Example usage for com.mongodb Mongo getDB

List of usage examples for com.mongodb Mongo getDB


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb Mongo getDB.


public DB getDB(final String dbName) 

Source Link


Gets a database object.


From source file:HAL.libraries.blackboard_client.OplogMonitorThread.java

License:Open Source License

 * Constructor of OplogMonitorThread./*from ww w  .  j  av a 2s  .co  m*/
 * @param mongo The Mongo database connection that should be used.
 * @param oplogDBName The database in which the oplog collection resides.
 * @param oplogCollectionName The name of the oplog collection.
 * @param query The query that will be used in the tailed cursor.
public OplogMonitorThread(Mongo mongo, String oplogDBName, String oplogCollectionName, DBObject query) {
    database = mongo.getDB(oplogDBName);
    DBCollection collection = database.getCollection(oplogCollectionName);

    tailedCursor = collection.find(query);
    callbackThread = new OplogCallbackThread();

From source file:HAL.libraries.blackboard_client.OplogMonitorThread.java

License:Open Source License

 * Constructs a tailed cursor for the specified query on the oplog collection.
 * This constructor should be used when user authentication is required.
 * /*from  w  ww .j  a  va2 s  .  c o m*/
 * @param mongo The Mongo database connection that should be used.
 * @param oplogDBName The database in which the oplog collection resides.
 * @param oplogCollectionName The name of the oplog collection.
 * @param username Username that will be used to authenticate with the oplog database. This user should have read access.
 * @param password The password belonging to the specified user.
 * @param query The query that will be used in the tailed cursor.
public OplogMonitorThread(Mongo mongo, String oplogDBName, String oplogCollectionName, String username,
        String password, DBObject query) {
    database = mongo.getDB(oplogDBName);
    database.authenticate(username, password.toCharArray());
    DBCollection collection = database.getCollection(oplogCollectionName);

    tailedCursor = collection.find(query);
    callbackThread = new OplogCallbackThread();

From source file:home.vitaly.simulator.mongoCursorReader.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Mongo conn = null;

    mongoCursorReader manager = new mongoCursorReader();
    try {/*  w ww . j  a v  a 2  s.  c om*/
        // Get the MongoDB connection.  Mongo is the connection object.
        conn = manager.getConnection();

        // Get the database from the Connection (Schema in RDBMS World).
        DB db = conn.getDB("DBTR");

        // Get the collection (Table in RDBMS World).  Don't worry, even if it is not there,
        // it can be a lazy fetch and will be created when the first object is inserted
        DBCollection collection = manager.getCollection("tr", db);

        // Check whether there is any document (RDBMS world -> Row), present
        //            if (collection.count() == 0) {
        //            if(collection.count() < 10) {
        //                // Create the document in the TEST collection (RDBMS worlqd -> Table)
        //                DBObject object = new BasicDBObject();
        //                object.put("name", "? ");
        //                object.put("message", " ? !");
        //                collection.insert(object);
        //            }
    } finally {
        if (conn != null) {

From source file:interfaces.Rsuarios.java

public Rsuarios() {
    try {//from   w  ww  .ja  va 2 s  . c o m

        //realizamos la conexion de la base de datos MOngoDB
        Mongo mongo = new Mongo("localhost", 27017);
        db = mongo.getDB("basedadatos");
        tabla = db.getCollection("usuario");
    } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Rsuarios.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } catch (MongoException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Rsuarios.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    //codigo pra centrar, quitar margen y transarencia del formulario


From source file:it.sayservice.platform.smartplanner.utils.LegGenerator.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    Mongo m = new Mongo("localhost"); // default port 27017
    DB db = m.getDB("smart-planner-15x");
    DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("stops");

    // read trips.txt(trips,serviceId).
    List<String[]> trips = readFileGetLines("src/main/resources/schedules/17/trips.txt");
    List<String[]> stopTimes = readFileGetLines("src/main/resources/schedules/17/stop_times.txt");
    for (String[] words : trips) {
        try {/*  w  w  w . ja va 2  s  .  c  o m*/
            String routeId = words[0].trim();
            String serviceId = words[1].trim();
            String tripId = words[2].trim();
            // fetch schedule for trips.
            for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.size(); i++) {
                // already ordered by occurence.
                String[] scheduleLeg = stopTimes.get(i);
                if (scheduleLeg[0].equalsIgnoreCase(tripId)) {
                    // check if next leg belongs to same trip
                    if (stopTimes.get(i + 1)[0].equalsIgnoreCase(tripId)) {

                        String arrivalT = scheduleLeg[1];
                        String departT = scheduleLeg[2];
                        String sourceId = scheduleLeg[3];
                        String destId = stopTimes.get(i + 1)[3];
                        // get coordinates of stops.
                         * make sure that mongo stop collection is
                         * populated. if, not, invoke
                         * http://localhost:7070/smart
                         * -planner/rest/getTransitTimes
                         * /TB_R2_R/1366776000000/1366819200000
                        Stop source = (Stop) getObjectByField(db, "id", sourceId, coll, Stop.class);
                        Stop destination = (Stop) getObjectByField(db, "id", destId, coll, Stop.class);
                        // System.out.println(tripId + ","
                        // + routeId + ","
                        // + source.getId() + ","
                        // + source.getLatitude() + ","
                        // + source.getLongitude() + ","
                        // + arrivalT + ","
                        // + destination.getId() + ","
                        // + destination.getLatitude() + ","
                        // + destination.getLongitude() + ","
                        // + departT + ","
                        // + serviceId
                        // );
                        String content = tripId + "," + routeId + "," + source.getStopId() + ","
                                + source.getLatitude() + "," + source.getLongitude() + "," + arrivalT + ","
                                + destination.getStopId() + "," + destination.getLatitude() + ","
                                + destination.getLongitude() + "," + departT + "," + "Giornaliero" + "\n";

                        File file = new File("src/main/resources/legs/legs.txt");
                        // single leg file
                        if (!file.exists()) {

                        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile(), true);
                        BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
                        // individual trip leg file.
                        File fileT = new File("src/main/resources/legs/legs_" + routeId + ".txt");
                        FileWriter fwT = new FileWriter(fileT.getAbsoluteFile(), true);
                        BufferedWriter bwT = new BufferedWriter(fwT);


        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error parsing trip: " + words[0] + "," + words[1] + "," + words[2]);

From source file:logica.MovieSessionBean.java

private void initDB() {
    Mongo m;
    try {/*from w  w w.ja va2s . c  om*/
        m = new Mongo();
        DB db = m.getDB("movieDB");
        movieColl = db.getCollection("movies");
        if (movieColl == null) {
            movieColl = db.createCollection("movies", null);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        Logger.getLogger(MovieSessionBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);

From source file:MI_PAQUETE.Ventana.java

public Ventana() {

    initComponents();//  w  ww  . j a v a 2 s.c o m
    this.setBounds(10, 10, 345, 51);

    fields[0] = jLabel1;
    fields[1] = jLabel2;
    fields[2] = jLabel3;
    fields[3] = jLabel4;
    fields[4] = jLabel5;
    fields[5] = jLabel6;
    fields[6] = jLabel7;
    fields[7] = jLabel8;
    fields[8] = jLabel9;
    fields[9] = jLabel10;
    fields[10] = jLabel11;
    fields[11] = jLabel12;

    texts[0] = jTextField1;
    texts[1] = jTextField2;
    texts[2] = jTextField3;
    texts[3] = jTextField4;
    texts[4] = jTextField5;
    texts[5] = jTextField6;
    texts[6] = jTextField7;
    texts[7] = jTextField8;
    texts[8] = jTextField9;
    texts[9] = jTextField10;
    texts[10] = jTextField11;
    texts[11] = jTextField12;


    try {
        Mongo mongo = new Mongo("localhost", 27017);

        db = mongo.getDB("Guadalupe");

    } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Form.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

From source file:mongodb.Movies_import.java

public static void main(String[] args)
        throws UnknownHostException, MongoException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {

    Mongo mongo = new Mongo(); //creating an instance of mongodb called mongo

    //using mongo object to get the database name
    List<String> databases = mongo.getDatabaseNames();
    for (String string : databases) {
    }// w  w  w  .  j a  va  2  s  .c  o m

    //assigning db variable to mongoDB directory 'db' created in the terminal
    DB db = mongo.getDB("db");

    DBCollection Collection = db.getCollection("movies_import");

    FileReader filereader = null;
    BufferedReader bufferreader = null;

    try {
        filereader = new FileReader("/Users/cheryldsouza/Documents/UPITT/Data Analytics/ml-10M100K/movies.dat");
        bufferreader = new BufferedReader(filereader);
        System.out.println("Mongodb Files");

        String read = bufferreader.readLine();

        while (read != null) {

            String[] reads = read.split("::");

            BasicDBObject object = new BasicDBObject();

            object.append("MovieID", reads[0]);

            object.append("Title", reads[1]);

            object.append("Genres", reads[2]);

            read = bufferreader.readLine();

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        System.out.println("Documents not found");

    catch (IOException e) {

From source file:mongodb.question2.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, MongoException {

    Mongo mongoclient = new Mongo();

    DB db = mongoclient.getDB("db");

    DBCollection Collection = db.getCollection("tags_import");

    //Need to enter the userid
    System.out.println("Enter the User Id here");
    Scanner userid = new Scanner(System.in);
    String UserId = userid.next();

    BasicDBObject user = new BasicDBObject();
    user.put("UserID", UserId);

    DBCursor usercursor = Collection.find();
    usercursor = Collection.find(user);

    while (usercursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject object = usercursor.next();
        String MovieID = (String) object.get("MovieID");

        System.out.println("MovieID is " + MovieID);

        //for each Movie Id find the target id
        BasicDBObject targetid = new BasicDBObject();
        targetid.put("MovieID", MovieID);

        DBCursor moviecursor = Collection.find();
        moviecursor = Collection.find(targetid);

        int count = moviecursor.count();
        System.out.println("This movie has been rated " + count + " users");

        while (moviecursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject object2 = moviecursor.next();
            String folluserID = (String) object2.get("UserID");
            System.out.println("The following  Users are familiar to the given user  " + folluserID);
        }/*from  w  w  w  .  java 2  s. co  m*/


From source file:mongodb.tagsimport.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, MongoException {

    Mongo mongo = new Mongo();

    List<String> databases = mongo.getDatabaseNames();
    for (String str : databases) {
        System.out.println(str);/*w w  w.  java 2  s  . c  o m*/

    DB db = mongo.getDB("db");

    DBCollection dbCollection = db.getCollection("tags_import");

    FileReader filereader = null;
    BufferedReader bufferreader = null;

    try {
        filereader = new FileReader("/Users/cheryldsouza/Documents/UPITT/Data Analytics/ml-10M100K/tags.dat");
        bufferreader = new BufferedReader(filereader);
        System.out.println("Mongodb Tags File");

        String read = bufferreader.readLine();

        while (read != null) {

            String[] reads = read.split("::");

            //inserting keys

            BasicDBObject object = new BasicDBObject();


            object.append("UserID", reads[0]);

            object.append("MovieID", reads[1]);

            object.append("Tag", reads[2]);

            object.append("Timestamp", reads[3]);

            read = bufferreader.readLine();

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        System.out.println("No documents found. Please try again");

    catch (IOException e) {