List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text.pdf BaseFont createFont
public static BaseFont createFont(String name, String encoding, boolean embedded) throws DocumentException, IOException
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private void initializeFonts() throws DocumentException, IOException { try {// w ww . ja v a 2 s. c om bfBold = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.TIMES_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * // www.j av a 2s.c om * @param pagActual * @param pagTotal * @param headerImg * @param footerImg * @param reader * @param stamper * @param idioma * @throws DocumentException * @throws IOException */ private static void setHeaderFooter(int pagActual, int pagTotal, Image headerImg, Image footerImg, PdfReader reader, PdfStamper stamper, ResourceBundle idioma) throws DocumentException, IOException { PdfContentByte content = stamper.getUnderContent(pagActual); content.setFontAndSize(BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.WINANSI, false), 8); headerImg.setAbsolutePosition(74f, 745f); content.addImage(headerImg); footerImg.setAbsolutePosition(75f, 20f); content.addImage(footerImg); content.beginText(); content.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM, "_____________________________________________________________________________________________________", 75f, 55f, 0f); content.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM, "2010 OPEN PPM - Projet Portfolio Management. (Open PPM)", 75f, 45f, 0f); content.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM, "", 75f, 35f, 0f); content.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM, new ParamResourceBundle("pdf.pagination", pagActual, pagTotal).toString(idioma), 475f, 45f, 0f); content.endText(); content.stroke(); }
From source
public void run() { Document documento = new Document(); documento.setPageSize(PageSize.A4.rotate()); int i = 1;// w ww . ja v a 2s . c o m String arch = periodo + "_Iva Ventas.pdf"; File fich = new File(arch); FileOutputStream fichero; try { pdfsJavaGenerador pdf; ArrayList listado = new ArrayList(); String sql = "select * from ivaventas where periodo='" + periodo + "' order by numero"; Transaccionable tra = new ConeccionLocal(); ResultSet rs = tra.leerConjuntoDeRegistros(sql); while ( { pdf = new pdfsJavaGenerador(); pdf.setComprobante(rs.getString("comprobante")); pdf.setFecha(rs.getString("fecha")); pdf.setNumeroFactura(rs.getString("numero")); pdf.setRazonSocial(rs.getString("cliente")); pdf.setCondicionIva(rs.getString("condicion")); pdf.setCuit(rs.getString("cuit")); pdf.setNeto(rs.getString("neto")); pdf.setIva(rs.getString("iva")); pdf.setTotal(rs.getString("total")); listado.add(pdf); } rs.close(); Integer totalItems = listado.size(); Integer totalPaginas = totalItems / 46; Integer contadorPaginas = 1; totalPaginas = totalPaginas + 1; System.out.println(" items " + totalItems + " paginas " + totalPaginas); fichero = new FileOutputStream(arch); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(documento, fichero);; //writer.addPageDictEntry(PdfName.ROTATE,PdfPage.SEASCAPE); writer.addPageDictEntry(PdfName.ROTATE, null); PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.COURIER_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 12); cb.beginText(); //cb.setTextMatrix(250,820); //cb.showText("Subdiario de IVA Ventas"); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 10); cb.setTextMatrix(20, 480); cb.showText("Periodo " + periodo); //cb.setTextMatrix(750,550); //cb.showText("Hoja "+contadorPaginas+" de "+totalPaginas); int renglon = 460; String vencimiento; String descripcion; String monto; String recargo; String total; String totalFinal; Double tot = 0.00; String razonSocial; int itt = 0; //aca empieza la iteracion //encabezados bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.COURIER_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 8); cb.setTextMatrix(20, renglon); cb.showText("Cbte"); cb.setTextMatrix(50, renglon); cb.showText("Fecha"); cb.setTextMatrix(90, renglon); cb.showText("Nro Factura"); cb.setTextMatrix(150, renglon); cb.showText("Cliente"); cb.setTextMatrix(500, renglon); //tot=saldo.getCantidad() * saldo.getPrecioUnitario(); cb.showText("Cond"); cb.setTextMatrix(540, renglon); cb.showText("C.U.I.T."); cb.setTextMatrix(610, renglon); cb.showText("Neto"); cb.setTextMatrix(660, renglon); cb.showText("I.V.A."); cb.setTextMatrix(700, renglon); cb.showText("Imp. Int."); cb.setTextMatrix(760, renglon); cb.showText("Total"); renglon = renglon - 20; //fin encabezados bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.COURIER, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 6); Iterator itl = listado.listIterator(); //vencimiento="Esta cotizacin tendr vigencia 30 das "; Double montoCIva = 0.00; Double descuento = 0.00; Double descUnitario = 0.00; Double descTotal = 0.00; Double montoCIvaTotal = 0.00; Double descuentoTotal = 0.00; Double descUnitarioTotal = 0.00; Double descTotalTotal = 0.00; String descripcionArt = null; while (itl.hasNext()) { pdf = (pdfsJavaGenerador); //vencimiento=saldo.getVencimientoString(); /* descripcion="Numero Resumen de cta "; montoCIva=saldo.getPrecioUnitario() * 1.21; monto=Numeros.ConvertirNumero(montoCIva); recargo="10%"; total="nada"; */ //recargo=String.valueOf(saldo.getRecargo()); //tot=tot + saldo.getTotal(); //total=String.valueOf(saldo.getTotal()); cb.setTextMatrix(20, renglon); cb.showText(pdf.getComprobante()); cb.setTextMatrix(45, renglon); cb.showText(pdf.getFecha()); cb.setTextMatrix(90, renglon); cb.showText(pdf.getNumeroFactura()); cb.setTextMatrix(150, renglon); razonSocial = pdf.getRazonSocial(); cb.showText(razonSocial); cb.setTextMatrix(500, renglon); cb.showText(pdf.getCondicionIva()); cb.setTextMatrix(540, renglon); cb.showText(pdf.getCuit()); cb.setTextMatrix(600, renglon); if (pdf.getComprobante().equals("N.C.")) { String neto = pdf.getNeto(); String iva = pdf.getIva(); String totalP = pdf.getTotal(); pdf.setNeto("-" + neto.trim()); pdf.setIva("-" + iva.trim()); pdf.setTotal("-" + totalP.trim()); } montoCIva = montoCIva + Numeros.ConvertirStringADouble(pdf.getNeto()); descuento = descuento + Numeros.ConvertirStringADouble(pdf.getIva()); descTotal = descTotal + Numeros.ConvertirStringADouble(pdf.getTotal()); cb.showText(pdf.getNeto()); cb.setTextMatrix(650, renglon); cb.showText(pdf.getIva()); cb.setTextMatrix(710, renglon); cb.showText("0.00"); cb.setTextMatrix(750, renglon); cb.showText(pdf.getTotal()); //descuento=descuento+saldo.getDescuento(); renglon = renglon - 10; if (renglon < 30) { bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.COURIER_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 7); cb.setTextMatrix(550, renglon); cb.showText("Subtotal:"); cb.setTextMatrix(600, renglon); cb.showText(Numeros.ConvetirNumeroDosDigitos(montoCIva)); cb.setTextMatrix(650, renglon); cb.showText(Numeros.ConvetirNumeroDosDigitos(descuento)); cb.setTextMatrix(710, renglon); cb.showText("0.00"); cb.setTextMatrix(750, renglon); cb.showText(Numeros.ConvetirNumeroDosDigitos(descTotal)); montoCIvaTotal = montoCIvaTotal + montoCIva; descuentoTotal = descuentoTotal + descuento; descTotalTotal = descTotalTotal + descTotal; descuento = 0.00; descTotal = 0.00; montoCIva = 0.00; renglon = 460; cb.endText(); documento.newPage(); documento.setPageSize(PageSize.A4.rotate()); cb.beginText(); contadorPaginas++; cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 12); //cb.setTextMatrix(250,820); //cb.showText("Subdiario de IVA Ventas"); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 10); cb.setTextMatrix(20, 480); cb.showText("Periodo " + periodo); //cb.setTextMatrix(750,550); //cb.showText("Hoja "+contadorPaginas+" de "+totalPaginas); //aca empieza la iteracion //encabezados bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.COURIER_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 8); cb.setTextMatrix(20, renglon); cb.showText("Cbte"); cb.setTextMatrix(50, renglon); cb.showText("Fecha"); cb.setTextMatrix(90, renglon); cb.showText("Nro Factura"); cb.setTextMatrix(150, renglon); cb.showText("Cliente"); cb.setTextMatrix(500, renglon); //tot=saldo.getCantidad() * saldo.getPrecioUnitario(); cb.showText("Cond"); cb.setTextMatrix(540, renglon); cb.showText("C.U.I.T."); cb.setTextMatrix(610, renglon); cb.showText("Neto"); cb.setTextMatrix(660, renglon); cb.showText("I.V.A."); cb.setTextMatrix(700, renglon); cb.showText("Imp. Int."); cb.setTextMatrix(760, renglon); cb.showText("Total"); renglon = renglon - 20; //fin encabezados bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.COURIER, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 6); } } bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.COURIER_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 7); cb.setTextMatrix(540, renglon); cb.showText("Subtotal:"); cb.setTextMatrix(600, renglon); cb.showText(Numeros.ConvetirNumeroDosDigitos(montoCIva)); cb.setTextMatrix(650, renglon); cb.showText(Numeros.ConvetirNumeroDosDigitos(descuento)); cb.setTextMatrix(710, renglon); cb.showText("0.00"); cb.setTextMatrix(750, renglon); cb.showText(Numeros.ConvetirNumeroDosDigitos(descTotal)); renglon = renglon - 10; montoCIvaTotal = montoCIvaTotal + montoCIva; descuentoTotal = descuentoTotal + descuento; descTotalTotal = descTotalTotal + descTotal; cb.setTextMatrix(540, renglon); cb.showText("Total:"); cb.setTextMatrix(600, renglon); cb.showText(Numeros.ConvetirNumeroDosDigitos(montoCIvaTotal)); cb.setTextMatrix(650, renglon); cb.showText(Numeros.ConvetirNumeroDosDigitos(descuentoTotal)); cb.setTextMatrix(710, renglon); cb.showText("0.00"); cb.setTextMatrix(750, renglon); cb.showText(Numeros.ConvetirNumeroDosDigitos(descTotalTotal)); descuento = 0.00; descTotal = 0.00; montoCIva = 0.00; cb.endText(); documento.close(); File f = new File(arch); if (f.exists()) { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + arch); } int confirmacion = 0; /* if(doc.getArchivo().isEmpty()){ }else{ confirmacion=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "DESEA NOTIFICAR POR MAIL?"); if(confirmacion==0){ //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"acepto"); } } */ System.out.println("eligio " + confirmacion); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(pdfsJavaGenerador.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (DocumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(pdfsJavaGenerador.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(pdfsJavaGenerador.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(pdfsJavaGenerador.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
public void setFattura(String cliente, String data, AtomicInteger numerofattura, PdfStamper s) throws SQLException, DocumentException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { //Ho messo che il numero della fattura va passato come parametro, voglio capire se si pu fare altrimenti (con un contatore) try {/*from www . j a v a 2s .co m*/ s.getAcroFields().setField("Num", numerofattura.toString()); // sistemare s.getAcroFields().setField("Data", data); s.getAcroFields().setField("Nome", cliente); PdfContentByte content = s.getUnderContent(1);//1 for the first page BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); content.beginText(); content.setFontAndSize(bf, 7); inserisciDatiMaglie(cliente, data, s); inserisciDatiBorse(cliente, data, s); inserisciDatiPanta(cliente, data, s); inserisciDatiGiubb(cliente, data, s); inserisciDatiFelpe(cliente, data, s); inserisciDatiPubb(cliente, data, s); setImporti(s); content.endText(); s.close(); } catch (IOException | DocumentException e) { } }
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public void inserisciDatiMaglie(String cliente, String data, PdfStamper s) throws SQLException, IOException, DocumentException { ArrayMaglia arraymaglia = new ArrayMaglia(); arraymaglia.ArrayIDmaglia(cliente, data); float importo; PdfContentByte content = s.getUnderContent(1);//1 for the first page BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); content.setFontAndSize(bf, 7);// w ww .ja va 2 s. c o m for (int j = 0; j < arraymaglia.IDmaglie.length; j++) { arraymaglia.accessoMaglie(j); importo = arraymaglia.importoMaglia(j); String convertitore = String.valueOf(importo); //Serve per convertire il ritorno del metodo importoUnitarioMaglia (float) a string per stamparlo, solo un appoggio importi.add(importo); //salva l'importo maglia nella prima posizione array i cui elementi poi andranno sommati per calcolare il totale for (int z = 0; z < arraymaglia.riga.length; z++) { content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, arraymaglia.riga[z] + " ", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; //sposta la coordinata y ad ogni stampa } content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, "Maglia", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 96; content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, convertitore, 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x = 0; y += 20; } }
From source
public void inserisciDatiBorse(String cliente, String data, PdfStamper s) throws SQLException, IOException, DocumentException { ArrayBorsa arrayborsa = new ArrayBorsa(); arrayborsa.ArrayIDborsa(cliente, data); float importo; PdfContentByte content = s.getUnderContent(1);//1 for the first page BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); content.setFontAndSize(bf, 7);// w ww .ja v a 2 s . co m for (int j = 0; j < arrayborsa.IDborse.length; j++) { arrayborsa.accessoBorse(j); importo = arrayborsa.importoBorsa(j); String convertitore = String.valueOf(importo); //Serve per convertire il ritorno del metodo importoUnitarioMaglia (float) a string per stamparlo, solo un appoggio importi.add(importo); for (int z = 0; z < arrayborsa.riga.length; z++) { content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, arrayborsa.riga[z] + " ", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; //sposta la coordinata y ad ogni stampa } content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, "Borsa", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, convertitore, 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x = 0; y += 20; } //MI calcolar il prezzo totale man mano che calcolo i preventivi lo agggiungo! }
From source
public void inserisciDatiPanta(String cliente, String data, PdfStamper s) throws SQLException, IOException, DocumentException { ArrayPantalone arraypanta = new ArrayPantalone(); arraypanta.ArrayIDpantalone(cliente, data); float importo = (float) 0.00; PdfContentByte content = s.getUnderContent(1);//1 for the first page BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); content.setFontAndSize(bf, 7);//w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m for (int j = 0; j < arraypanta.IDpantaloni.length; j++) { arraypanta.accessoPantaloni(j); importo = arraypanta.importoPanta(j); String convertitore = String.valueOf(importo); //Serve per convertire il ritorno del metodo importoUnitarioMaglia (float) a string per stamparlo, solo un appoggio importi.add(importo); for (int z = 0; z < arraypanta.riga.length; z++) { content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, arraypanta.riga[z] + " ", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; //sposta la coordinata y ad ogni stampa } content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, "Pantalone", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, convertitore, 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x = 0; y += 20; } }
From source
public void inserisciDatiGiubb(String cliente, String data, PdfStamper s) throws SQLException, IOException, DocumentException { ArrayGiubbotto arraygiubb = new ArrayGiubbotto(); arraygiubb.ArrayIDgiubbotto(cliente, data); float importo; PdfContentByte content = s.getUnderContent(1);//1 for the first page BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); content.setFontAndSize(bf, 7);/*from w w w . ja v a2 s. c om*/ for (int j = 0; j < arraygiubb.IDgiubbotti.length; j++) { arraygiubb.accessoGiubbotti(j); importo = arraygiubb.importoGiubbotto(j); String convertitore = String.valueOf(importo); //Serve per convertire il ritorno del metodo importoUnitarioMaglia (float) a string per stamparlo, solo un appoggio importi.add(importo); for (int z = 0; z < arraygiubb.riga.length; z++) { content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, arraygiubb.riga[z] + " ", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; //sposta la coordinata y ad ogni stampa } content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, "Giubbotto", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, convertitore, 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x = 0; y += 20; } }
From source
public void inserisciDatiFelpe(String cliente, String data, PdfStamper s) throws SQLException, IOException, DocumentException { ArrayFelpa arrayfelpa = new ArrayFelpa(); arrayfelpa.ArrayIDfelpa(cliente, data); float importo; PdfContentByte content = s.getUnderContent(1);//1 for the first page BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); content.setFontAndSize(bf, 7);/*from ww w. java 2s . c o m*/ for (int j = 0; j < arrayfelpa.IDfelpe.length; j++) { arrayfelpa.accessoFelpe(j); importo = arrayfelpa.importoFelpa(j); String convertitore = String.valueOf(importo); //Serve per convertire il ritorno del metodo importoUnitarioMaglia (float) a string per stamparlo, solo un appoggio importi.add(importo); for (int z = 0; z < arrayfelpa.riga.length; z++) { content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, arrayfelpa.riga[z] + " ", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; //sposta la coordinata y ad ogni stampa } content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, "Felpa", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, convertitore, 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x = 0; y += 20; } //MI calcolar il prezzo totale man mano che calcolo i preventivi lo agggiungo! }
From source
public void inserisciDatiPubb(String cliente, String data, PdfStamper s) throws SQLException, IOException, DocumentException { ArrayPubblicita arraypubb = new ArrayPubblicita(); arraypubb.ArrayIDpubb(cliente, data); float importo; PdfContentByte content = s.getUnderContent(1);//1 for the first page BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); content.setFontAndSize(bf, 7);//from www . j av a 2s. c o m for (int j = 0; j < arraypubb.IDpubb.length; j++) { arraypubb.accessoPubb(j); importo = arraypubb.importoPubblicita(j); String convertitore = String.valueOf(importo); //Serve per convertire il ritorno del metodo importoUnitarioMaglia (float) a string per stamparlo, solo un appoggio importi.add(importo); //salva l'importo maglia nella prima posizione array i cui elementi poi andranno sommati per calcolare il totale for (int z = 0; z < arraypubb.riga.length; z++) { content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, arraypubb.riga[z] + " ", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 97; //sposta la coordinata y ad ogni stampa } content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, "Mat. Pubb.", 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x += 101; content.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, convertitore, 95 + x, 538 - y, 0); x = 0; y += 20; } }