Example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection insert

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection insert


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection insert.


public WriteResult insert(final List<? extends DBObject> documents) 

Source Link


Insert documents into a collection.


From source file:framework.module.users.client.model.BLL.BLL_dummies.Make_dummies_client.java

public static void makedummies_client() {
    DBCollection table = Mongo_BD.getCollection();

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        Client c1 = new Client(DNI(), user(), pass(), avatar(), state(), name(), surname(), email(),
                mobilephone(), datebirthday(), shopping(), dtos(), premium(), typeclient());
    }/* w ww  .ja v a  2 s  .  com*/

From source file:framework.modules.users.client.Model.DAO.DAO_client_MG.java

* Insert a client in the DB/*from w w w. ja  v  a 2  s  .  c  o  m*/
* @param table
* @param w 
public static void insert_client(client_class client) {
    DBCollection table = singleton.collection;

From source file:generate.MapGenerateAction.java

public String execute() {

    String file_path = "/home/chanakya/NetBeansProjects/Concepto/UploadedFiles";
    try {//w ww .j ava  2 s. c  om
        File fileToCreate = new File(file_path, concept_map.getUploadedFileFileName());
        FileUtils.copyFile(concept_map.getUploadedFile(), fileToCreate);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        System.out.println("E1: " + t.getMessage());
        return ERROR;
    try {
        List<String> temp_text = FileUtils.readLines(concept_map.getUploadedFile());
        StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
        for (String s : temp_text) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("E2: " + e.getMessage());
        return ERROR;
    String temp_filename = concept_map.getUploadedFileFileName().split("\\.(?=[^\\.]+$)")[0];
    temp_filename = temp_filename.trim();

    try {
        String temp = "java -jar /home/chanakya/NetBeansProjects/Concepto/src/java/generate/MajorCore.jar "
                + file_path + " " + temp_filename;
        File jarfile = new File("/home/chanakya/NetBeansProjects/Concepto/src/java/generate/MajorCore.jar");
        JarFile jar = new JarFile(jarfile);
        Manifest manifest = jar.getManifest();
        Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
        String mainClassName = attrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
        URL url = new URL("file", null, jarfile.getAbsolutePath());
        ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { url });
        Class mainClass = cl.loadClass(mainClassName);
        Method mainMethod = mainClass.getMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class });
        String[] args = new String[2];
        args[0] = file_path;
        args[1] = temp_filename;
        try {
            mainMethod.invoke(mainClass, new Object[] { args });
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            System.out.println("This is the exception: " + e.getTargetException().toString());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | ClassNotFoundException
            | IOException e) {
        System.out.println("E3: " + e.getMessage());
        return ERROR;

    try {
        String temp2 = "java -jar /home/chanakya/NetBeansProjects/Concepto/src/java/generate/MajorCoreII.jar "
                + file_path + " " + temp_filename;
        File jarfile = new File("/home/chanakya/NetBeansProjects/Concepto/src/java/generate/MajorCoreII.jar");
        JarFile jar = new JarFile(jarfile);
        Manifest manifest = jar.getManifest();
        Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
        String mainClassName = attrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
        URL url = new URL("file", null, jarfile.getAbsolutePath());
        ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { url });
        Class mainClass = cl.loadClass(mainClassName);
        Method mainMethod = mainClass.getMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class });
        String[] args = new String[2];
        args[0] = file_path;
        args[1] = temp_filename;
        mainMethod.invoke(mainClass, new Object[] { args });
    } catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException
            | NoSuchMethodException | ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) {
        System.out.println("E4: " + e.getMessage());
        return ERROR;

    String cmd = "python /home/chanakya/NetBeansProjects/Concepto/src/java/generate/add_to_graph.py \"/home/chanakya/NetBeansProjects/Concepto/UploadedFiles/"
            + temp_filename + "_OllieOutput.txt\"";
    String[] finalCommand;
    finalCommand = new String[3];
    finalCommand[0] = "/bin/sh";
    finalCommand[1] = "-c";
    finalCommand[2] = cmd;
    System.out.println("CMD: " + cmd);
    try {
        //ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(finalCommand);
        //Process process = builder.start();
        Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(finalCommand);
        int exitVal = process.waitFor();
        System.out.println("Process exitValue2: " + exitVal);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        System.out.println("E5: " + t.getMessage());
        return ERROR;

    cmd = "python /home/chanakya/NetBeansProjects/Concepto/src/java/generate/json_correct.py";
    finalCommand = new String[3];
    finalCommand[0] = "/bin/sh";
    finalCommand[1] = "-c";
    finalCommand[2] = cmd;

    try {
        //Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(finalCommand);

        ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(finalCommand);
        // builder.redirectErrorStream(true);
        Process process = builder.start();
        int exitVal = process.waitFor();
        System.out.println("Process exitValue3: " + exitVal);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        System.out.println("E6: " + t.getMessage());
        return ERROR;

    try {
        List<String> temp_text_1 = FileUtils
                .readLines(FileUtils.getFile("/home/chanakya/NetBeansProjects/Concepto/web", "new_graph.json"));
        StringBuilder text_1 = new StringBuilder();
        for (String s : temp_text_1) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("E7: " + e.getMessage());
        return ERROR;
    Random rand = new Random();
    int unique_id = rand.nextInt(99999999);
    System.out.println("Going In DB");
    try {
        MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient();
        DB db = mongo.getDB("Major");
        DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("ConceptMap");
        BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
        document.append("InputText", concept_map.getInput_text());
        document.append("OutputText", concept_map.getOutput_text());
        document.append("ChapterName", concept_map.getChapter_name());
        document.append("ChapterNumber", concept_map.getChapter_number());
        document.append("SectionName", concept_map.getSection_name());
        document.append("SectionNumber", concept_map.getSection_number());
        document.append("UniqueID", Integer.toString(unique_id));
    } catch (MongoException e) {
        System.out.println("E8: " + e.getMessage());
        return ERROR;
    } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(MapGenerateAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        return ERROR;
    System.out.println("Out DB");
    return SUCCESS;

From source file:GeoHazardServices.Inst.java

License:Apache License

@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)/*from  w  w w  .j av  a2s.c o m*/
public String data_insert(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @FormParam("inst") String inst,
        @FormParam("secret") String secret, @FormParam("id") String id, @FormParam("name") String name,
        @FormParam("lon") Double lon, @FormParam("lat") Double lat, @FormParam("mag") Double mag,
        @FormParam("slip") Double slip, @FormParam("length") Double length, @FormParam("width") Double width,
        @FormParam("depth") Double depth, @FormParam("dip") Double dip, @FormParam("strike") Double strike,
        @FormParam("rake") Double rake, @FormParam("date") String dateStr,
        @FormParam("sea_area") String sea_area, @FormParam("root") String root,
        @FormParam("parent") String parent, @FormParam("comp") Integer comp, @FormParam("accel") Integer accel,
        @FormParam("gridres") Integer gridres, @FormParam("apikey") String apikey,
        @FormParam("algo") @DefaultValue("easywave") String algo) {

    /* Check for invalid parameter configurations. */
    if ((inst != null || secret != null) && apikey != null)
        return jsfailure("Don't mix 'apikey' and 'secret'.");

    if (mag != null && (slip != null || length != null || width != null))
        return jsfailure("Don't mix 'mag' with 'slip', 'length' and 'width'.");

    /* Support 'inst' and 'secret' for compatibility reasons. */
    if (inst != null && secret != null) {
        /* Obtain the 'apikey' and pretend a call to the new api. */
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("name", inst).append("secret", secret);
        DBObject tmp_inst = db.getCollection("institutions").findOne(query);
        if (tmp_inst == null)
            return jsdenied();
        apikey = (String) ((DBObject) tmp_inst.get("api")).get("key");
        if (apikey == null)
            return jsfailure("No 'apikey' set for this institution!");

    /* Continue with the new API. */
    Object[] required = { apikey, id, name, dateStr };

    if (!checkParams(request, required))
        return jsfailure();

    DBObject db_user = auth_api(apikey, "user");
    DBObject db_inst = auth_api(apikey, "inst");

    /* check if we got a valid institution and the correct secret */
    ObjectId user_id;
    String user_name;
    User user;
    if (db_user != null) {
        user_id = (ObjectId) db_user.get("_id");
        user_name = (String) db_user.get("username");
        user = new User(db_user, getInst(db_user));
    } else if (db_inst != null) {
        user_id = (ObjectId) db_inst.get("_id");
        user_name = (String) db_inst.get("name");
        user = new Inst(db_inst);
    } else {
        return jsdenied();

    System.out.println(user.name + " - " + user.inst);

    /* get Date object from date string */
    Date date = parseIsoDate(dateStr);
    if (date == null)
        return jsfailure("Invalid date format.");


    /* get current timestamp */
    Date timestamp = new Date();

    /* create new sub object that stores the properties */
    BasicDBObject sub = new BasicDBObject();
    sub.put("date", date);
    sub.put("region", name);
    sub.put("latitude", lat);
    sub.put("longitude", lon);
    sub.put("magnitude", mag);
    sub.put("slip", slip);
    sub.put("length", length);
    sub.put("width", width);
    sub.put("depth", depth);
    sub.put("dip", dip);
    sub.put("strike", strike);
    sub.put("rake", rake);
    sub.put("sea_area", sea_area);

    if (accel == null)
        accel = 1;

    /* create new DB object that should be added to the eqs collection */
    BasicDBObject obj = new BasicDBObject();
    obj.put("id", id);
    obj.put("user", user_id);
    obj.put("timestamp", timestamp);
    obj.put("prop", sub);
    obj.put("root", root);
    obj.put("parent", parent);
    obj.put("accel", accel);
    //obj.put( "gridres", gridres );

    /* create a new event */
    BasicDBObject event = new BasicDBObject();
    event.put("user", user_id);
    event.put("timestamp", timestamp);
    event.put("event", "new");

    Long refineId = 0L;

    /* get earthquake collection */
    DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("eqs");
    /* search for given id */
    BasicDBObject inQuery = new BasicDBObject("id", id).append("user", user_id);
    DBCursor cursor = coll.find(inQuery).sort(new BasicDBObject("refineId", -1));

    BasicDBObject entry = null;

    /* if id is already used, make a refinement */
    if (cursor.hasNext()) {

        /* get properties of returned entry */
        entry = (BasicDBObject) cursor.next();

        /* update entry ID in database by appending deprecated field */
        BasicDBObject depr = new BasicDBObject("depr", true);
        coll.update(entry, new BasicDBObject("$set", depr));

        refineId = (Long) entry.get("refineId");

        if (refineId == null) {
            refineId = new Long(0);


        /* override parent and root attributes */
        root = entry.get("root") == null ? (String) entry.get("_id") : (String) entry.get("root");
        obj.put("root", root);
        obj.put("parent", entry.get("_id"));

        /* override event type */
        event.put("event", "update");

    /* set refinement and compound Ids */
    final CompId compId = new CompId(user_name, id, refineId);
    obj.put("_id", compId.toString());
    obj.put("refineId", refineId);
    event.put("id", compId.toString());

    /* clean up query */

    /* insert object into 'eqs' collection */


    Object[] reqComp1 = { id, lon, lat, mag, depth, dip, strike, rake };
    Object[] reqComp2 = { id, lon, lat, slip, length, width, depth, dip, strike, rake };
    boolean simulate = comp != null && (checkParams(request, reqComp1) || checkParams(request, reqComp2));

    /* insert new event into 'events'-collection */


    if (simulate)
        //computeById( request, null, null, id, refineId, comp, accel, apikey );
        _computeById(user, compId.toString(), comp, accel, gridres, algo);
        /* run request in a separate thread to avoid blocking */
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                sendPost(GlobalParameter.wsgi_url + "webguisrv/post_compute", "evtid=" + compId.toString());

    return jssuccess(new BasicDBObject("refineId", refineId).append("evtid", compId.toString()));

From source file:GeoHazardServices.Inst.java

License:Apache License

private String static_int(String id, Double lon, Double lat, Double zoom, Object uid) {

    DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("shared_links");
    BasicDBObject inQuery = new BasicDBObject("evtid", id);
    inQuery.put("lon", lon);
    inQuery.put("lat", lat);
    inQuery.put("zoom", zoom);
    inQuery.put("timestamp", new Date());
    inQuery.put("userid", uid);

    ObjectId objId = (ObjectId) inQuery.get("_id");

    return objId.toString();

From source file:github.macrohuang.orm.mongo.core.MongoDBTemplate.java

License:Apache License

 * Save an entry to the DB, with manual specify {@link DBChooser}.
 * /* w ww  . j  a  v  a2 s. co  m*/
 * @see #insert(Object)
 * @see #findByExample(DBChooser, Object)
 * @param <T>
 * @param dbChooser
 * @param entry
 * @return The result of save action.<code>true</code> for success, while
 *         <code>false</code> for fail.
 * @throws MongoDataAccessException
public <T> String insert(DBChooser dbChooser, T entry) throws MongoDataAccessException {
    if (Constants.coreLogEnable)
        LOGGER.info("Save request received:" + dbChooser + "," + entry);
    DBCollection collection = getCollection(dbChooser);
    DBObject object = DBObjectUtil.convertPO2DBObject(entry);
    if (isOperateSuccess(collection.insert(object))) {
        DBObjectUtil.setEntryId(object, entry);
        return object.get(Constants.MONGO_ID).toString();
    } else {
        return null;

From source file:govt_import_export.aircrafts2.java

private void placeorderActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_placeorderActionPerformed
    try {/*from  w  ww. j a v  a2s  . c o m*/
        MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);

        DB db0 = mongo.getDB("admindata");
        DBCollection collection0 = db0.getCollection("admin");
        DBCursor c = collection0.find();
        DBObject o;

        while (c.hasNext()) {
            o = c.next();
            if (o.get("rate") != null) {
                db_rate = o.get("rate").toString();

        c = collection0.find();

        while (c.hasNext()) {
            o = c.next();
            if (o.get("balance") != null) {
                db_balance = nf.format(o.get("balance"));


        ratio = ((double) unitsXcost) / Double.parseDouble(db_balance);
        newbalance = Long.parseLong(db_balance) - unitsXcost;
        newrate = Double.parseDouble(db_rate) * pow(Math.E, ratio);
        System.out.println("'newrate'" + newrate);
        String q = nf.format(newbalance);

        //--------------------setting the updated values in the db----------------------

        BasicDBObject searchupdate = new BasicDBObject();
        searchupdate.append("rate", Double.parseDouble(db_rate)); //finds the document(s) where "date":last_activity

        BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
        update.append("$set", new BasicDBObject("rate", /*Double.toString(newrate)*/newrate));

        collection0.update(searchupdate, update);

        BasicDBObject searchupdate1 = new BasicDBObject();
        searchupdate1.append("balance", Long.parseLong(db_balance));

        BasicDBObject update1 = new BasicDBObject();
        update1.append("$set", new BasicDBObject("balance", Long.parseLong(q)));

        collection0.update(searchupdate1, update1);


        DB db = mongo.getDB("AIRCRAFTS");
        DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(type);

        BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
        document.append("model", make_model);
        document.append("type", type);
        document.append("cost", zzz);
        document.append("month", java_month);
        document.append("year", java_year);
        document.append("units", Integer.parseInt(units_string));
        document.append("totalcost", totalcost.getText());

        javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(aircrafts2.this, "Waiting for acceptance");



    catch (UnknownHostException | MongoException e) {

From source file:govt_import_export.export.java

private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton2ActionPerformed
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    MongoClient mongo = null;//from   ww w . j  a  v  a  2  s  . c o m
    try {
        mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
        //get database
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {

    catch (MongoException e) {
    DB db = mongo.getDB("AUTOMOBILEXPO");
    //DB db2=mongo.getDB("automobile_expo");
    String batches = (String) jComboBox1.getSelectedItem();
    int unit, month, year;

    unit = Integer.parseInt(batches);
    //get collections
    DBCollection table = db.getCollection(manufac);
    //DBCollection table1=db2.getCollection(db1);
    BasicDBObject document1 = new BasicDBObject();
    String st = (String) jComboBox2.getSelectedItem();
    String st1 = (String) jComboBox3.getSelectedItem();
    String st2 = (String) jComboBox4.getSelectedItem();
    month = Integer.parseInt(st1);
    year = Integer.parseInt(st2);

    cost = cost * unit;
    DB db0 = mongo.getDB("admindata");
    DBCollection collection0 = db0.getCollection("admin");
    DBCursor c = collection0.find(); //yes            
    DBObject o;
    //DBCursor c=collection0.find(); //yes  
    while (c.hasNext()) {
        o = c.next();
        if (o.get("rate") != null) {
            db_rate = o.get("rate").toString();

    c = collection0.find();

    while (c.hasNext()) {
        o = c.next();
        if (o.get("balance") != null) {
            db_balance = nf.format(o.get("balance"));


    ratio = ((double) cost) / Double.parseDouble(db_balance);
    ratio = -ratio * .1;
    newbalance = Long.parseLong(db_balance) - cost;
    newrate = Double.parseDouble(db_rate) * pow(Math.E, ratio);
    System.out.println("'newrate'" + newrate);
    String q = nf.format(newbalance);

    //--------------------setting the updated values in the db----------------------

    BasicDBObject searchupdate = new BasicDBObject();
    searchupdate.append("rate", Double.parseDouble(db_rate)); //finds the document(s) where "date":last_activity

    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    update.append("$set", new BasicDBObject("rate", /*Double.toString(newrate)*/newrate));

    collection0.update(searchupdate, update);

    BasicDBObject searchupdate1 = new BasicDBObject();
    searchupdate1.append("balance", Long.parseLong(db_balance));

    BasicDBObject update1 = new BasicDBObject();
    update1.append("$set", new BasicDBObject("balance", Long.parseLong(q)));

    collection0.update(searchupdate1, update1);

    //DBObject o;
    BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
    BasicDBObject prev = new BasicDBObject();
    document.append("manufacturer", manufac);
    document.append("model", model_selected);
    document.append("country", st);
    document.append("Units", unit);
    document.append("Cost", cost);

    document.append("Month", month);
    document.append("Year", year);
    //long x=table.count();
    //find and display
    GroupCommand cmd = new GroupCommand(table, null, new BasicDBObject("model", model_selected),
            new BasicDBObject("Units", 0), "function(document,prev){prev.Units=prev.Units+this.Units;}", null);
    o = table.group(cmd);
    javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(export.this, "Waiting for acceptance");
    st = String.valueOf(total_cost);

From source file:gr.teicm.toulou.SignupResource.java

public String postUser(String user) {
    System.out.println(user);/* ww w  . j  a  va2s. com*/
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    DBObject dbObjectUser = (DBObject) JSON.parse(user);
    System.out.println("parsed leei");

    MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
    System.out.println("connected leei");

    DB db = mongoClient.getDB("snapchatydb");
    System.out.println("fetched db leei");
    DBCollection coll = (DBCollection) db.getCollection("user");
    System.out.println("fetched collection leei");

    System.out.println("inserted leei");
    return "";

From source file:guesslocation.MongoQuery.java

public static void main(String[] args) {

    {//from w  w  w.  jav  a 2  s .  c  o m

        try {

            // Connect to mongodb
            MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);

            // get database
            // if database doesn't exists, mongodb will create it for you
            DB db = mongo.getDB("test");

            // get collection
            // if collection doesn't exists, mongodb will create it for you
            DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("twitter");
            DBCollection Outcollection = db.getCollection("user_tw");
            DBCursor cursor;
            BasicDBObject query;
            // ( 1 ) collection.find() --> get all document
            cursor = collection.find();
            System.out.println("( 1 ) .find()");
            System.out.println("results --> " + cursor.count());

            try {
                BasicDBObject IDquery = new BasicDBObject(); //2015-05-12T15:15:31Z
                while (cursor.hasNext()) {
                    DBObject data = cursor.next();
                    Long v_user_Id = (Long) data.get("user_Id");
                    if (v_user_Id == null) {

                    IDquery.append("user_Id", v_user_Id);
                    DBCursor IDcursor = Outcollection.find(IDquery);
                    if (IDcursor.hasNext() == false) {
                        BasicDBObject basicObj = GetUserRecord(v_user_Id, data);
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            System.err.println("error on insert " + v_user_Id);
                        basicObj = null;
                        Outcollection.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("user_Id", 1),
                                new BasicDBObject("unique", true));
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(MongoQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            } finally {


        } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(MongoQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

