Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject getInt

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject getInt


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject getInt.


public int getInt(final String key) 

Source Link


Returns the value of a field as an int .


From source file:ch.agent.crnickl.mongodb.ReadMethodsForChroniclesAndSeries.java

License:Apache License

 * Find a series corresponding to a surrogate.
 * //  w  ww.  j  a  v a2 s  .c o  m
 * @param s a surrogate
 * @return a series or null
 * @throws T2DBException
public <T> Series<T> getSeries(Surrogate s) throws T2DBException {
    BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) getObject(s, false);
    Throwable cause = null;
    if (obj != null)
        try {
            ObjectId chrOid = obj.getObjectId(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_CHRON);
            int serNum = obj.getInt(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_NUM);
            Chronicle chronicle = new ChronicleImpl(
                    makeSurrogate(s.getDatabase(), DBObjectType.CHRONICLE, chrOid));
            check(Permission.READ, chronicle);
            Series<T> series = new SeriesImpl<T>(chronicle, null, serNum, s);
            return series;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            cause = e;
    throw T2DBMsg.exception(cause, E.E40104, s.toString());

From source file:ch.agent.crnickl.mongodb.ReadMethodsForChroniclesAndSeries.java

License:Apache License

 * Return array of series in the positions corresponding to the
 * requested numbers. These numbers are series numbers within the schema,
 * not the series keys in the database. When a requested number in the array is
 * non-positive, the corresponding series will be null in the result. A
 * series can also be null when the requested number is positive but the
 * series has no data and has not been set up in the database (and therefore
 * has no series database key).//from   w  w  w.  j a va 2s . c o m
 * <p>
 * Note. There is no exception if the chronicle does not exist. This behavior makes
 * it easier to implement the wishful transaction protocol (i.e. testing again if it
 * was okay to delete a chronicle after it was deleted). 
 * @param chronicle a chronicle
 * @param names an array of simple names to plug into the series  
 * @param numbers an array of numbers
 * @return an array of series
 * @throws T2DBException
public <T> Series<T>[] getSeries(Chronicle chronicle, String[] names, int[] numbers) throws T2DBException {

    if (names.length != numbers.length)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("lengths of names[] and numbers[] differ");

    Series<T>[] result = new SeriesImpl[numbers.length];
    if (result.length > 0) {
        Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
            if (numbers[i] > 0) {
                if (map.put(numbers[i], i) != null)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicate number: " + numbers[i]);
        Surrogate s = chronicle.getSurrogate();
        Database db = s.getDatabase();
        try {
            check(Permission.READ, chronicle);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(e, E.E40104, s.toString());
        try {
            DBCursor cursor = getMongoDB(db)
                            mongoObject(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_CHRON, getId(chronicle),
                                    MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_NUM, mongoObject(Operator.IN.op(), numbers)),
                            mongoObject(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_NUM, 1));
            while (cursor.hasNext()) {
                BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) cursor.next();
                ObjectId serOid = obj.getObjectId(MongoDatabase.FLD_ID);
                int serNumber = obj.getInt(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_NUM);
                int i = map.get(serNumber);
                result[i] = new SeriesImpl<T>(chronicle, names[i], numbers[i],
                        makeSurrogate(db, DBObjectType.SERIES, serOid));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(e, E.E40121, chronicle.getName(true));
    return result;

From source file:ch.agent.crnickl.mongodb.ReadMethodsForSchema.java

License:Apache License

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private AttributeDefinition<?> attributeDefinition(Surrogate schemaSurrogate, int seriesNr, Database db,
        BasicDBObject bo) throws T2DBException {
    int number = bo.getInt(MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTRIBDEF_NUM);
    boolean era = bo.getBoolean(MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTRIBDEF_ERASING);
    AttributeDefinitionImpl<?> def = null;
    if (era) {/*from w  ww  . j  a v a2s .c  om*/
        def = new AttributeDefinitionImpl(seriesNr, number, null, null);
    } else {
        ObjectId propId = bo.getObjectId(MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTRIBDEF_PROP);
        Surrogate propSurr = makeSurrogate(db, DBObjectType.PROPERTY, new MongoDBObjectId(propId));
        Property<?> prop = ((MongoDatabase) db).getReadMethodsForProperty().getProperty(propSurr);
        String val = bo.getString(MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTRIBDEF_VAL);
        checkIntegrity(prop, propSurr, schemaSurrogate);
        def = new AttributeDefinitionImpl(seriesNr, number, prop, prop.getValueType().scan(val));
    return def;

From source file:ch.agent.crnickl.mongodb.ReadMethodsForSchema.java

License:Apache License

private SeriesDefinition seriesDefinition(Surrogate schemaSurrogate, Database db, BasicDBObject bo)
        throws T2DBException {
    int number = bo.getInt(MongoDatabase.FLD_SERIESDEF_NUM);
    boolean era = bo.getBoolean(MongoDatabase.FLD_SERIESDEF_ERASING);
    SeriesDefinitionImpl def = null;//from   w w w. ja v  a 2  s.c  o m
    if (era) {
        def = new SeriesDefinitionImpl(number, null, null);
    } else {
        String desc = bo.getString(MongoDatabase.FLD_SERIESDEF_DESC);
        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) bo.get(MongoDatabase.FLD_SERIESDEF_ATTRIBS);
        Collection<AttributeDefinition<?>> attribs = attributeDefinitions(schemaSurrogate, number, db, list);
        def = new SeriesDefinitionImpl(number, desc, attribs);
    return def;

From source file:ch.windmobile.server.mongo.MongoDataSource.java

License:Open Source License

private StationInfo createStationInfo(BasicDBObject stationJson) {
    StationInfo stationInfo = new StationInfo();

    stationInfo.setDataValidity(getDataValidity(new DateTime()));
    BasicDBList locationJson = (BasicDBList) stationJson.get("loc");
    stationInfo.setWgs84Longitude((Double) locationJson.get(0));
    stationInfo.setWgs84Latitude((Double) locationJson.get(1));
    ;/*  w ww.j a  v  a  2 s  . c o  m*/

    return stationInfo;

From source file:com.ca.apm.mongo.test.MongoReplicaSetForTestFactory.java

License:Open Source License

private boolean isReplicaSetStarted(BasicDBObject setting) {
    if (setting.get("members") == null) {
        return false;
    }/*from   w  w w . j  a  v a  2s. c o  m*/

    BasicDBList members = (BasicDBList) setting.get("members");
    for (Object m : members.toArray()) {
        BasicDBObject member = (BasicDBObject) m;
        int state = member.getInt("state");
        logger.info("state: " + state);
        // 1 - PRIMARY, 2 - SECONDARY, 7 - ARBITER
        if (state != 1 && state != 2 && state != 7) {
            return false;
    return true;

From source file:com.deftlabs.lock.mongo.impl.LockDao.java

License:Apache License

 * Check for expired/inactive/dead locks and unlock.
 *//*  ww w  .ja v a 2 s.c om*/
static void expireInactiveLocks(final MongoClient pMongo, final DistributedLockSvcOptions pSvcOptions) {
    // Adjust the time buffer to make sure we do not have small time issues.
    final long queryServerTime = getServerTime(pMongo, pSvcOptions);

    final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(LockDef.STATE.field, LockState.LOCKED.code());
    query.put(LockDef.LOCK_TIMEOUT_TIME.field, new BasicDBObject(LT, new Date(queryServerTime)));

    final DBCursor cur = getDbCollection(pMongo, pSvcOptions).find(query).batchSize(10);

    try {
        while (cur.hasNext()) {

            final BasicDBObject lockDoc = (BasicDBObject) cur.next();

            final ObjectId lockId = (ObjectId) lockDoc.get(LockDef.LOCK_ID.field);
            final String lockName = lockDoc.getString(LockDef.ID.field);

            final long serverTime = getServerTime(pMongo, pSvcOptions);

            final BasicDBObject toSet = new BasicDBObject();
            toSet.put(LockDef.LIBRARY_VERSION.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.UPDATED.field, new Date(serverTime));
            toSet.put(LockDef.LOCK_ACQUIRED_TIME.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.LOCK_TIMEOUT_TIME.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.LOCK_ID.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.STATE.field, LockState.UNLOCKED.code());
            toSet.put(LockDef.OWNER_APP_NAME.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.OWNER_ADDRESS.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.OWNER_HOSTNAME.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.OWNER_THREAD_ID.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.OWNER_THREAD_NAME.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.OWNER_THREAD_GROUP_NAME.field, null);
            toSet.put(LockDef.LOCK_ATTEMPT_COUNT.field, 0);
            toSet.put(LockDef.INACTIVE_LOCK_TIMEOUT.field, null);

            final BasicDBObject timeoutQuery = new BasicDBObject(LockDef.ID.field, lockName);
            timeoutQuery.put(LockDef.LOCK_ID.field, lockId);
            timeoutQuery.put(LockDef.STATE.field, LockState.LOCKED.code());
            timeoutQuery.put(LockDef.LOCK_TIMEOUT_TIME.field, new BasicDBObject(LT, new Date(serverTime)));

            final BasicDBObject previousLockDoc = (BasicDBObject) getDbCollection(pMongo, pSvcOptions)
                    .findAndModify(timeoutQuery, new BasicDBObject(LockDef.INACTIVE_LOCK_TIMEOUT.field, 1),
                            null, false, new BasicDBObject(SET, toSet), false, false);

            if (previousLockDoc == null)

            if (!pSvcOptions.getEnableHistory())

            // Insert the history state.
            LockHistoryDao.insert(pMongo, lockName, pSvcOptions,
                    previousLockDoc.getInt(LockDef.INACTIVE_LOCK_TIMEOUT.field), serverTime, LockState.LOCKED,
                    lockId, true);
    } finally {
        if (cur != null)

From source file:com.dentinium.doctor.Doctor.java

public Doctor(BasicDBObject obj) {

    doctorID = obj.getString("userid");
    doctorName = obj.getString("name");
    email = obj.getString("email");

    if (obj.getString("phone") != null) {
        phone = obj.getString("phone");
    } else {/* w  ww  .  j a  v  a2  s .  co m*/
        phone = "not set";

    if (obj.getString("wage") != null) {
        wage = obj.getInt("wage");
    } else {
        wage = 0;
    BasicDBObject tmp = (BasicDBObject) obj.get("works");
    companyName = tmp.getString("companyname");


From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.ReplicaDialog.java

License:Apache License

public void updateFromReplicaConfig(BasicDBObject member) {
    // reset/*from w w w  .  j  ava2s  . c  o  m*/
    ((TextField) getBoundUnit(Item.host)).editable = false;

    setStringFieldValue(Item.host, member.getString("host"));
    setBooleanFieldValue(Item.arbiterOnly, member.getBoolean("arbiterOnly", false));
    setBooleanFieldValue(Item.hidden, member.getBoolean("hidden", false));
    setBooleanFieldValue(Item.ignoreIndexes, !member.getBoolean("buildIndexes", true));

    if (member.containsField("priority")) {
        setDoubleFieldValue(Item.priority, member.getDouble("priority"));
    if (member.containsField("slaveDelay")) {
        setIntFieldValue(Item.slaveDelay, member.getInt("slaveDelay"));
    if (member.containsField("votes")) {
        setIntFieldValue(Item.votes, member.getInt("votes"));
    if (member.containsField("tags")) {
        ((DocBuilderField) getBoundUnit(Item.tags)).setDBObject((DBObject) member.get("tags"));

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.ServerPanel.java

License:Apache License

public void rsReconfigure(ButtonBase button) throws Exception {
    ReplSetNode replset = (ReplSetNode) getServerNode().getParentNode();
    final DBCollection col = replset.getMongoClient().getDB("local").getCollection("system.replset");
    DBObject config = col.findOne();// ww w .j  a va 2 s . c  o  m

    BasicDBList members = (BasicDBList) config.get("members");
    int i = 0;
    String myhost = getServerNode().getServerAddress().getHost() + ":"
            + getServerNode().getServerAddress().getPort();
    for (; i < members.size(); ++i) {
        if (myhost.equals(((DBObject) members.get(i)).get("host")))

    if (i == members.size()) {
        throw new Exception("No such server in configuration");

    ReplicaDialog dia = UMongo.instance.getGlobalStore().getReplicaDialog();
    BasicDBObject oldConf = (BasicDBObject) members.get(i);
    if (!dia.show())
    BasicDBObject conf = dia.getReplicaConfig(oldConf.getInt("_id"));
    members.put(i, conf);

    ReplSetPanel.reconfigure(replset, config);