List of usage examples for CheckBox setValue
@Override public void setValue(Boolean value)
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/** * Renders the field from the specified map of available key-option(s) into the field. * * @param map the map of available key-option(s). *///from ww w. ja v a2s. co m private void setItems(HashMap<NameId, ArrayList<NameId>> map) { if (map == null) { return; } field.clear(); ArrayList<NameId> keys = new ArrayList<NameId>(map.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys); for (NameId key : keys) { ArrayList<NameId> values = map.get(key); VerticalPanel options = new VerticalPanel(); options.setTitle(key.getId()); field.add(options, "<img src='" + + "' style='padding: 1px;'</img>" + key.getName(), true); // field.add(options, key.getName()); for (NameId value : values) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(value.getName()); cb.setFormValue(value.getId()); cb.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) event.getSource(); if (isUniquekey(cb.getFormValue())) { deselect(cb.getFormValue()); cb.setValue(true); } } }); options.add(cb); } } }
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/** * Sets the selected options in the field from the specified map of selected key-option(s). * * @param value the map of selected key-option(s). *///from ww w . ja v a 2 s .c om public void setValue(HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> value) { for (int index = 0; index < field.getWidgetCount(); index++) { VerticalPanel options = (VerticalPanel) field.getWidget(index); String key = options.getTitle(); for (int row = 0; row < options.getWidgetCount(); row++) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) options.getWidget(row); if (cb == null) { Window.alert("setValue " + row); } String id = cb.getFormValue(); if (value == null) { cb.setValue(false); } else if (value.containsKey(key)) { cb.setValue(value.get(key).contains(id)); } } } super.setChanged(); }
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License:Open Source License
private FlowPanel createWorkflow() { final FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); final HTML workflowText = new HTML(CONSTANTS.workflowText()); panel.add(workflowText);/* ww w .jav a2 s.c o m*/ final String[] WORKFLOW_DATES = { Reservation.FROMDATE, Reservation.DATE, Reservation.TODATE }; final ArrayList<NameId> DATENAMES = NameId.getList(CONSTANTS.workflowDates(), WORKFLOW_DATES); workflowGrid = new GridField<Workflow>(this, null, CONSTANTS.workflowHeaders(), Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES.length, tab++) { @Override public void setRowValue(int row, Workflow value) { CheckBox enabledField = new CheckBox(getStatename(value.getState())); enabledField.setFormValue(value.getState()); enabledField.setValue(value.getEnabled()); enabledField.addStyleName(OrganizationForm.CSS.workflowState()); workflowGrid.setWidget(row, 0, enabledField); IntegerField durationField = new IntegerField(this, null, null, 0); durationField.setValue(value.getDuration()); durationField.setFieldStyle(OrganizationForm.CSS.workflowDuration()); workflowGrid.setWidget(row, 1, durationField); workflowGrid.setText(row, 2, value.getUnit().toString()); ToggleButton priorField = new ToggleButton(OrganizationForm.CONSTANTS.workflowLabelAfter(), OrganizationForm.CONSTANTS.workflowLabelBefore()); priorField.setDown(value.getPrior()); priorField.addStyleName(OrganizationForm.CSS.workflowWhen()); workflowGrid.setWidget(row, 3, priorField); ListField datenameField = new ListField(this, null, DATENAMES, null, false, 0); datenameField.setValue(value.getDatename()); datenameField.setFieldStyle(OrganizationForm.CSS.workflowDatename()); workflowGrid.setWidget(row, 4, datenameField); } @Override public Workflow getRowValue(int row) { CheckBox enabledField = (CheckBox) workflowGrid.getWidget(row, 0); IntegerField durationField = (IntegerField) workflowGrid.getWidget(row, 1); ToggleButton priorField = (ToggleButton) workflowGrid.getWidget(row, 3); ListField datenameField = (ListField) workflowGrid.getWidget(row, 4); Workflow value = new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, enabledField.getFormValue(), enabledField.getValue(), priorField.isDown(), datenameField.getValue(),, durationField.getValue()); //Window.alert("getRowValue " + value); return value; } }; ArrayList<Workflow> defaultValue = new ArrayList<Workflow>(); defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[0], true, false, Reservation.DATE,, 2));//RESERVED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[1], true, false, Reservation.DATE,, 3));//CONFIRMED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[2], true, true, Reservation.FROMDATE,, 35));//FULLYPAID defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[3], true, true, Reservation.FROMDATE,, 7));//BRIEFED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[4], true, true, Reservation.FROMDATE,, 1));//ARRIVED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[5], true, true, Reservation.TODATE,, 2));//PREDEPARTED defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[6], true, true, Reservation.TODATE,, 7));//DEPARTED // defaultValue.add(new Workflow(organizationField.getId(),, Reservation.WORKFLOW_STATES[7], true, false, Reservation.TODATE,, 7));//DEPARTED workflowGrid.setDefaultValue(defaultValue); panel.add(workflowGrid); return panel; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void onModuleLoad() { // Create the publishers final MockCometNotificationListener notificationPublisher = OfficeFloorComet .createPublisher(MockCometNotificationListener.class); final MockCometEventListener eventPublisher = OfficeFloorComet .createPublisher(MockCometEventListener.class); final MockCometMatchKeyListener matchKeyPublisher = OfficeFloorComet .createPublisher(MockCometMatchKeyListener.class); final MockCometNullFilterKeyListener nullFilterKeyPublisher = OfficeFloorComet .createPublisher(MockCometNullFilterKeyListener.class); // Provide the widgets Panel root = RootPanel.get("comet"); root.clear();/* w w w .j a va 2s. com*/ VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel(); root.add(panel); // Provide event text widget HorizontalPanel eventPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.add(eventPanel); eventPanel.add(new Label("Event text: ")); final TextBox eventText = new TextBox(); eventText.setText("TEST"); eventPanel.add(eventText); // Provide match key widget HorizontalPanel matchKeyPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.add(matchKeyPanel); matchKeyPanel.add(new Label("Match key: ")); final TextBox matchKeyText = new TextBox(); matchKeyText.setText("MATCH"); matchKeyPanel.add(matchKeyText); matchKeyPanel.add(new Label("Additional: ")); final TextBox additionalText = new TextBox(); additionalText.setText("additional"); matchKeyPanel.add(additionalText); // Multiple subscriptions OfficeFloorComet.setMultipleSubscriptions(true); // Provide notification subscription HorizontalPanel notificationSubscribePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.add(notificationSubscribePanel); notificationSubscribePanel.add(new Label("Subscribe notification: ")); final CheckBox notificationCheckBox = new CheckBox(); notificationSubscribePanel.add(notificationCheckBox); OfficeFloorComet.subscribe(MockCometNotificationListener.class, new MockCometNotificationListener() { @Override public void handleNotification() { OfficeFloorCometEntryPoint.this.notificationToggle = !OfficeFloorCometEntryPoint.this.notificationToggle; notificationCheckBox.setValue(Boolean.valueOf(OfficeFloorCometEntryPoint.this.notificationToggle)); } }, null); // Provide event subscription HorizontalPanel eventSubscribePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.add(eventSubscribePanel); eventSubscribePanel.add(new Label("Subscribed event: ")); final Label eventSubscribeLabel = new Label("[no event]"); eventSubscribePanel.add(eventSubscribeLabel); OfficeFloorComet.subscribe(MockCometEventListener.class, new MockCometEventListener() { @Override public void handleEvent(String event) { eventSubscribeLabel.setText(event + " (" + (++OfficeFloorCometEntryPoint.this.eventCount) + ")"); } }, null); // Provide filter key subscription HorizontalPanel filterKeySubscribePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.add(filterKeySubscribePanel); filterKeySubscribePanel.add(new Label("Filter Key: ")); final TextBox filterKeyText = new TextBox(); filterKeyText.setText(matchKeyText.getText()); filterKeySubscribePanel.add(filterKeyText); filterKeySubscribePanel.add(new Label("Subscribe filter key: ")); final Label matchKeySubscribeLabel = new Label("[no event]"); filterKeySubscribePanel.add(matchKeySubscribeLabel); OfficeFloorComet.subscribe(MockCometMatchKeyListener.class, new MockCometMatchKeyListener() { @Override public void handleEvent(String event, MockFilterKey matchKey) { matchKeySubscribeLabel.setText(event + "(" + (++OfficeFloorCometEntryPoint.this.filterKeyCount) + ") - " + (matchKey == null ? "NONE" : matchKey.getAdditionalText())); } }, this.filterKey); // Provide null filter key subscription HorizontalPanel nullFilterKeySubscribePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.add(nullFilterKeySubscribePanel); nullFilterKeySubscribePanel.add(new Label("Subscribe null filter key: ")); final Label nullMatchKeySubscribeLabel = new Label("[no event]"); nullFilterKeySubscribePanel.add(nullMatchKeySubscribeLabel); OfficeFloorComet.subscribe(MockCometNullFilterKeyListener.class, new MockCometNullFilterKeyListener() { @Override public void handleEvent(String event, MockFilterKey matchKey) { nullMatchKeySubscribeLabel .setText(event + "(" + (++OfficeFloorCometEntryPoint.this.nullFilterKeyCount) + ") - " + (matchKey == null ? "NONE" : matchKey.getAdditionalText())); } }, null); // Subscribe OfficeFloorComet.subscribe(); // Provide button to trigger publishing Button publishButton = new Button("Publish"); panel.add(publishButton); publishButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { // Specify the filter key (may take two events to update) String filterKey = filterKeyText.getText(); OfficeFloorCometEntryPoint.this.filterKey.setFilterText(filterKey); // Create the match key MockFilterKey matchKey; String matchKeyValue = matchKeyText.getText(); if ((matchKeyValue == null) || (matchKeyValue.trim().length() == 0)) { // No match key matchKey = null; } else { // Provide the match key matchKey = new MockFilterKey(additionalText.getText()); matchKey.setFilterText(matchKeyValue); } // Publish events String event = eventText.getText(); notificationPublisher.handleNotification(); eventPublisher.handleEvent(event); matchKeyPublisher.handleEvent(event, matchKey); nullFilterKeyPublisher.handleEvent(event, matchKey); } }); }
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License:Apache License
private void updateChoiceRow(int i, Choice choice, boolean isWritable) { Log.debug("Updating row " + Integer.toString(i) + ": " + choice.key); CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox) getWidget(rowForChoiceIndex(i), 0); checkBox.setValue(choice.wasChosenByMe); String label =;/* w w w . j a va 2 s . com*/ if (choice.votes > 0) label += " (" + Integer.toString(choice.votes) + ")"; checkBox.setText(label); if (choice.isWinner) checkBox.addStyleName("winningChoice"); else checkBox.removeStyleName("winningChoice"); checkBox.setEnabled(isWritable); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void onClick(ClickEvent e) { final EventTarget target = e.getNativeEvent().getEventTarget(); String targetTagName = ((Element) target.cast()).getTagName().toUpperCase(); //XLog.warn("onClick target=" + target + " targetTagName=" + targetTagName); if (targetTagName.equals("LABEL")) { return; // if check box label is click, another (simulated) click event // with// ww w . j a va2 s . com // check box INPUT as target will fire after this one. So this click event // can be safely ignored. } Element div =; while (!div.getNodeName().toUpperCase().equals("SPAN") || div.getParentElement() != this.getElement()) { div = div.getParentElement(); if (div == null) { //"XCheckboxGroup onClick: span not found"); return; } } final int index = DOM.getChildIndex(this.getElement(), ( div); CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox) _panel.getWidget(index); //"onClick " + checkbox.getValue()); if (targetTagName.equals("INPUT")) { //"onClick value changed"); checkbox.setValue(checkbox.getValue()); // if target is check box INPUT, // check box value is // already changed when click event is fired. // just need to set its current value back to the check box // to update style. } else { checkbox.setValue(!checkbox.getValue()); } Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { SelectionChangedEvent selectionChangedEvent = new SelectionChangedEvent(index, target); fireEvent(selectionChangedEvent); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void setContent(final AppEventListner appEventListner) { ((RegisterView) simpleView).addText(messages.registerScreenText()); for (MetadataField metadataField : metadataFieldProvider.metadataFieldArray) { ((RegisterView) simpleView).addField(metadataField.getFieldLabel(), userResults.getMetadataValue(metadataField.getPostName())); }// ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m ((RegisterView) simpleView).addOptionButton(new PresenterEventListner() { @Override public String getLabel() { return messages.editMetadataLabel(); } @Override public void eventFired(Button button) { appEventListner.requestApplicationState(AppEventListner.ApplicationState.metadata); } }); ((RegisterView) simpleView).addOptionButton(new PresenterEventListner() { @Override public String getLabel() { return messages.informationSheetLink(); } @Override public void eventFired(Button button) { appEventListner.requestApplicationState(AppEventListner.ApplicationState.moreinfo); } }); ((RegisterView) simpleView).addText(messages.informationSheetCheckBox()); final CheckBox agreementCheckBox = ((RegisterView) simpleView).addCheckBox(""); final Button registerButton = addRegisterButton(appEventListner); agreementCheckBox.setValue(false); registerButton.setEnabled(false); agreementCheckBox.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); // on chrome the check box is changed before this code is reached // agreementCheckBox.setValue(!registerButton.isEnabled()); registerButton.setEnabled(agreementCheckBox.getValue()); } }); agreementCheckBox.addTouchEndHandler(new TouchEndHandler() { @Override public void onTouchEnd(TouchEndEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); agreementCheckBox.setValue(!agreementCheckBox.getValue()); registerButton.setEnabled(agreementCheckBox.getValue()); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Promise<Void> setValue(ReferenceValue value) { Set<ResourceId> ids = value.getResourceIds(); for (CheckBox entry : controls) { ResourceId resourceId = ResourceId.valueOf(entry.getFormValue()); entry.setValue(ids.contains(resourceId)); }/* w ww .j a va2 s . c o m*/ return Promise.done(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Updates the table of artifacts with the given data. * @param data/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ */ protected void updateArtifactTable(ArtifactResultSetBean data) { this.artifactsTable.clear(); this.searchInProgressMessage.setVisible(false); if (data.getArtifacts().size() > 0) { for (final ArtifactSummaryBean artifactSummaryBean : data.getArtifacts()) { // If in "new relationship" mode, add checkboxes to the last column. Maintain the target list // based on the clicks. if (stateService.inNewRelationshipMode()) { final CheckBox checkbox = new CheckBox(); boolean checked = addRelationshipTargets.contains(artifactSummaryBean.getUuid()); checkbox.setValue(checked); checkbox.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { boolean checked = checkbox.getValue(); if (checked) { addRelationshipTargets.add(artifactSummaryBean.getUuid()); } else { addRelationshipTargets.remove(artifactSummaryBean.getUuid()); } } }); this.artifactsTable.addRow(artifactSummaryBean, checkbox); } else { this.artifactsTable.addRow(artifactSummaryBean); } } this.artifactsTable.setVisible(true); // Important to set this here. If you click on a search suggestion, filtersPanel's ValueChangeHandler // gets kicked off twice -- once due to the click on the suggestion popup and again when that replaces // the value in the field. The first one sets noDataMessage.setVisible(true), below. See SRAMP-557 this.noDataMessage.setVisible(false); } else { this.noDataMessage.setVisible(true); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void setInitialValue(final CheckBox checkBox, final Collection<String> initialValues, final ReducedFormFieldAvailableValue availableValue) { if (initialValues != null && initialValues.contains(availableValue.getValue())) { checkBox.setValue(true); }/* w w w. j a v a2 s. c o m*/ }