List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection insert
public WriteResult insert(final List<? extends DBObject> documents)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final DBObject document = JsonUI.showEditor(Bundle.addDocumentTitle(), "{}"); if (document != null) { try {/* w ww . ja va 2s .c o m*/ final DBCollection dbCollection = getView().getLookup().lookup(DBCollection.class); dbCollection.insert(document); getView().refreshResults(); } catch (MongoException ex) { DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify( new NotifyDescriptor.Message(ex.getLocalizedMessage(), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE)); } } }
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License:Apache License
public void addTapPolicy(TapPolicy tapPolicy) throws DuplicateEntryException { // Check whether there is an existing policy with the same name if (tapPolicyExistsByName(tapPolicy.getName())) throw new DuplicateEntryException(); // Get the tap policy table DBCollection table = database.getCollection(DatabaseNames.getTapPolicyTableName()); // Create a document containing the new tap policy BasicDBObject document = tapPolicy.getAsDocument(); // Add the new tap policy document to the tap policy table table.insert(document); // Get the object ID from mongo and update it in the tap policy object ObjectId objectId = document.getObjectId("_id"); tapPolicy.setObjectId(objectId.toString());"Added tap policy " + tapPolicy.getName() + " object ID " + tapPolicy.getObjectId()); // Notify the application that the tap policy changed // tappingAppLogic.NotifyConfigChange(DBTableChangeEnum.TAP_POLICY, tapPolicy.getObjectId()); }
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License:Apache License
public void addMatchCriteria(MatchCriteria matchCriteria) throws DuplicateEntryException { // Check whether there is an existing match criteria with the same name if (matchCriteriaExistsByName(matchCriteria.getName())) throw new DuplicateEntryException(); // Get the match criteria table DBCollection table = database.getCollection(DatabaseNames.getMatchCriteriaTableName()); // Create a document containing the new match criteria BasicDBObject document = matchCriteria.getAsDocument(); // Add the new tap policy document to the MatchCriteria table table.insert(document); // Get the object ID from mongo and update it in the MatchCriteria object ObjectId objectId = document.getObjectId("_id"); matchCriteria.setObjectId(objectId.toString());*from w w w . ja va 2 s . c om*/ "Added match criteria " + matchCriteria.getName() + " object ID " + matchCriteria.getObjectId()); // tappingAppLogic.NotifyConfigChange(DBTableChangeEnum.MATCH_CRITERIA, matchCriteria.getObjectId()); }
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License:Apache License
public void addSwitchEntry(SwitchEntry switchEntry) throws DuplicateEntryException, NotSupportedException { // We aren't supporting this mode yet if (switchEntry.getTappingMode() == TappingModeEnum.NORMAL) { throw new NotSupportedException("Normal Mode is not suppored"); }/*from w ww . ja v a 2 s. co m*/ // Check whether there is an existing switch entry with the same name if (switchEntryExistsByName(switchEntry.getName())) throw new DuplicateEntryException(); // Get the match criteria table DBCollection table = database.getCollection(DatabaseNames.getSwitchEntryTableName()); // Create a document containing the new match criteria BasicDBObject document = switchEntry.getAsDocument(); // Add the new tap policy document to the tap policy table table.insert(document); // Get the object ID from mongo and update it in the switch entry object ObjectId objectId = document.getObjectId("_id"); switchEntry.setObjectId(objectId.toString());"Added Switch Entry " + switchEntry.getName() + " object ID " + switchEntry.getObjectId()); }
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License:Apache License
public void addNextHopSwitch(NextHopSwitch nextHopSwitch) throws DuplicateEntryException { // Check whether there is an existing next hop switch with the same name if (nextHopSwitchExistsByName(nextHopSwitch.getName())) throw new DuplicateEntryException(); // Get the match criteria table DBCollection table = database.getCollection(DatabaseNames.getNextHopSwitchTableName()); // Create a document containing the new match criteria BasicDBObject document = nextHopSwitch.getAsDocument(); // Add the new tap policy document to the tap policy table table.insert(document); // Get the object ID from mongo and update it in the switch entry object ObjectId objectId = document.getObjectId("_id"); nextHopSwitch.setObjectId(objectId.toString());*from w ww .ja v a2s. co m*/ "Added Next Hop Switch " + nextHopSwitch.getName() + " object ID " + nextHopSwitch.getObjectId()); }
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License:Apache License
public void addCaptureDevice(CaptureDev captureDev) throws DuplicateEntryException { // Check whether there is an existing capture device with the same name if (captureDeviceExistsByName(captureDev.getName())) throw new DuplicateEntryException(); // Get the match criteria table DBCollection table = database.getCollection(DatabaseNames.getCaptureDevTableName()); // Create a document containing the new match criteria BasicDBObject document = captureDev.getAsDocument(); // Add the new tap policy document to the tap policy table table.insert(document); // Get the object ID from mongo and update it in the switch entry object ObjectId objectId = document.getObjectId("_id"); captureDev.setObjectId(objectId.toString());"Added Next Hop Switch " + captureDev.getName() + " object ID " + captureDev.getObjectId()); }
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License:Apache License
public void addPortChain(PortChain portChain) throws DuplicateEntryException { // Check whether there is an existing port chain with the same name if (portChainExistsByName(portChain.getName())) throw new DuplicateEntryException(); // Get the match criteria table DBCollection table = database.getCollection(DatabaseNames.getPortChainTableName()); // Create a document containing the new match criteria BasicDBObject document = portChain.getAsDocument(); // Add the new tap policy document to the tap policy table table.insert(document); // Get the object ID from mongo and update it in the switch entry object ObjectId objectId = document.getObjectId("_id"); portChain.setObjectId(objectId.toString());"Added Port Chain " + portChain.getName() + " object ID " + portChain.getObjectId()); }
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License:Open Source License
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void persist(List<Note> notes) { if (notes == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }//from w ww .jav a 2s . co m DBCollection coll = getNotesCollection(); for (Note note : notes) { // transform POJO into BSON BasicDBObject noteDoc = noteToDbObject(note); // for creation set the created date if (note.getDateTimeCreated() == null) { note.setDateTimeCreated(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); } noteDoc.put(Note.Fields.dateTimeCreated.getName(), note.getDateTimeCreated()); // and the sequence if (note.getSequenceNum() == null) { note.setSequenceNum(nextSequenceNum(coll)); } noteDoc.put(Note.Fields.sequenceNum.getName(), note.getSequenceNum()); coll.insert(noteDoc); note.setNoteId(noteDoc.getObjectId(NoteMongo.MONGO_ID_FIELD).toString()); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @param resourceFamilies//from w w w. j a va 2 s. com */ public void storeResourceFamiliesIntoDB(List<ResourceFamily> resourceFamilies) throws StoringException { DB database = getMongoDBConnection(); DBCollection collection = database.getCollection("resourceFamily"); collection.drop(); String name = null; String language = null; String label = null; String message = null; String description = null; String code = null; Integer order = null; String defaultSelection = null; String resourceType = null; Boolean mutuallyExclusive; Boolean disabled; for (ResourceFamily rf : resourceFamilies) { BasicDBObject resourceFamily = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBList subjects = new BasicDBList(); List<AccFamilySubject> accFamilySubjects = rf.getSubject(); for (int i = 0; i < accFamilySubjects.size(); i++) { BasicDBObject subject = new BasicDBObject(); AccFamilySubject sub = accFamilySubjects.get(i); code = sub.getCode(); if (code != null) subject.append("code", code); name = sub.getName(); if (name != null) subject.append("name", name); subjects.add(subject); } BasicDBList grade = new BasicDBList(); List<String> dbGrades = rf.getGrade(); for (int j = 0; j < dbGrades.size(); j++) { grade.add(dbGrades.get(j).toString()); } List<MasterResourceAccommodation> accommodations = rf.getMasterResourceAccommodation(); BasicDBList masterResourceAccommodation = new BasicDBList(); for (int k = 0; k < accommodations.size(); k++) { MasterResourceAccommodation mracc = accommodations.get(k); BasicDBObject accommodation = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBObject header = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBList headersList = new BasicDBList(); BasicDBList options = new BasicDBList(); List<AccommodationText> headerTexts = mracc.getHeader(); if (headerTexts != null) { for (AccommodationText headerText : headerTexts) { if (headerText != null) { language = headerText.getLanguage(); if (language != null) header.append("language", language); label = headerText.getLabel(); if (label != null) header.append("label", label); message = headerText.getMessage(); if (message != null) header.append("message", message); description = headerText.getDescription(); if (description != null) header.append("description", description); headersList.add(header); } } } code = mracc.getCode(); if (code != null) accommodation.append("code", code); order = mracc.getOrder(); if (order != 0) accommodation.append("order", order); defaultSelection = mracc.getDefaultSelection(); if (defaultSelection != null) accommodation.append("defaultSelection", defaultSelection); if (header.size() > 0) accommodation.append("header", headersList); resourceType = mracc.getResourceType(); if (mracc.getResourceType() != null) accommodation.append("resourceType", resourceType); disabled = mracc.isDisabled(); if (mracc.isDisabled() != false) { accommodation.append("disabled", disabled); } List<AccommodationOption> accOptions = mracc.getOptions(); for (int i = 0; i < accOptions.size(); i++) { AccommodationOption accOption = accOptions.get(i); if (accOption != null) { BasicDBObject option = new BasicDBObject(); code = accOption.getCode(); if (code != null) option.append("code", code); order = accOption.getOrder(); if (order != null && Integer.valueOf(order) != 0) option.append("order", order); mutuallyExclusive = accOption.isMutuallyExclusive(); if (mutuallyExclusive != false) option.append("mutuallyExclusive", mutuallyExclusive); BasicDBList textList = new BasicDBList(); List<AccommodationText> accTexts = accOption.getText(); if (accTexts != null) { for (AccommodationText accText : accTexts) { if (accText != null) { BasicDBObject text = new BasicDBObject(); language = accText.getLanguage(); if (language != null) text.append("language", language); label = accText.getLabel(); if (label != null) text.append("label", label); description = accText.getDescription(); if (description != null) text.append("description", description); message = accText.getMessage(); if (message != null) text.append("message", message); textList.add(text); } if (textList.size() > 0) option.append("text", textList); } } if (option.size() > 0) options.add(option); } } if (options.size() > 0) accommodation.append("options", options); if (accommodation.size() > 0) masterResourceAccommodation.add(accommodation); } resourceFamily.append("subject", subjects); resourceFamily.append("grade", grade); resourceFamily.append("masterResourceAccommodation", masterResourceAccommodation); collection.insert(resourceFamily); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @param masterResourceAccommodations//from ww w . j ava 2 s. co m */ public void storeMasterResourceAccommodationIntoDB( List<MasterResourceAccommodation> masterResourceAccommodations) throws StoringException { String language = null; String label = null; String message = null; String description = null; String code = null; Integer order = null; String defaultSelection = null; String resourceType = null; Boolean mutuallyExclusive; try { DB database = getMongoDBConnection(); DBCollection collection = database.getCollection("masterResourceAccommodation"); collection.drop(); for (MasterResourceAccommodation mracc : masterResourceAccommodations) { BasicDBObject accommodation = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBList headers = new BasicDBList(); BasicDBObject header = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBList options = new BasicDBList(); List<AccommodationText> headerTexts = mracc.getHeader(); if (headerTexts != null) { for (AccommodationText headerText : headerTexts) { language = headerText.getLanguage(); if (language != null) header.append("language", language); label = headerText.getLabel(); if (label != null) header.append("label", label); message = headerText.getMessage(); if (message != null) header.append("message", message); description = headerText.getDescription(); if (description != null) header.append("description", description); headers.add(header); } } code = mracc.getCode(); if (code != null) accommodation.append("code", code); order = mracc.getOrder(); if (order != null && Integer.valueOf(order) != 0) accommodation.append("order", order); defaultSelection = mracc.getDefaultSelection(); if (defaultSelection != null) accommodation.append("defaultSelection", defaultSelection); accommodation.append("header", headers); resourceType = mracc.getResourceType(); if (mracc.getResourceType() != null) accommodation.append("resourceType", resourceType); List<AccommodationOption> accOptions = mracc.getOptions(); for (int i = 0; i < accOptions.size(); i++) { AccommodationOption accOption = accOptions.get(i); BasicDBObject option = new BasicDBObject(); code = accOption.getCode(); if (code != null) option.append("code", code); order = accOption.getOrder(); if (order != null) option.append("order", order); mutuallyExclusive = accOption.isMutuallyExclusive(); if (mutuallyExclusive != false) option.append("mutuallyExclusive", mutuallyExclusive); List<AccommodationText> accTexts = accOption.getText(); if (accTexts != null) { BasicDBList textList = new BasicDBList(); for (AccommodationText accText : accTexts) { BasicDBObject text = new BasicDBObject(); language = accText.getLanguage(); if (language != null) text.append("language", language); label = accText.getLabel(); if (label != null) text.append("label", label); description = accText.getDescription(); if (description != null) text.append("description", description); message = accText.getMessage(); if (message != null) text.append("message", message); textList.add(text); } if (textList.size() > 0) option.append("text", textList); } if (option.size() > 0) options.add(option); } if (options.size() > 0) accommodation.append("options", options); if (accommodation != null) collection.insert(accommodation); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }