collection.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(); data = new ArrayList<E>(cursor.size()); for (DBObject entry : cursor) { Integer index = (Integer) entry.get("_id"); while (index >= data.size()) { data.add(null); } data.set(index, (E) readObject((byte[]) entry.get("element"))); } }
From source
@Override public void open() throws IOException { DB db = mongoClient.getDB(mongoDbName); collection = db.getCollection(mongoCollectionName); if (collection == null) { collection = db.createCollection(mongoCollectionName, null); }/*w ww.j av a 2 s. com*/ collection.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(); data = new HashMap<K, E>(cursor.size()); for (DBObject entry : cursor) { data.put((K) readObject(entry.get("_id")), (E) readObject(entry.get("value"))); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void setup() throws UnknownHostException { if (initialized) { List<ServerAddress> servers = new ArrayList<>(); List<MongoCredential> credentials = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map<String, Object> mongoServer : mongoServers) { Object mongoHost = mongoServer.get(Configuration.MONGO_HOST_KEY); Object mongoPort = mongoServer.get(Configuration.MONGO_PORT_KEY); if (mongoHost != null && mongoHost instanceof String && mongoPort != null && mongoPort instanceof Integer) { servers.add(new ServerAddress((String) mongoHost, (int) mongoPort)); }/*from w w w .ja va2 s . c om*/ } if (mongoCredentials != null) { for (Map<String, Object> mongoCredential : mongoCredentials) { Object mongoAuthDb = mongoCredential.get(Configuration.MONGO_AUTH_DB_KEY); Object mongoUser = mongoCredential.get(Configuration.MONGO_USER_KEY); Object mongoPwd = mongoCredential.get(Configuration.MONGO_PASSWORD_KEY); if (mongoAuthDb != null && mongoAuthDb instanceof String && mongoUser != null && mongoUser instanceof String && mongoPwd != null && mongoPwd instanceof String) { credentials.add(MongoCredential.createMongoCRCredential((String) mongoUser, (String) mongoAuthDb, ((String) mongoPwd).toCharArray())); } } } MongoClientOptions opts = MongoClientOptions.builder().readPreference(ReadPreference.primaryPreferred()) .writeConcern(WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED).build(); mongoClient = new MongoClient(servers, credentials, opts); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Convert the mongo connector string option to the appropriate write concern. * * @param writeSetting/*from w w w . j a v a 2s .co m*/ * the write concern string setting * @return the write concern * @throws MongoValidationException * if the value cannot be parsed to a WriteConcern */ private WriteConcern settingToWritePreference(String writeSetting) throws MongoValidationException { WriteConcern writeConcern = null; switch (writeSetting.trim().toLowerCase()) { case "acknowledged": writeConcern = WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED; break; case "unacknowledged": writeConcern = WriteConcern.UNACKNOWLEDGED; break; case "replica_acknowledged": writeConcern = WriteConcern.REPLICA_ACKNOWLEDGED; break; case "journaled": writeConcern = WriteConcern.JOURNALED; break; default: throw new MongoValidationException("Write preference " + writeSetting + " is not a legal value"); } return writeConcern; }
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License:Apache License
public MongoTestDriver() { try {//from w w w . ja v a2 s .com mongoClient = new MongoClient(); mongoDB = mongoClient.getDB(dbName); mongoDB.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); } catch (UnknownHostException e) {"Failed to create Mongo Client", e); } }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressFBWarnings("DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE") private WriteConcern getWriteConcern(Object w, boolean j, boolean fsync, int wtimeout) { WriteConcern writeConcern = WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED; if (w instanceof Number) { if (((Number) w).intValue() <= 1 && wtimeout > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("wtimeout cannot be grater than 0 for w <= 1"); }//from www .j a v a 2 s . co m writeConcern = new WriteConcern(((Number) w).intValue(), wtimeout, fsync, j); } else if (w instanceof String && w.equals("majority")) { if (wtimeout > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("wtimeout cannot be grater than 0 for w <= 1"); } writeConcern = new WriteConcern.Majority(wtimeout, fsync, j); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("w:" + w + " is not supported"); } return writeConcern; }
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License:Open Source License
private WriteConcern getWriteConcern(BSONDocument document) { WriteConcern writeConcern = WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED; if (document.hasKey("writeConcern")) { BSONObject writeConcernObject = (BSONObject) document.getValue("writeConcern"); Object w = writeConcernObject.get("w"); int wtimeout = 0; boolean fsync = false; boolean j = false; boolean continueOnError = false; Object jObject = writeConcernObject.get("j"); if (jObject != null && jObject instanceof Boolean && (Boolean) jObject) { fsync = true;/*from ww w.j av a 2 s. c o m*/ j = true; continueOnError = true; } Object wtimeoutObject = writeConcernObject.get("wtimneout"); if (wtimeoutObject != null && wtimeoutObject instanceof Number) { wtimeout = ((Number) wtimeoutObject).intValue(); } if (w != null) { if (w instanceof Number) { if (((Number) w).intValue() <= 1 && wtimeout > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("wtimeout cannot be grater than 0 for w <= 1"); } writeConcern = new WriteConcern(((Number) w).intValue(), wtimeout, fsync, j); } else if (w instanceof String && w.equals("majority")) { if (wtimeout > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("wtimeout cannot be grater than 0 for w <= 1"); } writeConcern = new WriteConcern.Majority(wtimeout, fsync, j); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("w:" + w + " is not supported"); } } } return writeConcern; }
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License:Open Source License
private WriteConcern getWriteConcern(BsonDocument document) { WriteConcern writeConcern = WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED; if (document.containsKey("writeConcern")) { BsonDocument writeConcernObject = document.get("writeConcern").asDocument(); BsonValue w = writeConcernObject.get("w"); int wtimeout = 0; boolean fsync = false; boolean j = false; boolean continueOnError; BsonValue jObject = writeConcernObject.get("j"); if (jObject != null && jObject.isBoolean() && jObject.asBoolean().getValue()) { fsync = true;/* w ww. ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ j = true; continueOnError = true; } BsonValue wtimeoutObject = writeConcernObject.get("wtimneout"); if (wtimeoutObject != null && wtimeoutObject.isNumber()) { wtimeout = wtimeoutObject.asNumber().intValue(); } if (w != null) { if (w.isNumber()) { if (w.asNumber().intValue() <= 1 && wtimeout > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("wtimeout cannot be grater than 0 for w <= 1"); } writeConcern = new WriteConcern(w.asNumber().intValue(), wtimeout, fsync, j); } else if (w.isString() && w.asString().getValue().equals("majority")) { if (wtimeout > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("wtimeout cannot be grater than 0 for w <= 1"); } writeConcern = new WriteConcern.Majority(wtimeout, fsync, j); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("w:" + w + " is not supported"); } } } return writeConcern; }
From source
private MongoClient client() { mutex.lock();/* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ try { if (__client == null) { final MongoClientOptions options = MongoClientOptions.builder() .readPreference(ReadPreference.nearest()).writeConcern(WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED).build(); final Splitter splitter = on(':').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().limit(2); final List<ServerAddress> seeds = from(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbHosts()) .transform(new Function<String, ServerAddress>() { @Override public ServerAddress apply(final String entry) { ServerAddress seed = null; try { final List<String> tokens = splitter.splitToList(entry); switch (tokens.size()) { case 1: seed = new ServerAddress(tokens.get(0), 27017); break; case 2: int port = parseInt(tokens.get(1)); seed = new ServerAddress(tokens.get(0), port); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Invalid host", e); } return seed; } }).filter(notNull()).toList(); // enable/disable authentication (requires MongoDB server to be configured to support authentication) final List<MongoCredential> credentials = newArrayList(); if (!CONFIG_MANAGER.isAnonymousDbAccess()) { credentials.add(createMongoCRCredential(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbUsername(), CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName(), CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbPassword().toCharArray())); } __client = new MongoClient(seeds, credentials, options); // check class attributes accessed by reflection try { final Field metadataField = BaseFile.class.getDeclaredField(METADATA_ATTR); checkNotNull(metadataField, "Metadata property (" + METADATA_ATTR + ") not found in file base: " + BaseFile.class.getCanonicalName()); final Class<?> metadataType = metadataField.getType(); checkState(Versionable.class.isAssignableFrom(metadataType), "Metadata does not implements versionable: " + metadataType.getCanonicalName()); checkNotNull(Versionable.class.getDeclaredField(IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR), "Version property (" + IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR + ") not found in versionable: " + Versionable.class.getCanonicalName()); checkNotNull(metadataType.getDeclaredField(OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_ATTR), "Open access link property (" + OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_ATTR + ") not found in metadata: " + metadataType.getCanonicalName()); checkNotNull(metadataType.getDeclaredField(OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_ATTR), "Open access date property (" + OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_ATTR + ") not found in metadata: " + metadataType.getCanonicalName()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Object versioning needs a compatible version of the LVL core library, but none is available", e); } } return __client; } finally { mutex.unlock(); } }
From source
License:Apache License
public MongoDBOccurrenceStore(String mongoDbUri, State state) { super();//from w w w . j av a 2 s . c om Preconditions.checkNotNull(mongoDbUri, "MongoDB dadabase's URI must not be null"); Preconditions.checkState(state != State.INDEXING, "Invalid occ store state for constructor. Only " + State.COLLECTING + " and " + State.INDEXED + " allowed"); this.mongoDBUri = getMongoDBUri(mongoDbUri); this.state = state; initThreadExecutor(); MongoClientURI connectionString = new MongoClientURI(mongoDbUri); this.mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionString); MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(this.mongoDBUri.getDatabase()) .withWriteConcern(WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); db.runCommand(new org.bson.Document("profile", 1)); if (state == State.COLLECTING) db.drop(); this.termCollection = db.getCollection("terms"); this.occurrenceCollection = db.getCollection("occurrences"); this.documentUrlCollection = db.getCollection("documents"); resetBuffers(); }