Java tutorial
package com.futuremove.cacheServer.service.impl; import com.futuremove.cacheServer.entity.CarDynProps; import com.futuremove.cacheServer.entity.CarLocation; import com.futuremove.cacheServer.entity.Test; import com.futuremove.cacheServer.service.BaseService; import com.futuremove.cacheServer.service.CarDynPropsService; import com.futuremove.cacheServer.service.TestService; import com.futuremove.cacheServer.utils.ConfigUtils; import com.futuremove.cacheServer.utils.HttpPostUtils; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import org.bson.Document; import org.bson.types.Binary; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.print.Doc; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Created by qurj on 15/7/6. */ @Component("CarDynPropsService") public class CarDynPropsServiceImpl extends BaseServiceImpl implements CarDynPropsService { final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CarDynPropsServiceImpl.class); @Autowired MongoClient mongoClient; @Override public MongoCollection<Document> getCollection() { MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("cacheServer"); MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("carProps"); return collection; } public FindIterable<Document> getNearByNeededCar(Long maxDistance, CarDynProps centerFilter) { if (maxDistance < 200L) maxDistance = 200L; MongoCollection<Document> collection = this.getCollection(); Document filterDoc = centerFilter.toDocument(); Document locFilter = new Document(); locFilter.put("$near", new Document().append("$geometry", centerFilter.location.toDocument()) .append("$maxDistance", maxDistance)); filterDoc.put("location", locFilter); if (centerFilter.dataUpdateTime != null) { //? filterDoc.put("dataUpdateTime", new Document().append("$gt", centerFilter.dataUpdateTime)); } return collection.find(filterDoc); } public Long countNearByNeededCar(Long maxDistance, CarDynProps centerFilter) { if (maxDistance < 200L) maxDistance = 200L; MongoCollection<Document> collection = this.getCollection(); Document filterDoc = centerFilter.toDocument(); Document locFilter = new Document(); locFilter.put("$near", new Document().append("$geometry", centerFilter.location.toDocument()) .append("$maxDistance", maxDistance)); filterDoc.put("location", locFilter); if (centerFilter.dataUpdateTime != null) { //? filterDoc.put("dataUpdateTime", new Document().append("$gt", centerFilter.dataUpdateTime)); } return collection.count(filterDoc); } public FindIterable<Document> getByOwnerAndNotState(CarDynProps carDynProps) { Document filterDoc = carDynProps.toDocument(); filterDoc.put("state", new Document().append("$ne", carDynProps.state)); return getCollection().find(filterDoc); } public static void main(String[] args) { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:test.xml"); CarDynPropsService service = (CarDynPropsService) context.getBean("CarDynPropsService"); CarDynProps props = new CarDynProps(); props.location = new CarLocation(); //props.vinNum = "10012"; props.state = 0; props.owner = ""; props.acc = 0; props.powerPercent = 1.0; props.mileage = 1.0; props.lockState = 1; String[] licenseNum_arr = { "A32145", "BS1111", "B66666", "B88888", "B86868", "NOPN11", "B0009m", "B00091", "Q7JF17", "A12345", "A12445", "A12645", "A12745", "A12845", "A12045", "A22345", "A32345", "A42345", "A52345", "A62345", "A72345", "A92345", "A02345", "A22045" }; String[] vinNum_arr = { "12345116553006992", "23456527859110284", "12345619005153690", "12345619005153691", "12345619005153692", "12345619005153693", "12345619005153694", "12345619005153695", "10012", "JYFMSODA36A201571", "JYFMSODA36A201572", "JYFMSODA36A201573", "JYFMSODA36A201574", "JYFMSODA36A201575", "JYFMSODA36A201576", "JYFMSODA36A201577", "JYFMSODA36A201578", "JYFMSODA36A201579", "JYFMSODA36A201580", "JYFMSODA36A201581", "JYFMSODA36A201582", "JYFMSODA36A201583", "JYFMSODA36A201584", "JYFMSODA36A201585" }; for (int i = 0; i < licenseNum_arr.length; i++) { props.licenseNum = licenseNum_arr[i]; props.vinNum = vinNum_arr[i]; service.insert(props); } } public boolean sendLock(String vin) { logger.debug("called lock command with vin " + vin); try { String timeStr = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); String data = "time=" + timeStr + "&vin=" + vin; String url = ConfigUtils.getPropValues("cloudmove.lock"); String result =, data); JSONObject cmObj = (JSONObject) (new JSONParser().parse(result)); int opResult = Integer.parseInt(cmObj.get("result").toString()); if (opResult == 1) { logger.debug(" send lock command return ok "); return true; } else { logger.debug(" send lock command return failed "); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public boolean sendPowerOff(String vin) { logger.debug("called power off command with vin " + vin); try { String timeStr = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); String data = "time=" + timeStr + "&vin=" + vin; String url = ConfigUtils.getPropValues("cloudmove.poweroff"); String result =, data); JSONObject cmObj = (JSONObject) (new JSONParser().parse(result)); int opResult = Integer.parseInt(cmObj.get("result").toString()); if (opResult == 1) { logger.debug(" power off command return ok "); return true; } else { logger.debug(" power off command return failed "); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public boolean sendClearCode(String vin) { logger.debug("called clear code command with vin " + vin); try { String timeStr = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); String data = "time=" + timeStr + "&vin=" + vin; String url = ConfigUtils.getPropValues("cloudmove.clearAuth"); String result =, data); JSONObject cmObj = (JSONObject) (new JSONParser().parse(result)); int opResult = Integer.parseInt(cmObj.get("result").toString()); if (opResult == 1) { logger.debug(" clear code command return ok "); return true; } else { logger.debug(" clear code command return failed "); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public boolean sendPowerOn(String vin) { logger.debug("called power on command with vin " + vin); try { String timeStr = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); String data = "time=" + timeStr + "&vin=" + vin; String url = ConfigUtils.getPropValues("cloudmove.poweron"); String result =, data); JSONObject cmObj = (JSONObject) (new JSONParser().parse(result)); int opResult = Integer.parseInt(cmObj.get("result").toString()); if (opResult == 1) { logger.debug(" power on command return ok "); return true; } else { logger.debug(" power on command return failed "); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public boolean sendAuthCode(String vin) { logger.debug("called send auth command with vin " + vin); try { String postUrl = ConfigUtils.getPropValues("cloudmove.sendAuth"); String timeStr = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); String postData = "time=" + timeStr + "&vin=" + vin + "&auth=ABCDEF"; String result =, postData); JSONObject cmObj = (JSONObject) (new JSONParser().parse(result)); int opResult = Integer.parseInt(cmObj.get("result").toString()); if (opResult == 1) { logger.debug(" send auth command return ok "); return true; } else { logger.debug(" send auth command return failed "); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } }