List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text Document addCreator
public boolean addCreator(String creator)
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try {/* ww w.j a va 2 s . c o m*/ response.setContentType("Invoice.pdf"); //Get the output stream for writing PDF object OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); SystemDao dao = new SystemDao(); String username_dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("username"); String dbasepsw = getServletContext().getInitParameter("password"); String dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("jdbcConnection");, dbasepsw, dbase); Document document = new Document(); /* Basic PDF Creation inside servlet */ ArrayList<User> users = dao.gettAllUsers(); //tithes ArrayList<Donation> list = dao.getAllDonations(); ArrayList<String> projects = dao.getProjects(); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);; document.addAuthor("LightHouse Chapel International"); document.addCreationDate(); document.addCreator(""); document.add(new Paragraph("============ PROJECTS ===========")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" NAME " + " " + " NUMBER ")); for (int x = 0; x < projects.size(); ++x) { String[] data = projects.get(x).split("@"); document.add(new Paragraph(" " + data[1] + " " + data[0])); } document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("Total Donations : " + projects.size())); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { response.sendRedirect("systemError.jsp"); } }
From source
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try {// w ww . j a v m response.setContentType("application/pdf"); String curp = new String(request.getParameter("curp").getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8"); ConexionOracle conexionOracle = new ConexionOracle(); String sql = "select * from PERSONALDATA_ASP_TAB where curp=" + "'" + curp + "'"; System.out.println(sql); System.out.println("Esta es la curp: " + curp); conexionOracle.conectar(); Connection conn = conexionOracle.getConnection(); // driver@machineName:port:SID , userid, password Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { fichabd = rset.getString("id_aspirante"); periodobd = rset.getString("periodo_solicitud"); prefichabd = rset.getString("preficha"); nombrebd = rset.getString("nombre"); String appat = rset.getString("apellido_pat"); String apmat = rset.getString("apellido_mat"); apellidosbd = appat + " " + apmat; curpbd = rset.getString("curp"); carrerabd = rset.getString("carrera"); modalidadbd = rset.getString("modalidad"); } try { Document preficha = new Document(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(preficha, response.getOutputStream());; //encabezado //encabezado //encabezado //encabezado // documento.add(vacio); // documento.add(vacio); // documento.add(vacio); Paragraph depto = new Paragraph("Departamento de servicios escolares", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 20, Font.BOLD)); depto.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(depto); Paragraph vacio = new Paragraph(" ", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); vacio.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); //cuerpo //cuerpo //cuerpo //cuerpo //cuerpo Paragraph periodo_text = new Paragraph("Convocatoria de nuevo ingreso periodo: " + periodobd, FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); periodo_text.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(periodo_text); preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph fotografia = new Paragraph("Fotografa", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); fotografia.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(fotografia); PdfContentByte rectangulo_general = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); rectangulo_general.rectangle(50, 48, 500, 710); rectangulo_general.fill(); drawRectangleSC(rectangulo_general, 50, 48, 500, 710); PdfContentByte rectangulo_periodo = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); rectangulo_periodo.rectangle(125, 725, 350, 20); rectangulo_periodo.fill(); drawRectangleSC(rectangulo_periodo, 125, 725, 350, 20); String url_logo = "/Imagenes/itt_logo_opt.jpg"; String absolute_url_logo = getServletContext().getRealPath(url_logo); Image itt_logo = Image.getInstance(absolute_url_logo); String url_logo_bnmx = "/Imagenes/bnmx_color_opt.jpg"; String absolute_url_logo_bnmx = getServletContext().getRealPath(url_logo_bnmx); Image bnmx_logo = Image.getInstance(absolute_url_logo_bnmx); Image Logo_itt = Image.getInstance(itt_logo); Logo_itt.setAbsolutePosition(140f, 640f); preficha.add(Logo_itt); Image Logo_banco = Image.getInstance(bnmx_logo); Logo_banco.setAbsolutePosition(380f, 340f); preficha.add(Logo_banco); PdfContentByte espacio_imagen = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); espacio_imagen.rectangle(255, 635, 85, 80); espacio_imagen.fill(); drawRectangleSC(espacio_imagen, 255, 635, 85, 80); // preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); PdfContentByte fechaimpr = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); fechaimpr.rectangle(416, 635, 100, 35); fechaimpr.fill(); drawRectangleSC(fechaimpr, 416, 635, 100, 35); // drawRectangle(fechaimpr, 85, 530, 430, 25); Paragraph fechapdf = new Paragraph("\tFecha de impresin ", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, com.itextpdf.text.Font.BOLD)); fechapdf.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); preficha.add(fechapdf); Paragraph fechapdf_fec = new Paragraph("\t" + fecha_hoy() + " ", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, com.itextpdf.text.Font.BOLD)); fechapdf_fec.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); preficha.add(fechapdf_fec); preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph no_preficha = new Paragraph("Preficha N: " + prefichabd, FontFactory.getFont("arial", 20, Font.BOLD)); no_preficha.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(no_preficha); preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); PdfContentByte rectangulo_preficha_no = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); rectangulo_preficha_no.rectangle(85, 590, 430, 25); rectangulo_preficha_no.fill(); drawRectangleSC(rectangulo_preficha_no, 85, 590, 430, 25); PdfContentByte rectangulo_datos = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); rectangulo_datos.rectangle(85, 500, 430, 80); // rectangulo_datos.rec rectangulo_datos.fill(); drawRectangleSC(rectangulo_datos, 85, 500, 430, 80); ////////////////////////////// Paragraph nombre = new Paragraph( " Nombre: " + nombrebd, FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); nombre.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); preficha.add(nombre); // preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph apellidos = new Paragraph( " " + apellidosbd, FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); apellidos.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); preficha.add(apellidos); // preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph CURP = new Paragraph( " CURP: " + curpbd, FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); CURP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); preficha.add(CURP); // preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph carrera = new Paragraph( " Carrera Solicitada: " + carrerabd, FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); carrera.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); preficha.add(carrera); // preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph modalidad = new Paragraph( " Modalidad: " + modalidadbd, FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); modalidad.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); preficha.add(modalidad); preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph formatoBanamex = new Paragraph("FORMATO UNIVERSAL PARA DEPSITOS EN SUCURSALES BANAMEX", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); formatoBanamex.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(formatoBanamex); PdfContentByte rectanguloDepositoB = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); rectanguloDepositoB.rectangle(85, 470, 430, 20); rectanguloDepositoB.fill(); drawRectangle(rectanguloDepositoB, 85, 470, 430, 20); PdfContentByte rectanguloPago = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); rectanguloPago.rectangle(85, 280, 430, 190); rectanguloPago.fill(); drawRectangleSC(rectanguloPago, 85, 280, 430, 190); preficha.add(vacio); PdfContentByte rectanguloConcepto = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); rectanguloConcepto.rectangle(150, 425, 295, 35); // rectangulo_datos.rec rectanguloConcepto.fill(); drawRectangleSC(rectanguloConcepto, 150, 425, 295, 35); Paragraph formatoConceptoPre = new Paragraph("CONCEPTO: PAGO DE DERECHO A EXAMEN DE ADMISIN", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); formatoConceptoPre.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(formatoConceptoPre); Paragraph fechaEmision = new Paragraph("FECHA DE EMISIN: 18/12/2014", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); fechaEmision.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(fechaEmision); preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph importe = new Paragraph("IMPORTE A PAGAR: $1,500.", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 15, Font.BOLD)); importe.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(importe); preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); String ref = "44353452342353464765634523434"; Paragraph referencia = new Paragraph( " REFERENCIA (B): " + ref, FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); referencia.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); preficha.add(referencia); preficha.add(vacio); // Paragraph descrConcepto = new Paragraph("DESCRIPCIN DEL CONCEPTO: CUOTA POR CONCEPTO DE PREINCRIPCIN.", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); // descrConcepto.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); // preficha.add(descrConcepto); preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); // preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph atencion = new Paragraph("Atencin", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 15, Font.BOLD)); atencion.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); preficha.add(atencion); PdfContentByte rectangulo_atencion = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); rectangulo_atencion.rectangle(245, 229, 100, 25); rectangulo_atencion.fill(); drawRectangle(rectangulo_atencion, 245, 229, 100, 25); PdfContentByte rectangulo_info = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); rectangulo_info.rectangle(85, 94, 430, 100); rectangulo_info.fill(); drawRectangle(rectangulo_info, 85, 94, 430, 120); preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); Paragraph informacion = new Paragraph( " Para continuar con el proceso de preinscripcin debers:\n" + " - Realizar el pago para tu examen de admisin con la \"REFERENCIA\" que aparece\n" + " en este documento en cualquier sucursal BANAMEX.\n" + " - Recibir la notificacin en tu correo electrnico y estar al pendiente de \n" + " las notificaciones que sern enviadas al mismo de que el pago ya fue procesado \n" + " para completar tu proceso de preinscripcin.\n", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10, Font.BOLD)); informacion.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); preficha.add(informacion); // pie // pie // pie // pie // pie preficha.add(vacio); preficha.add(vacio); preficha.addTitle("Preficha"); preficha.addSubject("Instituto Tecnolgico de Toluca"); preficha.addKeywords("Instituto Tecnolgico de Toluca"); preficha.addAuthor("Departamento de Servicios escolares"); preficha.addCreator("Departamento de Servicios escolares"); preficha.close(); preficha.close(); } catch (DocumentException de) { throw new IOException(de.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PrefichaPDF.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
/** * Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method. * * @param request servlet request/* w w w. jav a2 s. c o m*/ * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { ResultSet resultSet = null; Statement statement = null; try { Connection connection = ConnectionManager.createConnectionToDB(); String query = "SELECT * FROM employees"; statement = connection.createStatement(); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } response.setContentType("application/pdf"); Document document = new Document(); Font font3 = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 8); Font font4 = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, Font.BOLD); Font font2 = new Font(Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 10, Font.UNDERLINE); try { PdfWriter.getInstance(document, response.getOutputStream());; document.add(new Phrase(new Date().toString() + "\n", font3)); String imageUrl = ""; Image image2 = Image.getInstance(new URL(imageUrl)); image2.scaleAbsolute(100f, 100f); image2.setAbsolutePosition(25f, 725f); document.add(image2); document.add(new Phrase( " BHEL Recruitment for Medical Professionals \n ", font3)); document.add(new Phrase("Admit Card for Interview of Medical Professional in BHEL\n", font2)); document.add( new Phrase(" Acknowledgement No :", font3)); document.addCreator("Shivin"); document.addTitle("BHEL");; String trade_id = "100003"; do { if (trade_id.matches(resultSet.getString("TRADE"))) break; } while (; document.add(new Phrase("Post Applied: " + resultSet.getString("TRADE") + "\n")); document.add(new Phrase("Name: " + resultSet.getString("FIRSTNAME") + "\n")); document.add(new Phrase("Father's/Husband's Name:" + resultSet.getString("FATHERNAME"))); document.add(new Phrase("Address: " + resultSet.getString("ADDRESS1") + "\n" + resultSet.getString("ADDRESS2") + "\n" + resultSet.getString("DISTRICT") + resultSet.getString("CITY") + "\n")); document.add(new Phrase("State: " + resultSet.getString("STATE") + "\n")); document.add(new Phrase("Pin: " + resultSet.getString("PIN") + "\n")); document.add(new Phrase("Caste: " + resultSet.getString("CASTE") + "\n")); document.add(new Phrase("Interview Date: " + resultSet.getString("INTERVIEW_DATE") + "\n")); document.add( new Phrase("Interview Time: " + resultSet.getString("INTERVIEW_TIME") + "\n")); document.add( new Phrase("Reporting Time: " + resultSet.getString("REPORTING_TIME") + "\n")); document.add(new Phrase("Interview Venue: " + resultSet.getString("INTERVIEW_VENUE") + "\n")); document.add(new Phrase("Important Instructions: \n", font4)); document.add( new Paragraph("1.You must bring along with you the original documents and 01 selfattested\n" + "photocopy of the following :\n" + "Xth Certificate/ Birth Certificate mentioning Date of Birth\n" + "MBBS Degree Certificate / Marksheets of all year\n" + "PG Diploma / PG Degree / DNB Certificate in relevant discipline\n" + "Medical Council Registration Certificate\n" + "Post Qualification Experience Certificate in support of the experience being claimed\n" + "Certificate for SC/ST in the prescribed format, if applicable\n" + "Certificate for OBC indicating Non Creamy Layer status in the prescribed format, if applicable\n" + "Self Undertaking for Non Creamy Layer status of OBC in the prescribed format, if applicable\n" + "Medical Certificate for Physically Handicapped candidates for their disability from Government Hospital or Medical Board, if applicable.\n" + "Discharge Certificate for ExServicemen\n" + "NOC from the present employer, if applicable\n" + "2. The shortlisted candidates after attending the interviews will be reimbursed train fare to the extent of single AC 2nd class return train fare\n" + "from the address mentioned in the Application form to Interview Centre, by the shortest route subject to submission of rail/bus Ticket\n" + "3. Please ensure that you fulfill all the prescribed job specifications as advertised and produce all the relevant documents thereof as aforesaid (as\n" + "applicable to you), failing which we will not be able to interview you nor reimburse the Travelling Allowance. In case it is found that a\n" + "candidate does not possess the qualification and /or other specification as prescribed in our advertisement, their candidature will be cancelled abinitio\n" + "and no Travelling Allowance will be paid.\n" + "4. You have the option to answer either in English or in Hindi during the Interview. Please note that no change of Interview place and/or date of\n" + "interview will be possible. Also, we will not be able to respond to any individual queries regarding the results of personal Interview.")); document.add(new Phrase("Declaration by the candidate: \n", font4)); document.add(new Paragraph( "I understand that my permission to this test interview is provisional and if it is found at the later date that I do not fulfill the essential eligibility\n" + "criteria regarding qualification, marks, age, caste, Experience etc. as per requirement of the Company, I will be debarred abinitio\n" + "and I will not\n" + "be able to make any claim to the post.")); document.add(new Phrase("DATE:", font2)); document.add(new Phrase("\n")); document.add(new Phrase("PLACE:", font2)); document.add(new Phrase("\n")); /* PdfPTable table2 = new PdfPTable(1); table2.addCell("1."); table2.addCell("2."); table2.addCell("3."); document.add(new Paragraph(" \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n")); document.add(new Paragraph(" *Terms and Conditions \n ")); document.add(table2); document.close(); */ } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /** * Returns a short description of the servlet. * * @return a String containing servlet description */ }
From source
private static void addMetaData(Document document) { document.addTitle("My first PDF"); document.addSubject("Using iText"); document.addKeywords("Java, PDF, iText"); document.addAuthor("Lars Vogel"); document.addCreator("Lars Vogel"); }
From source
/** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> * methods.//www . j a v a 2s . c o m * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { response.setContentType("Invoice.pdf"); //Get the output stream for writing PDF object OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); SystemDao dao = new SystemDao(); String username_dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("username"); String dbasepsw = getServletContext().getInitParameter("password"); String dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("jdbcConnection");, dbasepsw, dbase); Document document = new Document(); /* Basic PDF Creation inside servlet */ ArrayList<User> users = dao.gettAllUsers(); //tithes ArrayList<Donation> list = dao.getAllDonations(); ArrayList<String> projects = dao.getProjects(); //donaations Vector<String> donations = dao.get_donation(); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);; document.addAuthor("LightHouse Chapel International"); document.addCreationDate(); document.addCreator(""); document.addTitle("USER INFORMATION SUMMARY"); document.add(new Paragraph("LightHouse Chapel International")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("INFORMATION SUMMARY")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("=========== TITHES ===============")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("Amount " + " " + "Date ")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); double total = 0.00; for (int x = 0; x < list.size(); ++x) { total += list.get(x).getAmount(); document.add(new Paragraph(x + " " + list.get(x).getAmount() + " " + list.get(x).getDate())); } document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("============ USERS ===========")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" NAME " + " SURNAME " + " ACCOUNT NUMBER ")); for (User user : users) { document.add(new Paragraph(" " + user.getName() + " " + " " + user.getSurname() + " " + " " + user.getAccountNumber())); } document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("============ PROJECTS ===========")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" NAME " + " NUMBER " + " COST ")); for (int x = 0; x < projects.size(); ++x) { String[] data = projects.get(x).split("@"); document.add(new Paragraph(" " + data[1] + " " + " " + data[0] + " " + " " + data[4])); } document.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(PrintAll.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
/** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> * methods.// w w w. j ava 2 s . c o m * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { response.setContentType("Invoice.pdf"); //Get the output stream for writing PDF object OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); SystemDao dao = new SystemDao(); String username_dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("username"); String dbasepsw = getServletContext().getInitParameter("password"); String dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("jdbcConnection");, dbasepsw, dbase); Document document = new Document(); /* Basic PDF Creation inside servlet */ ArrayList<User> users = dao.gettAllUsers(); //tithes ArrayList<Donation> list = dao.getAllDonations(); ArrayList<String> projects = dao.getProjects(); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);; document.addAuthor("LightHouse Chapel International"); document.addCreationDate(); document.addCreator(""); document.add(new Paragraph("=========== TITHES ===============")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("Amount " + " " + "Date ")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); double total = 0.00; for (int x = 0; x < list.size(); ++x) { total += list.get(x).getAmount(); document.add(new Paragraph( (1 + x) + " " + list.get(x).getAmount() + " " + list.get(x).getDate())); } document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("Total Number of people who paid tithe : " + list.size())); document.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { response.sendRedirect("systemError.jsp"); } }
From source
/** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> * methods./* ww w .ja va 2 s.c o m*/ * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, DocumentException { try { response.setContentType("Invoice.pdf"); //Get the output stream for writing PDF object OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); SystemDao dao = new SystemDao(); String username_dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("username"); String dbasepsw = getServletContext().getInitParameter("password"); String dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("jdbcConnection");, dbasepsw, dbase); Document document = new Document(); /* Basic PDF Creation inside servlet */ ArrayList<User> users = dao.gettAllUsers(); //tithes ArrayList<Donation> list = dao.getAllDonations(); ArrayList<String> projects = dao.getProjects(); //donaations Vector<String> donations = dao.get_donation(); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);; document.addAuthor("LightHouse Chapel International"); document.addCreationDate(); document.addCreator(""); document.addTitle("USER INFORMATION SUMMARY"); document.add(new Paragraph("LightHouse Chapel International")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("INFORMATION SUMMARY")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("=========== TITHES ===============")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("Amount " + " " + "Date ")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); double total = 0.00; for (int x = 0; x < list.size(); ++x) { total += list.get(x).getAmount(); document.add(new Paragraph(x + " " + list.get(x).getAmount() + " " + list.get(x).getDate())); } document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("============ USERS ===========")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" NAME " + " SURNAME " + " ACCOUNT NUMBER ")); for (User user : users) { document.add(new Paragraph(" " + user.getName() + " " + " " + user.getSurname() + " " + " " + user.getAccountNumber())); } document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("============ PROJECTS ===========")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" NAME " + " NUMBER " + " COST ")); for (int x = 0; x < projects.size(); ++x) { String[] data = projects.get(x).split("@"); document.add(new Paragraph(" " + data[1] + " " + " " + data[0] + " " + " " + data[4])); } } catch (SQLException ex) { response.sendRedirect("systemError.jsp"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { response.sendRedirect("systemError.jsp"); } }
From source
/** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> * methods.//w ww . j ava 2 s . c om * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { response.setContentType("Invoice.pdf"); //Get the output stream for writing PDF object OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); SystemDao dao = new SystemDao(); String username_dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("username"); String dbasepsw = getServletContext().getInitParameter("password"); String dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("jdbcConnection");, dbasepsw, dbase); Document document = new Document(); /* Basic PDF Creation inside servlet */ ArrayList<User> users = dao.gettAllUsers(); //tithes ArrayList<Donation> list = dao.getAllDonations(); ArrayList<String> projects = dao.getProjects(); //donaations Vector<String> donations = dao.get_donation(); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);; document.addAuthor("LightHouse Chapel International"); document.addCreationDate(); document.addCreator(""); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("============ PROJECTS ===========")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("NAME" + " " + "NUMBER" + " " + "COST")); for (int x = 0; x < projects.size(); ++x) { String[] data = projects.get(x).split("@"); document.add(new Paragraph( " " + data[1] + " " + data[0] + " " + data[4])); } document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" Total Projects : " + projects.size())); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { response.sendRedirect("systemError.jsp"); } }
From source
private void addMetaData(Document document) { document.addTitle("Mi empresa"); document.addSubject("mi direccion"); document.addKeywords("Java, PDF, iText"); document.addAuthor(autor);// ww w . j a va 2s . c o m document.addCreator(fecha); }
From source
/** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> * methods./* www . j av a 2 s .co m*/ * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { response.setContentType("Invoice.pdf"); //Get the output stream for writing PDF object OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); SystemDao dao = new SystemDao(); String username_dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("username"); String dbasepsw = getServletContext().getInitParameter("password"); String dbase = getServletContext().getInitParameter("jdbcConnection");, dbasepsw, dbase); Document document = new Document(); /* Basic PDF Creation inside servlet */ ArrayList<User> users = dao.gettAllUsers(); //tithes ArrayList<Donation> list = dao.getAllDonations(); ArrayList<String> projects = dao.getProjects(); //donaations Vector<String> donations = dao.get_donation(); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);; document.addAuthor("LightHouse Chapel International"); document.addCreationDate(); document.addCreator(""); document.addTitle("USER INFORMATION SUMMARY"); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph("============ USERS ===========")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" NAME " + " " + " SURNAME " + " " + " ACCOUNT NUMBER ")); for (User user : users) { document.add(new Paragraph(" " + user.getName() + " " + user.getSurname() + " " + user.getEmail())); } document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.add(new Paragraph(" Total Users : " + users.size())); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); document.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { response.sendRedirect("systemError.jsp"); } }