List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text Phrase Phrase
public Phrase(final float leading, final String string)
with a certain leading and a certain String
. From source
/** * insert single cells to the PDF file ad fills them with text * @param table//w w w .ja va 2 s . co m * @param text * @param align * @param colspan * @param font */ private void insertCell(PdfPTable table, String text, int align, int colspan, Font font) { //create a new cell with the specified Text and Font PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(text.trim(), font)); //set the cell alignment cell.setHorizontalAlignment(align); //set the cell column span in case you want to merge two or more cells cell.setColspan(colspan); //in case there is no text and you wan to create an empty row if (text.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { cell.setMinimumHeight(10f); } //add the call to the table table.addCell(cell); }
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private void createHeaderRow(PdfExportParams entity, PdfPTable table, int feildLength) { PdfPCell iCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(entity.getTitle(), styler.getFont(null, entity.getTitle()))); iCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); iCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); iCell.setFixedHeight(entity.getTitleHeight()); iCell.setColspan(feildLength + 1);// w w w . ja va2s . co m table.addCell(iCell); if (entity.getSecondTitle() != null) { iCell = new PdfPCell( new Phrase(entity.getSecondTitle(), styler.getFont(null, entity.getSecondTitle()))); iCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); iCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); iCell.setFixedHeight(entity.getSecondTitleHeight()); iCell.setColspan(feildLength + 1); table.addCell(iCell); } }
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private PdfPCell createStringCell(PdfPTable table, String text, ExcelExportEntity entity, int rowHeight, int colspan, int rowspan) { PdfPCell iCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(text, styler.getFont(entity, text))); styler.setCellStyler(iCell, entity, text); iCell.setFixedHeight((int) (rowHeight * 2.5)); if (colspan > 1) { iCell.setColspan(colspan);//from w w w .ja va 2s . c o m } if (rowspan > 1) { iCell.setRowspan(rowspan); } table.addCell(iCell); return iCell; }
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License:Apache License
private PdfPCell createStringCell(PdfPTable table, String text, ExcelExportEntity entity, int rowHeight) { PdfPCell iCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(text, styler.getFont(entity, text))); styler.setCellStyler(iCell, entity, text); iCell.setFixedHeight((int) (rowHeight * 2.5)); table.addCell(iCell);/*from w w w . j a va2s . c o m*/ return iCell; }
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public void addTableColumns(String[] cols, PdfPTable table) { if (cols != null) { for (String colName : cols) { PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(colName, smallerBoldFont)); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setBorderWidth(0.8f);/*from www. j ava2 s .com*/ table.addCell(cell); } } }
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private void addSignature(Document document) throws DocumentException, MalformedURLException, IOException { Font headerFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12f, Font.BOLD); Phrase p = new Phrase("" + getSpace(120) + "Signature", headerFont); document.add(p);//ww w. j av a 2s. c o m }
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private void addCustomerDetails(Document document) throws DocumentException, MalformedURLException, IOException { Font headerFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 10f, Font.BOLD); Font shopNameFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 18f, Font.BOLD); Font normalTextFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 10f, Font.NORMAL); Phrase p = null;/*from w w w .j av a2 s .com*/ String customerName = ""; String doctorName = ""; String doctorAddr = ""; String customerAddr = ""; String billNo = ""; String billDate = ""; if (totalRecords != null && totalRecords.size() > 0) { for (InvoiceBean iBean : totalRecords) { if (iBean.getDoctorName() != null) doctorName = iBean.getDoctorName(); if (iBean.getDoctorAddr1() != null) doctorAddr = iBean.getDoctorAddr1(); customerName = iBean.getCustomerName(); customerAddr = iBean.getCustomerAddr1(); billNo = String.valueOf(iBean.getBillNo()); billDate = iBean.getBillDate(); } p = new Phrase("Bill No:" + billNo + getSpace(120), headerFont); document.add(p); p = new Phrase("Date:" + billDate + "\n", headerFont); document.add(p); addBlankLine(document); addImage(document); addBlankLine(document); String shopName = myaccountBean.getShopName(); p = new Phrase(shopName, shopNameFont); document.add(p); addBlankLine(document); // Add store details String address = myaccountBean.getOwnerAddr1() + "," + myaccountBean.getOwnerAddr2() + "," + myaccountBean.getState() + ",PIN-" + myaccountBean.getPin(); p = new Phrase("Shop No - " + myaccountBean.getShopNo() + "," + address, normalTextFont); document.add(p); String contactNo = myaccountBean.getMob1() + "/" + myaccountBean.getPhone1(); p = new Phrase(",Contact:" + contactNo, normalTextFont); document.add(p); addBlankLine(document); p = new Phrase("Licence No:" + myaccountBean.getLicenceNo() + getSpace(20), normalTextFont); document.add(p); p = new Phrase("Baby Food Licence No:" + myaccountBean.getBabyFoodLcNo(), normalTextFont); document.add(p); addBlankLine(document); addEmptyLine(document, 25); p = new Phrase("Name:", headerFont); document.add(p); p = new Phrase(customerName + getSpace(5), normalTextFont); document.add(p); p = new Phrase("Address:", headerFont); document.add(p); p = new Phrase(customerAddr + "\n", normalTextFont); document.add(p); p = new Phrase("Doctor's Name:", headerFont); document.add(p); p = new Phrase(doctorName + getSpace(5), normalTextFont); document.add(p); p = new Phrase("Doctor's Address:", headerFont); document.add(p); p = new Phrase(doctorAddr, normalTextFont); document.add(p); } }
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private void createTable(Document document) throws DocumentException, MalformedURLException, IOException { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(8); table.setWidths(new int[] { 5, 10, 30, 15, 15, 15, 25, 20 }); // t.setBorderColor(BaseColor.GRAY); // t.setPadding(4); // t.setSpacing(4); // t.setBorderWidth(1); // addLogo(table); String[] headerTitle = { "Sl", "Qty", "Medicine Name", "Mfg Date", "Batch", "Exp Date", "Schedule", "Price" }; Font headerFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 10f, Font.BOLD); for (String header : headerTitle) { Phrase p = new Phrase(header, headerFont); PdfPCell c1 = new PdfPCell(p); c1.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); c1.setLeading(0f, 1.5f);/* w ww. j a v a2s .co m*/ c1.setBackgroundColor(BaseColor.GRAY); table.addCell(c1); } Font contentFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 9f); MedicineUtility mUtil = new MedicineUtility(); // table.setSpacingAfter(20); double vat = 0.0; double discount = 0.0; int count = 1; double totalAmt = 0.0; if (totalRecords != null && totalRecords.size() > 0) { for (InvoiceBean iBean : totalRecords) { // replaceDoctor = iBean.getDoctorName(); // replaceCustomer = iBean.getCustomerName(); // replaceCustAddr1 = iBean.getCustomerAddr1(); // replaceBillNo = iBean.getBillNo(); // replaceBillDate = iBean.getPurchaseDate(); vat = iBean.getVat(); discount = iBean.getDiscount(); PdfPCell c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(count++ + "", contentFont)); table.addCell(c); c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(iBean.getSoldoutStock() + "", contentFont)); table.addCell(c); table.addCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase(iBean.getMedicineName(), contentFont))); table.addCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase(iBean.getMfgDate(), contentFont))); table.addCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase(iBean.getBatchName(), contentFont))); table.addCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase(iBean.getExpDate(), contentFont))); table.addCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase(iBean.getSchedule(), contentFont))); totalAmt = totalAmt + (iBean.getSoldoutStock() * iBean.getSoldoutUnitPrice()); table.addCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase( mUtil.getFormattedAmount((iBean.getSoldoutStock() * iBean.getSoldoutUnitPrice())), contentFont))); } } double grandTotal = 0.0; // Total PdfPCell c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Total")); c1.setColspan(7); c1.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); table.addCell(c1); c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(mUtil.getFormattedAmount(totalAmt))); c1.setColspan(1); table.addCell(c1); // Vat c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Vat(" + vat + "%)")); c1.setColspan(7); c1.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); table.addCell(c1); double vatAmt = totalAmt * vat / 100; c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(mUtil.getFormattedAmount(vatAmt))); c1.setColspan(1); table.addCell(c1); // Discount c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Discount(" + discount + "%)")); c1.setColspan(7); c1.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); table.addCell(c1); double discountAmt = totalAmt * discount / 100; c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(mUtil.getFormattedAmount(discountAmt))); c1.setColspan(1); table.addCell(c1); // Grand Total c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Grand Total")); c1.setColspan(7); c1.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); table.addCell(c1); grandTotal = (totalAmt + vatAmt - discountAmt); c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(mUtil.getFormattedAmount(grandTotal))); c1.setColspan(1); table.addCell(c1); document.add(table); }
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/** * header ? footer /*from w w w. j a va 2s . c o m*/ */ public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) { if (titleFlag) return; Font font = new Font(bfKorean, 9); PdfPTable hTable = new PdfPTable(1); PdfPTable ftable = new PdfPTable(3); try { hTable.setWidths(new int[] { 100 }); hTable.setTotalWidth(500); hTable.setLockedWidth(true); hTable.getDefaultCell().setFixedHeight(15); hTable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.BOTTOM); hTable.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); hTable.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.header.title"), font)); hTable.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, 50, 803, writer.getDirectContent()); ftable.setWidths(new int[] { 100, 100, 100 }); ftable.setTotalWidth(500); ftable.setLockedWidth(true); ftable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.TOP); ftable.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); ftable.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.footer.left"), font)); ftable.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); if (pagingFlag) ftable.addCell(new Phrase( MessageUtil.getMessage("", String.valueOf(writer.getPageNumber())), font)); else ftable.addCell(""); ftable.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); ftable.addCell(new Phrase(String.valueOf(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd").format(new Date())), font)); ftable.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, 50, 55, writer.getDirectContent()); } catch (Exception de) { throw new ExceptionConverter(de); } }
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/** * /*from w w w.jav a2 s .c o m*/ * PDF Title Page * * @param doc * @param writer */ public static void setTitleMainPage(Document doc, PdfWriter writer, PDFCommonEventHelper event, Upload upload) throws Exception { Font fnTitle = new Font(bfKorean, 20, Font.BOLD); Font fnLabel = new Font(bfKorean, 11, Font.BOLD); Font fnText = new Font(bfKorean, 11); LineSeparator UNDERLINE = new LineSeparator(1, 80, null, com.itextpdf.text.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, -5); doc.newPage(); doc.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); event.setTitleFlag(true); int toc = writer.getPageNumber(); Image img = Image.getInstance(PDFDocGenerator.class.getResource("/image/title.gif")); img.setAlignment(com.itextpdf.text.Element.ALIGN_CENTER); img.scalePercent(80, 80); doc.add(img); Paragraph titlePh = new Paragraph(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.title"), fnTitle); titlePh.setAlignment(com.itextpdf.text.Element.ALIGN_CENTER); titlePh.setSpacingBefore(50); titlePh.setSpacingAfter(30); doc.add(titlePh); doc.add(UNDERLINE); PdfPTable t1 = new PdfPTable(2); t1.setSpacingBefore(20); t1.setWidths(new int[] { 110, 290 }); t1.getDefaultCell().setBorder(0); t1.getDefaultCell().setFixedHeight(32); t1.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.label.project_name"), fnLabel)); t1.addCell(new Phrase(upload.getProjectNm(), fnText)); t1.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.label.department"), fnLabel)); t1.addCell(new Phrase(upload.getDepartment(), fnText)); t1.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.label.focus_name"), fnLabel)); t1.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.text.focus_name"), fnText)); t1.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.label.product"), fnLabel)); t1.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.text.product", upload.getBeforeWas(), upload.getAfterWas()), fnText)); doc.add(t1); doc.add(UNDERLINE); Paragraph executedPh = new Paragraph(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.label.executed"), fnLabel); executedPh.setSpacingBefore(30); executedPh.setSpacingAfter(15); executedPh.setIndentationLeft(50); doc.add(executedPh); PdfPTable t2 = new PdfPTable(2); t2.getDefaultCell().setFixedHeight(28); t2.getDefaultCell().setVerticalAlignment(com.itextpdf.text.Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); t2.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(new BaseColor(217, 217, 217)); t2.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.label.owner"), fnLabel)); t2.addCell(new Phrase(MessageUtil.getMessage("pdf.message.main.label.project_role"), fnLabel)); t2.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(new BaseColor(255, 255, 255)); t2.addCell(new Phrase(upload.getPerson(), fnText)); t2.addCell(new Phrase(upload.getOrgRole(), fnText)); doc.add(t2); doc.newPage(); int total = writer.reorderPages(null); int[] order = new int[total]; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { order[i] = i + toc; if (order[i] > total) order[i] -= total; } // apply the new order writer.reorderPages(order); }