Example usage for com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client Column subclass-usage

List of usage examples for com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client Column subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client Column subclass-usage.


From source file org.jboss.as.console.client.shared.deployment.DeploymentCommandColumn.java

 * A column that renders cells giving the user the ability to fire off a
 * DeploymentCommand.
 * @author Stan Silvert <ssilvert@redhat.com> (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc.

From source file org.jboss.as.console.client.shared.subsys.activemq.JMSEndpointJndiColumn.java

 * @author Harald Pehl
public class JMSEndpointJndiColumn<T extends ActivemqJMSEndpoint> extends Column<T, SafeHtml> {

    interface Templates extends SafeHtmlTemplates {

From source file org.jboss.as.console.client.shared.subsys.messaging.JMSEndpointJndiColumn.java

 * @author Harald Pehl
public class JMSEndpointJndiColumn<T extends JMSEndpoint> extends Column<T, SafeHtml> {

    final static Templates TEMPLATES = GWT.create(Templates.class);

From source file org.jboss.as.console.client.v3.deployment.wizard.CheckboxColumn.java

 * A column that allows a boolean value to be updated. The entity should implement CheckboxColumn.Selectable.
 * @author Stan Silvert ssilvert@redhat.com (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc.
public class CheckboxColumn<T extends CheckboxColumn.Selectable> extends Column<T, Boolean> {

From source file org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.tables.PopupColumn.java

 * @author Heiko Braun
 * @date 4/27/11
public class PopupColumn extends Column {

From source file org.kaaproject.avro.ui.gwt.client.widget.grid.FiltrableStringColumn.java

public abstract class FiltrableStringColumn<T> extends Column<T, String> {

    private String filterString = "";

    public FiltrableStringColumn(Cell<String> cell) {

From source file org.kie.guvnor.commons.ui.client.tables.SelectionColumn.java

public class SelectionColumn<T> extends Column<T, Boolean> {

    public static <T> SelectionColumn<T> createAndAddSelectionColumn(CellTable<T> cellTable) {
        SelectionColumn<T> selectionColumn = new SelectionColumn<T>(cellTable);
        cellTable.addColumn(selectionColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br>"));
        return selectionColumn;

From source file org.kie.guvnor.guided.dtable.client.widget.auditlog.AuditLogEntryCommentColumn.java

 * A column for Audit Log User comments
public class AuditLogEntryCommentColumn extends Column<AuditLogEntry, String> {

    private static final TextInputCell cell = new TextInputCell();

From source file org.kie.guvnor.guided.dtable.client.widget.auditlog.AuditLogEntryDeleteCommentColumn.java

 * A column showing an icon to delete an AuditLogEntry
public class AuditLogEntryDeleteCommentColumn extends Column<AuditLogEntry, ImageResource> {

    private static final ImageResourceCell cell = new ImageResourceCell() {

From source file org.kie.guvnor.guided.dtable.client.widget.auditlog.AuditLogEntrySummaryColumn.java

 * A column for the Audit Log summary
public class AuditLogEntrySummaryColumn extends Column<AuditLogEntry, AuditLogEntry> {

    private static final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT = ApplicationPreferences.getDroolsDateTimeFormat();