Example usage for Java com.mongodb.gridfs GridFSInputFile fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | getFilename() Gets the filename. |
Object | getId() Gets the id. |
long | getLength() Gets the file's length. |
String | getMD5() Gets the observed MD5 during transfer |
DBObject | getMetaData() Gets the file metadata. |
OutputStream | getOutputStream() After retrieving this java.io.OutputStream , this object will be capable of accepting successively written data to the output stream. |
Object | put(final String key, final Object v) |
void | save() Calls GridFSInputFile#save(long) with the existing chunk size. |
void | setChunkSize(final long chunkSize) Set the chunk size. |
void | setContentType(final String contentType) Sets the content type (MIME type) on the GridFS entry. |
void | setFilename(final String filename) Sets the file name on the GridFS entry. |
void | setId(final Object id) Sets the ID of this GridFS file. |
void | setMetaData(final DBObject metadata) Gets the file metadata. |
void | validate() Verifies that the MD5 matches between the database and the local file. |