List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject toString
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public String toString()
Returns a JSON serialization of this object
The output will look like: {"a":1, "b":["x","y","z"]} }
From source
License:Open Source License
public int insertRow(String jsonRow, String jsonCheck) throws DScabiException, IOException { log.debug("insertRow() firstTime is {}", m_firstTime); ArrayList<String> fieldList = fieldNamesUsingFindOne(); // fieldNames(); DMJson djson = new DMJson(jsonRow); Set<String> st = djson.keySet(); BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); int n = 0;// w w w . jav a 2 s . co m WriteResult result = null; DMJson djsonCheck = new DMJson(jsonCheck); Set<String> stCheck = djsonCheck.keySet(); BasicDBObject documentCheck = new BasicDBObject(); if (false == isEmpty(fieldList)) { if (false == fieldList.containsAll(st)) { throw new DScabiException( "One or more field name in jsonRow doesn't exist in fieldNames list. jsonRow : " + jsonRow + " Field Names list : " + fieldList, "DBT.IRW.1"); } if (false == fieldList.containsAll(stCheck)) { throw new DScabiException( "One or more field name in jsonCheck doesn't exist in fieldNames list. jsonCheck : " + jsonCheck + " Field Names list : " + fieldList, "DBT.IRW.2"); } if (false == st.containsAll(fieldList)) { throw new DScabiException( "One or more field name in fieldNames doesn't exist in jsonRow key set. jsonRow : " + jsonRow + " Field Names list : " + fieldList, "DBT.IRW.3"); } if (fieldList.size() != st.size()) { throw new DScabiException("Fields count doesn't match. fieldNames : " + fieldList.toString() + " with jsonRow : " + jsonRow, "DBT.IRW.4"); } } if (false == isEmpty(fieldList)) { for (String fieldName : st) { // create a document to store key and value String f = djson.getString(fieldName); if (null == f) { throw new DScabiException("Field name " + fieldName + " doesn't exist in jsonRow : " + jsonRow + " Field Names list : " + fieldList, "DBT.IRW.5"); } document.put(fieldName, f); } for (String keyCheck : stCheck) { // create a document to store key and value String f2 = djsonCheck.getString(keyCheck); if (null == f2) { throw new DScabiException( "Field name " + keyCheck + " doesn't exist in jsonCheck : " + jsonCheck, "DBT.IRW.6"); } documentCheck.put(keyCheck, f2); } DBCursor cursorExist = m_table.find(documentCheck); n = cursorExist.count(); if (0 == n) { log.debug("insertRow() Inside 0 == n"); result = m_table.insert(document); log.debug("insertRow() result is : {}", result.getN()); if (result.getN() < 0) throw new DScabiException("Insert failed for document : " + document.toString(), "DBT.IRW.7"); } else if (1 == n) { throw new DScabiException("Row already exists. jsonCheck : " + jsonCheck, "DBT.IRW.8"); // already found } else { throw new DScabiException("Row already exists, multiple matches. jsonCheck : " + jsonCheck, "DBT.IRW.9"); // already found } } else { for (String key : st) { // create a document to store key and value String f3 = djson.getString(key); if (null == f3) { throw new DScabiException("Field name " + key + " doesn't exist in jsonRow : " + jsonRow, "DBT.IRW.10"); } document.put(key, djson.getString(key)); } for (String keyCheck : stCheck) { // create a document to store key and value String f4 = djsonCheck.getString(keyCheck); if (null == f4) { throw new DScabiException( "Field name " + keyCheck + " doesn't exist in jsonCheck : " + jsonCheck, "DBT.IRW.11"); } documentCheck.put(keyCheck, djsonCheck.getString(keyCheck)); } DBCursor cursorExist = m_table.find(documentCheck); n = cursorExist.count(); if (0 == n) { log.debug("insertRow() Inside 0 == n"); result = m_table.insert(document); log.debug("insertRow() result is : {}", result.getN()); if (result.getN() < 0) throw new DScabiException("Insert failed for document : " + document.toString(), "DBT.IRW.12"); } else if (1 == n) { throw new DScabiException("Row already exists. jsonCheck : " + jsonCheck, "DBT.IRW.13"); // already found } else { throw new DScabiException("Row already exists, multiple matches. jsonCheck : " + jsonCheck, "DBT.IRW.14"); // already found } } return result.getN(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public int executeUpdate(String jsonUpdate, String jsonWhere) throws IOException, DScabiException { ArrayList<String> fieldList = fieldNamesUsingFindOne(); // fieldNames(); DMJson djsonWhere = new DMJson(jsonWhere); Set<String> stWhere = djsonWhere.keySet(); BasicDBObject documentWhere = new BasicDBObject(); DMJson djsonUpdate = new DMJson(jsonUpdate); Set<String> stUpdate = djsonUpdate.keySet(); BasicDBObject documentUpdate = new BasicDBObject(); if (false == isEmpty(fieldList)) { if (false == fieldList.containsAll(stWhere)) { throw new DScabiException( "One or more field name in jsonWhere doesn't exist in fieldNames list. jsonWhere : " + jsonWhere + " Field Names list : " + fieldList, "DBT.EUE.1"); }// w ww . ja va 2s . c o m if (false == fieldList.containsAll(stUpdate)) { throw new DScabiException( "One or more field name in jsonUpdate doesn't exist in fieldNames list. jsonUpdate : " + jsonUpdate + " Field Names list : " + fieldList, "DBT.EUE.2"); } } for (String keyWhere : stWhere) { // create a document to store key and value documentWhere.put(keyWhere, djsonWhere.getString(keyWhere)); } for (String keyUpdate : stUpdate) { // create a document to store key and value documentUpdate.put(keyUpdate, djsonUpdate.getString(keyUpdate)); } BasicDBObject updateObj = new BasicDBObject(); updateObj.put("$set", documentUpdate); WriteResult result = m_table.updateMulti(documentWhere, updateObj); log.debug("executeUpdate() result is : {}", result.getN()); if (result.getN() <= 0) throw new DScabiException("Update failed for documentWhere : " + documentWhere.toString() + " updateObj : " + updateObj.toString(), "DBT.EUE.3"); return result.getN(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public int executeRemove(String jsonWhere) throws IOException, DScabiException { ArrayList<String> fieldList = fieldNamesUsingFindOne(); // fieldNames(); DMJson djsonWhere = new DMJson(jsonWhere); Set<String> stWhere = djsonWhere.keySet(); BasicDBObject documentWhere = new BasicDBObject(); if (false == isEmpty(fieldList)) { if (false == fieldList.containsAll(stWhere)) { throw new DScabiException( "One or more field name in jsonWhere doesn't exist in fieldNames list. jsonWhere : " + jsonWhere + " Field Names list : " + fieldList, "DBT.ERE.1"); }/* ww w . java 2 s .c o m*/ } for (String keyWhere : stWhere) { // create a document to store key and value documentWhere.put(keyWhere, djsonWhere.getString(keyWhere)); } // DBObject result = table.findAndRemove(documentWhere); WriteResult result = m_table.remove(documentWhere); log.debug("executeRemove() result is : {}", result.getN()); if (result.getN() <= 0) throw new DScabiException("Remove failed for documentWhere : " + documentWhere.toString(), "DBT.ERE.2"); return result.getN(); }
From source
License:MIT License
public static List<JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo> findConfigurationByAppNameAndVersion(BasicDBObject query, MongoConnection mongoConnection) { List<JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo> beanConfigs = new ArrayList<JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo>(); List<BasicDBObject> dbObjects = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(); DBCollection dbCol = mongoConnection.getDBCollection(); if (dbCol == null) { throw new MongoConfigRuntimeException("jetstreamconfig collection is unknown"); }/*from w ww .j a v a 2 s . com*/ Exception e = null; DBCursor cur = null; try { cur = (query == null ? dbCol.find() : dbCol.find(query)); while (cur.hasNext()) { dbObjects.add((BasicDBObject); } for (BasicDBObject dbObject : dbObjects) { String jsonString = dbObject.toString(); beanConfigs.add(unMarshalJSONResponse(jsonString)); } } catch (Exception err) { e = err; throw new MongoConfigRuntimeException(err); } finally { if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } return beanConfigs; }
From source
License:MIT License
public static List<JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo> findConfigurationByQuery(BasicDBObject query, MongoConnection mongoConnection) { List<JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo> beanConfigs = new ArrayList<JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo>(); List<BasicDBObject> dbObjects = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(); DBCollection dbCol = mongoConnection.getDBCollection(); if (dbCol == null) { throw new MongoConfigRuntimeException("jetstreamconfig collection is unknown"); }/*from ww w . java 2 s .c om*/ Exception e = null; DBCursor cur = null; try { cur = (query == null ? dbCol.find() : dbCol.find(query)); while (cur.hasNext()) { dbObjects.add((BasicDBObject); } for (BasicDBObject dbObject : dbObjects) { String jsonString = dbObject.toString(); beanConfigs.add(unMarshalJSONResponse(jsonString)); //beanConfig = (JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo)fromJson(jsonString, JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo.class); } } catch (Exception err) { e = err; throw new MongoConfigRuntimeException(err); } finally { if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } return beanConfigs; }
From source
License:MIT License
public static List<JetStreamBeanConfigurationLogDo> findConfigurationByAppNameAndVersion(BasicDBObject query, MongoLogConnection mongoConnection) { List<JetStreamBeanConfigurationLogDo> beanConfigs = new ArrayList<JetStreamBeanConfigurationLogDo>(); List<BasicDBObject> dbObjects = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(); DBCollection dbCol = mongoConnection.getDBCollection(); if (dbCol == null) { throw new MongoConfigRuntimeException("jetstreamconfiglog collection is unknown"); }//from w w w. j ava 2 s. co m Exception e = null; DBCursor cur = null; try { cur = (query == null ? dbCol.find() : dbCol.find(query)); while (cur.hasNext()) { dbObjects.add((BasicDBObject); } for (BasicDBObject dbObject : dbObjects) { String jsonString = dbObject.toString(); beanConfigs.add(unMarshalJSONResponse(jsonString)); } } catch (Exception err) { e = err; throw new MongoConfigRuntimeException(err); } finally { if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } return beanConfigs; }
From source
License:MIT License
public static List<JetStreamBeanConfigurationLogDo> findConfigurationByQuery(BasicDBObject query, MongoLogConnection mongoLogConnection) { List<JetStreamBeanConfigurationLogDo> beanConfigs = new ArrayList<JetStreamBeanConfigurationLogDo>(); List<BasicDBObject> dbObjects = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(); DBCollection dbCol = mongoLogConnection.getDBCollection(); if (dbCol == null) { throw new MongoConfigRuntimeException("jetstreamconfigLog collection is unknown"); }/*w ww. ja va 2s . co m*/ Exception e = null; DBCursor cur = null; try { cur = (query == null ? dbCol.find() : dbCol.find(query)); while (cur.hasNext()) { dbObjects.add((BasicDBObject); } for (BasicDBObject dbObject : dbObjects) { String jsonString = dbObject.toString(); beanConfigs.add(unMarshalJSONResponse(jsonString)); // beanConfig = // (JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo)fromJson(jsonString, // JetStreamBeanConfigurationDo.class); } } catch (Exception err) { e = err; throw new MongoConfigRuntimeException(err); } finally { if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } return beanConfigs; }
From source
License:Apache License
public void getMore(final int max) { new DbJob() { @Override/*from ww w. ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ public Object doRun() throws IOException { int i = 0; while (iterator.hasNext() && (i++ < max || max <= 0)) { DBObject obj =; if (obj == null) { break; } addDocument(obj, null); } return null; } @Override public String getNS() { if (dbcursor != null) { return dbcursor.getCollection().getFullName(); } return getLabel(); } @Override public String getShortName() { return "Find"; } @Override public void wrapUp(Object res) { super.wrapUp(res); if (res == null) { // res should be null // should have a cursor id now if (dbcursor != null) { BasicDBObject desc = getDescription(DocView.this.job.getRoot(dbcursor)); getTree().label = desc.toString(); } getTree().structureComponent(); getTree().expandNode(getTree().getTreeNode()); DocView.this.updateButtons(); } } }.addJob(); }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override public void setValue(Object value) { Code code = (Code) value;//from w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m setStringFieldValue(Item.value, code.getCode()); if (code instanceof CodeWScope) { BasicDBObject scope = (BasicDBObject) ((CodeWScope) code).getScope(); setStringFieldValue(Item.scope, scope.toString()); } }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Updates a list cameras//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m * @param cameras * @return */ public boolean updateCameras(List<Camera> cameras) {"Updating " + cameras.size() + " cameras"); boolean result = false; DB db = getDatabase(); try { DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("camera"); for (Camera camera : cameras) { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", camera.getId()); BasicDBObject dbObj = cameraToDBObject(camera); dbObj.append("updated", new Date()); sLogger.debug("Updating: " + dbObj.toString()); collection.update(query, dbObj); result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { sLogger.error("Exception inserting cameras"); sLogger.error(e); } return result; }