List of usage examples for com.mongodb.gridfs GridFSInputFile setFilename
public void setFilename(final String filename)
From source
License:Open Source License
public synchronized void saveNucleusImage(ObjectId nucleus_id, int fileIdx, int fileType, ImageHandler img) { removeNucleusImage(nucleus_id, fileIdx, fileType); if (img == null) { System.out.println("set nucleus image null"); return;/*w ww . ja v a 2s . com*/ } try { GridFSInputFile gfi = this.gfsNucleus.createFile(img.getBinaryData()); gfi.setFilename(img.getImagePlus().getShortTitle()); gfi.put("nucleus_id", nucleus_id); gfi.put("fileIdx", fileIdx); gfi.put("fileType", fileType); gfi.put("pixelDepth", img.getScaleZ()); gfi.put("unit", img.getUnit()); gfi.put("offsetX", img.offsetX); gfi.put("offsetY", img.offsetY); gfi.put("offsetZ", img.offsetZ);; if (gfi != null) { gfi.getOutputStream().close(); } } catch (Exception e) { exceptionPrinter.print(e, "Error while saving image:" + img.getTitle(), Core.GUIMode); } }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * go through all the embedded content, store it to GridFS, replace the doc embeddings with a hyperlink to the saved content. *//*w w w . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ protected void embedSteps(final DBObject feature, final GridFS gridFS, final Coordinates coordinates) { final BasicDBList elements = (BasicDBList) feature.get("elements"); final String featureId = (String) feature.get("_id"); if (elements != null) { for (int j = 0; j < elements.size(); j++) { final DBObject scenario = (DBObject) elements.get(j); final String scenarioId = (String) scenario.get("_id"); final BasicDBList steps = (BasicDBList) scenario.get("steps"); if (steps != null) { for (int k = 0; k < steps.size(); k++) { final DBObject step = (DBObject) steps.get(k); final BasicDBList embeddings = (BasicDBList) step.get("embeddings"); if (embeddings != null) { for (int l = 0; l < embeddings.size(); l++) { final DBObject embedding = (DBObject) embeddings.get(l); final GridFSInputFile image = gridFS.createFile( Base64.decodeBase64(((String) embedding.get("data")).getBytes())); image.setFilename(guid()); final BasicDBObject metadata = new BasicDBObject() .append("product", coordinates.getProduct()) .append("major", coordinates.getMajor()) .append("minor", coordinates.getMinor()) .append("servicePack", coordinates.getServicePack()) .append("build", coordinates.getBuild()).append("feature", featureId) .append("scenario", scenarioId); image.setMetaData(metadata); image.setContentType((String) embedding.get("mime_type"));; embeddings.put(l, image.getFilename()); } } } } } } }
From source
License:Apache License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @POST//from w w w . ja va2s .c o m @Path("/{elementId}/{report}/{version}/{build}/{id}") @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) public String setAttachment(@PathParam("report") final String report, @PathParam("version") final String version, @PathParam("build") final String build, @PathParam("id") final String id, @PathParam("elementId") final String elementId, @FormDataParam("attachmentfile") final File file, @FormDataParam("attachmentfile") final FormDataBodyPart body, @Context final HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { try (final InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file.getAbsolutePath())) { final String elementIdMod = elementId.replace("&2F", "/"); final DB gridDB = this.client.getDB("grid"); final GridFS gridFS = new GridFS(gridDB); final GridFSInputFile gridFile = gridFS.createFile(is); gridFile.setFilename( body.getMediaType().toString().split("/")[0] + "" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()); gridFile.setContentType(body.getMediaType().toString());; final DB bddDB = this.client.getDB("bdd"); final DBCollection collection = bddDB.getCollection("features"); // // get object final String featureId = report + "/" + version + "/" + build + "/" + id; final DBObject feature = collection.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", featureId)); final BasicDBList elements = (BasicDBList) feature.get("elements"); String scenarioName = ""; if (elements != null) { for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { final DBObject scenario = (DBObject) elements.get(i); if (scenario.get("id").equals(id + ";" + elementIdMod)) { scenarioName = (String) scenario.get("name"); // get steps final BasicDBList steps = (BasicDBList) scenario.get("steps"); final DBObject laststep = (DBObject) steps.get(steps.size() - 1); List<String> embeddings = new ArrayList<String>(); if (laststep.containsField("embeddings")) { embeddings = (ArrayList<String>) laststep.get("embeddings"); } embeddings.add(gridFile.getFilename()); // get existng then add to them laststep.put("embeddings", embeddings); steps.set(steps.size() - 1, laststep); scenario.put("steps", steps); elements.set(i, scenario); } } } feature.put("elements", elements); feature.put("statusLastEditedBy", req.getRemoteUser()); feature.put("lastEditOn", new Date()); // add edit update BasicDBList edits = (BasicDBList) feature.get("edits"); if (edits == null) { edits = new BasicDBList(); } final BasicDBList temp = new BasicDBList(); temp.add(new BasicDBObject().append("id", "embeddings").append("added", gridFile.getFilename()) .append("removed", null)); final BasicDBList masks = new BasicDBList(); masks.add(new BasicDBObject().append("scenario", scenarioName).append("changes", temp)); final BasicDBObject edit = new BasicDBObject().append("name", feature.get("statusLastEditedBy")) .append("date", feature.get("lastEditOn")).append("prev", feature.get("calculatedStatus")) .append("curr", feature.get("calculatedStatus")).append("stepChanges", masks); final BasicDBList newEdits = new BasicDBList(); newEdits.add(edit); newEdits.addAll(edits); feature.put("edits", newEdits);; return gridFile.getFilename(); } }