List of usage examples for com.mongodb.client MongoDatabase getCollection
MongoCollection<Document> getCollection(String collectionName);
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License:Apache License
private Set<String> getTableMetadataNames(String schemaName) throws TableNotFoundException { MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase(schemaName); MongoCursor<Document> cursor = db.getCollection(schemaCollection).find() .projection(new Document(TABLE_NAME_KEY, true)).iterator(); HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<>(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { names.add((; }//from w ww.j av a2 s . c o m return names; }
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License:Apache License
private void createTableMetadata(SchemaTableName schemaTableName, List<MongoColumnHandle> columns) throws TableNotFoundException { String schemaName = schemaTableName.getSchemaName(); String tableName = schemaTableName.getTableName(); MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase(schemaName); Document metadata = new Document(TABLE_NAME_KEY, tableName); ArrayList<Document> fields = new ArrayList<>(); if (! -> c.getName().equals("_id"))) { fields.add(new MongoColumnHandle("_id", OBJECT_ID, true).getDocument()); }//from w w w .j a v a2 s . c om fields.addAll(; metadata.append(FIELDS_KEY, fields); MongoCollection<Document> schema = db.getCollection(schemaCollection); schema.createIndex(new Document(TABLE_NAME_KEY, 1), new IndexOptions().unique(true)); schema.insertOne(metadata); }
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License:Apache License
private boolean deleteTableMetadata(SchemaTableName schemaTableName) { String schemaName = schemaTableName.getSchemaName(); String tableName = schemaTableName.getTableName(); MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase(schemaName); if (!collectionExists(db, tableName)) { return false; }// w w w .ja v a 2 s . com DeleteResult result = db.getCollection(schemaCollection).deleteOne(new Document(TABLE_NAME_KEY, tableName)); return result.getDeletedCount() == 1; }
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License:Apache License
private List<Document> guessTableFields(SchemaTableName schemaTableName) { String schemaName = schemaTableName.getSchemaName(); String tableName = schemaTableName.getTableName(); MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase(schemaName); Document doc = db.getCollection(tableName).find().first(); if (doc == null) { // no records at the collection return ImmutableList.of(); }//from ww w . ja va 2s . c om ImmutableList.Builder<Document> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String key : doc.keySet()) { Object value = doc.get(key); Optional<TypeSignature> fieldType = guessFieldType(value); if (fieldType.isPresent()) { Document metadata = new Document(); metadata.append(FIELDS_NAME_KEY, key); metadata.append(FIELDS_TYPE_KEY, fieldType.get().toString()); metadata.append(FIELDS_HIDDEN_KEY, key.equals("_id") && fieldType.get().equals(OBJECT_ID.getTypeSignature())); builder.add(metadata); } else { log.debug("Unable to guess field type from %s : %s", value == null ? "null" : value.getClass().getName(), value); } } return; }
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License:Apache License
protected void initialize() { final List<ServerAddress> addresses = getServerAddresses(hostname, port); mongo = getMongo(addresses);// w w w . ja va 2s. c o m mongo.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.valueOf(getWriteConcern())); final MongoDatabase database = getDatabase(mongo, databaseName); if (userName != null && userName.trim().length() > 0) { // Allow password to be GCed password = null; } setCollection(database.getCollection(collectionName)); initialized = true; }
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@Override public MongoCollection<Document> getCollection() { MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("cacheServer"); MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("carProps"); return collection; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Creates a MongoCollection which has a EntityCodec attached to it * * @param db/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c om*/ * @param properties * @return */ public static MongoCollection<? extends Entity> getCollectionFor(MongoDatabase db, EntityProperties properties) { return db.getCollection(properties.getCollectionName()).withDocumentClass(properties.getEntityClass()) .withCodecRegistry(EntityCodecProvider.createCodecRegistry(db, properties.getEntityClass())); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void init() { for (PhysicalSchema physicalSchema : env.getPhysicalSchemas()) { MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(physicalSchema.getPhysicalName()); try {//from ww w .j a v a 2 s . co m database.createCollection(getAuditContainerName()); } catch (Exception e) { // create if it doesn't exist already; TODO clean this up } MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(getAuditContainerName()); collection.createIndex(Indexes.ascending(changeNameColumn, "OBJECTNAME")); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public ImmutableList<Change> getDeployedChanges() { return env.getPhysicalSchemas().flatCollect(new Function<PhysicalSchema, Iterable<Change>>() { @Override/*from w w w. ja v a 2 s .com*/ public Iterable<Change> valueOf(PhysicalSchema physicalSchema) { MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(physicalSchema.getPhysicalName()); MongoCollection<Document> auditCollection = database.getCollection(getAuditContainerName()); MutableList<Change> changes = iterableToCollection(auditCollection.find()) .collect(new Function<Document, Change>() { @Override public Change valueOf(Document doc) { String artfType = doc.getString("ARTFTYPE"); Change artf; if (artfType.equals("I")) { artf = new ChangeIncremental(); } else if (artfType.equals("R")) { artf = new ChangeRerunnable(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This type does not exist " + artfType); } artf.setChangeKey( new ChangeKey(InternMap.instance().intern(doc.getString("DBSCHEMA")), platform.getChangeType(doc.getString("CHANGETYPE")), InternMap.instance().intern(doc.getString("OBJECTNAME")), doc.getString(changeNameColumn))); artf.setActive(doc.getInteger("ACTIVE") == 1); artf.setContentHash(doc.getString("CONTENTHASH")); artf.setTimeInserted(new Timestamp(doc.getDate(timeInsertedColumn).getTime())); artf.setTimeUpdated(new Timestamp(doc.getDate(timeUpdatedColumn).getTime())); artf.setRollbackContent(doc.getString(rollbackContentColumn)); return artf; } }); return changes.toImmutable(); } }).toList().toImmutable(); }
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License:Apache License
private MongoCollection<Document> getAuditCollection(Change change) { MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(change.getPhysicalSchema(env).getPhysicalName()); return database.getCollection(getAuditContainerName()); }