List of usage examples for CheckBox isChecked
@Deprecated public boolean isChecked()
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License:Apache License
@Override public Object getCell(int row, int c) { Widget w = getW(row, c);//from ww w. j a va 2 s . co m switch (gType.getgType()) { case BOOLEAN: CheckBox ce = (CheckBox) w; boolean b = ce.isChecked(); return b; case DECIMAL: NumerW nw = (NumerW) w; IFormLineView i = nw.iF; BigDecimal bi = (BigDecimal) i.getValObj(); return bi; } return null; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Shows a popup to select a color for the background or the stroke. * The popup contains a TabPanel with 3 tab, a <code>ColorChooser</code>, * a <code>Slider</code> to change the opacity of the <code>Color</code>, * some <code>Pattern</code> to apply */// w w w . j a v a 2s .co m private void showPopupColor(Widget sender) { final PopupPanel popupColor = new PopupPanel(true); popupColor.addStyleName("GfxDemo-popupColor"); TabPanel tabPanel = new TabPanel(); FlowPanel colPanel = new FlowPanel(); final CheckBox checkFill = new CheckBox("Background"); checkFill.setChecked(true); colPanel.add(checkFill); final ColorChooser colorChooser = new ColorChooser(); colPanel.add(colorChooser); tabPanel.add(colPanel, new Label("Color")); ChangeListener colorChange = new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget sender) { String color = colorChooser.getColor(); Color colorSelected = Color.getColor(color); if (checkFill.isChecked()) { currentFillColor = colorSelected; DOM.setStyleAttribute(fill.getElement(), "backgroundColor", color); //currentFillColor.setAlpha(opacity.getValue()); if (current != null) { current.setFillColor(currentFillColor); } } else { currentStrokeColor = colorSelected; lastStrokeColor = currentStrokeColor; DOM.setStyleAttribute(fill.getElement(), "borderColor", color); if (current != null) { current.setStroke(currentStrokeColor, 1); } } } }; colorChooser.addChangeListener(colorChange); FlowPanel patternContainer = new FlowPanel(); patternContainer.add(createImagePattern("gfx/none.gif")); patternContainer.add(createImagePattern("littleNero.png")); patternContainer.add(createImagePattern("littleTrajan.png")); patternContainer.add(createImagePattern("cubic.jpg")); patternContainer.add(createImagePattern("logo_ft.gif")); patternContainer.add(createImagePattern("od-logo.jpg")); tabPanel.add(patternContainer, new Label("Pattern")); tabPanel.add(this.opacity, new Label("Opacity")); tabPanel.selectTab(0); popupColor.add(tabPanel); popupColor.setPopupPosition(sender.getAbsoluteLeft(), sender.getAbsoluteTop());; }
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License:Open Source License
public void doChange(final boolean all) { selected = new ArrayList<String>(); for (CheckBox cb : checks) { if (cb.isChecked()) { selected.add(cb.getName());//w w w .jav a 2s. co m } } VizServiceAsync service = GWTMainEntryPoint.getVizService(); final AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { doChange2(all); } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { VizUI.alert("Communication failed: " + caught.getMessage()); } }; service.setRepSelectedLogNames(all ? null : idStr, selected, callback); }
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License:Open Source License
protected void doSave() { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (CheckBox check : checks) { if (check.isChecked()) { list.add(check.getName());/*from ww w .j av a2 s .c om*/ } } Util.setStatDisplayCodes(list); }
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License:Open Source License
public StateSelectorsWidget(Watch w) { super(w);//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m setPanel(new FlowPanel()); initWidget(panel); init(); panel.setStyleName(watch.getStyleName("filter", "filter")); panel.add(getSeeOnlyTitlePanel()); this.flaggedCheckBox = new CheckBox(); panel.add(getCheckBoxPanel(this.flaggedCheckBox, "flagged", (watch.getFilterStatus().getFlagged() == 1), new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget widget) { if (((CheckBox) widget).isChecked()) { watch.refreshOnShowOnlyFlaggedArticles(); // Uncheck the trashed checkbox CheckBox trashedCheckBox = getTrashedCheckBox(); if (trashedCheckBox.isChecked()) { trashedCheckBox.setChecked(false); } } else { watch.refreshOnNotShowOnlyFlaggedArticles(); } } })); this.readCheckBox = new CheckBox(); panel.add(getCheckBoxPanel(this.readCheckBox, "read", (watch.getFilterStatus().getRead() == 1), new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget widget) { if (((CheckBox) widget).isChecked()) { watch.refreshOnShowOnlyReadArticles(); // Uncheck the unread checkbox CheckBox unreadCheckBox = getUnreadCheckBox(); if (unreadCheckBox.isChecked()) { unreadCheckBox.setChecked(false); } } else { watch.refreshOnNotShowOnlyReadArticles(); } } })); this.unreadCheckBox = new CheckBox(); panel.add(getCheckBoxPanel(this.unreadCheckBox, "unread", (watch.getFilterStatus().getRead() == -1), new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget widget) { if (((CheckBox) widget).isChecked()) { watch.refreshOnShowOnlyUnReadArticles(); // Uncheck the read articles checkbox CheckBox readCheckBox = getReadCheckBox(); if (readCheckBox.isChecked()) { readCheckBox.setChecked(false); } } else { watch.refreshOnNotShowOnlyUnReadArticles(); } } })); this.trashedCheckBox = new CheckBox(); panel.add(getCheckBoxPanel(this.trashedCheckBox, "trashed", (watch.getFilterStatus().getTrashed() == 1), new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget widget) { if (((CheckBox) widget).isChecked()) { watch.refreshOnShowOnlyTrashedArticles(); // Uncheck the flagged checkbox CheckBox flaggedCheckBox = getFlaggedCheckBox(); if (flaggedCheckBox.isChecked()) { flaggedCheckBox.setChecked(false); } } else { watch.refreshOnNotShowOnlyTrashedArticles(); } } })); }
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License:Open Source License
public void displayUserRecordPage(Panel parent, UserInfoWeb userToEdit) { final String oldPassword; final boolean admin; final boolean newUser; final boolean showSkipConfirmed; boolean isAdminChecked = false; // not admin by default boolean skipConfirmationChecked = previousSkipConfirmation; if (loggedInUser != null && (loggedInUser.isAdministrator() != null && loggedInUser.isAdministrator())) { admin = true;/*w ww . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ } else { admin = false; } if (userToEdit == null) { newUser = true; showSkipConfirmed = true; userToEdit = new UserInfoWeb(); oldPassword = ""; if (admin) { label_box.setText("Please, fill out the form to add a user"); } else { label_box.setText(signup_greeting); // Please, fill out the form: } } else { newUser = false; oldPassword = userToEdit.getPassword(); isAdminChecked = userToEdit.isAdministrator() != null && userToEdit.isAdministrator(); showSkipConfirmed = userToEdit.isConfirmed() == null || !userToEdit.isConfirmed(); skipConfirmationChecked = userToEdit.isConfirmed() != null && userToEdit.isConfirmed(); String status; if (userToEdit.isApproved() == null || !userToEdit.isApproved()) { status = "unapproved"; } else if (userToEdit.isEnabled() == null || !userToEdit.isEnabled()) { status = "disabled"; } else if (userToEdit.isConfirmed() == null || !userToEdit.isConfirmed()) { status = "unconfirmed"; } else { status = "active"; } if (userToEdit.isAdministrator() != null && userToEdit.isAdministrator()) { status += " & admin"; } label_box.setText("Editing information for user '" + userToEdit.getUserName() + "' (" + status + ")"); } label_box.setStyleName("euca-greeting-normal"); int rowsMandatory = 5; if (admin) { rowsMandatory++; // for admin checkbox if (showSkipConfirmed) { rowsMandatory++; // for skip confirmation checkbox } } final Grid g1 = new Grid(rowsMandatory, 3); g1.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(0, "180"); g1.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(1, "180"); g1.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(2, "180"); int i = 0; final Label label_mandatory = new Label("Mandatory fields:"); label_mandatory.setStyleName("euca-section-header"); final int userName_row = i; g1.setWidget(i, 0, new Label("Username:")); g1.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); final TextBox userName_box = new TextBox(); userName_box.setText(userToEdit.getUserName()); userName_box.setWidth("180"); if (!newUser) { userName_box.setEnabled(false); } g1.setWidget(i++, 1, userName_box); // optional row final CheckBox userIsAdmin = new CheckBox("Administrator"); userIsAdmin.setChecked(isAdminChecked); userIsAdmin.setStyleName("euca-remember-text"); if (admin) { g1.setWidget(i++, 1, userIsAdmin); } final int password1_row = i; g1.setWidget(i, 0, new Label("Password:")); g1.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PasswordTextBox cleartextPassword1_box = new PasswordTextBox(); cleartextPassword1_box.setText(userToEdit.getPassword()); cleartextPassword1_box.setWidth("180"); if ((!admin && !newUser) || (userToEdit.isAdministrator() != null && userToEdit.isAdministrator().booleanValue())) { cleartextPassword1_box.setEnabled(false); } g1.setWidget(i++, 1, cleartextPassword1_box); final int password2_row = i; g1.setWidget(i, 0, new Label("Password, again:")); g1.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PasswordTextBox cleartextPassword2_box = new PasswordTextBox(); cleartextPassword2_box.setText(userToEdit.getPassword()); cleartextPassword2_box.setWidth("180"); if ((!admin && !newUser) || (userToEdit.isAdministrator() != null && userToEdit.isAdministrator().booleanValue())) { cleartextPassword2_box.setEnabled(false); } g1.setWidget(i++, 1, cleartextPassword2_box); final int realName_row = i; g1.setWidget(i, 0, new Label("Full Name:")); g1.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); final TextBox realName_box = new TextBox(); realName_box.setText(userToEdit.getRealName()); realName_box.setWidth("180"); g1.setWidget(i++, 1, realName_box); final int emailAddress_row = i; g1.setWidget(i, 0, new Label("Email address:")); g1.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); final TextBox emailAddress_box = new TextBox(); emailAddress_box.setText(userToEdit.getEmail()); emailAddress_box.setWidth("180"); g1.setWidget(i++, 1, emailAddress_box); // optional row final CheckBox skipConfirmation = new CheckBox("Skip email confirmation"); skipConfirmation.setChecked(skipConfirmationChecked); skipConfirmation.setStyleName("euca-remember-text"); if (admin && showSkipConfirmed) { g1.setWidget(i++, 1, skipConfirmation); } /* these widgets are allocated, but not necessarily used */ final Grid g2 = new Grid(); final Label label_optional = new Label("Optional fields:"); label_optional.setStyleName("euca-section-header"); final TextBox telephoneNumber_box = new TextBox(); final TextBox projectPIName_box = new TextBox(); final TextBox affiliation_box = new TextBox(); final TextArea projectDescription_box = new TextArea(); int extra_fields = 0; if (request_telephone) { extra_fields++; } if (request_project_leader) { extra_fields++; } if (request_affiliation) { extra_fields++; } if (request_project_description) { extra_fields++; } if (extra_fields > 0) { g2.resize(extra_fields, 2); g2.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(0, "180"); g2.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(1, "360"); i = 0; if (request_telephone) { g2.setWidget(i, 0, new Label("Telephone Number:")); g2.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); telephoneNumber_box.setWidth("180"); telephoneNumber_box.setText(userToEdit.getTelephoneNumber()); g2.setWidget(i++, 1, telephoneNumber_box); } if (request_project_leader) { g2.setWidget(i, 0, new Label("Project Leader:")); g2.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); projectPIName_box.setText(userToEdit.getProjectPIName()); projectPIName_box.setWidth("180"); g2.setWidget(i++, 1, projectPIName_box); } if (request_affiliation) { g2.setWidget(i, 0, new Label("Affiliation:")); g2.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); affiliation_box.setText(userToEdit.getAffiliation()); affiliation_box.setWidth("360"); g2.setWidget(i++, 1, affiliation_box); } if (request_project_description) { g2.setWidget(i, 0, new Label("Project Description:")); g2.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); projectDescription_box.setText(userToEdit.getProjectDescription()); projectDescription_box.setWidth("360"); projectDescription_box.setHeight("50"); g2.setWidget(i++, 1, projectDescription_box); } } ClickListener SignupButtonListener = new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { boolean formOk = true; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { g1.clearCell(j, 2); /* clear previous right-hand-side annotations */ } // perform checks if (userName_box.getText().length() < 1) { Label l = new Label("Username is empty!"); l.setStyleName("euca-error-hint"); g1.setWidget(userName_row, 2, l); formOk = false; } else { // do this in the else-clause so the empty username doesn't match here if (cleartextPassword1_box.getText().toLowerCase() .matches(".*" + userName_box.getText().toLowerCase() + ".*")) { Label l = new Label("Password may not contain the username!"); l.setStyleName("euca-error-hint"); g1.setWidget(password1_row, 2, l); formOk = false; } } if (userName_box.getText().matches(".*[^\\w\\-\\.@]+.*")) { Label l = new Label("Invalid characters in the username!"); l.setStyleName("euca-error-hint"); g1.setWidget(userName_row, 2, l); formOk = false; } if (userName_box.getText().length() > 30) { Label l = new Label("Username is too long, sorry!"); l.setStyleName("euca-error-hint"); g1.setWidget(userName_row, 2, l); formOk = false; } if (cleartextPassword1_box.getText().length() < minPasswordLength) { Label l = new Label("Password must be at least " + minPasswordLength + " characters long!"); l.setStyleName("euca-error-hint"); g1.setWidget(password1_row, 2, l); formOk = false; } if (!cleartextPassword1_box.getText().equals(cleartextPassword2_box.getText())) { Label l = new Label("Passwords do not match!"); l.setStyleName("euca-error-hint"); g1.setWidget(password2_row, 2, l); formOk = false; } if (realName_box.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(cleartextPassword1_box.getText()) || userName_box.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(cleartextPassword1_box.getText())) { Label l = new Label("Password may not be your name or username!"); l.setStyleName("euca-error-hint"); g1.setWidget(password1_row, 2, l); formOk = false; } if (realName_box.getText().length() < 1) { Label l = new Label("Name is empty!"); l.setStyleName("euca-error-hint"); g1.setWidget(realName_row, 2, l); formOk = false; } if (emailAddress_box.getText().length() < 1) { Label l = new Label("Email address is empty!"); l.setStyleName("euca-error-hint"); g1.setWidget(emailAddress_row, 2, l); formOk = false; } if (formOk) { label_box.setText("Checking with the server..."); label_box.setStyleName("euca-greeting-pending"); String enteredPassword = cleartextPassword1_box.getText(); String encryptedPassword = GWTUtils.md5(enteredPassword); if (enteredPassword.equals(oldPassword)) { encryptedPassword = enteredPassword; // it was not changed in the edit } final UserInfoWeb userToSave = new UserInfoWeb(userName_box.getText(), realName_box.getText(), emailAddress_box.getText(), encryptedPassword); if (admin) { userToSave.setAdministrator(userIsAdmin.isChecked()); if (showSkipConfirmed) { previousSkipConfirmation = skipConfirmation.isChecked(); // remember value for the future userToSave.setConfirmed(previousSkipConfirmation); } } if (telephoneNumber_box.getText().length() > 0) { userToSave.setTelephoneNumber(telephoneNumber_box.getText()); } if (affiliation_box.getText().length() > 0) { userToSave.setAffiliation(affiliation_box.getText()); } if (projectDescription_box.getText().length() > 0) { userToSave.setProjectDescription(projectDescription_box.getText()); } if (projectPIName_box.getText().length() > 0) { userToSave.setProjectPIName(projectPIName_box.getText()); } if (newUser) { EucalyptusWebBackend.App.getInstance().addUserRecord( sessionId, /* will be null if anonymous user signs up */ userToSave, new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { displayDialog("Thank you!", (String) result); } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { String m = caught.getMessage(); if (m.equals("User already exists")) { g1.setWidget(userName_row, 2, new Label("Username is taken!")); label_box.setText("Please, fix the error and resubmit:"); label_box.setStyleName("euca-greeting-warning"); } else { displayErrorPage(m); } } }); } else { EucalyptusWebBackend.App.getInstance().updateUserRecord(sessionId, userToSave, new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { if (loggedInUser.getUserName().equals(userToSave.getUserName())) { loggedInUser.setRealName(userToSave.getRealName()); loggedInUser.setEmail(userToSave.getEmail()); loggedInUser.setPassword(userToSave.getPassword()); loggedInUser.setTelephoneNumber(userToSave.getTelephoneNumber()); loggedInUser.setAffiliation(userToSave.getAffiliation()); loggedInUser.setProjectDescription(userToSave.getProjectDescription()); loggedInUser.setProjectPIName(userToSave.getProjectPIName()); displayDialog("", (String) result); } else { // admin updating a user displayBarAndTabs(""); statusMessage.setText((String) result); } } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { String m = caught.getMessage(); displayErrorPage(m); } }); } } else { label_box.setText("Please, fix the errors and resubmit:"); label_box.setStyleName("euca-greeting-warning"); } } }; Button submit_button; if (newUser) { if (admin) { submit_button = new Button("Add user", SignupButtonListener); } else { submit_button = new Button("Sign up", SignupButtonListener); } } else { submit_button = new Button("Update Record", SignupButtonListener); } Button cancel_button = new Button("Cancel", DefaultPageButtonListener); VerticalPanel mpanel = new VerticalPanel(); mpanel.add(label_mandatory); mpanel.add(g1); VerticalPanel opanel = new VerticalPanel(); if (extra_fields > 0) { opanel.add(label_optional); opanel.add(g2); } HorizontalPanel bpanel = new HorizontalPanel(); bpanel.add(submit_button); bpanel.add(new HTML(" or ")); bpanel.add(cancel_button); VerticalPanel vpanel = new VerticalPanel(); vpanel.setSpacing(15); vpanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); vpanel.add(new HTML("<br/>")); if (logo != null) { addLogoWithText(vpanel); vpanel.add(new HTML("<br/>")); } ; vpanel.add(label_box); vpanel.add(mpanel); vpanel.add(opanel); vpanel.add(bpanel); VerticalPanel wrapper = new VerticalPanel(); wrapper.add(vpanel); wrapper.setSize("100%", "100%"); wrapper.setCellHorizontalAlignment(vpanel, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); // wrapper.setCellVerticalAlignment(vpanel, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); parent.clear(); parent.add(wrapper); }
From source
protected String makeListFromCheckedRows() { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); for (int irow = 0, max = results.getActualRowCount(); irow < max; irow++) { Widget w = getWidget(irow + 1, 0); if (w instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox tableItem = (CheckBox) w; if (tableItem.isChecked()) { if (ret.length() != 0) { ret.append(", "); }/*from w w w . ja va2 s. c o m*/ ret.append(tableItem.getText()); tableItem.setChecked(false); } } } //and the top check box Widget w = getWidget(0, 0); if (w instanceof SortingLinkWithCheckbox) { ((SortingLinkWithCheckbox) w).setChecked(false); } return ret.toString(); }
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License:Open Source License
private void addTournamentConnection(TournamentProxy selectedTournament) { Logger.trace("entering addTournamentConnection(TournamentProxy) in PlayerTournamentList"); if (tournaments == null) { Logger.debug("addTournamentConnection in PlayerTournamentList: tournaments is null"); }//from ww w.jav a2 s. c o m final int nbrTournaments = sizeConsitencyCheck(); TournamentSelector tournamentControl = new TournamentSelector(); setTournamentControlData(tournamentControl, selectedTournament); tournamentControls.add(tournamentControl); final CheckBox activateSeedControl = new CheckBox("Seeda"); activateSeedControls.add(activateSeedControl); final SeedSelector seedControl = new SeedSelector(); Logger.debug("seedControl.setTournament"); seedControl.setData(tournamentControl.getSelectedTournament(), player); seedControls.add(seedControl); activateSeedControl.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { // CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)sender; seedControl.setEnabled(activateSeedControl.isChecked()); } }); if (player != null && player.getPlayerSeedInTournament(selectedTournament) > -1) { activateSeedControl.setChecked(true); seedControl.setEnabled(true); } else { seedControl.setEnabled(false); } // tournamentControl.addChangeListener(new TournamentChangeListener(seedControl)); tournamentControl.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget sender) { TournamentSelector tournamentSelector = (TournamentSelector) sender; seedControl.setData(tournamentSelector.getSelectedTournament(), player); activateSeedControl.setChecked(false); seedControl.setEnabled(false); } }); activateSeedControl.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { // private int row = nbrTournaments; public void onClick(Widget checkBox) { Logger.debug("Klickade p checkBox"); int rowToChange = -1; for (int i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++) { if (checkBox.equals(getWidget(i, 1))) { rowToChange = i; break; } } Logger.debug("rowToChange=" + rowToChange); if (rowToChange >= 0) { Widget w = getWidget(rowToChange, 2); if (w instanceof ListBox) { Logger.debug("ndrar Enabled p rad " + rowToChange + " kolumn 2"); ((CheckBox) w).setVisible(false); } } // removeTournamentConnection(row); } }); // if (nbrTournaments > 0) { Button drbtn = new Button("Ta bort"); drbtn.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { // private int row = nbrTournaments; public void onClick(Widget button) { int rowToRemove = -1; for (int i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++) { if (button.equals(getWidget(i, 3))) { rowToRemove = i; break; } } if (rowToRemove >= 0) { removeTournamentConnection(rowToRemove); } // removeTournamentConnection(row); } }); // } setWidget(nbrTournaments, 0, tournamentControl); setWidget(nbrTournaments, 1, activateSeedControl); setWidget(nbrTournaments, 2, seedControl); setWidget(nbrTournaments, 3, drbtn); setWidget(nbrTournaments + 1, 0, btnAddTournamentConnection); getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(nbrTournaments + 1, 0, 2); Logger.trace("exiting addTournamentConnection(TournamentProxy) in PlayerTournamentList"); }
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License:Apache License
private Widget checkBoxEditor(final RuleAttribute at) { final CheckBox box = new CheckBox(); if (at.value == null) { box.setChecked(true);/*from ww w .j a v a 2s. c o m*/ at.value = "true"; } else { box.setChecked((at.value.equals("true") ? true : false)); } box.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { at.value = (box.isChecked()) ? "true" : "false"; } }); return box; }
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License:Apache License
private Widget newImportPackageWidget(final CheckBox overWriteCheckBox) { final FormPanel uploadFormPanel = new FormPanel(); uploadFormPanel.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); uploadFormPanel.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST); HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); uploadFormPanel.setWidget(panel);// w ww . j ava 2s . c o m final FileUpload upload = new FileUpload(); upload.setName(HTMLFileManagerFields.FILE_UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME_IMPORT); panel.add(upload); panel.add(new Label("import:")); ImageButton ok = new ImageButton("images/upload.gif"); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { uploadFormPanel.setAction(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "backup?packageImport=true&importAsNew=" + !overWriteCheckBox.isChecked()); doImportFile(uploadFormPanel); } private void doImportFile(final FormPanel uploadFormPanel) { if ((overWriteCheckBox.isChecked() && Window.confirm( "Are you sure you want to import? This will erase any content in the package currently?")) || !overWriteCheckBox.isChecked()) { LoadingPopup.showMessage( "Importing package to repository, please wait, as this could take some time..."); uploadFormPanel.submit(); } } }); panel.add(ok); uploadFormPanel.addFormHandler(new FormHandler() { public void onSubmitComplete(FormSubmitCompleteEvent event) { if (event.getResults().indexOf("OK") > -1) { Window.alert( "Rules package imported successfully. Please refresh your browser (F5) to show the new content. "); } else { ErrorPopup.showMessage( "Unable to import into the repository. Consult the server logs for error messages."); } LoadingPopup.close(); } public void onSubmit(FormSubmitEvent event) { if (upload.getFilename().length() == 0) { Window.alert("You did not specify an exported repository package filename !"); event.setCancelled(true); } else if (!upload.getFilename().endsWith(".xml")) { Window.alert("Please specify a valid repository package xml file."); event.setCancelled(true); } } }); return uploadFormPanel; }