Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text Rectangle fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
int | TOP This represents one side of the border of the Rectangle . |
int | BOTTOM This represents one side of the border of the Rectangle . |
int | LEFT This represents one side of the border of the Rectangle . |
int | RIGHT This represents one side of the border of the Rectangle . |
int | NO_BORDER This represents a rectangle without borders. |
int | BOX This represents a type of border. |
Rectangle(final float urx, final float ury) Constructs a Rectangle -object starting from the origin (0, 0). | |
Rectangle(final float llx, final float lly, final float urx, final float ury) Constructs a Rectangle -object. | |
Rectangle | |
Rectangle(final Rectangle rect) Constructs a Rectangle -object. | |
Rectangle(com.itextpdf.awt.geom.Rectangle rect) Constructs a Rectangle -object based on a com.itextpdf.awt.geom.Rectangle object | |
Rectangle(final float llx, final float lly, final float urx, final float ury, final int rotation) Constructs a Rectangle -object. |
boolean | equals(Object obj) |
int | getBorder() Returns the exact type of the border. |
float | getBottom() Returns the lower left y-coordinate. |
float | getBottom(final float margin) Returns the lower left y-coordinate, considering a given margin. |
float | getHeight() Returns the height of the rectangle. |
float | getLeft() Returns the lower left x-coordinate. |
float | getLeft(final float margin) Returns the lower left x-coordinate, considering a given margin. |
float | getRight() Returns the upper right x-coordinate. |
float | getRight(final float margin) Returns the upper right x-coordinate, considering a given margin. |
float | getTop() Returns the upper right y-coordinate. |
float | getTop(final float margin) Returns the upper right y-coordinate, considering a given margin. |
float | getWidth() Returns the width of the rectangle. |
Rectangle | rotate() Rotates the rectangle. |
void | setBackgroundColor(final BaseColor backgroundColor) Sets the backgroundcolor of the rectangle. |
void | setBorder(final int border) Enables/Disables the border on the specified sides. |
void | setBorderColor(final BaseColor borderColor) Sets the color of the border. |
void | setBorderWidth(final float borderWidth) Sets the borderwidth of the table. |
void | setBottom(final float lly) Sets the lower left y-coordinate. |
void | setLeft(final float llx) Sets the lower left x-coordinate. |
void | setRight(final float urx) Sets the upper right x-coordinate. |
void | setTop(final float ury) Sets the upper right y-coordinate. |
void | setUseVariableBorders(final boolean useVariableBorders) Sets a parameter indicating if the rectangle has variable borders |