List of usage examples for com.mongodb.util JSON parse
public static Object parse(final String jsonString)
Parses a JSON string and returns a corresponding Java object.
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/** * /*from w ww . j av a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param httpHeaders * @param dbName * @param coll * @param qKey * @param qValue * @param filters * @param sort * @param limit * @param skip * @param successMsg * @param count * @param fieldNames * @return */ public DBObject getEntity(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, String dbName, String coll, String qKey, String qValue, String filters, String sort, int limit, int skip, String successMsg, boolean count, String... fieldNames) { DBObject query; BasicDBObject fields = null; try { query = new BasicDBObject(); if (qKey != null && qValue != null && (qKey.equalsIgnoreCase("_id") || qKey.endsWith(".cid"))) { query.put(qKey, new ObjectId(qValue)); } else if (qKey != null && qValue != null) { try { if (filters != null) { System.out.println(PrettyJSONPrinter.prettyPrint(filters)); query = (DBObject) JSON.parse(filters); } else query = new BasicDBObject(); } catch (Exception e) { return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError( "Cannot get entity for collection: " + coll + ", error in filters: " + filters, e); } query.put(qKey, qValue); } if (fieldNames != null) { fields = new BasicDBObject(); for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { fields.put(fieldName, 1); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError( "Cannot get entity for collection: " + coll + " with qKey=" + qKey + " and qValue=" + qValue, e); } return new MongoDBQueries().executeFindQuery(httpHeaders, dbName, coll, query, fields, successMsg, sort, limit, skip, count); }
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/** * /*from w ww . j a v a2 s. c om*/ * @param httpHeaders * @param collection * @param dbObj1 * @param dbObj2 * @param successMsg * @param sort * @param limit * @param skip * @param count * @return */ public DBObject executeFindQuery(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, String dbName, String collection, DBObject dbObj1, DBObject dbObj2, String successMsg, String sort, int limit, int skip, boolean count) { try { if (dbName == null) dbName = getDbNameFromHTTPHeader(httpHeaders); DBCursor cursorDoc = null; if (count) { BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); dbObject.put("count", DBConn.getConn(dbName).getCollection(collection).find(dbObj1).count()); return jSON2Rrn.createJSON(dbObject, successMsg); } else { if (dbObj2 == null) { cursorDoc = DBConn.getConn(dbName).getCollection(collection).find(dbObj1); } else { cursorDoc = DBConn.getConn(dbName).getCollection(collection).find(dbObj1, dbObj2); } } if (sort != null) { try { DBObject sortObj = (DBObject) JSON.parse(sort); cursorDoc = cursorDoc.sort(sortObj); } catch (Exception e) { return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("Error in filtering JSON sorting object: " + sort, e); } } if (skip != 0) cursorDoc = cursorDoc.skip(skip); if (limit != 0) cursorDoc = cursorDoc.limit(limit); Vector<DBObject> recordsVec = new Vector<DBObject>(); while (cursorDoc.hasNext()) { DBObject obj =; if (collection.equalsIgnoreCase(MongoDistributions.COL_DISTRIBUTIONS) && dbObj1.containsField("_id")) { obj = getValues(obj, httpHeaders, dbName, obj.get("_id").toString(), MongoDistributions.COL_DISTRIBUTIONS); } else if (collection.equalsIgnoreCase(MongoConsumptionModels.COL_CONSMODELS) && dbObj1.containsField("_id")) { obj = getValues(obj, httpHeaders, dbName, obj.get("_id").toString(), MongoConsumptionModels.COL_CONSMODELS); } else if (collection.equalsIgnoreCase(MongoPricingPolicy.COL_PRICING)) { PricingPolicy pp = new PricingPolicy(obj); double oneKw24Cost = pp.calcOneKw24(); obj.put("onekw24", oneKw24Cost); } if (obj.containsField("_id")) obj = addChildrenCounts(httpHeaders, collection, obj); recordsVec.add(obj); } cursorDoc.close(); return jSON2Rrn.createJSON(recordsVec, successMsg); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("MongoQueryError: Cannot execute find query for collection: " + collection + " with qKey=" + dbObj1 + " and qValue=" + dbObj2, e); } }
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/** * /*from w w w . ja va2 s .c om*/ * @param qKey * @param qValue * @param jsonToUpdate * @param collection * @param successMsg * @param refColl * @param refKeyName * @param intDocKey * @return */ public DBObject updateDocument(String qKey, String qValue, String jsonToUpdate, String collection, String successMsg, String refColl, String refKeyName, String intDocKey, int schemaType) { Vector<String> keysUpdated = new Vector<String>(); try { DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonToUpdate); if (dbObject.containsField("_id")) { dbObject.removeField("_id"); jsonToUpdate = dbObject.toString(); } new JSONValidator().isValid(jsonToUpdate, schemaType, true); if (intDocKey != null && refKeyName != null && dbObject.containsField(refKeyName)) { ensureThatRefKeysMatch(dbObject, collection, refKeyName, intDocKey, qValue); } else if ((refColl != null || refKeyName != null) && dbObject.get(refKeyName) != null) { ensureThatRefKeyExists(dbObject, refColl, refKeyName, false); } for (String key : dbObject.keySet()) { if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { keysUpdated.add(key); BasicDBObject keyToUpdate; if (qKey.equalsIgnoreCase("_id") || qKey.endsWith(".cid")) { keyToUpdate = new BasicDBObject().append(qKey, new ObjectId(qValue)); } else { keyToUpdate = new BasicDBObject().append(qKey, qValue); } String keyName = key; if (intDocKey != null) keyName = intDocKey + "." + key; DBConn.getConn().getCollection(collection).update(keyToUpdate, new BasicDBObject().append("$set", new BasicDBObject(keyName, dbObject.get(key)))); } } } catch (Exception e) { return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("Update Failed for " + jsonToUpdate, e); } return getEntity(null, collection, qKey, qValue, successMsg, false, keysUpdated.toArray(new String[keysUpdated.size()])); }
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/** * /* 2 s. c o m*/ * db.installations.update({"appliances.cid":ObjectId("4ff16606e4b0f2b1e00c4d49")},{ $set : {"appliances.$.description":"ff"} }) * * @param coll * @param refColl * @param cid * @param jsonToUpdate * @param successMsg * @return */ public DBObject updateArrayDocument(String coll, String entityName, String cid, String refColl, String refKeyName, String jsonToUpdate) { Vector<String> keysUpdated = new Vector<String>(); try { DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonToUpdate); if ((refColl != null || refKeyName != null) && dbObject.get(refKeyName) != null) { ensureThatRefKeyExists(dbObject, refColl, refKeyName, false); } DBObject q = new BasicDBObject(entityName + ".cid", new ObjectId(cid)); for (String key : dbObject.keySet()) { if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase("cid")) { keysUpdated.add(key); DBObject o = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject(entityName + ".$." + key, dbObject.get(key))); DBConn.getConn().getCollection(coll).update(q, o); } } } catch (Exception e) { return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("Update Failed for " + jsonToUpdate, e); } return getInternalEntity(null, coll, entityName, cid, "Internal document " + coll + "." + entityName + " with cid=" + cid + " was successfullylly updated"); }
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/** * /*from www.ja va 2s .c om*/ * @param coll * @param qField * @param parentKeyFieldName * @param updateFieldName * @param newData * @return */ public DBObject updateInternalDocumentDump(String coll, String qField, String parentKeyFieldName, String updateFieldName, String newData) { DBObject newObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(newData); String parentID = newObject.get(parentKeyFieldName).toString(); DBObject q = new BasicDBObject(qField, new ObjectId(parentID)); DBObject o = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject(updateFieldName, newObject)); DBConn.getConn().getCollection(coll).update(q, o, false, true); return new BasicDBObject("a", "b"); }
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/** * //from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m * @param coll * @param dataToInsert * @param successMessage * @param refColl * @param refKeyName * @param canBeNull * @param schemaType * @param httpHeaders * @return */ public DBObject insertData(String coll, String dataToInsert, String successMessage, String[] refColl, String[] refKeyName, boolean[] canBeNull, int schemaType, HttpHeaders httpHeaders) { DBObject data; try { data = (DBObject) JSON.parse(dataToInsert); if (data.containsField("_id")) { data.removeField("_id"); dataToInsert = data.toString(); } new JSONValidator().isValid(dataToInsert, schemaType); if (refColl != null && refKeyName != null) { for (int i = 0; i < refColl.length; i++) { ensureThatRefKeyExists(data, refColl[i], refKeyName[i], canBeNull[i]); } } if (httpHeaders == null) DBConn.getConn().getCollection(coll).insert(data); else DBConn.getConn(MongoDBQueries.getDbNameFromHTTPHeader(httpHeaders)).getCollection(coll) .insert(data); } catch (com.mongodb.util.JSONParseException e) { return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("Error parsing JSON input", e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError(dataToInsert, e); } return jSON2Rrn.createJSONInsertPostMessage(successMessage, data); }
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public ConsumptionModel(String amodel, String type) throws BadParameterException { model = amodel; DBObject modelObj = (DBObject) JSON.parse(model); init(modelObj, type); }
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public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, BadParameterException { String s = Utils.readFile("laptopcm.json"); DBObject dbo = (DBObject) JSON.parse(s); System.out.println(dbo.toString()); GUIConsumptionModel tester = new GUIConsumptionModel(dbo, "p"); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(tester.getValues(P))); // Utils.createHistogram("Test", "Power", "Power", tester.getValues()); }
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/** * /*from w w w . j a va 2s . c o m*/ * @param type * @param dbo * @throws JSONSchemaNotValidException */ public GUIDistribution(String type, DBObject dbo) throws JSONSchemaNotValidException { String distrType = dbo.get("distrType").toString(); BasicDBList tempList = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("parameters"); if (tempList.size() == 0) return; DBObject parameters = (DBObject) JSON.parse(tempList.get(0).toString()); int endValue = 0; switch (type) { case MongoActivityModels.REF_DISTR_STARTTIME: endValue = 1440; break; case MongoActivityModels.REF_DISTR_DURATION: endValue = 180; break; case MongoActivityModels.REF_DISTR_REPEATS: endValue = 10; break; default: throw new JSONSchemaNotValidException("Invalid distr type: " + type); } switch (distrType) { case "Normal Distribution": double mean = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get("mean").toString()); double std = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get("std").toString()); prob = new Gaussian(mean, std); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Duration") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("Daily Times")) endValue = (int) (mean + 4 * std); prob.precompute(endValue); break; case "Uniform Distribution": double start = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get("start").toString()); double end = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get("end").toString()); prob = new Uniform(start, end); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("duration")) { endValue = (int) end + 10; } prob.precompute(endValue); break; case "Gaussian Mixture Models": int length = tempList.size(); double[] w = new double[length]; double[] means = new double[length]; double[] stds = new double[length]; for (int i = 0; i < tempList.size(); i++) { DBObject tuple = (DBObject) tempList.get(i); w[i] = Double.parseDouble(tuple.get("w").toString()); means[i] = Double.parseDouble(tuple.get("mean").toString()); stds[i] = Double.parseDouble(tuple.get("std").toString()); } prob = new GaussianMixtureModels(length, w, means, stds); prob.precompute(0, 1439, 1440); break; case "Histogram": double[] values = Utils.dblist2doubleArr((BasicDBList) parameters.get("values")); prob = new Histogram(values); break; default: throw new JSONSchemaNotValidException("Invalid distribution2 type: " + distrType); } }
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public void setup(boolean jump) throws Exception { installations = new Vector<Installation>(); /* TODO Change the Simulation Calendar initialization */"Simulation setup started: " + dbname); DBObject jsonScenario = (DBObject) JSON.parse(scenario); DBObject scenarioDoc = (DBObject) jsonScenario.get("scenario"); DBObject simParamsDoc = (DBObject) jsonScenario.get("sim_params"); simulationWorld = new SimulationParams(simParamsDoc); DBObject pricingDoc = (DBObject) jsonScenario.get("pricing"); DBObject basePricingDoc = (DBObject) jsonScenario.get("baseline_pricing"); if (pricingDoc != null) { pricing = new PricingPolicy(pricingDoc); } else {/*www .j a v a2s.c o m*/ pricing = new PricingPolicy(); } if (basePricingDoc != null) { baseline_pricing = new PricingPolicy(basePricingDoc); } else { baseline_pricing = new PricingPolicy(); } int numOfDays = ((Integer) simParamsDoc.get("numberOfDays")).intValue(); endTick = Constants.MIN_IN_DAY * numOfDays; mcruns = ((Integer) simParamsDoc.get("mcruns")).intValue(); co2 = Utils.getDouble(simParamsDoc.get("co2")); // Check type of setup String setup = (String) scenarioDoc.get("setup"); if (setup.equalsIgnoreCase("static")) { staticSetup(jsonScenario); } else if (setup.equalsIgnoreCase("dynamic")) { dynamicSetup(jsonScenario, jump); } else { throw new Exception("Problem with setup property!!!"); }"Simulation setup finished: " + dbname); }