Example usage for com.itextpdf.text Chunk getId

List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text Chunk getId


In this page you can find the example usage for com.itextpdf.text Chunk getId.


public AccessibleElementId getId() 

Source Link


From source file:nz.ac.waikato.cms.doc.HyperLinkGrades.java

License:Open Source License

 * Adds the index with locations to the existing PDF.
 * @param locations   the locations to index
 * @param input   the input PDF/*from   www . j a va  2 s.  c  om*/
 * @param output   the output PDF
 * @return      true if successfully generated
public static boolean addIndex(List<Location> locations, File input, File output) {
    try {
        // copy pages, add target
        PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(input.getAbsolutePath());
        Document document = new Document();
        PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(output.getAbsolutePath()));
        PdfContentByte canvas = writer.getDirectContent();
        PdfImportedPage page;
        float height = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= reader.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
            page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i);
            canvas.addTemplate(page, 1f, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
            Chunk loc = new Chunk(" ");
            loc.setLocalDestination("loc" + i);
            height = page.getHeight();
            ColumnText.showTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, new Phrase(loc), 50, height - 50, 0);
        // add index
        for (int i = 0; i < locations.size(); i++) {
            Location loc = locations.get(i);
            if (i % MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE == 0)
            String text = loc.getID() + " " + (loc.getName() == null ? "???" : loc.getName());
            Chunk chunk = new Chunk("Page " + (loc.getPage() + 1) + ": " + text);
            chunk.setAction(PdfAction.gotoLocalPage("loc" + (loc.getPage() + 1), false));
            ColumnText.showTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, new Phrase(chunk), 50,
                    height - 100 - (i % MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE) * 20, 0);

        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Failed to overlay locations!");
        return false;