Java com.itextpdf.text Image fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text Image fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.itextpdf.text Image.

The text is from its open source code.


this is a kind of image alignment.
this is a kind of image alignment.
this is a kind of image alignment.
this is a kind of image alignment.
this is a kind of image alignment.
type of image
type of image


Returns the absolute X position.
Returns the absolute Y position.
Returns the lower left y-coordinate.
Gets the dots-per-inch in the X direction.
Gets the dots-per-inch in the Y direction.
Returns the height of the rectangle.
Gets the images ICC profile.
Gets the explicit masking.
ImagegetInstance(final URL url)
ImagegetInstance(final String filename)
Gets an instance of an Image.
ImagegetInstance(final byte imgb[])
ImagegetInstance(final PdfTemplate template)
gets an instance of an Image
ImagegetInstance(final PRIndirectReference ref)
Reuses an existing image.
ImagegetInstance(final Image image)
gets an instance of an Image
ImagegetInstance(final URL url, boolean recoverFromImageError)
Gets an instance of an Image.
ImagegetInstance(final String filename, boolean recoverFromImageError)
ImagegetInstance(final byte imgb[], boolean recoverFromImageError)
gets an instance of an Image
ImagegetInstance(final java.awt.Image image, final java.awt.Color color)
Gets an instance of an Image from a java.awt.Image.
ImagegetInstance(final java.awt.Image image, final java.awt.Color color, boolean forceBW)
Gets an instance of an Image from a java.awt.Image.
ImagegetInstance(final PdfWriter writer, final java.awt.Image awtImage, final float quality)
Gets an instance of a Image from a java.awt.Image.
ImagegetInstance(final PdfContentByte cb, final java.awt.Image awtImage, final float quality)
Gets an instance of a Image from a java.awt.Image.
ImagegetInstance(final int width, final int height, final byte[] data, final byte[] globals)
Creates a JBIG2 Image.
Returns the lower left x-coordinate.
Getter for property originalType.
Gets the plain height of the image.
Gets the plain width of the image.
Gets the raw data for the image.
Returns the upper right x-coordinate.
Gets the scaled height of the image.
Gets the scaled width of the image.
Returns the width of the rectangle.
Checks if the Images has to be added at an absolute X position.
Checks if the Images has to be added at an absolute position.
Returns true if the image is an ImgTemplate -object.
Make this Image a mask.
Rotates the rectangle.
voidscaleAbsolute(final float newWidth, final float newHeight)
Scale the image to an absolute width and an absolute height.
voidscaleAbsolute(final Rectangle rectangle)
Scale the image to the dimensions of the rectangle
voidscaleAbsoluteHeight(final float newHeight)
Scale the image to an absolute height.
voidscaleAbsoluteWidth(final float newWidth)
Scale the image to an absolute width.
voidscalePercent(final float percent)
Scale the image to a certain percentage.
voidscalePercent(final float percentX, final float percentY)
Scale the width and height of an image to a certain percentage.
voidscaleToFit(final float fitWidth, final float fitHeight)
Scales the image so that it fits a certain width and height.
voidscaleToFit(final Rectangle rectangle)
Scales the images to the dimensions of the rectangle.
voidsetAbsolutePosition(final float absoluteX, final float absoluteY)
Sets the absolute position of the Image.
voidsetAlignment(final int alignment)
Sets the alignment for the image.
voidsetAlt(final String alt)
Sets the alternative information for the image.
voidsetAnnotation(final Annotation annotation)
Sets the annotation of this Image.
voidsetBackgroundColor(final BaseColor backgroundColor)
Sets the backgroundcolor of the rectangle.
voidsetBorder(final int border)
Enables/Disables the border on the specified sides.
voidsetBorderColor(final BaseColor borderColor)
Sets the color of the border.
voidsetBorderWidth(final float borderWidth)
Sets the borderwidth of the table.
voidsetCompressionLevel(final int compressionLevel)
Sets the compression level to be used if the image is written as a compressed stream.
voidsetDpi(final int dpiX, final int dpiY)
Sets the dots per inch value
voidsetImageMask(final Image mask)
Sets the explicit masking.
voidsetIndentationLeft(final float f)
Sets the left indentation.
voidsetInterpolation(final boolean interpolation)
Sets the image interpolation.
voidsetPaddingTop(float paddingTop)
voidsetRotationDegrees(final float deg)
Sets the rotation of the image in degrees.
voidsetSpacingAfter(final float spacing)
Sets the spacing after this image.
voidsetSpacingBefore(final float spacing)
Sets the spacing before this image.
voidsetTransparency(final int transparency[])
Sets the transparency values
voidsetWidthPercentage(final float widthPercentage)
Setter for property widthPercentage.