List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCursor sort
public DBCursor sort(final DBObject orderBy)
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License:Open Source License
public BasicDBList find(String collectionName, DBObject query, DBObject orderby, Integer limit) { BasicDBList result = new BasicDBList(); DBCursor c = null; if (query == null) { c = database.getCollection(collectionName).find(); } else {/*from www .jav a 2 s .c o m*/ c = database.getCollection(collectionName).find(query); } if (orderby == null) { c.sort(orderby); } if (limit != null && limit > 0) { c = c.limit(limit); } while (c.hasNext()) { result.add(; } c.close(); return result; }
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License:Apache License
/** * // w ww .ja v a 2s. co m * @param httpHeaders * @param collection * @param dbObj1 * @param dbObj2 * @param successMsg * @param sort * @param limit * @param skip * @param count * @return */ public DBObject executeFindQuery(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, String dbName, String collection, DBObject dbObj1, DBObject dbObj2, String successMsg, String sort, int limit, int skip, boolean count) { try { if (dbName == null) dbName = getDbNameFromHTTPHeader(httpHeaders); DBCursor cursorDoc = null; if (count) { BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); dbObject.put("count", DBConn.getConn(dbName).getCollection(collection).find(dbObj1).count()); return jSON2Rrn.createJSON(dbObject, successMsg); } else { if (dbObj2 == null) { cursorDoc = DBConn.getConn(dbName).getCollection(collection).find(dbObj1); } else { cursorDoc = DBConn.getConn(dbName).getCollection(collection).find(dbObj1, dbObj2); } } if (sort != null) { try { DBObject sortObj = (DBObject) JSON.parse(sort); cursorDoc = cursorDoc.sort(sortObj); } catch (Exception e) { return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("Error in filtering JSON sorting object: " + sort, e); } } if (skip != 0) cursorDoc = cursorDoc.skip(skip); if (limit != 0) cursorDoc = cursorDoc.limit(limit); Vector<DBObject> recordsVec = new Vector<DBObject>(); while (cursorDoc.hasNext()) { DBObject obj =; if (collection.equalsIgnoreCase(MongoDistributions.COL_DISTRIBUTIONS) && dbObj1.containsField("_id")) { obj = getValues(obj, httpHeaders, dbName, obj.get("_id").toString(), MongoDistributions.COL_DISTRIBUTIONS); } else if (collection.equalsIgnoreCase(MongoConsumptionModels.COL_CONSMODELS) && dbObj1.containsField("_id")) { obj = getValues(obj, httpHeaders, dbName, obj.get("_id").toString(), MongoConsumptionModels.COL_CONSMODELS); } else if (collection.equalsIgnoreCase(MongoPricingPolicy.COL_PRICING)) { PricingPolicy pp = new PricingPolicy(obj); double oneKw24Cost = pp.calcOneKw24(); obj.put("onekw24", oneKw24Cost); } if (obj.containsField("_id")) obj = addChildrenCounts(httpHeaders, collection, obj); recordsVec.add(obj); } cursorDoc.close(); return jSON2Rrn.createJSON(recordsVec, successMsg); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("MongoQueryError: Cannot execute find query for collection: " + collection + " with qKey=" + dbObj1 + " and qValue=" + dbObj2, e); } }
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/** * Returns a view of the objects in the collection that contains the specified range. The objects are sorted by the key in ascending order. * Optionally, the number of objects found in the collection is returned to the caller. Also, the returned fields can be filtered. * @param sortCriteria - objects in the collection are sorted with this criteria * @param collection - collection where the objects are searched * @param start - starting index//ww w.j av a 2 s.c om * @param size - maximum number of objects returned * @param query - the expression to be used to query the collection * @param projection - (optional) Specifies the fields to return using projection operators. To return all fields in the matching document, * omit this parameter * @param count - (optional) is updated with the number of objects in the database * @return a view of the objects in the collection that contains the specified range */ public List<BasicDBObject> list(final DBObject sortCriteria, final String collection, final int start, final int size, final @Nullable DBObject query, final @Nullable DBObject projection, final @Nullable MutableLong count) { checkArgument(sortCriteria != null, "Uninitialized sort criteria"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final List<BasicDBObject> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); final DBCursor cursor = dbcol.find(query != null ? query : new BasicDBObject(), projection != null ? projection : new BasicDBObject()); cursor.sort(sortCriteria); cursor.skip(start).limit(size); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((BasicDBObject); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (count != null) { count.setValue(cursor.count()); } return list; }
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License:Mozilla Public License
@Override protected DBCursor getDataCursor(Map<String, ?> ranges, int start, int count, ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors, Map<String, INDEXTYPE> indexTypes) { DBCursor cursor = super.getDataCursor(ranges, start, count, columnDescriptors, indexTypes); //TODO use indexes on filters ; check // example : {horizon:1,datetime:1,CHOO17GROUP_1_NGU_SM_P:1} return cursor.sort(new BasicDBObject("datetime", 1)); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
@Override protected DBCursor getDataCursor(Map<String, ?> ranges, int start, int count, ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors, Map<String, INDEXTYPE> indexTypes) { DBCursor cursor = super.getDataCursor(ranges, start, count, columnDescriptors, indexTypes); return cursor.sort(new BasicDBObject("datetime", 1)); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Builds the variant rows./* www.j a va2 s. co m*/ * * @param mongoTemplate the mongo template * @param variantsToBuildRowsFor the variants to build rows for * @param sortBy the sort by * @param sortDir the sort dir * @param page the page * @param size the size * @param variantFieldMap the variant field map * @param runDataFieldMap the run data field map * @return the array list */ private ArrayList<Object[]> buildVariantRows(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate, DBCursor variantsToBuildRowsFor, String sortBy, String sortDir, int page, int size, HashMap<Integer, String> variantFieldMap, Map<Integer, String> runDataFieldMap) { if (sortBy != null && sortBy.length() > 0) { String cleanSortField = sortBy.replaceFirst("%23", ""); variantsToBuildRowsFor.sort( new BasicDBObject(cleanSortField, Integer.valueOf("DESC".equalsIgnoreCase(sortDir) ? -1 : 1))); } variantsToBuildRowsFor.skip(page * size).limit(size); ArrayList<Object[]> variantRows = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); HashMap<Comparable, Object[]> variantIdToRowMap = new HashMap<Comparable, Object[]>(); Collection<Comparable> currentVariants = new ArrayList<Comparable>(); while (variantsToBuildRowsFor.hasNext()) { DBObject record =; Object[] aRow = new Object[variantFieldMap.size() + runDataFieldMap.size()]; for (int i : variantFieldMap.keySet()) aRow[i] = Helper.readPossiblyNestedField(record, variantFieldMap.get(i)); variantRows.add(aRow); variantIdToRowMap.put((Comparable) aRow[0], aRow); currentVariants.add((Comparable) aRow[0]); } if (!runDataFieldMap.isEmpty()) { // Query on VariantRunData so we can fill run-related fields ArrayList<DBObject> genotypingDataAggregationParams2 = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); genotypingDataAggregationParams2.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", new BasicDBObject( "_id." + VariantRunDataId.FIELDNAME_VARIANT_ID, new BasicDBObject("$in", currentVariants)))); DBObject project = new BasicDBObject(); for (String sField : runDataFieldMap.values()) project.put(sField.replaceAll("\\.", ""), "$" + sField); genotypingDataAggregationParams2.add(new BasicDBObject("$project", project)); // long beforeQuery = System.currentTimeMillis(); Cursor genotypingDataCursor = mongoTemplate .getCollection(MongoTemplateManager.getMongoCollectionName(VariantRunData.class)) .aggregate(genotypingDataAggregationParams2, AggregationOptions.builder().allowDiskUse(true).build()); while (genotypingDataCursor.hasNext()) { DBObject record =; Object[] aRow = variantIdToRowMap.get( Helper.readPossiblyNestedField(record, "_id." + VariantRunDataId.FIELDNAME_VARIANT_ID)); for (int fieldIndex : runDataFieldMap.keySet()) aRow[fieldIndex] = record.get(runDataFieldMap.get(fieldIndex).replaceAll("\\.", "")); } // LOG.debug("Genotyping data main query treated in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeQuery) + "ms"); } return variantRows; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * In MongoDB : <br/> //from ww w . ja v a2 s. c om * find(Query, Projection).sort(SortFilter).skip(SkipFilter).limit(LimitFilter);<br/> * In addition, one shall limit the scan by: <br/> * find(Query, Projection)._addSpecial( "$maxscan", highlimit) * .sort(SortFilter).skip(SkipFilter).limit(LimitFilter); * * @param query * @param result to be filtered using query * @return the new result or null if the same */ private ResultInterface lastFilter(final AbstractQueryParser query, final ResultInterface result) { if (simulate) { return null; } boolean filter = (query.getLimit() > 0 || query.getOffset() > 0); if (!filter) { return null; } ObjectNode orderBy = query.getOrderBy(); if (GlobalDatas.PRINT_REQUEST) { LOGGER.warn("Req1LevelMD Filter on: Limit {} Offset {} OrderBy {}", query.getLimit(), query.getOffset(), orderBy); } final ResultInterface subresult = CassandraAccess.createOneResult(); BasicDBObject inClause = getInClauseForField(DAip.ID, result.getCurrentDaip()); final DBCursor cursor = mdAccess.daips.collection.find(inClause, ID_NBCHILD); if (query.getLimit() > 0) { cursor.limit(query.getLimit()); } if (query.getOffset() > 0) { cursor.skip(query.getOffset()); } if (orderBy != null) { // orderBy is used only if limit and/or offset is set cursor.sort((DBObject) orderBy); } long tempCount = 0; while (cursor.hasNext()) { final DAip maip = (DAip); final String mid = maip.getId(); subresult.getCurrentDaip().add(mid); tempCount += maip.getLong(DAip.NBCHILD); } cursor.close(); if (subresult.getCurrentDaip().containsAll(result.getCurrentDaip())) { // same so don't change it return null; } subresult.setNbSubNodes(tempCount); // Not updateMinMax since result is not "valid" path but node UUID and not needed subresult.setMinLevel(result.getMinLevel()); subresult.setMaxLevel(result.getMaxLevel()); subresult.setLoaded(true); if (GlobalDatas.PRINT_REQUEST) { subresult.putBeforeSave(); LOGGER.warn("Filtered: {}", subresult); } return subresult; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * In MongoDB : <br/> //from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om * find(Query, Projection).sort(SortFilter).skip(SkipFilter).limit(LimitFilter);<br/> * In addition, one shall limit the scan by: <br/> * find(Query, Projection)._addSpecial( "$maxscan", highlimit) * .sort(SortFilter).skip(SkipFilter).limit(LimitFilter); * * @param query * @param result to be filtered using query * @return the new result or null if the same */ private ResultInterface lastFilter(final AbstractQueryParser query, final ResultInterface result) { if (simulate) { return null; } boolean filter = (query.getLimit() > 0 || query.getOffset() > 0); if (!filter) { return null; } ObjectNode orderBy = query.getOrderBy(); if (GlobalDatas.PRINT_REQUEST) { LOGGER.warn("Req1LevelMD Filter on: Limit {} Offset {} OrderBy {}", query.getLimit(), query.getOffset(), orderBy); } final ResultInterface subresult = MongoDbAccess.createOneResult(); BasicDBObject inClause = getInClauseForField(DAip.ID, result.getCurrentDaip()); final DBCursor cursor = mdAccess.daips.collection.find(inClause, ID_NBCHILD); if (query.getLimit() > 0) { cursor.limit(query.getLimit()); } if (query.getOffset() > 0) { cursor.skip(query.getOffset()); } if (orderBy != null) { // orderBy is used only if limit and/or offset is set cursor.sort((DBObject) orderBy); } long tempCount = 0; while (cursor.hasNext()) { final DAip maip = (DAip); final String mid = maip.getId(); subresult.getCurrentDaip().add(mid); tempCount += maip.getLong(DAip.NBCHILD); } cursor.close(); if (subresult.getCurrentDaip().containsAll(result.getCurrentDaip())) { // same so don't change it return null; } subresult.setNbSubNodes(tempCount); // Not updateMinMax since result is not "valid" path but node UUID and not needed subresult.setMinLevel(result.getMinLevel()); subresult.setMaxLevel(result.getMaxLevel()); subresult.setLoaded(true); if (GlobalDatas.PRINT_REQUEST) { subresult.putBeforeSave(); LOGGER.warn("Filtered: {}", subresult); } return subresult; }
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License:Apache License
private DBCursor getCursor() { DBCollection collection = collectionFactory.get(); assertNotNull(queryObject, "findQuery == null"); DBCursor cursor; if (fields != null) { BasicDBObject selectFields = new BasicDBObject(); for (String field : fields) { selectFields.append(field, 1); }// w ww .j av a 2 s . c o m cursor = collection.find(queryObject, selectFields); } else { cursor = collection.find(queryObject); } if (skip > 0) cursor.skip(skip); if (limit > 0) cursor.limit(limit); if (sortObject != null) cursor.sort(sortObject); return cursor; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Collection<Resource> members(RequestContext ctx) throws Exception { LinkedList<Resource> members = new LinkedList<>(); DBObject returnFields = new BasicDBObject(); if (ctx.returnFields() != null && !ctx.returnFields().child(LiveOak.MEMBERS).isEmpty()) { ReturnFields membersReturnFields = ctx.returnFields().child(LiveOak.MEMBERS); if (!membersReturnFields.isAll()) { membersReturnFields.forEach((fieldName) -> { returnFields.put(fieldName, true); });//from w ww .java 2s. c om } } DBCursor dbCursor = dbCollection.find(queryObject, returnFields); ResourceParams resourceParams = ctx.resourceParams(); if (resourceParams != null && resourceParams.contains("hint")) { String hint = resourceParams.value("hint"); if (hint.startsWith("{")) { try { DBObject hintObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(hint); dbCursor.hint(hintObject); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NotAcceptableException(uri().toString(), "Invalid JSON format for the 'hint' parameter", e); } } else { dbCursor.hint(hint); } } if (explainQuery) { members.add(new MongoEmbeddedObjectResource(this, dbCursor.explain())); } else { Sorting sorting = ctx.sorting(); if (sorting != null) { BasicDBObject sortingObject = new BasicDBObject(); for (Sorting.Spec spec : sorting) { sortingObject.append(, spec.ascending() ? 1 : -1); } dbCursor = dbCursor.sort(sortingObject); } Pagination pagination = ctx.pagination(); if (pagination != null) { dbCursor.limit(pagination.limit()); dbCursor.skip(pagination.offset()); } try { dbCursor.hasNext(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ResourceProcessingException( "Exception encountered trying to fetch data from the Mongo Database", e); } dbCursor.forEach((dbObject) -> { members.add(new MongoBaseObjectResource(this, dbObject)); }); } return members; }