Example usage for com.itextpdf.text Rectangle setBottom

List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text Rectangle setBottom


In this page you can find the example usage for com.itextpdf.text Rectangle setBottom.


public void setBottom(final float lly) 

Source Link


Sets the lower left y-coordinate.


From source file:at.laborg.briss.CropManager.java

License:Open Source License

private static Rectangle calculateScaledRectangle(List<Rectangle> boxes, Float[] ratios, int rotation) {
    if (ratios == null || boxes.size() == 0)
        return null;
    Rectangle smallestBox = null;
    // find smallest box
    float smallestSquare = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    for (Rectangle box : boxes) {
        if (box != null) {
            if (smallestBox == null) {
                smallestBox = box;/* w w w .j  a v a  2 s.c  o m*/
            if (smallestSquare > box.getWidth() * box.getHeight()) {
                // set new smallest box
                smallestSquare = box.getWidth() * box.getHeight();
                smallestBox = box;
    if (smallestBox == null)
        return null; // no useable box was found

    // rotate the ratios according to the rotation of the page
    float[] rotRatios = rotateRatios(ratios, rotation);

    // use smallest box as basis for calculation
    Rectangle scaledBox = new Rectangle(smallestBox);

    scaledBox.setLeft(smallestBox.getLeft() + (smallestBox.getWidth() * rotRatios[0]));
    scaledBox.setBottom(smallestBox.getBottom() + (smallestBox.getHeight() * rotRatios[1]));
    scaledBox.setRight(smallestBox.getLeft() + (smallestBox.getWidth() * (1 - rotRatios[2])));
    scaledBox.setTop(smallestBox.getBottom() + (smallestBox.getHeight() * (1 - rotRatios[3])));

    return scaledBox;

From source file:com.chaschev.itext.ColumnTextBuilder.java

License:Apache License

public ColumnTextBuilder addTruncatedLine(Chunk chunk, boolean addEllipsis) {
    final float pixelsForEllipsis = 6;

    try {/*from  ww  w . j a  v a 2s .  c  o  m*/
        ColumnText dup = ColumnText.duplicate(columnText);

        final Rectangle oneLineRectangle = new Rectangle(simpleColumnRectangle);


        final float fontHeight = calcApproximateFontHeight(chunk.getFont()) * 1.6f;

        oneLineRectangle.setBottom(dup.getYLine() - fontHeight);

        if (addEllipsis) {
            oneLineRectangle.setRight(oneLineRectangle.getRight() - pixelsForEllipsis);


        final int status = dup.go();

        float yLine;

        if (addEllipsis && ColumnText.hasMoreText(status)) {
            oneLineRectangle.setLeft(dup.getLastX() + 2);
            oneLineRectangle.setRight(oneLineRectangle.getRight() + pixelsForEllipsis * 2);

            dup = ColumnText.duplicate(dup);


            final Chunk ellipses = new Chunk("...\n", chunk.getFont());

            dup.setText(new Phrase(ellipses));
            yLine = dup.getYLine();
        } else {
            yLine = dup.getYLine();


        return this;

    } catch (DocumentException e) {
        throw Exceptions.runtime(e);

From source file:com.chaschev.itext.ColumnTextBuilder.java

License:Apache License

public Iterator<AtomicIncreaseResult> newAtomicIteratorFor(@Nullable Element element) {
    final Rectangle rect = getSimpleColumnRectangle();

    final RectangleBuilder original = iTextBuilder.newRectangleBuilder(rect);


    setSimpleColumn(rect, true);//from ww  w  .java  2s .  co  m

    return newAtomicIteratorFor(element, iTextBuilder.newRectangleBuilder(rect), original);

From source file:com.vectorprint.report.itext.EventHelper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Calls the super and {@link Advanced#draw(com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle, java.lang.String) } for each Advanced styler
 * registered. Adds a debugging link for images when in debug mode.
 * @param writer//  ww  w .jav a  2  s  . c  o  m
 * @param document
 * @param rect
 * @param genericTag
 * @see #addDelayedStyler(java.lang.String, java.util.Collection, com.itextpdf.text.Chunk) 
 * @see Advanced#addDelayedData(java.lang.String, com.itextpdf.text.Chunk)
 * @see VectorPrintDocument
public final void onGenericTag(PdfWriter writer, Document document, final Rectangle rect, String genericTag) {
    //      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
    //         Collection<Advanced> av = doOnGenericTag.get(genericTag);
    //         String data = null;
    //         if (av!=null) {
    //            for (Advanced a : av) {
    //               data += a.getDelayed(genericTag).getDataPart();
    //               break;
    //            }
    //         }
    //         System.out.println("wrapped: " + carriageReturns.toString() + ", " + genericTag + " " + data + " " + rect.toString() + ", x=" + rect.getLeft());
    //      }
    if (doOnGenericTag.get(genericTag) != null && !genericTag.startsWith(VectorPrintDocument.DRAWNEAR)
            && !genericTag.startsWith(VectorPrintDocument.DRAWSHADOW)) {
        int i = -1;
        for (Advanced a : doOnGenericTag.get(genericTag)) {
            if (genericTag.startsWith(DefaultElementProducer.ADV) && Integer
                    .parseInt(genericTag.replace(DefaultElementProducer.ADV, "")) > maxTagForGenericTagOnPage) {
            try {
                if (a.shouldDraw(a.getDelayed(genericTag).getData())) {
                    if (a instanceof DebugStyler && imageChunks.containsKey(genericTag)) {
                        Chunk wrapper = imageChunks.get(genericTag);
                        Object[] atts = (Object[]) wrapper.getAttributes().get(Chunk.IMAGE);
                        Rectangle shifted = new Rectangle(rect);
                        shifted.setLeft(shifted.getLeft() + (Float) atts[1]);
                        shifted.setRight(shifted.getRight() + (Float) atts[1]);
                        shifted.setTop(shifted.getTop() + (Float) atts[2]);
                        shifted.setBottom(shifted.getBottom() + (Float) atts[2]);
                        a.draw(shifted, genericTag);
                    } else if (!genericTag.startsWith(VectorPrintDocument.IMG_DEBUG)) {
                        a.draw(rect, genericTag);
            } catch (VectorPrintException ex) {
                throw new VectorPrintRuntimeException(ex);
    // images
    if (genericTag.startsWith(VectorPrintDocument.IMG_DEBUG)
            && getSettings().getBooleanProperty(false, DEBUG)) {
        // only now we can define a goto action, we know the position of the image
        if (rectangles.containsKey(genericTag)) {
            Rectangle rectangle = imageRectFromChunk(genericTag, rect);
            DebugHelper.debugAnnotation(rectangle, genericTag.replaceFirst(VectorPrintDocument.IMG_DEBUG, ""),
        } else {
            DebugHelper.debugAnnotation(rect, genericTag.replaceFirst(VectorPrintDocument.IMG_DEBUG, ""),
    if (genericTag.startsWith(VectorPrintDocument.DRAWNEAR)) {
        Rectangle rectangle = imageRectFromChunk(genericTag, rect);
        com.vectorprint.report.itext.style.stylers.Image image = (com.vectorprint.report.itext.style.stylers.Image) doOnGenericTag
        short i = -1;
        for (Advanced a : doOnGenericTag.get(genericTag)) {
            try {
                if (++i > 0 && a.shouldDraw(a.getDelayed(genericTag).getData())) {
                    if (getSettings().getBooleanProperty(false, DEBUG)) {
                        DebugHelper.styleLink(writer.getDirectContent(), a.getStyleClass(), "draw near",
                                rectangle.getLeft(), rectangle.getTop(), getSettings(), elementProducer);
                    a.draw(rectangle, genericTag);
            } catch (VectorPrintException ex) {
                throw new VectorPrintRuntimeException(ex);

    if (genericTag.startsWith(VectorPrintDocument.DRAWSHADOW)) {
        // we know the position of the image
        Rectangle r = imageRectFromChunk(genericTag, rect);
        com.vectorprint.report.itext.style.stylers.Image image = (com.vectorprint.report.itext.style.stylers.Image) doOnGenericTag
        try {
            image.drawShadow(r.getLeft(), r.getBottom(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight(),
                    genericTag.replaceFirst(VectorPrintDocument.DRAWSHADOW, ""));
        } catch (VectorPrintException ex) {
            throw new VectorPrintRuntimeException(ex);

From source file:com.vectorprint.report.itext.style.stylers.AbstractFieldStyler.java

License:Open Source License

protected void draw(PdfContentByte canvas, float x, float y, float width, float height, String genericTag)
        throws VectorPrintException {
    Rectangle box = new Rectangle(x, y, x + width, y - height);
    PdfFormField pff = null;/*from w w w .j a v  a2  s  . c  o m*/
    if (getValue(DocumentSettings.WIDTH, Float.class) > 0) {
        box.setRight(box.getLeft() + getValue(DocumentSettings.WIDTH, Float.class));
    if (getValue(DocumentSettings.HEIGHT, Float.class) > 0) {
        float diff = box.getHeight() - getValue(DocumentSettings.HEIGHT, Float.class);
        box.setBottom(box.getBottom() + diff / 2);
        box.setTop(box.getTop() - diff / 2);
    try {
        List<BaseStyler> stylers = stylerFactory.getStylers(getStyleClass());
        List<FormFieldStyler> ffStylers = StyleHelper.getStylers(stylers, FormFieldStyler.class);
        pff = makeField();
        if (FormFieldStyler.FIELDTYPE.BUTTON.equals(getFieldtype())) {
            for (FormFieldStyler f : ffStylers) {
                if (f.isParameterSet(Image.URLPARAM)) {
                    pff.setAction(PdfAction.createSubmitForm(f.getValue(Image.URLPARAM, URL.class).toString(),
                            null, PdfAction.SUBMIT_HTML_FORMAT));
    } catch (IOException | DocumentException | VectorPrintException ex) {
        throw new VectorPrintRuntimeException(ex);
    if (stylerFactory.getSettings().getBooleanProperty(false, DEBUG)) {
        DebugHelper.debugRect(canvas, box, new float[] { 2, 2 }, 0.7f, stylerFactory.getSettings(),
        DebugHelper.styleLink(canvas, getStyleClass(), "", box.getLeft(), box.getTop(),
                stylerFactory.getSettings(), elementProducer);

From source file:info.longnetpro.examples.PdfLibExamples.java

public static void generatePdf()
        throws DocumentException, URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException, IOException {
    String licFile = getLicenseFilePath();
    loadLicenseFile(licFile);/*from www.j  a  v  a  2s  .c o m*/

    String dest = getTargetFilePath();
    Document doc = new Document();
    PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, new FileOutputStream(dest));
    Rectangle pageSize = PageSize.LETTER;
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0f, 0f, 50f, 100f);

    Page page = new Page(pageSize.getWidth(), pageSize.getHeight());
    ContentBox rpage = page.margin(new Float[] { 10f, 50f, 10f, 50f });

    for (Anchor anchor : Anchor.values()) {
        ContentBox box = new ContentBox(50f, 100f);
        float offx = anchor.equals(Anchor.CENTER) ? -50f : 0f;
        float offy = anchor.equals(Anchor.CENTER) ? -50f : 0f;

        ContentBox rr = anchor.anchorElement(rpage, box, offx, offy);

        if (anchor.equals(Anchor.BOTTOM_LEFT)) {
            float[] dim = box.scaleByPercentage(0.5f);
            //rr = rr.reposition(dim[0], dim[1], Anchor.TOP_RIGHT);

    String imageFile = getImageFilePath();
    Image image = Image.getInstance(imageFile);

    float width = Measurement.dotsToUserUnits(image.getWidth(), 1200);
    float height = Measurement.dotsToUserUnits(image.getHeight(), 1200);

    System.out.println(width + " " + height);

    ContentBox img = Anchor.BOTTOM_LEFT.anchorElement(rpage, width, height);

    image.scaleToFit(width, height);
    image.setAbsolutePosition(img.getLeft(), img.getBottom());

    System.out.println(image.getWidth() + " " + image.getHeight());
    System.out.println(image.getAbsoluteX() + " " + image.getAbsoluteY());
