Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Computer Sciences Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.mongodb.*; import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile; import ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken; import; import*; import; import; import ezbake.util.AuditEventType; import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager; import net.sf.ehcache.Element; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by jagius on 8/5/14. */ public class MongoDriverHandler { public static final String GRID_FS_INPUT_FILE_MAP_CACHE = "gridFSInputFileMapCache"; public static final String IT_MAP_CACHE = "iteratorMapCache"; private final Logger appLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoDriverHandler.class); final protected EzMongoHandler handler; final private String appName, dbName; CacheManager cm = null; private HandlerForDriverFindCalls findHandler; protected MongoDriverHandler(EzMongoHandler handler) { this.handler = handler; this.appName = handler.appName; this.dbName = handler.dbName; cm = CacheManager.create(); // TODO This enables JMX monitoring, perhaps we should think about introducing this paradigm across all services // but for now, this could be uncommented of we insight on the caching behavior. //, ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(), false, false, false, true); } protected void init() { findHandler = new HandlerForDriverFindCalls(this); } protected String normalizeCollection(String collectionName) { return collectionName; // maybe never do anything here } public EzWriteResult insert_driver(String collection, EzInsertRequest req, EzSecurityToken token) throws TException, EzMongoDriverException { // if (!collection.equals("fs.chunks") && !collection.equals("fs.files")) { collection = appName + "_" + collection; // } appLog.debug("insert_driver() to collection: {}", collection); TokenUtils.validateSecurityToken(token, handler.getConfigurationProperties()); EzWriteResult ewr = new EzWriteResult(); try { DBCollection c = handler.db.getCollection(normalizeCollection(collection)); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbObjectList())); List<DBObject> list = (List<DBObject>) ois.readObject(); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getWriteConcern())); WriteConcern writeConcern = (WriteConcern) ois.readObject(); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbEncoder())); DBEncoder dbEncoder = (DBEncoder) ois.readObject(); HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "insert_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); auditParamsMap.put("list", handler.printMongoObject(list)); auditParamsMap.put("writeConcern", handler.printMongoObject(writeConcern)); auditParamsMap.put("dbEncoder", handler.printMongoObject(dbEncoder)); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectCreate, auditParamsMap); WriteResult res = null; Boolean isDriverUnitTestMode = req.isIsUnitTestMode(); if (!isDriverUnitTestMode) { // check if the user has the auths to insert these records List<DBObject> insertableList = new ArrayList<>(); for (DBObject dbObject : list) { try { handler.getMongoInsertHelper().checkAbilityToInsert(token, null, dbObject, null, false, true); insertableList.add(dbObject); } catch (ClassCastException | VisibilityParseException | EzMongoBaseException e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); appLog.debug("User does not have the auths to insert record: {}", dbObject); } } res = c.insert(insertableList, writeConcern, dbEncoder); } else { res = c.insert(list, writeConcern, dbEncoder); } if (list != null && list.size() == 1 && list.get(0) instanceof GridFSInputFile) { GridFSInputFile g = (GridFSInputFile) list.get(0); Object o = g.getId(); if (o instanceof ObjectId) { ObjectId id = (ObjectId) o; cm.getCache(GRID_FS_INPUT_FILE_MAP_CACHE).put(new Element(id.toString(), id)); } } appLog.debug("WriteResult: {}", res); ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); new ObjectOutputStream(bOut).writeObject(res); ewr.setWriteResult(bOut.toByteArray()); } catch (Exception e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } return ewr; } public ResultsWrapper find_driver(String collection, EzFindRequest ezFindRequest, EzSecurityToken token) throws TException, EzMongoDriverException { return findHandler.find_driver(collection, ezFindRequest, token); } public EzWriteResult update_driver(String collection, EzUpdateRequest req, EzSecurityToken token) throws TException, EzMongoDriverException { if (!collection.equals("fs.chunks") && !collection.equals("fs.files")) { collection = appName + "_" + collection; } appLog.debug("update_driver() collection: {}", collection); TokenUtils.validateSecurityToken(token, handler.getConfigurationProperties()); EzWriteResult ewr = new EzWriteResult(); try { DBCollection c = handler.db.getCollection(normalizeCollection(collection)); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getQuery())); DBObject query = (DBObject) ois.readObject(); appLog.debug("QUERY {}", query); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbUpdateObject())); DBObject updateObject = (DBObject) ois.readObject(); appLog.debug("UPDATE OBJECT {}", updateObject); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getWriteConcern())); WriteConcern concern = (WriteConcern) ois.readObject(); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbEncoder())); DBEncoder encoder = (DBEncoder) ois.readObject(); Boolean isDriverUnitTestMode = req.isIsUnitTestMode(); HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "update_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); auditParamsMap.put("query", handler.printMongoObject(query)); auditParamsMap.put("updateObject", handler.printMongoObject(updateObject)); auditParamsMap.put("concern", handler.printMongoObject(concern)); auditParamsMap.put("encoder", handler.printMongoObject(encoder)); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectModify, auditParamsMap); // assume it's a WRITE operation - then we need to iterate through the redacted results // and see if they are updating the security fields - then it becomes MANAGE operation. QueryResultIterator qri = findHandler.convertFindForDriver(normalizeCollection(collection), query, null, "", 0, 0, 0, null, token, EzMongoHandler.WRITE_OPERATION); final List<Object> idList = new ArrayList<Object>(); while (qri.hasNext()) { DBObject o =; if (!isDriverUnitTestMode) { // also need to check if the user has the auths to update the record try { boolean isManageOperation = handler.getMongoUpdateHelper().isUpdatingSecurityFields(o, updateObject); handler.getMongoInsertHelper().checkAbilityToInsert(token, null, updateObject, o, isManageOperation, true); appLog.debug("can update DBObject (_id): {}", o.get("_id")); idList.add(o.get("_id")); } catch (ClassCastException | VisibilityParseException | EzMongoBaseException e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); appLog.debug("User does not have the auths to update record: {}", o); } } else { appLog.debug("can update DBObject (_id): {}", o.get("_id")); idList.add(o.get("_id")); } } final DBObject inClause = new BasicDBObject("$in", idList); final DBObject redactedQuery = new BasicDBObject("_id", inClause); WriteResult res = null; // only update the objects that were returned after performing the redact if (idList.size() > 0) { res = c.update(redactedQuery, updateObject, req.isUpsert(), req.isMulti(), concern, encoder); } else { throw new MongoException("Nothing to update, perhaps redact prohibited. " + "Also note that upsert is not supported. If you used save() to make this call," + " try using insert() instead is possible"); } appLog.debug("WriteResult: {}", res); ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); new ObjectOutputStream(bOut).writeObject(res); ewr.setWriteResult(bOut.toByteArray()); } catch (MongoException e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); addWriteResultException(ewr, e); } catch (Exception e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); throw new TException(e); } return ewr; } public ResultsWrapper aggregate_driver(String collection, EzAggregationRequest ezAggregationRequest, EzSecurityToken token) throws TException, EzMongoDriverException { collection = appName + "_" + collection; appLog.debug("aggregate_driver() from collection: {}", collection); // + ezFindRequest); TokenUtils.validateSecurityToken(token, handler.getConfigurationProperties()); ResultsWrapper rw = new ResultsWrapper(); try { List<DBObject> pipeline = (List<DBObject>) new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(ezAggregationRequest.getPipeline())).readObject(); for (DBObject p : pipeline) { Object o = p.get("$out"); if (o != null) { String dollarOut = appName + "_" + (String) o; appLog.debug("newDollarOut: {}", dollarOut); p.put("$out", dollarOut); break; } } AggregationOptions options = (AggregationOptions) new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(ezAggregationRequest.getOptions())).readObject(); ReadPreference readPref = (ReadPreference) new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(ezAggregationRequest.getReadPref())).readObject(); HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "aggregate_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); auditParamsMap.put("pipeline", handler.printMongoObject(pipeline)); auditParamsMap.put("options", handler.printMongoObject(options)); auditParamsMap.put("readPref", handler.printMongoObject(readPref)); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess, auditParamsMap); List<DBObject> mutablePipelineList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(pipeline); // apply $redact if necessary for (int i = 0; i < mutablePipelineList.size();) { DBObject pipelineCommand = mutablePipelineList.get(i++); // if there is a $match operator (are any others needed to check?), add a $redact operator right after it. if (pipelineCommand.get("$match") != null) { DBObject redact = RedactHelper .createRedactOperator(handler.getMongoFindHelper().getSecurityExpressionViz(), token); mutablePipelineList.add(i, redact); } } Cursor cursor = handler.db.getCollection(collection).aggregate(mutablePipelineList, options, readPref); // NOTE: the "response" is not set in the QueryResultIterator since the "aggregate" method // in does not use the QRI constructor that sets the "response". // The QRI constructor calls "initFromCursorDocument". appLog.debug("cursor: {}", cursor); List<DBObject> results = null; if (cursor instanceof QueryResultIterator) { int originalHashcode = cursor.hashCode(); ((QueryResultIterator) cursor).setOriginalHashCode(originalHashcode); handler.setResponseObjectWithCursor(rw, cursor); results = putIntoITmap((QueryResultIterator) cursor, originalHashcode); } else { handler.setResponseObjectWithCursor(rw, cursor); results = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject o =; appLog.debug("DBObject: {}", o); results.add(o); } } rw.setResultSet(handler.addDBCursorResult(results).toByteArray()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } catch (IOException e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } return rw; } public ResultsWrapper drop_driver(String collection, EzSecurityToken token) throws TException, EzMongoDriverException { if (!collection.equals("fs.files") && !collection.equals("fs.chunks")) { collection = appName + "_" + collection; } appLog.debug("drop_driver(): {}", collection); TokenUtils.validateSecurityToken(token, handler.getConfigurationProperties()); ResultsWrapper rw = new ResultsWrapper(); try { HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "drop_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectDelete, auditParamsMap); handler.db.getCollection(normalizeCollection(collection)).drop(); } catch (MongoException e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); addResultException(rw, e); } catch (Exception e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); throw new TException(e); } return rw; } public EzWriteResult createIndex_driver(String collection, EzCreateIndexRequest req, EzSecurityToken token) throws TException, EzMongoDriverException { // if (!collection.equals("fs.files")) { collection = appName + "_" + collection; // } appLog.debug("createIndex_driver(): {}", collection); TokenUtils.validateSecurityToken(token, handler.getConfigurationProperties()); EzWriteResult ewr = new EzWriteResult(); try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbObjectKeys())); DBObject keys = (DBObject) ois.readObject(); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbObjectOptions())); DBObject options = (DBObject) ois.readObject(); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbEncoder())); DBEncoder dbEncoder = (DBEncoder) ois.readObject(); HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "createIndex_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); auditParamsMap.put("keys", handler.printMongoObject(keys)); auditParamsMap.put("options", handler.printMongoObject(options)); auditParamsMap.put("dbEncoder", handler.printMongoObject(dbEncoder)); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectCreate, auditParamsMap); if (options != null) { // i know this can be in next block, will refactor later String ns = (String) options.get("ns"); if (ns != null) { //if (!collection.equals("fs.files")) { String[] parts = StringUtils.split(ns, ".", 2); String newNS = dbName + "." + appName + "_" + parts[1]; appLog.debug("createIndex newNS: {}", newNS); options.put("ns", newNS); //} } } if (options != null) { handler.db.getCollection(normalizeCollection(collection)).createIndex(keys, options, dbEncoder); } else { handler.db.getCollection(normalizeCollection(collection)).createIndex(keys); } } catch (Exception e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } return ewr; } public EzGetMoreResponse getMore_driver(String collection, EzGetMoreRequest req, EzSecurityToken token) throws TException, EzMongoDriverException { appLog.debug("getMore_driver: {}", collection); TokenUtils.validateSecurityToken(token, handler.getConfigurationProperties()); EzGetMoreResponse response = new EzGetMoreResponse(); try { String hash = req.getQueryResultIteratorHashcode(); HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "getMore_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); auditParamsMap.put("hash", hash); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess, auditParamsMap); Element element = cm.getCache(IT_MAP_CACHE).get(hash); QueryResultIterator qri = (QueryResultIterator) element.getObjectValue(); if (qri == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find QRI for hash: " + hash); } long curId = qri.getCursorId(); int curSize = qri.getCurSize(); List<DBObject> results = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); int count = 0; boolean passBackCursorId = false; while (qri.hasNext()) { count++; if (count <= curSize) { DBObject o =; appLog.debug("getMore() DBObject: {}", o); results.add(o); } else { appLog.debug("getMore() Dont get anymore for qri {}, let getmore() happen again", qri.getOriginalHashCode()); passBackCursorId = true; break; } } ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); new ObjectOutputStream(bOut).writeObject(results); response.setResultSet(bOut.toByteArray()); Response r = qri.getResponse(); if (r != null) { r.set_objects(results); if (passBackCursorId) { r.setCursorId(curId); } else { r.setCursorId(0); } } else { // do what? } response.setResponse(ser(r)); } catch (Exception e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } return response; } public EzParallelScanResponse parallelScan_driver(String collection, EzParallelScanOptions options, EzSecurityToken token) throws EzMongoDriverException, TException { collection = appName + "_" + collection; appLog.debug("parallelScan_driver: collection = {}", collection); EzParallelScanResponse res = new EzParallelScanResponse(); try { ParallelScanOptions opts = (ParallelScanOptions) new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(options.getOptions())).readObject(); HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "parallelScan_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); auditParamsMap.put("opts", handler.printMongoObject(opts)); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess, auditParamsMap); List<Cursor> curs = handler.db.getCollection(normalizeCollection(collection)).parallelScan(opts); List<QueryResultIterator> qris = new ArrayList<QueryResultIterator>(); Map<String, List<DBObject>> qriResultsMap = new HashMap<String, List<DBObject>>(); for (Cursor c : curs) { if (c instanceof QueryResultIterator) { QueryResultIterator qri = (QueryResultIterator) c; // This qri will not have a Response object, only CursorDocument. int originalHashcode = qri.hashCode(); qri.setOriginalHashCode(originalHashcode); qris.add(qri); List<DBObject> results = putIntoITmap(qri, originalHashcode); qriResultsMap.put("" + originalHashcode, results); } } res.setMapOfIterators(ser(qriResultsMap)); res.setListOfCursors(ser(qris)); return res; } catch (Exception e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } } public EzWriteResult remove_driver(String collection, EzRemoveRequest req, EzSecurityToken token) throws EzMongoDriverException, TException { // if (!collection.equals("fs.chunks") && !collection.equals("fs.files")) { collection = appName + "_" + collection; // } appLog.debug("remove_driver() to collection: {}", collection); TokenUtils.validateSecurityToken(token, handler.getConfigurationProperties()); EzWriteResult ewr = new EzWriteResult(); try { DBCollection c = handler.db.getCollection(normalizeCollection(collection)); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbObjectQuery())); DBObject query = (DBObject) ois.readObject(); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getWriteConcern())); WriteConcern writeConcern = (WriteConcern) ois.readObject(); ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(req.getDbEncoder())); DBEncoder dbEncoder = (DBEncoder) ois.readObject(); HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "remove_driver"); auditParamsMap.put("collectionName", collection); auditParamsMap.put("query", handler.printMongoObject(query)); auditParamsMap.put("writeConcern", handler.printMongoObject(writeConcern)); auditParamsMap.put("dbEncoder", handler.printMongoObject(dbEncoder)); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectDelete, auditParamsMap); WriteResult res = c.remove(query, writeConcern, dbEncoder); appLog.debug("remove() WriteResult: {}", res); ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); new ObjectOutputStream(bOut).writeObject(res); ewr.setWriteResult(bOut.toByteArray()); } catch (Exception e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } return ewr; } public int getMaxBsonObjectSize_driver(EzSecurityToken token) throws EzMongoDriverException, TException { HashMap<String, String> auditParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); auditParamsMap.put("action", "getMaxBsonObjectSize_driver"); handler.auditLog(token, AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess, auditParamsMap); try { return handler.db.getMongo().getMaxBsonObjectSize(); } catch (Exception e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } } protected void addResultException(ResultsWrapper rw, Exception ex) throws EzMongoDriverException { ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { new ObjectOutputStream(bOut).writeObject(ex); rw.setMongoexception(bOut.toByteArray()); } catch (Exception e) { EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } } protected void addWriteResultException(EzWriteResult rw, Exception ex) throws TException { ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { new ObjectOutputStream(bOut).writeObject(ex); rw.setMongoexception(bOut.toByteArray()); } catch (Exception e) { EzMongoDriverException eme = new EzMongoDriverException(); eme.setEx(ser(e)); throw eme; } } protected byte[] ser(Object o) { ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutput output = null; try { output = new ObjectOutputStream(bOut); output.writeObject(o); } catch (IOException e) { appLog.error(e.toString()); } return bOut.toByteArray(); } protected List<DBObject> putIntoITmap(QueryResultIterator qri, int originalHashcode) { long curId = qri.getCursorId(); int curSize = qri.getCurSize(); List<DBObject> results = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); int count = 0; while (qri.hasNext()) { count++; if (count <= curSize) { DBObject o =; appLog.debug("Next DBObject: {}", o); results.add(o); } else { appLog.debug("Dont get anymore for qri {}, let getmore() happen", qri.getOriginalHashCode()); break; } } if (curId != 0) { cm.getCache(IT_MAP_CACHE).put(new Element("" + originalHashcode, qri)); } return results; } protected boolean ifRequestIsForAGridFSObject(Object id) { if (id != null) { Element element = cm.getCache(GRID_FS_INPUT_FILE_MAP_CACHE).get(id.toString()); ObjectId o = (ObjectId) element.getObjectValue(); if (o != null) { if (o.toString().equals(id.toString())) { return true; } } } return false; } }