List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text Image setWidthPercentage
public void setWidthPercentage(final float widthPercentage)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Image createImage(String src, final Map<String, String> attrs, final ChainedProperties chain, final DocListener document, final ImageProvider img_provider, final HashMap<String, Image> img_store, final String img_baseurl) throws DocumentException, IOException { Image img = null; // getting the image using an image provider if (img_provider != null) img = img_provider.getImage(src, attrs, chain, document); // getting the image from an image store if (img == null && img_store != null) { Image tim = img_store.get(src); if (tim != null) img = Image.getInstance(tim); }//from ww w.ja va 2 s.c o m if (img != null) return img; ////if src start with data: it's dataUri and parse it imme. if (src.startsWith("remote?")) { BeanFactory bf = BeanFactory.getBeanFactory(); String pp = src.substring(7); String[] ss = pp.split("\\&"); try { String id = "~", fsId = LightUtil.getRepository().getFsId(); for (String s : ss) { String[] sss = s.split("="); if (sss[0].equals("id")) id = sss[1]; if (sss[0].equals("fsId")) fsId = sss[1]; } IRepository fs = bf.getRepository(fsId); InputStream is = fs.getResource(id); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); StreamUtil.copyStream(is, os, 0); is.close(); os.close(); img = Image.getInstance(os.toByteArray()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (src.startsWith("data:")) { int i = src.indexOf(","); byte[] bits = Base64.decode(src.substring(i + 1)); img = Image.getInstance(bits); } else { //// // introducing a base url // relative src references only if (!src.startsWith("http") && img_baseurl != null) { src = img_baseurl + src; } else if (img == null && !src.startsWith("http")) { String path = chain.getProperty(HtmlTags.IMAGEPATH); if (path == null) path = ""; src = new File(path, src).getPath(); } img = Image.getInstance(src); } if (img == null) return null; float actualFontSize = HtmlUtilities.parseLength(chain.getProperty(HtmlTags.SIZE), HtmlUtilities.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); if (actualFontSize <= 0f) actualFontSize = HtmlUtilities.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE; String width = attrs.get(HtmlTags.WIDTH); float widthInPoints = HtmlUtilities.parseLength(width, actualFontSize); String height = attrs.get(HtmlTags.HEIGHT); float heightInPoints = HtmlUtilities.parseLength(height, actualFontSize); if (widthInPoints == 0 && heightInPoints == 0) { Document doc = (Document) document; widthInPoints = doc.getPageSize().getWidth(); } if (widthInPoints > 0 && heightInPoints > 0) { img.scaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints); } else if (widthInPoints > 0) { heightInPoints = img.getHeight() * widthInPoints / img.getWidth(); img.scaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints); } else if (heightInPoints > 0) { widthInPoints = img.getWidth() * heightInPoints / img.getHeight(); img.scaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints); } String before = chain.getProperty(HtmlTags.BEFORE); if (before != null) img.setSpacingBefore(Float.parseFloat(before)); String after = chain.getProperty(HtmlTags.AFTER); if (after != null) img.setSpacingAfter(Float.parseFloat(after)); img.setWidthPercentage(0); return img; }
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License:Apache License
private void createBody(PdfPTable table, VisionVO vision) throws Exception { Map<String, String> managementMap = BscKpiCode.getManagementMap(false); //Map<String, String> calculationMap = BscKpiCode.getCalculationMap(false); PdfPCell cell = null;/* w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ for (PerspectiveVO perspective : vision.getPerspectives()) { Image pImage = Image.getInstance(BscReportSupportUtils.getByteIconBase("PERSPECTIVES", perspective.getTarget(), perspective.getMin(), perspective.getScore(), "", "", 0)); pImage.setWidthPercentage(10f); String content = this.getItemsContent(perspective.getName(), perspective.getScore(), perspective.getWeight(), perspective.getTarget(), perspective.getMin()); cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.addElement(pImage); cell.addElement(new Phrase("\n" + content, this.getFont(perspective.getFontColor(), false))); this.setCellBackgroundColor(cell, perspective.getBgColor()); cell.setRowspan(perspective.getRow()); table.addCell(cell); for (ObjectiveVO objective : perspective.getObjectives()) { Image oImage = Image.getInstance(BscReportSupportUtils.getByteIconBase("OBJECTIVES", objective.getTarget(), objective.getMin(), objective.getScore(), "", "", 0)); oImage.setWidthPercentage(10f); content = this.getItemsContent(objective.getName(), objective.getScore(), objective.getWeight(), objective.getTarget(), objective.getMin()); cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.addElement(oImage); cell.addElement(new Phrase("\n" + content, this.getFont(objective.getFontColor(), false))); this.setCellBackgroundColor(cell, objective.getBgColor()); cell.setRowspan(objective.getRow()); table.addCell(cell); for (KpiVO kpi : objective.getKpis()) { /* content = this.getKpisContent( kpi, managementMap, calculationMap); */ Image kImage = Image.getInstance(BscReportSupportUtils.getByteIconBase("KPI", kpi.getTarget(), kpi.getMin(), kpi.getScore(), kpi.getCompareType(), kpi.getManagement(), kpi.getQuasiRange())); kImage.setWidthPercentage(10f); content = this.getKpisContent(kpi, managementMap); cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.addElement(kImage); cell.addElement(new Phrase("\n" + content, this.getFont(kpi.getFontColor(), false))); this.setCellBackgroundColor(cell, kpi.getBgColor()); table.addCell(cell); } } } }
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License:Apache License
private void createDateRange(PdfPTable table, VisionVO vision, Context context, int maxRows) throws Exception { String frequency = (String) context.get("frequency"); String startYearDate = StringUtils.defaultString((String) context.get("startYearDate")).trim(); String endYearDate = StringUtils.defaultString((String) context.get("endYearDate")).trim(); String startDate = StringUtils.defaultString((String) context.get("startDate")).trim(); String endDate = StringUtils.defaultString((String) context.get("endDate")).trim(); String date1 = startDate;//from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m String date2 = endDate; if (BscMeasureDataFrequency.FREQUENCY_QUARTER.equals(frequency) || BscMeasureDataFrequency.FREQUENCY_HALF_OF_YEAR.equals(frequency) || BscMeasureDataFrequency.FREQUENCY_YEAR.equals(frequency)) { date1 = startYearDate + "/01/01"; date2 = endYearDate + "/12/" + SimpleUtils.getMaxDayOfMonth(Integer.parseInt(endYearDate), 12); } Map<String, Object> headContentMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); this.fillHeadContent(context, headContentMap); String content = "Frequency: " + BscMeasureDataFrequency.getFrequencyMap(false).get(frequency) + " Date range: " + date1 + " ~ " + date2 + "\n" + StringUtils.defaultString((String) headContentMap.get("headContent")); PdfPCell cell = null; cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.addElement(new Phrase(content, this.getFont(BscReportPropertyUtils.getFontColor(), false))); this.setCellBackgroundColor(cell, BscReportPropertyUtils.getBackgroundColor()); cell.setColspan(maxRows); table.addCell(cell); for (PerspectiveVO perspective : vision.getPerspectives()) { for (ObjectiveVO objective : perspective.getObjectives()) { for (KpiVO kpi : objective.getKpis()) { cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.addElement(new Phrase(kpi.getName(), this.getFont(kpi.getFontColor(), false))); this.setCellBackgroundColor(cell, kpi.getBgColor()); cell.setColspan(4); cell.setRowspan(2); table.addCell(cell); for (DateRangeScoreVO dateScore : kpi.getDateRangeScores()) { cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.addElement( new Phrase(dateScore.getDate(), this.getFont(dateScore.getFontColor(), false))); this.setCellBackgroundColor(cell, dateScore.getBgColor()); table.addCell(cell); } for (DateRangeScoreVO dateScore : kpi.getDateRangeScores()) { Image image = Image .getInstance(BscReportSupportUtils.getByteIcon(kpi, dateScore.getScore())); image.setWidthPercentage(20f); cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.addElement(new Phrase(BscReportSupportUtils.parse2(dateScore.getScore()), this.getFont(dateScore.getFontColor(), false))); cell.addElement(image); this.setCellBackgroundColor(cell, dateScore.getBgColor()); table.addCell(cell); } } } } }
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License:Apache License
private void putCharts(PdfPTable table, Context context) throws Exception { String pieBase64Content = SimpleUtils.getPNGBase64Content((String) context.get("pieCanvasToData")); String barBase64Content = SimpleUtils.getPNGBase64Content((String) context.get("barCanvasToData")); BufferedImage pieImage = SimpleUtils.decodeToImage(pieBase64Content); BufferedImage barImage = SimpleUtils.decodeToImage(barBase64Content); ByteArrayOutputStream pieBos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(pieImage, "png", pieBos); pieBos.flush();/* w ww .j a v a 2s. c om*/ ByteArrayOutputStream barBos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(barImage, "png", barBos); barBos.flush(); PdfPCell cell = null; Image pieImgObj = Image.getInstance(pieBos.toByteArray()); pieImgObj.setWidthPercentage(100f); cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); cell.addElement(pieImgObj); table.addCell(cell); Image barImgObj = Image.getInstance(barBos.toByteArray()); barImgObj.setWidthPercentage(100f); cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); cell.addElement(barImgObj); table.addCell(cell); }
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License:Apache License
private void putSignature(PdfPTable table, Context context) throws Exception { String uploadOid = (String) context.get("uploadSignatureOid"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(uploadOid)) { return;/* www . j ava 2 s.c om*/ } byte[] imageBytes = UploadSupportUtils.getDataBytes(uploadOid); if (null == imageBytes) { return; } Image signatureImgObj = Image.getInstance(imageBytes); signatureImgObj.setWidthPercentage(40f); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); cell.addElement(signatureImgObj); table.addCell(cell); }