List of usage examples for com.mongodb Mongo getDB
@Deprecated public DB getDB(final String dbName)
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License:Apache License
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException { String path = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("windows") ? "mongod.exe" : "mongod"; EmbeddedMongoDB embeddedMongoDB = EmbeddedMongoDB.getOrCreate(path, "--nohttpinterface"); // add users//from ww w.j a v a 2s .co m try { Mongo mongo = new Mongo("localhost", embeddedMongoDB.port()); DB smt = mongo.getDB("smt"); smt.addUser("smt", "ilovesmt".toCharArray()); DB admin = mongo.getDB("admin"); admin.addUser("admin", "admin".toCharArray()); mongo.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println("terminate"); // restart DB with auth option embeddedMongoDB.terminate(); System.out.println("getOrCreate"); embeddedMongoDB = EmbeddedMongoDB.getOrCreate(path, "--nohttpinterface", "--auth", "--dbpath", embeddedMongoDB.dbPath().getAbsolutePath()); System.out.println("waitFor"); System.out.println(embeddedMongoDB.port()); System.out.println(; System.out.println(embeddedMongoDB.dbPath());; embeddedMongoDB.terminate(); }
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License:Apache License
private void buildModel() throws UnknownHostException, MongoException { userIsObject = false;//w w w . j av a 2 s .c om itemIsObject = false; idCounter = 0; preferenceIsString = true; Mongo mongoDDBB = new Mongo(mongoHost, mongoPort); DB db = mongoDDBB.getDB(mongoDB); mongoTimestamp = new Date(0); FastByIDMap<Collection<Preference>> userIDPrefMap = new FastByIDMap<Collection<Preference>>(); if (!mongoAuth || (mongoAuth && db.authenticate(mongoUsername, mongoPassword.toCharArray()))) { collection = db.getCollection(mongoCollection); collectionMap = db.getCollection(MONGO_MAP_COLLECTION); DBObject indexObj = new BasicDBObject(); indexObj.put("element_id", 1); collectionMap.ensureIndex(indexObj); indexObj = new BasicDBObject(); indexObj.put("long_value", 1); collectionMap.ensureIndex(indexObj); collectionMap.remove(new BasicDBObject()); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> user = (Map<String, Object>); if (!user.containsKey("deleted_at")) { long userID = Long.parseLong(fromIdToLong(getID(user.get(mongoUserID), true), true)); long itemID = Long.parseLong(fromIdToLong(getID(user.get(mongoItemID), false), false)); float ratingValue = getPreference(user.get(mongoPreference)); Collection<Preference> userPrefs = userIDPrefMap.get(userID); if (userPrefs == null) { userPrefs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(2); userIDPrefMap.put(userID, userPrefs); } userPrefs.add(new GenericPreference(userID, itemID, ratingValue)); if (user.containsKey("created_at") && mongoTimestamp.compareTo(getDate(user.get("created_at"))) < 0) { mongoTimestamp = getDate(user.get("created_at")); } } } } delegate = new GenericDataModel(GenericDataModel.toDataMap(userIDPrefMap, true)); }
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License:Apache License
private GridFS getGridFs() throws PhrescoException { if (isDebugEnabled) { LOGGER.debug("DbService.getGridFs:Entry"); }// w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m try { Mongo mongo = new Mongo(serverConfig.getDbHost(), serverConfig.getDbPort()); DB db = mongo.getDB(serverConfig.getDbName()); GridFS gfsPhoto = new GridFS(db, "icons"); if (isDebugEnabled) { LOGGER.debug("DbService.getGridFs:Exit"); } return gfsPhoto; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { if (isDebugEnabled) { LOGGER.error("DbService.getGridFs", STATUS_FAILURE, MESSAGE_EQUALS + "\"" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\""); } throw new PhrescoException(e); } catch (MongoException e) { if (isDebugEnabled) { LOGGER.error("DbService.getGridFs", STATUS_FAILURE, MESSAGE_EQUALS + "\"" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\""); } throw new PhrescoException(e); } }
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License:Apache License
public void setDB(final Mongo mongo) { this.mongo = mongo; this.db = mongo.getDB("mydb"); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) *//*ww w .java 2 s. co m*/ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // Reference: String envVars = System.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"); DBObject dbO = (DBObject) JSON.parse(envVars); String parsedString = dbO.get("mongodb").toString(); // Remove trailing and starting array brackets (otherwise it won't be valid JSON) parsedString = parsedString.replaceFirst("\\[ ", ""); parsedString = parsedString.replaceFirst("\\]$", ""); // Get the credentials dbO = (DBObject) JSON.parse(parsedString); parsedString = dbO.get("credentials").toString(); // For debugging only // System.out.println(parsedString); dbO = (DBObject) JSON.parse(parsedString); System.out.println("Host name : " + dbO.get("hostname")); String hostName = dbO.get("hostname").toString(); int port = Integer.parseInt(dbO.get("port").toString()); String dbName = dbO.get("db").toString(); String userName = dbO.get("username").toString(); String password = dbO.get("password").toString(); Mongo mongoClient = new Mongo(hostName, port); DB db = mongoClient.getDB(dbName); db.authenticate(userName, password.toCharArray()); // Clean up old entries DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testCollection"); coll.drop(); BasicDBObject lastAddedObject = null; for (String curItem : myGroceryList) { lastAddedObject = new BasicDBObject("i", curItem); coll.insert(lastAddedObject); } response.getWriter().println("<b>My grocery list is:</b>"); coll.remove(lastAddedObject); DBCollection loadedCollection = db.getCollection("testCollection"); DBCursor cursor = loadedCollection.find(); try { response.getWriter().println("<ul>"); while (cursor.hasNext()) { response.getWriter().println("<li>" +"i") + "</li>"); } response.getWriter().println("</ul>"); } finally { cursor.close(); } }
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public static void main(String args[]) throws UnknownHostException { Mongo mongoClient = new Mongo("localhost", 27017); DB db = mongoClient.getDB("header"); System.out.println("Conn succesful"); DBCollection coll3 = db.getCollection("head_coll"); System.out.println("Collection created successfully ..."); /* BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put("subject", "sub");/*www. j a v a 2s . com*/ document.put("from","frm"); document.put("date","dt"); coll3.insert(document); */ //Scanner in=new Scanner(; //String tst; //System.out.println("Enter serach query:"); //tst=in.nextLine(); Pattern namesRegex; srchtest srch = new srchtest(); srch.assignsearch("19/jan/2015"); if (srch.result == "m3") { String tt = srch.month; // String tst = Character.toUpperCase(tt.charAt(0)) + tt.substring(1); String tst = "Aditya"; //String tst1 = Character.toUpperCase(tst.charAt(0)) + tst.substring(1); namesRegex = Pattern.compile("^(.*)job(.*)you(.*)"); prnt(namesRegex, coll3); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("subject", namesRegex); DBCursor cursor = coll3.find(); System.out.println("***** Output *****"); while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } /* BasicDBObject abc=new BasicDBObject(); abc.put("from","Myntra"); DBCursor cursor = coll3.find(abc); while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } */ /*coll3.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("from", 1),new BasicDBObject("date", 1)); List <DBObject> list = coll3.getIndexInfo(); for (DBObject o : list) { System.out.println(o); } */ //BasicDBObject abc=new BasicDBObject(); //abc.put("subject","Internshala Campus Ambassador 3.0"); //"2015-01-21T23:41:40.000Z" //DBCursor cursor = coll3.find(abc); //DBCursor.explain(BasicDB); //while(cursor.hasNext()) { //System.out.println(; //} }
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public static void main(String args[]) { try {//from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m Mongo mongoClient = new Mongo("localhost", 27017); DB db = mongoClient.getDB("header"); System.out.println("Conn succesful"); //DBCollection coll3 = db.getCollection("temp_col"); has date stored in date format,not as string DBCollection coll3 = db.getCollection("head_coll"); System.out.println("Collection created successfully"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("EmailText.txt"); PrintStream print = new PrintStream(out); Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties()); props.setProperty("", "imaps"); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", ""); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); Store store = session.getStore("imaps"); //store.connect("", "", "Phoenix81#"); store.connect("", "", "m@vr1ck2009"); System.out.println(store); Folder inbox = store.getFolder("inbox");; //HEADERS /* Message[] messages = inbox.getMessages(); for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { System.out.println((i + 1)); Enumeration headers = messages[i].getAllHeaders(); while (headers.hasMoreElements()) { Header h = (Header) headers.nextElement(); BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); if((!"Subject".equals(h.getName()))&&(!"From".equals(h.getName()))&&(!"Date".equals(h.getName()))&&(!"To".equals(h.getName()))&&(!"Delivered-To".equals(h.getName()))) { System.out.println(h.getName() + ": " + h.getValue()); document.put(h.getName(), h.getValue()); } coll3.insert(document); System.out.println("========================================="); }} */ //String[][] data = null; FlagTerm ft = new FlagTerm(new Flags(Flags.Flag.SEEN), false); Message msg[] =; System.out.println("MAILS: " + msg.length); int countMail = 0; // int i=0; for (Message message : msg) { //if (countMail < 10) { if (!message.getFrom()[0].toString().contains("")) { countMail++; // if(message.getFrom()[0].toString().contains("Internshala")) //{ BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); Enumeration headers = message.getAllHeaders(); while (headers.hasMoreElements()) { Header h = (Header) headers.nextElement(); if ((!"Subject".equals(h.getName())) && (!"From".equals(h.getName())) && (!"Date".equals(h.getName())) && (!"To".equals(h.getName())) && (!"Delivered-To".equals(h.getName()))) { System.out.println(h.getName() + ": " + h.getValue()); document.put(h.getName(), h.getValue()); } System.out.println("========================================="); } // Date dt=new Date(); String dt = message.getSentDate().toString(); //System.out.println("HELOO!!!! DATE: " + dt); //print.println(message.getSentDate().toString()); //System.out.println("Hello!!! FROM: " +message.getFrom()[0].toString()); String frm = message.getFrom()[0].toString(); //for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {} // for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; ++j){;} //print.println(message.getFrom()[0].toString()); String sbj = message.getSubject(); //System.out.println("SUBJECT: " + sbj); document.put("subject", sbj); document.put("from", frm); document.put("date", dt); coll3.insert(document); //print.println(message.getSubject()); /* System.out.println("CONTENT: " + message.getContent().toString()); print.println(message.getContent().toString()); System.out.println(message.getContentType()); print.println(message.getContentType()); */ /* Object content = message.getContent(); if(content instanceof String) { String str=(String) content; print.println(str); } else if(content instanceof Multipart) { Multipart mp=(Multipart) content; int count = mp.getCount(); System.out.println("-----------"); for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { BodyPart bp = mp.getBodyPart(x); System.out.println(bp.getContent().toString()); // print.println(bp.getContent().toString()); } } */ //BasicDBObject newDocument = new BasicDBObject(); //List<BasicDBObject> obj = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(); //obj.add(new BasicDBObject("subject",sbj)); //obj.add(new BasicDBObject("from",frm)); //newDocument.put("$and", obj); //newDocument.append("$set", new BasicDBObject().append("date", date)); //coll.insert(newDocument); //DBCursor cursor = coll2.find(); //while (cursor.hasNext()) //{ // System.out.println(; //} /* coll3.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("from", 1),new BasicDBObject("date", 1)); coll3.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("sub", 1),new BasicDBObject("from", 1)); coll3.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("from", 1)); */ System.out.println("*******"); //} } //System.out.println(countMail++); //} } } catch (MessagingException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } }
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public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException { usrname = ""; Mongo mongoClient = new Mongo("localhost", 27017); DB db = mongoClient.getDB("email3"); System.out.println("Conn succesful"); DBCollection coll3 = db.getCollection(usrname); System.out.println("Collection created successfully ..."); //Search//from w w w . j a v a 2s. c om search srch = new search(); srch.assignsearch("29aug1990"); if (srch.result == "m3") { Date dt = srch.d; System.out.println(dt); } if (srch.result == "m6") { Date dt = srch.d; } if (srch.result == "m9") { str1 = srch.srchstr2; str2 = srch.srchstr3; //Use these two strings for searching in mongodb } if (srch.result == "m10") { //use these two strings for searching in mongodb str1 = srch.srchstr2; str2 = srch.srchstr3; str3 = srch.srchstr4; System.out.println(str1 + str2); } if (srch.result == "m11") { } }
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public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //Load our image byte[] imageBytes = LoadImage("/home/fabrice/Pictures/priv/DSCN3338.JPG"); //Connect to database Mongo mongo = new Mongo(""); String dbName = "GridFSTestJava"; DB db = mongo.getDB(dbName); //Create GridFS object GridFS fs = new GridFS(db); //Save image into database GridFSInputFile in = fs.createFile(imageBytes);;/*from w w w. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ //Find saved image GridFSDBFile out = fs.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", in.getId())); //Save loaded image from database into new image file FileOutputStream outputImage = new FileOutputStream("/home/fabrice/Pictures/DSCN3338Copy.JPG"); out.writeTo(outputImage); outputImage.close(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Get the MongoDB database instance./*from ww w . j a va 2s . c o m*/ * * @param mongo MongoDB handle. * @param databaseName Database name. * @param subDatabaseName Sub-database name (for unit tests). If the subdatabase name is empty, the database name is * used, otherwise the subdatabase name is appended to. Example, database="TEST", subdatabase * name="texas" would produce "TEST_texas". * @return MongoDB instance. * @throws MongoDBConnectionException If something went wrong. */ @Nonnull protected MongoDB getDB(@Nonnull final Mongo mongo, @Nonnull final String databaseName, @Nonnull final String subDatabaseName) { assert mongo != null; assert databaseName != null; assert subDatabaseName != null; final MongoDB mongoDb = new MongoDB(mongo.getDB(databaseName), subDatabaseName); return mongoDb; }