Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text.pdf BaseFont fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | COURIER This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | COURIER_BOLD This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | COURIER_OBLIQUE This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | HELVETICA This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | HELVETICA_BOLD This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | HELVETICA_OBLIQUE This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | SYMBOL This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | TIMES_ROMAN This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | TIMES_BOLD This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | TIMES_ITALIC This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
String | TIMES_BOLDITALIC This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font |
int | ASCENT The maximum height above the baseline reached by glyphs in this font, excluding the height of glyphs for accented characters. |
int | DESCENT The maximum depth below the baseline reached by glyphs in this font. |
String | IDENTITY_H The Unicode encoding with horizontal writing. |
String | IDENTITY_V The Unicode encoding with vertical writing. |
String | CP1250 A possible encoding. |
String | CP1252 A possible encoding. |
String | CP1257 A possible encoding. |
String | WINANSI A possible encoding. |
boolean | EMBEDDED if the font has to be embedded |
boolean | NOT_EMBEDDED if the font doesn't have to be embedded |
boolean | charExists(int c) Checks if a character exists in this font. |
BaseFont | createFont(String name, String encoding, boolean embedded) Creates a new font. |
BaseFont | createFont() Creates a new font. |
BaseFont | createFont(String name, String encoding, boolean embedded, boolean forceRead) Creates a new font. |
BaseFont | createFont(String name, String encoding, boolean embedded, boolean cached, byte ttfAfm[], byte pfb[]) Creates a new font. |
BaseFont | createFont(PRIndirectReference fontRef) Creates a font based on an existing document font. |
String[] | enumerateTTCNames(String ttcFile) Enumerates the postscript font names present inside a True Type Collection. |
String[] | enumerateTTCNames(byte ttcArray[]) Enumerates the postscript font names present inside a True Type Collection. |
Object[] | getAllFontNames(String name, String encoding, byte ttfAfm[]) Gets all the names from the font. |
float | getAscentPoint(String text, float fontSize) Gets the ascent of a String in points. |
String[] | getCodePagesSupported() Gets the code pages supported by the font. |
float | getDescentPoint(String text, float fontSize) Gets the descent of a String in points. |
float | getFontDescriptor(int key, float fontSize) Gets the font parameter identified by key . |
String[][] | getFullFontName() Gets the full name of the font. |
String | getPostscriptFontName() Gets the postscript font name. |
int | getWidth(int char1) Gets the width of a char in normalized 1000 units. |
int | getWidth(String text) Gets the width of a String in normalized 1000 units. |
float | getWidthPoint(String text, float fontSize) Gets the width of a String in points. |
float | getWidthPoint(int char1, float fontSize) Gets the width of a char in points. |
float | getWidthPointKerned(String text, float fontSize) Gets the width of a String in points taking kerning into account. |
void | setPostscriptFontName(String name) Sets the font name that will appear in the pdf font dictionary. |