List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject toString
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public String toString()
Returns a JSON serialization of this object
The output will look like: {"a":1, "b":["x","y","z"]} }
From source
private void queries() { DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("Purchase"); //find the sum group by category DBObject group = new BasicDBObject("$group", new BasicDBObject("_id", "$categoryID").append("total", new BasicDBObject("$sum", "$price"))); DBObject sort = new BasicDBObject("$sort", new BasicDBObject("price", 1)); AggregationOutput output = coll.aggregate(group, sort); for (DBObject result : output.results()) { System.out.println(result); }/*from ww w . j av a2 s. co m*/ System.out.println("////////////////////////////////"); //find the year of date //SELECT DISTINCT(YEAR(DateOfPurchase)) AS ano FROM Purchase // $group : {_id : { year : {$year : "$birth_date"}}, total : {$sum : 1} System.out.println("SELECT DISTINCT(YEAR(DateOfPurchase)) AS ano FROM Purchase"); DBCollection collection2 = db.getCollection("Purchase"); group = new BasicDBObject("$group", new BasicDBObject("_id", new BasicDBObject("year", new BasicDBObject("$year", "$dateOfPurchase"))) .append("total", new BasicDBObject("$sum", 1))); output = collection2.aggregate(group); BasicDBObject basicObj; for (DBObject result : output.results()) { basicObj = (BasicDBObject) result; basicObj = (BasicDBObject) basicObj.get("_id"); System.out.println(basicObj.get("year")); ; } System.out.println("////////////////////////////////"); //find the sum with year and categoryID // SELECT SUM(Price) AS Sumatorio FROM Purchase WHERE CategoryID = ? AND Year(DateOfPurchase) = ? System.out.println( "SELECT SUM(Price) AS Sumatorio FROM Purchase WHERE CategoryID = ? AND Year(DateOfPurchase) = ?"); int year = 2014; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(year, 0, 0); Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal2.set(year, 11, 31); BasicDBObject match = new BasicDBObject("$match", new BasicDBObject("categoryID", new ObjectId("548089fc46e68338719aa1f8"))); match.put("$match", new BasicDBObject("dateOfPurchase", new BasicDBObject("$gte", cal.getTime()).append("$lt", cal2.getTime()))); group = new BasicDBObject("$group", new BasicDBObject("_id", null).append("total", new BasicDBObject("$sum", "$price"))); output = coll.aggregate(match, group); for (DBObject result : output.results()) { basicObj = (BasicDBObject) result; System.out.println(basicObj.getDouble("total")); } System.out.println("////////////////////////////////"); System.out.println("SELECT SUM(Price) , MONTH(DateOfPurchase)" + " FROM Purchase WHERE PersonID = ? AND CategoryID = ? " + "AND Price <= ? GROUP BY MONTH(DateOfPurchase)"); coll = db.getCollection("Purchase"); BasicDBObject cateObj = new BasicDBObject("categoryID", new ObjectId("548089fc46e68338719aa1f8")); BasicDBObject personObj = new BasicDBObject("personID", new ObjectId("548079fa46e68338719aa1f6")); BasicDBList and = new BasicDBList(); and.add(cateObj); and.add(personObj); DBObject andCriteria = new BasicDBObject("$and", and); DBObject matchCriteria = new BasicDBObject("$match", andCriteria); group = new BasicDBObject("$group", new BasicDBObject("_id", null).append("total", new BasicDBObject("$sum", "$price"))); group.put("$group", new BasicDBObject("_id", new BasicDBObject("month", new BasicDBObject("$month", "$dateOfPurchase"))) .append("total", new BasicDBObject("$sum", "$price"))); output = coll.aggregate(matchCriteria, group); for (DBObject result : output.results()) { basicObj = (BasicDBObject) result; System.out.println(basicObj.toString()); } System.out.println("////////////////////////////////"); System.out.println("SELECT SUM(Price) , PersonID FROM Purchase WHERE " + "YEAR(DateOfPurchase) = ? AND Price <= ? GROUP BY PersonID"); coll = db.getCollection("Purchase"); year = 2014; cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(year, 0, 0); cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal2.set(year, 11, 31); BasicDBObject priceObj = new BasicDBObject("price", new BasicDBObject("$lte", 2000)); BasicDBObject dateObj = new BasicDBObject("dateOfPurchase", new BasicDBObject("$gte", cal.getTime()).append("$lt", cal2.getTime())); and = new BasicDBList(); and.add(priceObj); and.add(dateObj); andCriteria = new BasicDBObject("$and", and); matchCriteria = new BasicDBObject("$match", andCriteria); group = new BasicDBObject("$group", new BasicDBObject("_id", "$personID").append("total", new BasicDBObject("$sum", "$price"))); output = coll.aggregate(matchCriteria, group); for (DBObject result : output.results()) { basicObj = (BasicDBObject) result; System.out.println(basicObj.toString()); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
private void extractData() { HashMap<MultiKey, TreeSet<String>> newC2CKeys = new HashMap<MultiKey, TreeSet<String>>(); TreeSet<String> NucKeysToAdd = new TreeSet<String>(); DBCursor cur = mc.getXPNuclei(xp.getName()); cur.sort(new BasicDBObject("field_id", 1).append("idx", 1)); int nbNuc = cur.count(); IJ.log("extract data nb nuc:" + nbNuc); objectMes = new HashMap<Integer, TreeMap<MultiKey3D, String>>(ojectKeys.size()); nbObjects = new TreeMap<MultiKey2D, int[]>(); nucTags = new TreeMap<MultiKey2D, Integer>(); nucIds = new TreeMap<MultiKey2D, String>(); for (int i : ojectKeys.keySet()) { if (i < 0) { continue; }//from ww w . j ava 2 s . c o m objectMes.put(i, new TreeMap<MultiKey3D, String>()); } if (!ojectKeys.containsKey(0)) { objectMes.put(0, new TreeMap<MultiKey3D, String>()); ojectKeys.put(0, new TreeSet<String>()); } o2oMes = new HashMap<MultiKey, TreeMap<MultiKey4D, String>>(); for (MultiKey dk : c2cKeys.keySet()) { o2oMes.put(dk, new TreeMap<MultiKey4D, String>()); newC2CKeys.put(dk, new TreeSet<String>()); } while (cur.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject nuc = (BasicDBObject); if (nuc.getInt("tag", 0) < 0) { continue; // exclude negative tags } ObjectId nucId = (ObjectId) nuc.get("_id"); int nucIdx = nuc.getInt("idx"); String fieldName = mc.getField((ObjectId) nuc.get("field_id")).getString("name"); int[] nbPart = new int[channelNames.length]; //mesure objects for (int i = 0; i < channelNames.length; i++) { TreeMap<MultiKey3D, String> omes = objectMes.get(i); TreeSet<String> keys = ojectKeys.get(i); DBCursor cursor = mc.getObjectsCursor(nucId, i); cursor.sort(new BasicDBObject("idx", 1)); nbPart[i] = cursor.count(); if (keys != null && !keys.isEmpty()) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject o = (BasicDBObject); //IJ.log("o="+o); //IJ.log("omes="+omes); //IJ.log("f="+fieldName+" "+nucIdx+" "+o.getInt("idx")+" "+keys); for (String k : keys) { //IJ.log("k="+k+" "+o.getString(k)); if (o.getString(k) != null) { omes.put(new MultiKey3D(fieldName, nucIdx, o.getInt("idx"), k), o.get(k).toString()); } } } } cursor.close(); } String s = ""; for (int i : nbPart) { s += i + ";"; } //IJ.log("nb objects:" + s); MultiKey2D k2D = new MultiKey2D(fieldName, nucIdx, "nbParts"); nbObjects.put(k2D, nbPart); nucTags.put(k2D, nuc.getInt("tag", 0)); nucIds.put(k2D, nuc.getString("_id")); //C2C TreeMap<MultiKey3D, String> nucMes = objectMes.get(0); for (MultiKey dk : c2cKeys.keySet()) { if (dk.getKey(0) < 0) { continue; } int size = (dk.getKey(0) != dk.getKey(1)) ? nbPart[dk.getKey(0)] * nbPart[dk.getKey(1)] : nbPart[dk.getKey(0)] * (nbPart[dk.getKey(0)] - 1) / 2; BasicDBObject mes = mc.getMeasurementStructure(nucId, dk.getKeys(), true); //IJ.log("get mes:" + dk + " mes"); TreeMap<MultiKey4D, String> o2oMesDk = o2oMes.get(dk); TreeSet<String> keys = c2cKeys.get(dk); TreeSet<String> newKeys = newC2CKeys.get(dk); for (String k : keys) { Object o = mes.get(k); if (o instanceof BasicDBList) { BasicDBList list = ((BasicDBList) o); if (list.size() == size) { int count = 0; if (dk.getKey(0) != dk.getKey(1)) { for (int p1 = 1; p1 <= nbPart[dk.getKey(0)]; p1++) { for (int p2 = 1; p2 <= nbPart[dk.getKey(1)]; p2++) { o2oMesDk.put(new MultiKey4D(fieldName, nucIdx, p1, p2, k), list.get(count).toString()); count++; } } } else { for (int p1 = 1; p1 < nbPart[dk.getKey(0)]; p1++) { for (int p2 = p1 + 1; p2 <= nbPart[dk.getKey(1)]; p2++) { o2oMesDk.put(new MultiKey4D(fieldName, nucIdx, p1, p2, k), list.get(count).toString()); count++; } } } newKeys.add(k); } } else if (o instanceof Number || o instanceof String) { String newKey = channelNames[dk.getKey(0)] + "." + channelNames[dk.getKey(1)] + "." + k; nucMes.put(new MultiKey3D(fieldName, nucIdx, 1, newKey), o.toString()); NucKeysToAdd.add(newKey); } } } } cur.close(); this.ojectKeys.get(0).addAll(NucKeysToAdd); this.c2cKeys = newC2CKeys; }
From source
License:Open Source License
public synchronized void removeNucleusImage(ObjectId nucleus_id, int fileIdx, int fileType) { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("nucleus_id", nucleus_id).append("fileIdx", fileIdx) .append("fileType", fileType); System.out.println("removing nucleus image: " + query.toString()); gfsNucleus.remove(query); // TODO BUG NE REMOVE PLUS! }
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License:Open Source License
public synchronized ImageHandler getNucImage(ObjectId cellId, int fileIdx, int fileType) { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("nucleus_id", cellId).append("fileIdx", fileIdx).append("fileType", fileType);/*from ww w.j ava 2s. co m*/ GridFSDBFile f = this.gfsNucleus.findOne(query); System.out.println("get nucleus image: " + query.toString() + " found? " + (f != null)); if (f != null) { return createImage(f); } return null; }
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public ProcessingChainsToText(BasicDBObject chain) { if (chain != null) { json = new JSONObject(chain.toString()); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Use to start searching only input data for the job. * * @return database object with job IDs/plugin names selected. *//*from www. ja v a 2 s . c om*/ public BasicDBObject getInputDataQuery() { BasicDBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject(); // Only search in input data for this job ObjectId[] jobIds = getInputJobIdsAsObjectIds(); String[] pluginNames = getInputPluginNamesAsStringArray(); BasicDBList or = new BasicDBList(); or.add(new BasicDBObject("pluginName", new BasicDBObject("$in", pluginNames))); or.add(new BasicDBObject("SADJobID", new BasicDBObject("$in", jobIds))); searchQuery.append("$or", or); logger.debug("Returning query based on input data: " + searchQuery.toString()); return searchQuery; }
From source
private BasicDBObject buildQuery(String owner, String queryString, Map<String, String> options) throws IOException, InvalidTimePeriodException { if (queryString == null) { queryString = "{ }"; }//from w ww. j a va2s . c om if (options.get("binQuery") != null) { queryString = addBinQuery(queryString, options.get("binQuery")); } BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(JSONUtil.json2map(queryString)); if (!owner.equals(Oddball.ALL)) { String ownerProperty = OWNERPROPERTY; if (options.containsKey("ownerProperty")) { ownerProperty = options.get("ownerProperty"); } query.append("case." + ownerProperty, owner); } if (options.get("recent") != null) { addRecentQuery(query, options.get("recent")); } if (options.get("ago") != null) { addAgoQuery(query, options.get("ago")); } if (options.get("since") != null) { addSinceQuery(query, options.get("since")); } if (options.get("before") != null) { addBeforeQuery(query, options.get("before")); } if (options.get("caseRecent") != null) { addCaseRecentQuery(query, options.get("caseRecent")); } if (options.get("caseAgo") != null) { addCaseAgoQuery(query, options.get("caseAgo")); } if (options.get("caseSince") != null) { addCaseSinceQuery(query, options.get("caseSince")); } if (options.get("caseBefore") != null) { addCaseBeforeQuery(query, options.get("caseBefore")); } if (options.get("forEach") != null) { addForEachQuery(query, options.get("forEach"), options.get("forEachValue")); } if (options.get("series") != null) { addSeriesQuery(query, options.get("series")); } if (options.get("agent") != null) { addAgentQuery(query, options.get("agent")); } if (options.get("sessionId") != null) { addSessionIdQuery(query, options.get("sessionId")); } if (options.get("userId") != null) { addUserIdQuery(query, options.get("userId")); } System.out.println("Query=" + query.toString()); return query; }
From source
private String queryCategoryQuery(ArrayList<String> str) { BasicDBObject inQuery = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject(); fields.put("business_id", 1); fields.put("name", 1); fields.put("state", 1); fields.put("city", 1); fields.put("stars", 1); fields.put("_id", 0); inQuery.put("categories", new BasicDBObject("$in", str)); return inQuery.toString(); }
From source
private String proxqueryonly(Double longitude, Double latitude, Integer miles) { BasicDBObject coordinates = new BasicDBObject("coordinates", asList(longitude, latitude)); BasicDBObject type = new BasicDBObject("type", "Point").append("coordinates", asList(longitude, latitude)); BasicDBObject geometry = new BasicDBObject("$geometry", type); System.out.println(geometry); double maxdistancekeyenin = 1609.34 * miles; BasicDBObject maxdistane = new BasicDBObject("$maxDistance", maxdistancekeyenin); BasicDBObject near = new BasicDBObject("$near", geometry.append("$maxDistance", maxdistancekeyenin)); BasicDBObject location = new BasicDBObject("loc", near); String Query = location.toString(); return Query; }