Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text Document fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
boolean | plainRandomAccess When true the file access is not done through a memory mapped file. |
boolean | open Is the document open or not? |
boolean | close Has the document already been closed? |
Document() Constructs a new Document -object. | |
Document(Rectangle pageSize, float marginLeft, float marginRight, float marginTop, float marginBottom) Constructs a new Document -object. | |
Document(Rectangle pageSize) Constructs a new Document -object. |
boolean | add(Element element) Adds an Element to the Document . |
boolean | addAuthor(String author) Adds the author to a Document. |
boolean | addCreationDate() Adds the current date and time to a Document. |
boolean | addCreator(String creator) Adds the creator to a Document. |
boolean | addHeader(String name, String content) Adds a user defined header to the document. |
boolean | addKeywords(String keywords) Adds the keywords to a Document. |
boolean | addLanguage(String language) Adds a language to th document. |
boolean | addProducer() Adds the producer to a Document. |
boolean | addSubject(String subject) Adds the subject to a Document. |
boolean | addTitle(String title) Adds the title to a Document. |
float | bottom() Returns the lower left y-coordinate. |
float | bottom(float margin) Returns the lower left y-coordinate, considering a given margin. |
float | bottomMargin() Returns the bottom margin. |
String | getJavaScript_onLoad() Gets the JavaScript onLoad command. |
int | getPageNumber() Returns the current page number. |
Rectangle | getPageSize() Gets the pagesize. |
boolean | isOpen() Checks if the document is open. |
float | left() Returns the lower left x-coordinate. |
float | left(float margin) Returns the lower left x-coordinate considering a given margin. |
float | leftMargin() Returns the left margin. |
boolean | newPage() Signals that an new page has to be started. |
void | resetPageCount() Sets the page number to 0. |
float | right() Returns the upper right x-coordinate. |
float | right(float margin) Returns the upper right x-coordinate, considering a given margin. |
float | rightMargin() Return the right margin. |
boolean | setMarginMirroring(boolean marginMirroring) Set the margin mirroring. |
boolean | setMargins(float marginLeft, float marginRight, float marginTop, float marginBottom) Sets the margins. |
void | setPageCount(int pageN) Sets the page number. |
boolean | setPageSize(Rectangle pageSize) Sets the pagesize. |
float | top() Returns the upper right y-coordinate. |
float | top(float margin) Returns the upper right y-coordinate, considering a given margin. |
float | topMargin() Returns the top margin. |