Example usage for com.mongodb.util JSON parse

List of usage examples for com.mongodb.util JSON parse


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb.util JSON parse.


public static Object parse(final String jsonString) 

Source Link


Parses a JSON string and returns a corresponding Java object.


From source file:es.bsc.amon.controller.AppsDBMapper.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param start/*  ww  w .  j  a v a  2s. c  o m*/
 * @param end
 * @param showInstances if true, shows instances information instead of nodes information
 * @return
public ObjectNode getAllApps(long start, long end, boolean showInstances) {
    DBObject query = (DBObject) JSON.parse("{ '$or' : [" + "{ '$and' : [ { timestamp : { '$gte' : " + start
            + " }}, { timestamp : {'$lte' : " + end + "}} ] }," + "{ '$and' : [ { endtime : { '$gte' : " + start
            + " }}, { endtime : {'$lte' : " + end + "}} ] }" + "]}");
    //DBObject orderby = new BasicDBObject("timestamp":-1);
    BasicDBList ret = DBManager.instance.find(EventsDBMapper.COLL_NAME, query);

    Map<String, Set<String>> appsInfo = new HashMap<>();

    Iterator<Object> iter = ret.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        DBObject event = (DBObject) iter.next();
        try {
            String appName = event.get(EventsDBMapper.APPID).toString();
            Object node = event.get(showInstances ? EventsDBMapper.INSTANCEID : EventsDBMapper.NODEID);
            String nodeName = node == null ? "" : node.toString();
            Set<String> appSet = appsInfo.get(appName);
            if (appSet == null) {
                appSet = new TreeSet<String>();
                appsInfo.put(appName, appSet);
        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
            Logger.warn("This element did not parsed as an application: " + event.toString()
                    + ". Removing it from DB...");
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.error("Cannot remove it from database");

    ObjectNode all = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : appsInfo.entrySet()) {
        ArrayNode nodes = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
        for (String n : entry.getValue()) {
        all.put(entry.getKey(), nodes);
    return all;

From source file:es.bsc.amon.controller.AppsDBMapper.java

License:Open Source License

public String getFinishedAppInstances(long start, long end, int limit) {
    DBObject query = (DBObject) JSON.parse("{ '$or' : [" + "{ '$and' : [ { timestamp : { '$gte' : " + start
            + " }}, { timestamp : {'$lte' : " + end + "}} ] }," + "{ '$and' : [ { endtime : { '$gte' : " + start
            + " }}, { endtime : {'$lte' : " + end + "}} ] }" + "]}");
    BasicDBList ret = DBManager.instance.find(COLL_NAME, query, null, limit);
    return ret.toString();

From source file:es.bsc.amon.controller.EventsDBMapper.java

License:Open Source License

public ObjectNode storeEvent(ObjectNode event) {
    long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (event.get(EventsDBMapper.TIMESTAMP) == null) {
        event.put(EventsDBMapper.TIMESTAMP, timestamp);
    } else {//from   ww  w  .j  a  va2  s  . c  o  m
        timestamp = event.get(EventsDBMapper.TIMESTAMP).asLong();

    DBObject dbo = (DBObject) JSON.parse(event.toString());

    if (dbo.get(ENDTIME) == null) {
        dbo.put(ENDTIME, -1L);

    // return stored id and timestamp
    ObjectNode on = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    on.put(_ID, dbo.get(_ID).toString());
    on.put(TIMESTAMP, timestamp);

    return on;

From source file:es.bsc.amon.controller.EventsDBMapper.java

License:Open Source License

public JsonNode getLastEvent(String appId, String nodeId) {
    DBObject query = (DBObject) JSON.parse("{$orderby : {timestamp : -1}, $data : { $and : [ { appId : \""
            + appId + "\" }, { nodeId : \"" + nodeId + "\"} ] } }");
    return Json.parse(DBManager.instance.findOne(COLL_NAME, query).toString());

From source file:es.bsc.amon.controller.QueriesDBMapper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Uses the MongoDB Json query language/*w  w  w  .  j a v  a 2 s  . co m*/
 * @param query
 * @return
public ArrayNode aggregate(JsonNode query) {
    Object raw = JSON.parse(query.toString());
    ArrayNode ret = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);

    if (raw instanceof BasicDBObject) {
        ret = (ArrayNode) Json.parse(EventsDBMapper.getInstance().aggregate((BasicDBObject) raw).toString());
    } else if (raw instanceof BasicDBList) {
        ret = (ArrayNode) Json.parse(EventsDBMapper.getInstance().aggregate((BasicDBList) raw).toString());

    return ret;

From source file:eu.artist.cloud.auditors.AbstractedAvailabilityLogger.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param args//  ww w  .  ja  v a 2s  .c  om
public void logAvailability(ArrayList<String> TemplateIDs, String DBuser, String DBpass, String databaseIP)
        throws UnknownHostException, MongoException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    //needs to be periodic - but periodicity may be on the previous level-> Availability Auditor
    //better on the Availability Auditor level, since it will have refreshed also the state
    //needs to raise one thread per node, concurrent requests for all nodes?
    //sla is per template id? logically yes, so thread must be per template id

    //mongodb connection
    //we need to pass an object that will be the DB record and will contain all necessary information
    //this object will be transformed to json
    //more efficient to pass an arraylist of these objects (for all template IDs in one sample) and make once
    //the connection to the DB (for needed in the basic operation)

    for (String record : TemplateIDs) {
        Mongo mongoClient = new Mongo(databaseIP);
        DB db = mongoClient.getDB("3alib");
        System.out.println("Host address for Backend DB:" + databaseIP);
        Set<String> colls = db.getCollectionNames();

        for (String s : colls) {
            System.out.println("These are the collections... " + s);
        DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("log_samples");

        //log sample
        /*BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject("name1", "MongoDB2").
        append("type", "database").
        append("count", 1).
        append("info", new BasicDBObject("x", 203).append("y", 102));
        //DBObject obj=new DBObject();

        JSON jsonObj = new JSON();

        DBObject obj = (DBObject) jsonObj.parse(record);
        //BasicDBObject doc=new BasicDBObject(record);

        ObjectId obid = new ObjectId();
        //System.out.println("This is the id:"+obj.get("_id"));

        DBObject myDoc = coll.findOne();
        //log file must be per template ID so that it can be appended each time, if we start stop the auditing action
        //ideally templateID_month_year

        //return 0;
    System.out.println("Records included");

From source file:eu.cassandra.server.api.csn.CSNClusters.java

License:Apache License

public Response updateClusterWithPricingIDs(String message) {
    JSONtoReturn jSON2Rrn = new JSONtoReturn();
    DBObject obj = null;/* w  w  w.  j  a v  a  2 s  .  c  o  m*/
    try {
        obj = (DBObject) JSON.parse(message);
        new JSONValidator().isValid(message, JSONValidator.CLUSTER_SCHEMA);
        obj.put("_id", new ObjectId(obj.get("_id").toString()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return Utils
                .returnResponse(PrettyJSONPrinter.prettyPrint(jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("Update failed", e)));
    return Utils
            .returnResponse(PrettyJSONPrinter.prettyPrint(jSON2Rrn.createJSON(obj, "Updated Successfully")));


From source file:eu.cassandra.server.api.Installations.java

License:Apache License

 * // w  w  w.j  a v  a  2s .  c  om
 * Gets the installations under a scenario id
 * @param message contains the scenario_id to search the related scenarios
 * @return
public Response getInstallations(@QueryParam("scn_id") String scn_id, @QueryParam("filter") String filters,
        @QueryParam("sort") String sort, @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @QueryParam("skip") int skip,
        @QueryParam("count") boolean count, @QueryParam("pertype") boolean pertype,
        @Context HttpHeaders httpHeaders) {
    String page = new MongoInstallations().getInstallations(httpHeaders, scn_id, filters, sort, limit, skip,
            count, pertype);
    String countResponse = (new MongoInstallations()).getInstallations(httpHeaders, scn_id, null, null, 0, 0,
            true, false);
    DBObject jsonResponse = (DBObject) JSON.parse(countResponse);
    BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) jsonResponse.get("data");
    DBObject object = (DBObject) list.get(0);
    return Utils.returnResponseWithAppend(page, "total_size", (Integer) object.get("count"));

From source file:eu.cassandra.server.api.Replace.java

License:Apache License

public Response replace(String message) {
    HttpHeaders httpHeaders = null;/*from ww w .  j  a v a2  s .  c om*/
    // parse what will be replaced
    JSONtoReturn jSON2Rrn = new JSONtoReturn();
    DBObject jsonResponse = (DBObject) JSON.parse(message);
    BasicDBList replacedEntities = (BasicDBList) jsonResponse.get("replaced_ids");
    String newEntity = (String) jsonResponse.get("replacement_id");
    String scenario = (String) jsonResponse.get("scn_id");
    String entityType = (String) jsonResponse.get("entity_type");
    if (Utils.getUserWithId(scenario) != null) {
        return Utils.returnResponse(jSON2Rrn
                .createJSONError("Cannot replace entities that exist in libraries", "Invalid replacement")
    String answer = "";
    MongoCopyEntities copy = new MongoCopyEntities(httpHeaders);
    for (Object o : replacedEntities) {
        String entity = (String) o;
        switch (entityType) {
        case "inst":
            // Get the replacement object
            String inst = new MongoInstallations().getInstallation(httpHeaders, newEntity);
            DBObject instObj = ((DBObject) ((BasicDBList) ((DBObject) JSON.parse(inst)).get("data")).get(0));
            // Delete the replaced
            new MongoInstallations().deleteInstallation(entity);
            // Deep copy into scenario
            answer = copy.copyInstallationToScenario((String) instObj.get("_id"), scenario, null, true);

        case "pers":
            // Get the replacement object
            String pers = new MongoPersons().getPerson(httpHeaders, newEntity);
            DBObject persObj = ((DBObject) ((BasicDBList) ((DBObject) JSON.parse(pers)).get("data")).get(0));
            // Deep copy into installation
            // But first get the inst_id of the old person
            String replacedPers = new MongoPersons().getPerson(httpHeaders, entity);
            DBObject replacedPersObj = ((DBObject) ((BasicDBList) ((DBObject) JSON.parse(replacedPers))
            String inst_id = (String) replacedPersObj.get("inst_id");
            // Delete the replaced
            new MongoPersons().deletePerson(entity);
            answer = copy.copyPersonToInstallation((String) persObj.get("_id"), inst_id, null, false, null);
        case "app":
            // Get the replacement object
            String app = new MongoAppliances().getAppliance(httpHeaders, newEntity);
            DBObject appObj = ((DBObject) ((BasicDBList) ((DBObject) JSON.parse(app)).get("data")).get(0));
            // Deep copy into installation
            // But first get the inst_id of the old person
            String replacedApp = new MongoAppliances().getAppliance(httpHeaders, entity);
            DBObject replacedAppObj = ((DBObject) ((BasicDBList) ((DBObject) JSON.parse(replacedApp))
            inst_id = (String) replacedAppObj.get("inst_id");
            // Deep copy into scenario
            answer = copy.copyApplianceToInstallation((String) appObj.get("_id"), inst_id, null);
            String idToPush = (String) ((DBObject) ((DBObject) JSON.parse(answer)).get("data")).get("_id");
            // Find in which activities the replaced id exists
            DBObject qry = new BasicDBObject();
            DBObject obj = new BasicDBObject("$push",
                    new BasicDBObject(MongoActivityModels.REF_CONTAINSAPPLIANCES, idToPush));
            int added = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoActivityModels.COL_ACTMODELS)
                    .update(qry, obj, false, true).getN();
            // Delete the replaced it will make a cascade delete as well...
            new MongoAppliances().deleteAppliance(entity);
            return Utils.returnResponse(
                    jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("Entity type is not a match", "Bad Request").toString());
    // for each replacement
    // Get the replacement, get the reference
    //      // 0 add the replacement in its collection and get the id
    //      // 1. Search installations in the scenario and replace them
    //      // 2. Search persons in installations collection and replace them
    //      // 3. Search appliances in installations collection and replace them
    //      // 4. Search appliances in act_models and replace them
    DBObject ret = (DBObject) JSON.parse(answer);
    return Utils.returnResponse(PrettyJSONPrinter.prettyPrint(jSON2Rrn.createJSON(ret, "Replace succesful!")));

From source file:eu.cassandra.server.api.Runs.java

License:Apache License

 * Create a run.//from   ww  w. j  a  va  2 s.c o m
 * In order to create and start a run, we need to have the simulation 
 * parameter id passed as a JSON property via the POST request. After that
 * the procedure goes as follows:
 * <ol>
 * <i>Create a database to hold the run documents and results (dbname same as run_id)</i>
 * <i>Parse the smp_id from the JSON request</i>
 * <i>From smp_id get scn_id</i>
 * <i>From scn_id gather all scenario documents and create a full JSON scenario</i>
 * <i>If the scenario is dynamic, instantiate as documents all the virtual installations</i>
 * <i>Store the full scenario in a new MongoDB database</i>
 * <i>Create thread with JSON scenario</i>
 * <i>Run the thread</i>
 * <i>Store the run document</i>
 * </ol>
public Response createRun(String message) {

    DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); // A query

    try {
        // Create the new database
        ObjectId objid = ObjectId.get();
        String dbname = objid.toString();
        DB db = createDB(dbname);

        // Create the scenario document
        DBObject scenario = new BasicDBObject();

        // Simulation parameters
        DBObject jsonMessage = (DBObject) JSON.parse(message);
        String smp_id = (String) jsonMessage.get("smp_id");
        checkForNull(smp_id, "Simulation Parameters id not posted.");
        query.put("_id", new ObjectId(smp_id));
        DBObject simParams = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoSimParam.COL_SIMPARAM).findOne(query);
        checkForNull(simParams, "The provided Simulation Parameters were not found in the DB.");
        scenario.put("sim_params", simParams);

        // Scenario
        String scn_id = (String) simParams.get("scn_id");
        checkForNull(scn_id, "Scenario id not found in posted Simulation Parameters.");
        query.put("_id", new ObjectId(scn_id));
        DBObject scn = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoScenarios.COL_SCENARIOS).findOne(query);
        checkForNull(scn, "The provided Scenario was not found in the DB.");
        scenario.put("scenario", scn);

        // Pricing Policy
        String prc_id = (String) simParams.get("prc_id");
        if (prc_id != null && prc_id.matches("[a-z0-9]{24}")) { // Optionally provided
            query.put("_id", new ObjectId(prc_id));
            DBObject pricingPolicy = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoPricingPolicy.COL_PRICING)
            checkForNull(pricingPolicy, "The provided Pricing Policy was not found in the DB.");
            scenario.put("pricing", pricingPolicy);

        // Pricing Policy
        String base_prc_id = (String) simParams.get("base_prc_id");
        if (base_prc_id != null && base_prc_id.matches("[a-z0-9]{24}")) { // Optionally provided
            query.put("_id", new ObjectId(base_prc_id));
            DBObject basePricingPolicy = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoPricingPolicy.COL_PRICING)
            checkForNull(basePricingPolicy, "The provided Baseline Pricing Policy was not found in the DB.");
            scenario.put("baseline_pricing", basePricingPolicy);

        // Project
        String prj_id = (String) scn.get("project_id");
        checkForNull(prj_id, "Project id not found in posted Scenario.");
        query.put("_id", new ObjectId(prj_id));
        DBObject project = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoProjects.COL_PROJECTS).findOne(query);
        checkForNull(project, "The provided Project was not found in the DB.");
        scenario.put("project", project);

        // Demographics
        query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("scn_id", scn_id);
        String setup = (String) scn.get("setup");
        checkForNull(setup, "Setup property not set.");
        String name = (String) scn.get("name");
        boolean isDynamic = setup.equalsIgnoreCase("dynamic");
        if (isDynamic) {
            DBObject demog = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoDemographics.COL_DEMOGRAPHICS).findOne(query);
            checkForNull(demog, "The provided Demographics were not found in the DB.");
            scenario.put("demog", demog);

        // Installations
        query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("scenario_id", scn_id);
        DBCursor cursor = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoInstallations.COL_INSTALLATIONS).find(query);
        checkForZero(cursor.size(), "No istallations found");
        int countInst = 0;
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject obj = cursor.next();
            if (!isDynamic)
            String inst_id = obj.get("_id").toString();
            // Thermal module
            query = new BasicDBObject();
            query.put("inst_id", inst_id);
            DBObject thermal = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoThermal.COL_THERMAL).findOne(query);
            if (thermal != null) {
                obj.put("thermal", thermal);

            // Persons
            query = new BasicDBObject();
            query.put("inst_id", inst_id);
            DBCursor persons = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoPersons.COL_PERSONS).find(query);
            int personCount = 0;
            while (persons.hasNext()) {
                DBObject person = persons.next();
                if (!isDynamic)

                // Activities
                String pers_id = person.get("_id").toString();
                query = new BasicDBObject();
                query.put("pers_id", pers_id);
                DBCursor activities = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoActivities.COL_ACTIVITIES)
                int countAct = 0;
                while (activities.hasNext()) {
                    DBObject activity = activities.next();
                    if (!isDynamic)

                    // Activity Models
                    String act_id = activity.get("_id").toString();
                    query = new BasicDBObject();
                    query.put("act_id", act_id);
                    DBCursor activityModels = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoActivityModels.COL_ACTMODELS)
                    int countActMod = 0;
                    while (activityModels.hasNext()) {
                        DBObject activityModel = activityModels.next();
                        if (!isDynamic)

                        // Duration distribution
                        String dur_id = activityModel.get("duration").toString();
                        checkForNull(dur_id, "Activity Model with name '" + activityModel.get("name")
                                + "' does not have a duration distribution.");
                        query = new BasicDBObject();
                        query.put("_id", new ObjectId(dur_id));
                        DBObject durDist = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoDistributions.COL_DISTRIBUTIONS)
                        checkForNull(durDist, "Duration distribution of '" + activityModel.get("name")
                                + "' not found in the DB.");
                        if (!isDynamic)
                        activityModel.put("duration", durDist);

                        // Start time distribution
                        String start_id = activityModel.get("startTime").toString();
                        checkForNull(start_id, "Activity Model with name '" + activityModel.get("name")
                                + "' does not have a start time distribution.");
                        query = new BasicDBObject();
                        query.put("_id", new ObjectId(start_id));
                        DBObject startDist = DBConn.getConn()
                        checkForNull(startDist, "Start distribution of '" + activityModel.get("name")
                                + "' not found in the DB.");
                        if (!isDynamic)
                        activityModel.put("start", startDist);

                        // Repetitions distribution
                        String rep_id = activityModel.get("repeatsNrOfTime").toString();
                        checkForNull(rep_id, "Activity Model with name '" + activityModel.get("name")
                                + "' does not have a number of times distribution.");
                        query = new BasicDBObject();
                        query.put("_id", new ObjectId(rep_id));
                        DBObject repDist = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoDistributions.COL_DISTRIBUTIONS)
                        checkForNull(repDist, "Number of times distribution of '" + activityModel.get("name")
                                + "' not found in the DB.");
                        if (!isDynamic)
                        activityModel.put("repetitions", repDist);
                        activity.put("actmod" + countActMod, activityModel);
                    activity.put("actmodcount", new Integer(countActMod));
                    person.put("activity" + countAct, activity);
                person.put("activitycount", new Integer(countAct));
                obj.put("person" + personCount, person);
            obj.put("personcount", new Integer(personCount));
            // Appliances
            query = new BasicDBObject();
            query.put("inst_id", inst_id);
            DBCursor appliances = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoAppliances.COL_APPLIANCES).find(query);
            int countApps = 0;
            while (appliances.hasNext()) {
                DBObject appliance = appliances.next();
                if (!isDynamic)

                // Consumption model
                String app_id = appliance.get("_id").toString();
                query = new BasicDBObject();
                query.put("app_id", app_id);
                DBObject consModel = DBConn.getConn().getCollection(MongoConsumptionModels.COL_CONSMODELS)
                        "Consumption model of appliance '" + appliance.get("name") + "' not found in the DB.");
                if (!isDynamic)
                appliance.put("consmod", consModel);
                obj.put("app" + countApps, appliance);
            obj.put("appcount", new Integer(countApps));
            scenario.put("inst" + countInst, obj);
        scenario.put("instcount", new Integer(countInst));
        Simulation sim = new Simulation(scenario.toString(), dbname);
        // Scenario building finished
        DBObject run = buildRunObj(objid, name, prj_id, "sim");
        String returnMsg = PrettyJSONPrinter.prettyPrint(jSON2Rrn.createJSON(run, "Sim creation successful"));
        ThreadPoolExecutor executorPool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) context.getAttribute("MY_EXECUTOR");
        return Utils.returnResponse(returnMsg);
    } catch (UnknownHostException | MongoException e1) {
        String returnMsg = "{ \"success\": false, \"message\": \"Sim creation failed\", \"errors\": { \"hostMongoException\": \""
                + e1.getMessage() + "\" } }";
        return Utils.returnResponse(returnMsg);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String returnMsg = "{ \"success\": false, \"message\": \"Sim creation failed\", \"errors\": { \"generalException\": \""
                + e.getMessage() + "\" } }";
        return Utils.returnResponse(returnMsg);