List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoException MongoException
public MongoException(final String msg)
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public GridFSFile storeClubLogo(MultipartFile clubLogoFile) throws MongoException { if (!clubLogoFile.getContentType().startsWith("image")) { logger.warn("Trying to store a club logo, which is not an image"); throw new MongoException("The file needs to be an image"); } else if (!(clubLogoFile.getContentType().equals("image/jpeg") || clubLogoFile.getContentType().equals("image/png"))) { logger.warn("Trying to store an incompatible image " + clubLogoFile.getContentType()); throw new MongoException("The used image is not compatible, please use only PNG or JPG files"); } else {//from w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m File clubLogoTempFile = null; try { clubLogoTempFile = File.createTempFile("tempClubLogo", "png"); clubLogoTempFile.deleteOnExit(); if (clubLogoFile.getContentType().equals("image/png")) { logger.debug("No need to convert club logo"); clubLogoFile.transferTo(clubLogoTempFile); } else {"Converting club logo file to png"); //Reading, converting and writing club logo ImageIO.write(, clubLogoFileFormat, clubLogoTempFile); } //Deleting current file deleteCurrentClubLogo(); try (FileInputStream clubLogoStream = new FileInputStream(clubLogoTempFile)) { logger.debug("Saving club logo"); //Saving file return, clubLogoFileName, clubLogoFileFormatMIME); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new MongoException("Unable to store file"); } finally { if (clubLogoTempFile != null) { clubLogoTempFile.delete(); } } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void process(String collectionName, BasicDBObject dbo) { if (storeMethodInvocationCount == countOfStoresBeforeThrow) { storeMethodInvocationCount++;/*from ww w . j a va 2s . c om*/ throw new MongoException(toThrow); } storeMethodInvocationCount++; // System.out.println(" FakeObjectStorage: storing "+dbo); List<BasicDBObject> collection = database.get(collectionName); if (collection == null) { collection = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(2); database.put(collectionName, collection); } collection.add(dbo); }
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License:Apache License
private void checkNonSupportedQueries(DBObject query, String collection) { if (query.get("$where") != null) { throw new MongoException( "$where operator not supported at this time since redact could not be enforced"); }//from w w w . j a va 2 s . com }
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License:Apache License
public ResultsWrapper find_driver(String collection, EzFindRequest ezFindRequest, EzSecurityToken token) throws TException, EzMongoDriverException { if (!collection.equals("$cmd") && !collection.equals("system.indexes") && // !collection.equals("fs.chunks") && !collection.equals("fs.files") && !collection.equals("system.namespaces")) { collection = appName + "_" + collection; }//w w w. j ava 2 s . c o m"find_driver() from collection: {}", collection); TokenUtils.validateSecurityToken(token, parent_handler.handler.getConfigurationProperties()); ResultsWrapper rw = new ResultsWrapper(); try { DBObject ref = (DBObject) new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ezFindRequest.getRef())) .readObject(); checkNonSupportedQueries(ref, collection); DBObject fields = (DBObject) new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ezFindRequest.getFields())) .readObject();"find_driver() ref: {}", ref);"find_driver() fields: {}", fields); String originalDatabase = null; boolean isSysCommand = false; if (collection.equals("system.namespaces")) { isSysCommand = true; } if (collection.equals("system.indexes")) { isSysCommand = true; String ns = (String) ref.get("ns"); if (ns != null) { String[] parts = StringUtils.split(ns, ".", 2); originalDatabase = parts[0]; String newNS = dbName + "." + appName + "_" + parts[1];"system.indexes newNS: {}", newNS); ref.put("ns", newNS); } } if (collection.equals("$cmd")) { isSysCommand = true; String eval = (String) ref.get("$eval"); if (eval != null) { throw new MongoException("Eval() not supported in ezmongo"); } String geoNear = (String) ref.get("geoNear"); if (geoNear != null) { geoNear = appName + "_" + geoNear;"newgeoNear: {}", geoNear); ref.put("geoNear", geoNear); } String collstats = (String) ref.get("collstats"); if (collstats != null) { collstats = appName + "_" + collstats;"newcollstats: {}", collstats); ref.put("collstats", collstats); } String create = (String) ref.get("create"); if (create != null) { create = appName + "_" + create;"newcreate: {}", create); ref.put("create", create); } String deleteIndexes = (String) ref.get("deleteIndexes"); if (deleteIndexes != null) { String newDeleteIndexes = appName + "_" + deleteIndexes;"newDeleteIndexes: {}", newDeleteIndexes); ref.put("deleteIndexes", newDeleteIndexes); } String distinct = (String) ref.get("distinct"); if (distinct != null) { String newDistinct = appName + "_" + distinct;"newDistinct: {}", newDistinct); ref.put("distinct", newDistinct); } String count = (String) ref.get("count"); if (count != null) { String newCount = appName + "_" + count;"newCount: {}", newCount); ref.put("count", newCount); } String findandmodify = (String) ref.get("findandmodify"); if (findandmodify != null) { String newFindandmodify = appName + "_" + findandmodify;"newFindandmodify: {}", newFindandmodify); ref.put("findandmodify", newFindandmodify); } String aggregate = (String) ref.get("aggregate"); if (aggregate != null) { aggregate = appName + "_" + aggregate;"newaggregate: {}", aggregate); ref.put("aggregate", aggregate); List<DBObject> pipeline = (List) ref.get("pipeline"); if (pipeline != null) {"pipeline: {}", pipeline); for (DBObject o : pipeline) { String out = (String) o.get("$out"); if (out != null) {"NEED to convert: {}", out); out = appName + "_" + out; o.put("$out", out); } } } } String mapreduce = (String) ref.get("mapreduce"); if (mapreduce != null) { mapreduce = appName + "_" + mapreduce;"newmapreduce: {}", mapreduce); ref.put("mapreduce", mapreduce); DBObject out = (DBObject) ref.get("out"); if (out != null) { String replace = (String) out.get("replace"); if (replace != null) { replace = appName + "_" + replace; out.put("replace", replace); ref.put("out", out); } }"newref: " + ref); } DBObject group = (DBObject) ref.get("group"); if (group != null) { String ns = (String) group.get("ns"); if (ns != null) { String newNS = appName + "_" + ns;"group newNS: {}", newNS); group.put("ns", newNS); ref.put("group", group); } } } int batchSize = ezFindRequest.getBatchSize(); int limit = ezFindRequest.getLimit(); int options = ezFindRequest.getOptions(); int numToSkip = ezFindRequest.getNumToSkip(); ReadPreference readPref = (ReadPreference) new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(ezFindRequest.getReadPref())).readObject(); DBDecoder decoder = (DBDecoder) new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(ezFindRequest.getDecoder())).readObject(); HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "find_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); auditParamsMap.put("ref", parent_handler.handler.printMongoObject(ref)); auditParamsMap.put("fields", parent_handler.handler.printMongoObject(fields)); auditParamsMap.put("readPref", parent_handler.handler.printMongoObject(readPref)); auditParamsMap.put("batchSize", String.valueOf(batchSize)); auditParamsMap.put("limit", String.valueOf(limit)); auditParamsMap.put("options", String.valueOf(options)); auditParamsMap.put("numToSkip", String.valueOf(numToSkip)); parent_handler.handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess, auditParamsMap); QueryResultIterator qri = null; if ((isSysCommand || ref.get("$explain") != null) && ref.get("distinct") == null) { if (ezFindRequest.isSetEncoder()) { DBEncoder encoder = (DBEncoder) new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(ezFindRequest.getEncoder())).readObject(); qri = parent_handler.handler.db.getCollection(parent_handler.normalizeCollection(collection)) .find(ref, fields, numToSkip, batchSize, limit, options, readPref, decoder, encoder); } else { qri = parent_handler.handler.db.getCollection(parent_handler.normalizeCollection(collection)) .find(ref, fields, numToSkip, batchSize, limit, options, readPref, decoder); } } else { // must convert to agg pipline in order to perform redact qri = convertFindForDriver(parent_handler.normalizeCollection(collection), ref, fields, "", numToSkip, limit, batchSize, readPref, token, EzMongoHandler.READ_OPERATION); } String mapreduce = (String) ref.get("mapreduce"); if (mapreduce != null) { Response r = qri.getResponse(); List<DBObject> obs = r.get_objects(); if (obs.size() == 1) { DBObject o = obs.get(0); String resultTable = (String) o.get("result"); resultTable = StringUtils.replace(resultTable, appName + "_", "", 1);"find() Replaced map reduce result table name: {}", resultTable); o.put("result", resultTable); } } if (collection.equals("system.namespaces")) {"find() reverting collection names from system.namespaces"); Response r = qri.getResponse(); List<DBObject> obs = r.get_objects(); for (DBObject o : obs) { String name = (String) o.get("name"); if (!name.equals(dbName + "." + "system.indexes")) { String newName = StringUtils.replace(name, appName + "_", "", 1); o.put("name", newName); } }"reverted obs: {}", obs); } int originalHashcode = qri.hashCode(); qri.setOriginalHashCode(originalHashcode); parent_handler.handler.setResponseObjectWithCursor(rw, qri);"QueryResultIterator hashcode: {}", qri.hashCode()); List<DBObject> results = parent_handler.putIntoITmap(qri, originalHashcode); // if (parent_handler.ifRequestIsForAGridFSObject(ref.get("_id"))){ // GridFS _fs = new GridFS(parent_handler.handler.mongoTemplate.getDb()); // if (ref.get("_id") != null) { // GridFSDBFile file = _fs.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", ref.get("_id"))); // rw.setResultSet(parent_handler.ser(file)); // } else { // List<GridFSDBFile> files = _fs.find(ref, fields); // rw.setResultSet(parent_handler.ser(files)); // } // } else { rw.setResultSet(parent_handler.handler.addDBCursorResult(results).toByteArray()); // } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(parent_handler.ser(e)); throw eme; } return rw; }
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License:Apache License
protected QueryResultIterator convertFindForDriver(String collectionName, DBObject jsonQuery, DBObject projection, String jsonSort, int skip, int limit, int batchSize, ReadPreference readPref, EzSecurityToken token, String operationType) throws Exception {"convertFindForDriver() query: " + jsonQuery); AggregationOptions opts = null;//from w w w .ja v a 2s . c o m if (batchSize > 0) { opts = AggregationOptions.builder().outputMode(AggregationOptions.OutputMode.CURSOR) .batchSize(batchSize).build(); } else { opts = AggregationOptions.builder().build(); } Object distinct = jsonQuery.get("distinct"); Object key = null; if (distinct != null) { key = jsonQuery.get("key"); Object q = jsonQuery.get("query"); if (q != null) { jsonQuery = (DBObject) q; } } jsonQuery = checkForQueryComment(jsonQuery); jsonQuery = checkForshowDiskLoc(jsonQuery); Object returnKey = jsonQuery.get("$returnKey"); if (returnKey != null) { Object q = jsonQuery.get("$query"); if (q != null) { jsonQuery = (DBObject) q; } } Object snapshot = jsonQuery.get("$snapshot"); if (snapshot != null) { Object ob = jsonQuery.get("$orderby"); if (ob != null) { throw new MongoException("Do not use $snapshot with cursor.hint() and cursor.sort() methods"); } Object hint = jsonQuery.get("$hint"); if (hint != null) { throw new MongoException("Do not use $snapshot with cursor.hint() and cursor.sort() methods"); } Object q = jsonQuery.get("$query"); if (q != null) { jsonQuery = (DBObject) q; } } Object explain = jsonQuery.get("$explain"); if (explain != null) { Object q = jsonQuery.get("$query"); if (q != null) { jsonQuery = (DBObject) q; } } Object orderby = jsonQuery.get("$orderby"); if (orderby != null) { Object q = jsonQuery.get("$query"); if (q != null) { jsonQuery = (DBObject) q; } jsonSort = orderby.toString(); } Object maxScan = jsonQuery.get("$maxScan"); if (maxScan != null) { Object q = jsonQuery.get("$query"); if (q != null) { jsonQuery = (DBObject) q; } limit = (Integer) maxScan; } Object min = jsonQuery.get("$min"); if (min != null) { Object q = jsonQuery.get("$query"); if (q != null) { jsonQuery = (DBObject) q; } } Object max = jsonQuery.get("$max"); if (max != null) { Object q = jsonQuery.get("$query"); if (q != null) { jsonQuery = (DBObject) q; } } QueryResultIterator qri = null; DBObject query = null; if (jsonQuery != null && jsonQuery.keySet().size() > 0) { query = new BasicDBObject("$match", jsonQuery); } DBObject[] additionalOps = parent_handler.handler.getMongoFindHelper().getFindAggregationCommandsArray(skip, limit, (projection != null && projection.keySet().size() > 0) ? projection.toString() : "", jsonSort, token, operationType); List<DBObject> pipeline = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); if (query != null) { pipeline.add(query); } Collections.addAll(pipeline, additionalOps);"convertFindForDriver() final pipeline query: " + pipeline); Cursor cursor = null; if (distinct != null) { qri = handleDistinctCall(jsonQuery, readPref, token, opts, distinct, key, pipeline); } else if (max != null && min != null) { // TODO can max AND min be possible? investigate... } else if (max != null) { qri = handleMaxCall(collectionName, max, jsonQuery, readPref, token, opts, pipeline); } else if (min != null) { qri = handleMinCall(collectionName, min, jsonQuery, readPref, token, opts, pipeline); } else { cursor = parent_handler.handler.db.getCollection(collectionName).aggregate(pipeline, opts, readPref); if (cursor instanceof QueryResultIterator) { qri = (QueryResultIterator) cursor; } else {"UNKNOWN CURSOR RETURNED: {}", cursor.toString()); throw new Exception("Find converted to Aggregate pipeline did not return a QueryResultIterator: " + cursor.toString()); } } return qri; }
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License:Apache License
public EzWriteResult update_driver(String collection, EzUpdateRequest req, EzSecurityToken token) throws TException, EzMongoDriverException { if (!collection.equals("fs.chunks") && !collection.equals("fs.files")) { collection = appName + "_" + collection; }/*from w w w . jav a2 s.c o m*/ appLog.debug("update_driver() collection: {}", collection); TokenUtils.validateSecurityToken(token, handler.getConfigurationProperties()); EzWriteResult ewr = new EzWriteResult(); try { DBCollection c = handler.db.getCollection(normalizeCollection(collection)); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getQuery())); DBObject query = (DBObject) ois.readObject(); appLog.debug("QUERY {}", query); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbUpdateObject())); DBObject updateObject = (DBObject) ois.readObject(); appLog.debug("UPDATE OBJECT {}", updateObject); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getWriteConcern())); WriteConcern concern = (WriteConcern) ois.readObject(); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbEncoder())); DBEncoder encoder = (DBEncoder) ois.readObject(); Boolean isDriverUnitTestMode = req.isIsUnitTestMode(); HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "update_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); auditParamsMap.put("query", handler.printMongoObject(query)); auditParamsMap.put("updateObject", handler.printMongoObject(updateObject)); auditParamsMap.put("concern", handler.printMongoObject(concern)); auditParamsMap.put("encoder", handler.printMongoObject(encoder)); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectModify, auditParamsMap); // assume it's a WRITE operation - then we need to iterate through the redacted results // and see if they are updating the security fields - then it becomes MANAGE operation. QueryResultIterator qri = findHandler.convertFindForDriver(normalizeCollection(collection), query, null, "", 0, 0, 0, null, token, EzMongoHandler.WRITE_OPERATION); final List<Object> idList = new ArrayList<Object>(); while (qri.hasNext()) { DBObject o =; if (!isDriverUnitTestMode) { // also need to check if the user has the auths to update the record try { boolean isManageOperation = handler.getMongoUpdateHelper().isUpdatingSecurityFields(o, updateObject); handler.getMongoInsertHelper().checkAbilityToInsert(token, null, updateObject, o, isManageOperation, true); appLog.debug("can update DBObject (_id): {}", o.get("_id")); idList.add(o.get("_id")); } catch (ClassCastException | VisibilityParseException | EzMongoBaseException e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); appLog.debug("User does not have the auths to update record: {}", o); } } else { appLog.debug("can update DBObject (_id): {}", o.get("_id")); idList.add(o.get("_id")); } } final DBObject inClause = new BasicDBObject("$in", idList); final DBObject redactedQuery = new BasicDBObject("_id", inClause); WriteResult res = null; // only update the objects that were returned after performing the redact if (idList.size() > 0) { res = c.update(redactedQuery, updateObject, req.isUpsert(), req.isMulti(), concern, encoder); } else { throw new MongoException("Nothing to update, perhaps redact prohibited. " + "Also note that upsert is not supported. If you used save() to make this call," + " try using insert() instead is possible"); } appLog.debug("WriteResult: {}", res); ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); new ObjectOutputStream(bOut).writeObject(res); ewr.setWriteResult(bOut.toByteArray()); } catch (MongoException e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); addWriteResultException(ewr, e); } catch (Exception e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); throw new TException(e); } return ewr; }
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License:Apache License
byte[] getChunk(final int i) { if (fs == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No GridFS instance defined!"); }/*from w w w .j a v a 2s. c o m*/ DBObject chunk = fs.getChunksCollection().findOne(new BasicDBObject("files_id", id).append("n", i)); if (chunk == null) { throw new MongoException("Can't find a chunk! file id: " + id + " chunk: " + i); } return (byte[]) chunk.get("data"); }
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/** * Saves the file entry to the files collection * /*from ww w. j av a 2s .co m*/ * @throws MongoException */ public void save() { if (fs == null) { throw new MongoException("need fs"); } fs.getFilesCollection().save(this); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Verifies that the MD5 matches between the database and the local file. This should be called after transferring a file. * // w ww . ja v a 2s. c om * @throws MongoException */ public void validate() { if (fs == null) { throw new MongoException("no fs"); } if (md5 == null) { throw new MongoException("no md5 stored"); } DBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject("filemd5", id); cmd.put("root", fs.getBucketName()); DBObject res = fs.getDB().command(cmd); if (res != null && res.containsField("md5")) { String m = res.get("md5").toString(); if (m.equals(md5)) { return; } throw new MongoException("md5 differ. mine [" + md5 + "] theirs [" + m + "]"); } // no md5 from the server throw new MongoException("no md5 returned from server: " + res); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void markAsPartialObject() { throw new MongoException("Can't load partial GridFSFile file"); }