Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text Chunk fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
Chunk | NEWLINE This is a Chunk containing a newline. |
Chunk | NEXTPAGE This is a Chunk containing a newpage. |
Chunk | TABBING |
String | SKEW Key for text skewing. |
String | IMAGE Key for image. |
StringBuffer | append(final String string) appends some text to this Chunk . |
Chunk | createTabspace() |
Chunk | createTabspace(float spacing) |
Chunk | createWhitespace(final String content, final boolean preserve) |
Chunk | createWhitespace(final String content) |
HashMap | getAttributes() Gets the attributes for this Chunk . |
Font | getFont() Gets the font of this Chunk . |
AccessibleElementId | getId() |
Image | getImage() Returns the image. |
float | getWidthPoint() Gets the width of the Chunk in points. |
boolean | isEmpty() Checks is this Chunk is empty. |
Chunk | setAction(final PdfAction action) Sets an action for this Chunk . |
Chunk | setAnchor(final URL url) Sets an anchor for this Chunk . |
Chunk | setAnchor(final String url) Sets an anchor for this Chunk . |
Chunk | setBackground(final BaseColor color) Sets the color of the background Chunk . |
Chunk | setCharacterSpacing(final float charSpace) Sets the character spacing. |
void | setFont(final Font font) Sets the font of this Chunk . |
Chunk | setGenericTag(final String text) Sets the generic tag Chunk . |
Chunk | setHyphenation(final HyphenationEvent hyphenation) sets the hyphenation engine to this Chunk . |
Chunk | setLineHeight(float lineheight) Sets a line height tag. |
Chunk | setLocalDestination(final String name) Sets a local destination for this Chunk . |
Chunk | setLocalGoto(final String name) Sets a local goto for this Chunk . |
Chunk | setSkew(float alpha, float beta) Skews the text to simulate italic and other effects. |
Chunk | setTextRenderMode(final int mode, final float strokeWidth, final BaseColor strokeColor) Sets the text rendering mode. |
Chunk | setTextRise(final float rise) Sets the text displacement relative to the baseline. |
Chunk | setUnderline(final float thickness, final float yPosition) Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough. |
Chunk | setUnderline(final BaseColor color, final float thickness, final float thicknessMul, final float yPosition, final float yPositionMul, final int cap) Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough. |