Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.gwtmodel.table.view.grid; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import com.gwtmodel.table.Empty; import com.gwtmodel.table.SynchronizeList; import com.gwtmodel.table.editw.FormFieldPropFactory; import com.gwtmodel.table.editw.IFormLineView; import com.gwtmodel.table.editw.ITouchListener; import com.gwtmodel.table.injector.GwtGiniInjector; import; import com.gwtmodel.table.smessage.IGetStandardMessage; import com.gwtmodel.table.validate.ErrorLineContainer; import com.gwtmodel.table.view.ewidget.EditWidgetFactory; class GridView implements IGridView { private final GridViewType gType; private final Grid g; private int rowNo = -1; private int colNo = -1; private List<String> colTitles = null; private List<String> rowTitles = null; private String rowTitle = null; private S synch = new S(); private ErrorLineContainer eError = null; private IGetStandardMessage iMess = GwtGiniInjector.getI().getStandardMessage(); private void drawCols() { if (colTitles == null) { return; } if (!gType.isColHeaders()) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < colNo; i++) { C c = getC(-1, i); g.setText(c.row, c.col, iMess.getMessage(colTitles.get(i))); } } private void drawRows() { if (rowTitles == null) { return; } if (!gType.isRowBeginning()) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < rowNo; i++) { C c = getC(i, -1); g.setText(c.row, c.col, iMess.getMessage(rowTitles.get(i))); } } private void drawTitle() { if (rowTitle == null) { return; } g.setText(0, 0, rowTitle); } private class S extends SynchronizeList { S() { super(2); } @Override protected void doTask() { C c = getC(rowNo, colNo); g.resize(c.row, c.col); drawCols(); drawRows(); drawTitle(); } } GridView(GridViewType gType) { this.gType = gType; this.g = new Grid(); } private class NumerW extends Composite { final IFormLineView iF; NumerW(IFormLineView iF) { this.iF = iF; initWidget(iF.getGWidget()); } } private class C { int row; int col; } private C getC(int row, int col) { C c = new C(); if (gType.isHorizontal()) { c.row = gType.isColHeaders() ? row + 1 : row; c.col = gType.isRowBeginning() ? col + 1 : col; } else { c.row = gType.isColHeaders() ? col + 1 : col; c.col = gType.isRowBeginning() ? row + 1 : row; } return c; } private Widget getW(int r, int c) { C co = getC(r, c); Widget w = g.getWidget(co.row, co.col); if (w == null) { w = null; String htmlName = LogT.getT().GrigHtmlName(co.row, co.col); switch (gType.getgType()) { case BOOLEAN: CheckBox ce = new CheckBox(); ce.setName(htmlName); w = ce; break; case DECIMAL: IFormLineView nView = EditWidgetFactory.getGwtE().contructCalculatorNumber(Empty.getDecimalType(), FormFieldPropFactory.construct(htmlName)); NumerW nu = new NumerW(nView); w = nu; break; } g.setWidget(co.row, co.col, w); } return w; } @Override public Object getCell(int row, int c) { Widget w = getW(row, c); switch (gType.getgType()) { case BOOLEAN: CheckBox ce = (CheckBox) w; boolean b = ce.isChecked(); return b; case DECIMAL: NumerW nw = (NumerW) w; IFormLineView i = nw.iF; BigDecimal bi = (BigDecimal) i.getValObj(); return bi; } return null; } @Override public void setColNo(int colNo) { this.colNo = colNo; synch.signalDone(); } @Override public void setCols(String rowTitle, List<String> cols) { if (rowTitle != null) this.rowTitle = iMess.getMessage(rowTitle); else this.rowTitle = null; this.colTitles = cols; if (this.colNo == -1) { setColNo(colTitles.size()); } } @Override public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { for (int r = 0; r < rowNo; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < colNo; c++) { Widget w = getW(r, c); switch (gType.getgType()) { case BOOLEAN: CheckBox ce = (CheckBox) w; ce.setEnabled(!readOnly); break; case DECIMAL: NumerW nw = (NumerW) w; IFormLineView i = nw.iF; i.setReadOnly(readOnly); break; } } } } @Override public void setRowBeginning(List<String> rows) { this.rowTitles = rows; if (this.rowNo == -1) { setRowNo(rows.size()); } } @Override public void setRowNo(int rowNo) { this.rowNo = rowNo; synch.signalDone(); } @Override public void setRowVal(int row, int c, Object o) { Widget w = getW(row, c); switch (gType.getgType()) { case BOOLEAN: Boolean b = (Boolean) o; CheckBox ce = (CheckBox) w; ce.setChecked(b.booleanValue()); break; case DECIMAL: NumerW nw = (NumerW) w; IFormLineView i = nw.iF; BigDecimal bi = (BigDecimal) o; i.setValObj(bi); break; } } @Override public Widget getGWidget() { return g; } private void removeTouch() { for (int r = 0; r < rowNo; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < colNo; c++) { Widget w = getW(r, c); NumerW nw = (NumerW) w; IFormLineView i = nw.iF; i.setOnTouch(null); } } } @Override public void setErrorMess(List<GridErrorMess> eList) { eError = new ErrorLineContainer(); ITouchListener ii = new ITouchListener() { @Override public void onTouch() { eError.clearE(); removeTouch(); } }; for (GridErrorMess g : eList) { Widget w = getW(g.getRow(), g.getCol()); NumerW nw = (NumerW) w; IFormLineView i = nw.iF; eError.setEMess(i, g); i.setOnTouch(ii); } } }