List of usage examples for Column subclass-usage
From source file
/** * A column for the Audit Log summary */ public class AuditLogEntrySummaryColumn extends Column<AuditLogEntry, AuditLogEntry> { private static final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT = ApplicationPreferences.getDroolsDateTimeFormat();
From source file
/** * @author Geoffrey De Smet */ public class SelectionColumn<T> extends Column<T, Boolean> { public static <T> void createAndAddSelectionColumn(CellTable<T> cellTable) {
From source file
public class SelectionColumn<T> extends Column<T, Boolean> { public static <T> void createAndAddSelectionColumn(CellTable<T> cellTable) { SelectionColumn<T> selectionColumn = new SelectionColumn<T>(cellTable); cellTable.addColumn(selectionColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br>")); }
From source file
/** * A column for Audit Log User comments * * NOTE: BZ-996942: Replace input text for a textarea element, allows comments more legible and putting a helper placeholder. */ public class AuditLogEntryCommentColumn extends Column<AuditLogEntry, String> {
From source file
/** * A column showing an icon to delete an AuditLogEntry. * * NOTE: BZ-996942: Replaced old icon for a bootstrap trash icon. */ public class AuditLogEntryDeleteCommentColumn extends Column<AuditLogEntry, SafeHtml> {
From source file
/** * A column for the Audit Log summary */ public class AuditLogEntrySummaryColumn extends Column<AuditLogEntry, AuditLogEntry> { private static final String DATE_FORMAT = ApplicationPreferences.getDroolsDateFormat();
From source file
public class EditorSelectionColumn extends Column<FileType, EditorType> { private final FileTypeEditorMapping valuesHolder; public EditorSelectionColumn(final List<EditorType> editorTypes, final FileTypeEditorMapping filetypeEditorMapping, final FieldUpdater<FileType, EditorType> fieldUpdater, final EditorTypeRegistry editorTypeRegistry,
From source file
public class KeymapSelectionColumn extends Column<EditorType, Keymap> { private final KeymapValuesHolder valuesHolder; public KeymapSelectionColumn(final KeymapValuesHolder valuesHolder, final FieldUpdater<EditorType, Keymap> fieldUpdater, final String selectWidthStyle) { super(new KeymapSelectionCell("gwt-ListBox", selectWidthStyle));
From source file
* Cell view column to render an {@link ImageResource}.
* @author <a href="">Jason Dillon</a>
* @since 2.1.0
From source file
* A column that allows a boolean value to be updated. The entity should implement
* CheckboxColumn.Selectable.
* @author Stan Silvert (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc.