List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection update
public WriteResult update(final DBObject query, final DBObject update, final boolean upsert, final boolean multi)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void update(ChangeData changeData) { try {//from www .j ava 2 s . c o m DB db = MongoDBProvider.getInstance().getDB(); DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("changedata"); String processedSource = processSource(changeData.getSource()); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("source", processedSource); BasicDBObject object = new BasicDBObject(); object.put("source", processedSource); object.put("lastChange", changeData.getLastChange()); coll.update(query, object, true, false); } catch (MongoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void update(TestData testData) { try {/* w w w. j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ DB db = MongoDBProvider.getInstance().getDB(); DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testdata"); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("source", testData.getClassName()); BasicDBObject object = new BasicDBObject(); object.put("source", testData.getClassName()); object.put("fails", testData.getFails()); coll.update(query, object, true, false); } catch (MongoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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License:Apache License
public void moveNode(BasicDBObject node, BasicDBObject newParent, DBCollection collection) { // Get the left and right values Long originalLeft = node.getLong("left"); Long originalRight = node.getLong("right"); Long subtreeWidth = originalRight - originalLeft; // Compute the new left and right values for the nodeToMove Long newLeft = newParent.getLong("right"); Long newRight = newParent.getLong("right") + subtreeWidth; // Make space for the new subtree under the new parent collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append("right", new BasicDBObject().append("$gte", newParent.get("right"))), new BasicDBObject().append("$inc", new BasicDBObject().append("right", subtreeWidth + 1)), false, true);/*w w w . java 2 s.c om*/ collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append("left", new BasicDBObject().append("$gte", newParent.get("right"))), new BasicDBObject().append("$inc", new BasicDBObject().append("left", subtreeWidth + 1)), false, true); // Re-fetch the node to move, since the left and right values may have changed node = (BasicDBObject) collection.findOne(new BasicDBObject().append("_id", node.get("_id"))); Long difference = node.getLong("left") - newLeft; // Move the old subtree into a new location collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append("left", new BasicDBObject().append("$gte", node.getLong("left"))) .append("right", new BasicDBObject().append("$lte", node.getLong("right"))), new BasicDBObject().append("$inc", new BasicDBObject().append("left", 0 - difference).append("right", 0 - difference)), false, true); // Remove empty space from the parent //db.test.update({left:nodeToMove.left-1, right:nodeToMove.right+1}, {right:nodeToMove.left}); collection.update(new BasicDBObject().append("right", new BasicDBObject().append("$gte", node.get("left"))), new BasicDBObject().append("$inc", new BasicDBObject().append("right", 0 - subtreeWidth - 1)), false, true); collection.update(new BasicDBObject().append("left", new BasicDBObject().append("$gte", node.get("left"))), new BasicDBObject().append("$inc", new BasicDBObject().append("left", 0 - subtreeWidth - 1)), false, true); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void roleChanged(UserAdminEvent event) { if (UserAdminEvent.ROLE_CHANGED == event.getType()) { // Only the changes are interesting, as the creation and // removal are already caught by #addRole and #removeRole.... Role changedRole = event.getRole(); try {// w ww. ja v a 2s. c o m DBCollection coll = getCollection(); DBObject query = getTemplateObject(changedRole); DBObject update = m_helper.serializeUpdate(changedRole); WriteResult result = coll.update(query, update, false /* upsert */, false /* multi */); if (result.getLastError() != null) { result.getLastError().throwOnError(); } } catch (MongoException e) { m_log.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Failed to update changed role: " + changedRole.getName(), e); } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public <T extends Document> void update(Collection<T> collection, List<String> keys, UpdateOp updateOp) { log("update", keys, updateOp); UpdateUtils.assertUnconditional(updateOp); DBCollection dbCollection = getDBCollection(collection); QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilder.start(Document.ID).in(keys); // make sure we don't modify the original updateOp updateOp = updateOp.copy();//from w w w . j ava 2 s. co m DBObject update = createUpdate(updateOp, false); final Stopwatch watch = startWatch(); try { Map<String, NodeDocument> cachedDocs = Collections.emptyMap(); if (collection == Collection.NODES) { cachedDocs = Maps.newHashMap(); for (String key : keys) { cachedDocs.put(key, nodesCache.getIfPresent(key)); } } try { dbCollection.update(query.get(), update, false, true); if (collection == Collection.NODES) { Map<String, ModificationStamp> modCounts = getModStamps( filterValues(cachedDocs, notNull()).keySet()); // update cache for (Entry<String, NodeDocument> entry : cachedDocs.entrySet()) { // the cachedDocs is not empty, so the collection = NODES Lock lock = nodeLocks.acquire(entry.getKey()); try { ModificationStamp postUpdateModStamp = modCounts.get(entry.getKey()); if (postUpdateModStamp != null && entry.getValue() != null && entry.getValue() != NodeDocument.NULL && Long.valueOf(postUpdateModStamp.modCount - 1) .equals(entry.getValue().getModCount())) { // post update modCount is one higher than // what we currently see in the cache. we can // replace the cached document NodeDocument newDoc = applyChanges(Collection.NODES, entry.getValue(), updateOp.shallowCopy(entry.getKey())); nodesCache.replaceCachedDocument(entry.getValue(), newDoc); } else { // make sure concurrently loaded document is // invalidated nodesCache.invalidate(entry.getKey()); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } } } catch (MongoException e) { // some documents may still have been updated // invalidate all documents affected by this update call for (String k : keys) { nodesCache.invalidate(k); } throw DocumentStoreException.convert(e); } } finally { stats.doneUpdate(watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), collection, keys.size()); } }
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License:Apache License
public int generateBatchId(Configuration conf, String batchId) { MongoClient mongoClient = null;/*from w w w . jav a 2 s . co m*/ try { mongoClient = new MongoClient(goraMongoAddress); DB db = mongoClient.getDB(goraMongoDb); String cId = conf.get(Nutch.CRAWL_ID_KEY); String collPrefix = ""; if (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNoneEmpty(cId)) { collPrefix = cId + "_"; } String crawlColl = collPrefix + "webpage"; DBCollection collOps = db.getCollection(crawlColl); //update({"count":{$gt:20}},{$set:{"name":"c4"}},false,true) BasicDBObject q = new BasicDBObject("batchId", null); DBObject set = new BasicDBObject("batchId", batchId); set.put("markers._gnmrk_", batchId); BasicDBObject o = new BasicDBObject("$set", set); WriteResult wr = collOps.update(q, o, false, true); long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //taotoxht add q = new BasicDBObject(); q.append("fetchTime", new BasicDBObject().append(QueryOperators.GT, curTime)); o = new BasicDBObject(); o.append("$set", new BasicDBObject().append("fetchTime", curTime)); collOps.update(q, o, false, true); return wr.getN(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 0; } finally { if (mongoClient != null) { mongoClient.close(); } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Inserts or updates (if already exists) an object in the form of JSON representation into the database. Any kind of complex * data structure can be converted to JSON using gson library and passed to this function * @param database Database name/*from w w w .ja v a2 s . c om*/ * @param jsonObject JSON Object * @param collection collection name */ public void insertOrUpdateUsingJSON(String database, JsonObject keytoSearch, JsonObject jsonObjectToUpdate, String collection) throws TotalADSDBMSException { DB db = mongoClient.getDB(database); DBCollection coll = db.getCollection(collection); BasicDBObject docToUpdate = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(jsonObjectToUpdate.toString()); BasicDBObject keyToSearch = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(keytoSearch.toString()); WriteResult writeRes = coll.update(keyToSearch, docToUpdate, true, false); CommandResult cmdResult = writeRes.getLastError(); if (!cmdResult.ok()) throw new TotalADSDBMSException("Error : " + cmdResult.getErrorMessage()); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * This function is used to update the values of individual fields--specified by the replacementFieldsAndValue object-- * in documents--specified by the searchFieldsandValues object. Pass two objects of classes that only has primitive data types * as fields--no methods. Each object's fields' values and their data types will be automatically extracted and used * in the update. If no document matches the criteria then new document will be inserted * @param searchKeyAndItsValue Search fields * @param replacementFieldsAndValues Replacement fields * @param database Database name// w w w . ja v a2s .c o m * @param collection Collection name * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ public void replaceFields(Object searchKeyAndItsValue, Object replacementFieldsAndValues, String database, String collection) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, TotalADSDBMSException { DB db = mongoClient.getDB(database); DBCollection coll = db.getCollection(collection); BasicDBObject replacementDocument = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBObject setFieldValDocument = new BasicDBObject(); extractKeysAndValuesfromTheObject(replacementFieldsAndValues, setFieldValDocument); replacementDocument.append("$set", setFieldValDocument); BasicDBObject searchQueryDocument = new BasicDBObject(); //.append("hosting", "hostB"); extractKeysAndValuesfromTheObject(searchKeyAndItsValue, searchQueryDocument); WriteResult writeRes = coll.update(searchQueryDocument, replacementDocument, true, false); CommandResult cmdResult = writeRes.getLastError(); if (!cmdResult.ok()) throw new TotalADSDBMSException("Error : " + cmdResult.getErrorMessage()); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void insertOrUpdateUsingJSON(String database, JsonObject keytoSearch, JsonObject jsonObjectToUpdate, String collection) throws TotalADSDBMSException { DB db = mongoClient.getDB(database); DBCollection coll = db.getCollection(collection); BasicDBObject docToUpdate = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(jsonObjectToUpdate.toString()); BasicDBObject keyToSearch = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(keytoSearch.toString()); WriteResult writeRes = coll.update(keyToSearch, docToUpdate, true, false); CommandResult cmdResult = writeRes.getLastError(); if (!cmdResult.ok()) { throw new TotalADSDBMSException("Error : " + cmdResult.getErrorMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$ }/*from w w w .java2 s .c o m*/ }
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License:Apache License
private void addToMetaCollection(AuditEvent ev) { DBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("_id", ev.getBreadCrumbId()); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", new BasicDBObject("routes", ev.getSourceContextId() + "." + ev.getSourceRouteId())); // possible collection names: eagleView, hawkView DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("exchangeXray"); collection.update(filter, dbo, true, false); }