List of usage examples for CheckBox setValue
@Override public void setValue(Boolean value)
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/** * Remove the selected search filter and search results when user click on 'X'. * @param filterNamePanel {@link HTMLPanel} * @param filterName {@link String} grade/subject search filter name *///from w w w. j a va 2 m private void removeSelectedFilter(PPanel filterNamePanel, String filterName) { for (int i = 0; i < filterNamePanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget filterWidget = filterNamePanel.getWidget(i); if (filterWidget instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox filterCheckBox = (CheckBox) filterWidget; if ((filterCheckBox.getName().equals(filterName))) { filterCheckBox.setValue(false); } } } callSearch(); }
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/** * Set filter value for search with separator * @param filterFlowPanel instance of {@link DisclosurePanelUc} which has filter values * @param checkedValues selected filter value * @param separator concatenation of the filter value by separator *//*from w w w . j a va2s . c o m*/ private void setSelectedFilter(DisclosurePanelUc filterFlowPanel, String checkedValues, String separator) { List<String> items = null; if (checkedValues != null) { items = Arrays.asList(checkedValues.split("\\s*" + separator + "\\s*")); } if (items != null) { //if(resourceSearch){ for (Widget filterWidget : filterFlowPanel.getContent()) { if (filterWidget instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox filterCheckBox = (CheckBox) filterWidget; filterCheckBox.setValue(false); for (String item : items) { if ((filterCheckBox.getName().equals(item))) { filterCheckBox.setValue(true); } } } } //} /* else{ boolean isRadioButtonSelected=false; for (Widget filterWidget : filterFlowPanel.getContent()) { if (filterWidget instanceof QuestionTypeFilter) { QuestionTypeFilter questionTypeFilter = (QuestionTypeFilter) filterWidget; //filterCheckBox.setValue(false); questionTypeFilter.radioButton.setStyleName(SearchMoreInfoVcCBundle.INSTANCE.css().questionRadioButton()); questionTypeFilter.hiddenRadioButton.setValue(false); for (String item : items) { if ((questionTypeFilter.hiddenRadioButton.getText().equals(item))) { questionTypeFilter.hiddenRadioButton.setValue(true); isRadioButtonSelected=true; questionTypeFilter.radioButton.setStyleName(SearchMoreInfoVcCBundle.INSTANCE.css().questionRadioButtonSelected()); } } } } // if(!isRadioButtonSelected){ // QuestionTypeFilter questionTypeFilter = (QuestionTypeFilter)filterFlowPanel.getContent().getWidget(2); // questionTypeFilter.hiddenRadioButton.setValue(true); // questionTypeFilter.radioButton.setStyleName(SearchMoreInfoVcCBundle.INSTANCE.css().questionRadioButtonSelected()); // } }*/ } }
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public StringParameterizedMetricTextBox(String text, final CheckBox checkBoxToActivate, SuggestOracle suggestOracle) {/* w ww .j a va2 s . c om*/ super(suggestOracle); addStyleName("StringParameterizedMetricTextBox"); setText(text); getValueBox().addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { @Override public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { showSuggestionList(); } }); if (checkBoxToActivate != null) { getValueBox().addKeyUpHandler(new KeyUpHandler() { @Override public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { final String text = getText(); if (text != null && !"".equals(text)) { // activate checkbox whenever something is written. checkBoxToActivate.setValue(true); } } }); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Builds the personal/group grid for notification preferences. * * @param notifiers/*ww w. j av a 2 s . co m*/ * List of notifiers. * @param categories * Names and enum values of the notification preference categories to include in this grid. * @param filters * User's current notification preferences. * @return Grid. */ private Grid buildNotificationFilterGrid(final Map<String, String> notifiers, final Map<String, String> categories, final Collection<NotificationFilterPreferenceDTO> filters) { Grid grid = settingsGrid; grid.resize(1 + categories.size(), 1 + notifiers.size()); // display each category name (one per row) int row = 0; for (String categoryName : categories.values()) { row++; grid.setText(row, 0, categoryName); } // display each notifier column int col = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : notifiers.entrySet()) { col++; final String notifierType = entry.getKey(); // display the names of the notifiers grid.setText(0, col, entry.getValue()); grid.getColumnFormatter().addStyleName(col, style.gridColumn()); // create the checkboxes for that notifier per category row = 0; for (String category : categories.keySet()) { row++; CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(); checkBox.setValue(true); grid.setWidget(row, col, checkBox); checkboxIndex.put(new NotificationFilterPreferenceDTO(notifierType, category), checkBox); } } // uncheck checkboxes for suppressed entries for (NotificationFilterPreferenceDTO pref : filters) { pref.setPersonId(0); HasValue<Boolean> checkBox = checkboxIndex.get(pref); if (checkBox != null) { checkBox.setValue(false); } } return grid; }
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public CallInScreen() { super(ModuleName); final boolean canBook = CurrentState.isActionAllowed(SchedulerWidget.moduleName, AppConstants.WRITE); final HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); initWidget(horizontalPanel);/*w ww .j av a 2 s . c om*/ horizontalPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); final VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); horizontalPanel.add(verticalPanel); verticalPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); tabPanel = new TabPanel(); tabPanel.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (event.getSelectedItem() == 1 && formSelection.getWidgetValue().equals("Basic")) ((TextBox) basicFormFields.get("cifname")).setFocus(true); } }); verticalPanel.add(tabPanel); /* * final Label callInLabel = new Label("Call-in Patient Management."); * verticalPanelMenu.add(callInLabel); * callInLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); */ final HorizontalPanel headerHPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); headerHPanel.setWidth("100%"); verticalPanelMenu.add(headerHPanel); final HorizontalPanel menuButtonsPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); menuButtonsPanel.setSpacing(1); headerHPanel.add(menuButtonsPanel); if (canDelete || canWrite || canBook) { final CustomButton selectAllButton = new CustomButton(_("Select All"), AppConstants.ICON_SELECT_ALL); menuButtonsPanel.add(selectAllButton); selectAllButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent wvt) { Iterator<CheckBox> iter = checkboxStack.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CheckBox t =; t.setValue(true); callInTable.selectionAdd(checkboxStack.get(t).toString()); // } } } }); } if (canDelete || canWrite || canBook) { final CustomButton selectNoneButton = new CustomButton(_("Select None"), AppConstants.ICON_SELECT_NONE); menuButtonsPanel.add(selectNoneButton); selectNoneButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { clearSelection(); } }); } if (canDelete) { final CustomButton deleteButton = new CustomButton(_("Delete"), AppConstants.ICON_DELETE); menuButtonsPanel.add(deleteButton); deleteButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { if (callInTable.getSelectedCount() < 1) Window.alert(_("Please select at least one entry!")); else if (Window.confirm(_("Are you sure you want to delete these item(s)?"))) { List<String> slectedItems = callInTable.getSelected(); Iterator<String> itr = slectedItems.iterator();// Get all // selected // items // from // custom // table int totalItems = slectedItems.size(); int curItem = 1; while (itr.hasNext()) deleteEntry(Integer.parseInt(, curItem++, totalItems);// delete // messages // one by // one } } }); } if (canWrite) { final CustomButton enterButton = new CustomButton(_("Create Patient"), AppConstants.ICON_ADD_PERSON); menuButtonsPanel.add(enterButton); enterButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { if (callInTable.getSelectedCount() < 1) Window.alert(_("Please select at least one entry!")); else if (callInTable.getSelectedCount() > 1) Window.alert(_("You can create only a single patient at a time!")); else { List<String> slectedItems = callInTable.getSelected(); Integer id = Integer.parseInt(slectedItems.get(0)); final HashMap<String, String> data = callInTable.getDataById(id); if (data.get("archive") == null || data.get("archive").compareTo("0") == 0) { // openPatientForm(id,getCallInScreen()); callinConvertFromPatient(id, new CustomCommand() { @Override public void execute(Object id) { populate(null); Util.spawnPatientScreen((Integer) id, data.get("name")); } }); } else { Window.alert(_("You can't create patient of archived enteries!")); } } } }); } if (canBook) { final CustomButton bookButton = new CustomButton(_("Book"), AppConstants.ICON_BOOK_APP); menuButtonsPanel.add(bookButton); bookButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { if (callInTable.getSelectedCount() < 1) Window.alert(_("Please select at least one entry!")); else if (callInTable.getSelectedCount() > 1) Window.alert(_("You can book only a single appointment at a time!")); else { List<String> slectedItems = callInTable.getSelected(); Integer id = Integer.parseInt(slectedItems.get(0)); HashMap<String, String> data = callInTable.getDataById(id); if (data.get("archive") == null || data.get("archive").compareTo("0") == 0) { SchedulerScreen schedulerScreen = SchedulerScreen.getInstance(); EventData eventData = schedulerScreen.getSchedulerWidget().getNewExternalDataEvent(); eventData.setPatientId(id); if (data.get("provider") != null) eventData.setProviderId(Integer.parseInt(data.get("provider"))); eventData.setResourceType(AppConstants.APPOINTMENT_TYPE_CALLIN_PATIENT); schedulerScreen.getSchedulerWidget().setExternalDataEvent(eventData); Util.spawnTab(AppConstants.SCHEDULER, schedulerScreen); } else { Window.alert(_("You can't book archived enteries!")); } } } }); if (canModify) { final CustomButton modifyButton = new CustomButton(_("Modify"), AppConstants.ICON_MODIFY); menuButtonsPanel.add(modifyButton); modifyButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { if (callInTable.getSelectedCount() < 1) Window.alert(_("Please select an entry!")); else if (callInTable.getSelectedCount() > 1) Window.alert(_("You can modify only a single entry at a time!")); else { List<String> slectedItems = callInTable.getSelected(); Integer id = Integer.parseInt(slectedItems.get(0)); selectedEntryId = id; HashMap<String, String> data = callInTable.getDataById(id); if (data.get("archive") == null || data.get("archive").compareTo("0") == 0) { tabPanel.selectTab(1); selectedEntryId = id; modifyEntry(selectedEntryId); } else { Util.confirm(_( "You can not modify an archived record. Do you want to un-archive this record?"), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub unarchiveEntry(selectedEntryId); } }, null); } } } }); } } if (canWrite) { final CustomButton addEventButton = new CustomButton(_("Add Event"), AppConstants.ICON_ADD); menuButtonsPanel.add(addEventButton); addEventButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { if (callInTable.getSelectedCount() < 1) Window.alert(_("Please select an entry!")); else if (callInTable.getSelectedCount() > 1) Window.alert(_("You can modify only a single entry at a time!")); else { List<String> slectedItems = callInTable.getSelected(); Integer id = Integer.parseInt(slectedItems.get(0)); HashMap<String, String> data = callInTable.getDataById(id); String name = null; if (data != null && data.get("name") != null) { name = data.get("name"); } openAddEventForm(id, name); } } }); } if (canRead) { final CustomButton searchButton = new CustomButton(_("Search"), AppConstants.ICON_SEARCH); menuButtonsPanel.add(searchButton); searchButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { initSearchPopup(); } }); } callInTable = new CustomTable(); verticalPanelMenu.add(callInTable); callInTable.setAllowSelection(false); callInTable.setSize("100%", "100%"); // //what for is this used???To work on this callInTable.setIndexName("id"); // /// if (canDelete || canWrite || canBook) callInTable.addColumn("", "selected"); callInTable.addColumn(_("Date"), "call_date_mdy"); callInTable.addColumn(_("Name"), "name"); callInTable.addColumn(_("Contact Phone"), "contact_phone"); callInTable.addColumn(_("Coverage"), "coverage"); callInTable.addColumn(_("Complaint"), "complaint"); callInTable.setTableRowClickHandler(new TableRowClickHandler() { @Override public void handleRowClick(HashMap<String, String> data, int col) { try { if (col != 0 || !(canBook || canWrite || canDelete)) { final Integer callinId = Integer.parseInt(data.get("id")); showCallinInfo(callinId); } } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Caught exception: ", e); } } }); callInTable.setTableWidgetColumnSetInterface(new TableWidgetColumnSetInterface() { public Widget setColumn(String columnName, HashMap<String, String> data) { Integer id = Integer.parseInt(data.get("id")); if (columnName.compareTo("selected") == 0) { CheckBox c = new CheckBox(); c.addClickHandler(getCallInScreen()); checkboxStack.put(c, id); return c; } else if (data.get("archive") != null && data.get("archive").compareTo("1") == 0) { Label label = new Label(data.get(columnName)); label.setStyleName(AppConstants.STYLE_LABEL_ALERT); return label; } return (Widget) null; } }); tabPanel.add(verticalPanelMenu, _("Menu")); if (canWrite) { // tabPanel.add(createEntryTabBar(), "Entry"); entryVPanel = new VerticalPanel(); tabPanel.add(entryVPanel, _("Entry")); final HorizontalPanel selectionHPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); selectionHPanel.setStyleName(AppConstants.STYLE_LABEL_HEADER_SMALL); entryVPanel.add(selectionHPanel); selectionHPanel.setSpacing(5); final Label selectionLabel = new Label(_("Select Form Type") + ":"); selectionHPanel.add(selectionLabel); formSelection = new CustomListBox(); selectionHPanel.add(formSelection); formSelection.addItem("", ""); formSelection.addItem(_("Basic Entry Form"), "Basic"); formSelection.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { public void onChange(ChangeEvent arg0) { handleFormSelection(); } }); } // tabPanel.add(new VerticalPanel(),"Entry"); tabPanel.selectTab(0); // createEntryTabBar(); // callInTable.formatTable(5); // callInTable.getFlexTable().setWidth("100%"); // ////// populate(null); }
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protected void clearSelection() { Iterator<CheckBox> iter = checkboxStack.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CheckBox t =; t.setValue(false); callInTable.selectionRemove(checkboxStack.get(t).toString()); }/*from www . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ }
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License:Open Source License
private MessagingScreen() { super(moduleName); final VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); initWidget(verticalPanel);/*from w ww . j a v a 2s. c om*/ final HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); verticalPanel.add(horizontalPanel); if (canRead) { horizontalPanel.add(messageTagSelect); messageTagSelect.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { try { String effective = messageTagSelect.getWidgetValue(); wMessages.clearAllSelections(); populate(effective); } catch (Exception ex) { Window.alert(ex.toString()); } } }); } if (canWrite) { final CustomButton composeButton = new CustomButton(_("Compose"), AppConstants.ICON_COMPOSE_MAIL); horizontalPanel.add(composeButton); composeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { final MessagingComposeScreen p = new MessagingComposeScreen(); p.setParentScreen(getMessagingScreen()); CurrentState.getTabPanel().add(p, new ClosableTab(_("Compose Message"), p)); CurrentState.getTabPanel().selectTab(CurrentState.getTabPanel().getWidgetCount() - 1); } }); } if (canModify) { final CustomButton selectButton = new CustomButton(_("Change"), AppConstants.ICON_CHANGE); horizontalPanel.add(selectButton); selectButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { populate(((CustomListBox) evt.getSource()).getWidgetValue()); } }); } if (canModify) { final CustomButton moveButton = new CustomButton(_("Move"), AppConstants.ICON_MOVE_MAIL); horizontalPanel.add(moveButton); moveButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { Window.alert("STUB: move message(s)"); } }); } if (canRead) { final CustomButton selectAllButton = new CustomButton(_("Select All"), AppConstants.ICON_SELECT_ALL); horizontalPanel.add(selectAllButton); selectAllButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent wvt) { Iterator<CheckBox> iter = checkboxStack.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CheckBox t =; t.setValue(true); if (!selectedItems.contains(checkboxStack.get(t))) { selectedItems.add(checkboxStack.get(t)); } } } }); } if (canRead) { final CustomButton selectNoneButton = new CustomButton(_("Select None"), AppConstants.ICON_SELECT_NONE); horizontalPanel.add(selectNoneButton); selectNoneButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { Iterator<CheckBox> iter = checkboxStack.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CheckBox t =; t.setValue(false); if (selectedItems.contains(checkboxStack.get(t))) { selectedItems.remove(checkboxStack.get(t)); } } } }); } if (canDelete) { final CustomButton deleteButton = new CustomButton(_("Delete"), AppConstants.ICON_DELETE); horizontalPanel.add(deleteButton); deleteButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { if (Window.confirm(_("Are you sure you want to delete these item(s)?"))) { List<String> slectedItems = wMessages.getSelected(); // Get all selected items from custom table Iterator<String> itr = slectedItems.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { deleteMessage(Integer.parseInt(; } populate(messageTagSelect.getWidgetValue()); } } }); } final VerticalPanel verticalSplitPanel = new VerticalPanel(); verticalPanel.add(verticalSplitPanel); verticalSplitPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); // verticalSplitPanel.setSplitPosition("50%"); if (canRead) { wMessages = new CustomTable(); // wMessages.setAllowSelection(true); // wMessages.setMultipleSelection(true); verticalSplitPanel.add(wMessages); wMessages.setSize("100%", "100%"); wMessages.addColumn(_("Selected"), "selected"); wMessages.addColumn(_("Received"), "stamp"); // col 1 wMessages.addColumn(_("From"), "from_user"); // col 2 wMessages.addColumn(_("Subject"), "subject"); // col 3 // wMessages.addColumn(_("Delete"), "delete"); // col 4 wMessages.setIndexName("id"); wMessages.setTableRowClickHandler(new TableRowClickHandler() { @Override public void handleRowClick(HashMap<String, String> data, int col) { try { final Integer messageId = Integer.parseInt(data.get("id")); if (col == 4) { deleteMessage(messageId); } else if (col != 0) { showMessage(messageId); msgView = new MessageView(); msgView.setMessageId(messageId); msgView.setMsgFrom(data.get("from_user")); msgView.setMsgDate(data.get("stamp")); msgView.setText(msgView.createMessageHtml(data.get("from_user"), data.get("stamp"), data.get("subject"), data.get("content"))); // showMessage(messageId); msgView.setMessagingScreen(getMessagingScreen()); popupMessageView = new Popup(); popupMessageView.setNewWidget(msgView); msgView.setOnClose(new Command() { public void execute() { popupMessageView.hide(); } }); popupMessageView.initialize(); } } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Caught exception: ", e); } } }); wMessages.setTableWidgetColumnSetInterface(new TableWidgetColumnSetInterface() { public Widget setColumn(String columnName, HashMap<String, String> data) { Integer id = Integer.parseInt(data.get("id")); if (columnName.compareTo("selected") == 0) { CheckBox c = new CheckBox(); c.addClickHandler(getMessagingScreen()); checkboxStack.put(c, id); return c; } else { return (Widget) null; } } }); } // verticalSplitPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); // Start population routine populate(""); populateTagWidget(); // Register on the event bus CurrentState.getEventBus().addHandler(SystemEvent.TYPE, this); }
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License:Open Source License
public ModuleFieldCheckerTypeEntryScreen() { super("admin"); final VerticalPanel containerAllVerticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); initWidget(containerAllVerticalPanel); final HorizontalPanel tabViewPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); final CheckBox tabView = new CheckBox(); tabView.setText("Tab View"); tabView.setValue(true); tabViewPanel.add(tabView);/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c om*/ tabView.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent arg0) { switchView(tabView.getValue()); } }); containerAllVerticalPanel.add(tabViewPanel); tabPanel = new TabPanel(); containerAllVerticalPanel.add(tabPanel); containerVerticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); containerAllVerticalPanel.add(containerVerticalPanel); initWorkFlowTypeForm(); initWorkFlowList(); if (canWrite) tabPanel.selectTab(1); else tabPanel.selectTab(0); }
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public void populateFields(String statusModule, final String checkFields) { moduleFieldsTable.setVisible(false); moduleFieldsTable.clear();/*w w w.ja v a2s . co m*/ // moduleProperties.clear(); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add(statusModule); Util.callApiMethod("ModuleSearch", "getFields", params, new CustomRequestCallback() { @Override public void onError() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void jsonifiedData(Object data) { if (data != null) { HashMap<String, Boolean> selectedFieldsMap = null; String[] rs = (String[]) data; if (checkFields != null) { selectedFieldsMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); String[] selectedFields = checkFields.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < selectedFields.length; i++) { selectedFieldsMap.put(selectedFields[i], true); } } int row = 0; int col = 0; fieldsList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) { CheckBox checkbox = new CheckBox(rs[i]); moduleFieldsTable.setWidget(row, col, checkbox); fieldsList.add(checkbox); if (selectedFieldsMap != null && selectedFieldsMap.containsKey(rs[i])) checkbox.setValue(true); col++; if (col % 6 == 0) { row++; col = 0; } } if (rs.length > 0) { moduleFieldsTable.setVisible(true); } } } }, "String[]"); }
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public ScannedDocumentsEntryScreen() { super(SCANNED_DOCUMENT); final VerticalPanel containerAllVerticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); initWidget(containerAllVerticalPanel); final HorizontalPanel tabViewPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); final CheckBox tabView = new CheckBox(); tabView.setText(_("Tab View")); tabView.setValue(true); tabViewPanel.add(tabView);//from w ww.ja v a 2 s . com tabView.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent arg0) { switchView(tabView.getValue()); } }); containerAllVerticalPanel.add(tabViewPanel); tabPanel = new TabPanel(); containerAllVerticalPanel.add(tabPanel); containerVerticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); containerAllVerticalPanel.add(containerVerticalPanel); initClinicalAssesmentForm(); initClinicalAssesmentList(); if (canWrite) tabPanel.selectTab(1); else tabPanel.selectTab(0); }