List of usage examples for Column setSortable
public void setSortable(boolean sortable)
From source
/** * Add the columns to the table./*from w w w.j a v a 2s .co m*/ */ private void initTableColumns(final SelectionModel<DebtorsData> selectionModel, ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler<DebtorsData> sortHandler) { // Checkbox column. This table will uses a checkbox column for selection. // Alternatively, you can call cellTable.setSelectionEnabled(true) to enable // mouse selection. Column<DebtorsData, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, false)) { @Override public Boolean getValue(DebtorsData object) { // Get the value from the selection model. return selectionModel.isSelected(object); } }; cellTable.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>")); cellTable.setColumnWidth(checkColumn, 40, Unit.PX); // Firm name. Column<DebtorsData, String> FirmNameColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(DebtorsData object) { return object.getName(); } }; FirmNameColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(FirmNameColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { @Override public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); cellTable.addColumn(FirmNameColumn, ""); // FirmNameColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<DebtorsData, String>() { // @Override // public void update(int index, DebtorsData object, String value) { // // Called when the user changes the value. // object.setName(value); // // ContactDatabase.get().refreshDisplays(); // } // }); cellTable.setColumnWidth(FirmNameColumn, 20, Unit.PCT); // OKPO Column<DebtorsData, String> okpoColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(DebtorsData object) { return object.getOkpo(); } }; okpoColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(okpoColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { @Override public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { return o1.getOkpo().compareTo(o2.getOkpo()); } }); cellTable.addColumn(okpoColumn, ""); // okpoColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<DebtorsData, String>() { // @Override // public void update(int index, DebtorsData object, String value) { // // Called when the user changes the value. // object.setOkpo(value); // // ContactDatabase.get().refreshDisplays(); // } // }); cellTable.setColumnWidth(okpoColumn, 20, Unit.PCT); // Name Buh Column<DebtorsData, String> nameBuhColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(DebtorsData object) { return object.getName_buh(); } }; nameBuhColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(nameBuhColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { @Override public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { return o1.getName_buh().compareTo(o2.getName_buh()); } }); cellTable.addColumn(nameBuhColumn, ""); // okpoColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<DebtorsData, String>() { // @Override // public void update(int index, DebtorsData object, String value) { // // Called when the user changes the value. // object.setOkpo(value); // // ContactDatabase.get().refreshDisplays(); // } // }); cellTable.setColumnWidth(nameBuhColumn, 20, Unit.PCT); // Phone Work Buh Column<DebtorsData, String> phoneWorkBuhColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(DebtorsData object) { return object.getPhone_work(); } }; phoneWorkBuhColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(phoneWorkBuhColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { @Override public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { return o1.getPhone_work().compareTo(o2.getPhone_work()); } }); cellTable.addColumn(phoneWorkBuhColumn, " "); // okpoColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<DebtorsData, String>() { // @Override // public void update(int index, DebtorsData object, String value) { // // Called when the user changes the value. // object.setOkpo(value); // // ContactDatabase.get().refreshDisplays(); // } // }); cellTable.setColumnWidth(phoneWorkBuhColumn, 20, Unit.PCT); // Phone Mob Buh Column<DebtorsData, String> phoneMobBuhColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(DebtorsData object) { return object.getPhone_mob(); } }; phoneMobBuhColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(phoneMobBuhColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { @Override public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { return o1.getPhone_mob().compareTo(o2.getPhone_mob()); } }); cellTable.addColumn(phoneMobBuhColumn, " "); // okpoColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<DebtorsData, String>() { // @Override // public void update(int index, DebtorsData object, String value) { // // Called when the user changes the value. // object.setOkpo(value); // // ContactDatabase.get().refreshDisplays(); // } // }); cellTable.setColumnWidth(phoneMobBuhColumn, 20, Unit.PCT); // Date Info DateCell dateCell = new DateCell(); Column<DebtorsData, Date> dateColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, Date>(dateCell) { @Override public Date getValue(DebtorsData object) { return object.getDate_info(); } }; dateColumn.setSortable(true); dateColumn.setDefaultSortAscending(false); sortHandler.setComparator(dateColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { @Override public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { return o1.getDate_info().compareTo(o2.getDate_info()); } }); cellTable.addColumn(dateColumn, " "); dateColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<DebtorsData, Date>() { @Override public void update(int index, DebtorsData object, Date value) { // Called when the user changes the value. object.setDate_info(value); // ContactDatabase.get().refreshDisplays(); } }); // DatePickerCell. DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat.DATE_MEDIUM); DatePickerCell datePicCell = new DatePickerCell(dateFormat); Column<DebtorsData, Date> datePicColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, Date>(datePicCell) { @Override public Date getValue(DebtorsData object) { return object.getDate_info(); } }; dateColumn.setSortable(true); dateColumn.setDefaultSortAscending(false); sortHandler.setComparator(dateColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { @Override public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { return o1.getDate_info().compareTo(o2.getDate_info()); } }); cellTable.addColumn(dateColumn, " Pic"); // addColumn(new DatePickerCell(dateFormat), "DatePicker", new GetValue<Date>() { // @Override // public Date getValue(ContactInfo contact) { // return contact.getBirthday(); // } // }, new FieldUpdater<ContactInfo, Date>() { // @Override // public void update(int index, ContactInfo object, Date value) { // pendingChanges.add(new BirthdayChange(object, value)); // } // }); // /** // * Add a column with a header. // * // * @param <C> the cell type // * @param cell the cell used to render the column // * @param headerText the header string // * @param getter the value getter for the cell // */ // private <C> Column<ContactInfo, C> addColumn(Cell<C> cell, String headerText, // final GetValue<C> getter, FieldUpdater<ContactInfo, C> fieldUpdater) { // Column<ContactInfo, C> column = new Column<ContactInfo, C>(cell) { // @Override // public C getValue(ContactInfo object) { // return getter.getValue(object); // } // }; // column.setFieldUpdater(fieldUpdater); // if (cell instanceof AbstractEditableCell<?, ?>) { // editableCells.add((AbstractEditableCell<?, ?>) cell); // } // contactList.addColumn(column, headerText); // return column; // } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Address. // Column<DebtorsData, String> addressColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, String>( // new TextCell()) { // @Override // public String getValue(DebtorsData object) { // return object.getAddress(); // } // }; // addressColumn.setSortable(true); // addressColumn.setDefaultSortAscending(false); // sortHandler.setComparator(addressColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { // @Override // public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { // return o1.getAddress().compareTo(o2.getAddress()); // } // }); // cellTable.addColumn(addressColumn, constants.cwCellTableColumnAddress()); // cellTable.setColumnWidth(addressColumn, 60, Unit.PCT); // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Last name. // Column<DebtorsData, String> lastNameColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, String>( // new EditTextCell()) { // @Override // public String getValue(DebtorsData object) { // return object.getLastName(); // } // }; // lastNameColumn.setSortable(true); // sortHandler.setComparator(lastNameColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { // @Override // public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { // return o1.getLastName().compareTo(o2.getLastName()); // } // }); // cellTable.addColumn(lastNameColumn, constants.cwCellTableColumnLastName()); // lastNameColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<DebtorsData, String>() { // @Override // public void update(int index, DebtorsData object, String value) { // // Called when the user changes the value. // object.setLastName(value); // ContactDatabase.get().refreshDisplays(); // } // }); // cellTable.setColumnWidth(lastNameColumn, 20, Unit.PCT); // // // Category. // final Category[] categories = ContactDatabase.get().queryCategories(); // List<String> categoryNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // for (Category category : categories) { // categoryNames.add(category.getDisplayName()); // } // SelectionCell categoryCell = new SelectionCell(categoryNames); // Column<DebtorsData, String> categoryColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, String>( // categoryCell) { // @Override // public String getValue(DebtorsData object) { // return object.getCategory().getDisplayName(); // } // }; // cellTable.addColumn(categoryColumn, constants.cwCellTableColumnCategory()); // categoryColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<DebtorsData, String>() { // @Override // public void update(int index, DebtorsData object, String value) { // for (Category category : categories) { // if (category.getDisplayName().equals(value)) { // object.setCategory(category); // } // } // ContactDatabase.get().refreshDisplays(); // } // }); // cellTable.setColumnWidth(categoryColumn, 130, Unit.PX); // // // Address. // Column<DebtorsData, String> addressColumn = new Column<DebtorsData, String>( // new TextCell()) { // @Override // public String getValue(DebtorsData object) { // return object.getAddress(); // } // }; // addressColumn.setSortable(true); // addressColumn.setDefaultSortAscending(false); // sortHandler.setComparator(addressColumn, new Comparator<DebtorsData>() { // @Override // public int compare(DebtorsData o1, DebtorsData o2) { // return o1.getAddress().compareTo(o2.getAddress()); // } // }); // cellTable.addColumn(addressColumn, constants.cwCellTableColumnAddress()); // cellTable.setColumnWidth(addressColumn, 60, Unit.PCT); }
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License:Apache License
private void addNameColumn() { Column<DataAssignmentRow, String> column = new Column<DataAssignmentRow, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override/*from w ww .j av a2 s . co m*/ public String getValue(DataAssignmentRow row) { return row.getName(); } }; column.setSortable(true); Comparator<DataAssignmentRow> comparator = new Comparator<DataAssignmentRow>() { @Override public int compare(DataAssignmentRow o1, DataAssignmentRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } String v1 = o1.getName(); String v2 = o2.getName(); return v1.compareTo(v2); } }; gridView.addPermanentColumn("Name", column, comparator, 150, Style.Unit.PX); }
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License:Apache License
private void addNameColumn() { Column<ExtractAttributesRow, String> column = new Column<ExtractAttributesRow, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override//from w ww . java2 s. co m public String getValue(ExtractAttributesRow row) { return row.getName(); } }; // TODO: commented out until we start saving changes in the experiment profile //column.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<ExtractAttributesRow, String>() { // @Override // public void update(int index, ExtractAttributesRow row, String value) { // // TODO check names are unique // row.setName(value); // updateRow(row); // } //}); column.setSortable(true); Comparator<ExtractAttributesRow> comparator = new Comparator<ExtractAttributesRow>() { @Override public int compare(ExtractAttributesRow o1, ExtractAttributesRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } String v1 = o1.getName(); String v2 = o2.getName(); return v1.compareTo(v2); } }; gridView.addPermanentColumn("Name", column, comparator, 150, Style.Unit.PX); }
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License:Apache License
private void addNameColumn() { final EditSuggestCell nameCell = new EditSuggestCell(null) { @Override/*w w w.ja v a 2 s . c om*/ public boolean validateInput(String value, int rowIndex) { if (value == null || trimValue(value).isEmpty()) { NotificationPopupPanel.error("Protocol with empty name is not permitted.", true, false); return false; } if (!isNameUnique(value, rowIndex)) { NotificationPopupPanel.error("Protocol with the name '" + value + "' already exists.", true, false); return false; } return true; } }; Column<ProtocolRow, String> column = new Column<ProtocolRow, String>(nameCell) { @Override public String getValue(ProtocolRow row) { String v = row.getName(); return v == null ? "" : v; } }; column.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<ProtocolRow, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, ProtocolRow row, String value) { row.setName(trimValue(value)); updateRow(row); } }); column.setSortable(true); Comparator<ProtocolRow> comparator = new Comparator<ProtocolRow>() { @Override public int compare(ProtocolRow o1, ProtocolRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } String v1 = o1.getName(); String v2 = o2.getName(); return v1.compareTo(v2); } }; gridView.addPermanentColumn("Name", column, comparator, 150, Style.Unit.PX); }
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License:Apache License
private void addTypeColumn() { Column<ProtocolRow, String> column = new Column<ProtocolRow, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override//from w w w .ja v a 2s . c o m public String getValue(ProtocolRow row) { return row.getProtocolType().getLabel(); } }; column.setSortable(true); Comparator<ProtocolRow> comparator = new Comparator<ProtocolRow>() { @Override public int compare(ProtocolRow o1, ProtocolRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } String v1 = o1.getProtocolType().getLabel(); String v2 = o2.getProtocolType().getLabel(); return v1.compareTo(v2); } }; gridView.addPermanentColumn("Type", column, comparator, 300, Style.Unit.PX); }
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License:Apache License
private void addHardwareColumn() { Column<ProtocolRow, String> column = new ProtocolHardwareColumn(new EditTextCell(), new EditSelectionCell(sequencingHardware)) { @Override/*from w w w .j a v a2s .co m*/ public String getValue(ProtocolRow row) { String v = row.getHardware(); return v == null ? "" : v; } }; column.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<ProtocolRow, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, ProtocolRow row, String value) { row.setHardware(value); updateRow(row); } }); column.setSortable(true); Comparator<ProtocolRow> comparator = new Comparator<ProtocolRow>() { @Override public int compare(ProtocolRow o1, ProtocolRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } String v1 = o1.getHardware(); String v2 = o2.getHardware(); return v1.compareTo(v2); } }; gridView.addPermanentColumn("Hardware", column, comparator, 150, Style.Unit.PX); }
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License:Apache License
private void addSoftwareColumn() { Column<ProtocolRow, String> column = new Column<ProtocolRow, String>(new EditTextCell()) { @Override//from w ww . j av a 2s.c o m public String getValue(ProtocolRow row) { String v = row.getSoftware(); return v == null ? "" : v; } }; column.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<ProtocolRow, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, ProtocolRow row, String value) { row.setSoftware(value); updateRow(row); } }); column.setSortable(true); Comparator<ProtocolRow> comparator = new Comparator<ProtocolRow>() { @Override public int compare(ProtocolRow o1, ProtocolRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } String v1 = o1.getSoftware(); String v2 = o2.getSoftware(); return v1.compareTo(v2); } }; gridView.addPermanentColumn("Software", column, comparator, 150, Style.Unit.PX); }
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License:Apache License
private void addPerformerColumn() { Column<ProtocolRow, String> column = new Column<ProtocolRow, String>(new EditTextCell()) { @Override/*from www .j a v a2s . c o m*/ public String getValue(ProtocolRow row) { String v = row.getPerformer(); return v == null ? "" : v; } }; column.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<ProtocolRow, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, ProtocolRow row, String value) { row.setPerformer(value); updateRow(row); } }); column.setSortable(true); Comparator<ProtocolRow> comparator = new Comparator<ProtocolRow>() { @Override public int compare(ProtocolRow o1, ProtocolRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } String v1 = o1.getPerformer(); String v2 = o2.getPerformer(); return v1.compareTo(v2); } }; gridView.addPermanentColumn("Performer", column, comparator, 150, Style.Unit.PX); }
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License:Apache License
private void addNameColumn() { final EditSuggestCell nameCell = new EditSuggestCell(null) { @Override/*from w ww . j a va2 s. c o m*/ public boolean validateInput(String value, int rowIndex) { if (value == null || trimValue(value).isEmpty()) { NotificationPopupPanel.error("Sample with empty name is not permitted.", true, false); return false; } if (!isNameUnique(value, rowIndex)) { NotificationPopupPanel.error("Sample with the name '" + value + "' already exists.", true, false); return false; } return true; } }; Column<SampleRow, String> column = new SampleNameColumn(nameCell); column.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<SampleRow, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, SampleRow row, String value) { row.setName(trimValue(value)); updateRow(row); } }); column.setSortable(true); Comparator<SampleRow> comparator = new Comparator<SampleRow>() { @Override public int compare(SampleRow o1, SampleRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } String v1 = o1.getName(); String v2 = o2.getName(); return v1.compareTo(v2); } }; gridView.addPermanentColumn("Name", column, comparator, 150, Style.Unit.PX); }
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License:Apache License
private void initColumns(Table table, CustomDataGrid<IndexedRow> dataGrid, ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler<IndexedRow> sortHandler, boolean hasHeaders) { if (table == null || table.isEmpty()) { return;/*w w w . j a va2s.c om*/ } int nColumns = table.getTrimmedWidth(); Row headerRow = table.getRow(0); for (int i = 0; i < nColumns + 1; i++) { if (i == 0) { Column<IndexedRow, String> column = new Column<IndexedRow, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(IndexedRow row) { return row.getIndex() + ""; } }; sortHandler.setComparator(column, new Comparator<IndexedRow>() { @Override public int compare(IndexedRow o1, IndexedRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } int v1 = o1.getIndex(); int v2 = o2.getIndex(); return new Integer(v1).compareTo(v2); } }); column.setSortable(true); dataGrid.addColumn(column, new TextHeader("N")); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(i, 50, Style.Unit.PX); continue; } final int colIndex = (i - 1); String title = String.valueOf(i) + (hasHeaders ? ": " + headerRow.getValue(colIndex) : ""); Column<IndexedRow, String> column = new Column<IndexedRow, String>( new TextCell(MultiLineSafeHtmlRenderer.getInstance())) { @Override public String getCellStyleNames(Cell.Context context, IndexedRow row) { String value = row.getValue(colIndex); return isEmpty(value) ? "app-MageTabEmptyCell" : isUnassigned(value) ? "app-MageTabUnassignedCell" : null; } @Override public String getValue(IndexedRow row) { String value = row.getValue(colIndex); return isEmpty(value) || isUnassigned(value) ? "" : value; } private boolean isUnassigned(String value) { return value != null && value.startsWith("____UNASSIGNED____"); } private boolean isEmpty(String value) { return value == null || value.isEmpty(); } }; sortHandler.setComparator(column, new Comparator<IndexedRow>() { @Override public int compare(IndexedRow o1, IndexedRow o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return 0; } String v1 = o1.getValue(colIndex); String v2 = o2.getValue(colIndex); if (v1 != null) { return (v2 != null) ? v1.compareTo(v2) : 1; } return -1; } }); column.setSortable(true); dataGrid.addResizableColumn(column, title); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(i, 150, Style.Unit.PX); } dataGrid.getColumnSortList().push(dataGrid.getColumn(0)); }