Example usage for com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client Column Column

List of usage examples for com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client Column Column


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client Column Column.


public Column(Cell<C> cell) 

Source Link


Construct a new Column with a given Cell .


From source file:com.appspot.socialinquirer.client.view.HomeViewImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Inits the table columns./*from w w w  . j a  va 2 s  . co m*/
 * @param table the table
private void initTableColumns(CellTable<Message> table) {
    // Checkbox column. This table will uses a checkbox column for
    // selection.
    // Alternatively, you can call cellTable.setSelectionEnabled(true) to
    // enable
    // mouse selection.
    //       Column<Message, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<Message, Boolean>(
    //           new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
    //         @Override
    //         public Boolean getValue(Message object) {
    //           // Get the value from the selection model.
    //           return selectionModel.isSelected(object);
    //         }
    //       };
    //       table.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>"));

    // Name.
    Column<Message, String> nameColumn = new Column<Message, String>(new TextCell()) {
        public String getValue(Message object) {
            return object.getName();
    table.addColumn(nameColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnName());
    // Headline.
    Column<Message, String> tagsColumn = new Column<Message, String>(new TextCell()) {
        public String getValue(Message object) {
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            return builder.toString();

    table.addColumn(tagsColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnTags());
    // Description
    Column<Message, SafeHtml> descColumn = new Column<Message, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Message object) {
            SafeHtmlBuilder builder = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
            return builder.toSafeHtml();
    table.addColumn(descColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnSummary());

From source file:com.appspot.socialinquirer.client.view.NetworkViewImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Inits the table columns./*w  w  w  .j a v a  2 s  .  c  om*/
 * @param table the table
 * @param selectionModel the selection model
private void initTableColumns(CellTable<User> table, final SelectionModel<User> selectionModel) {
    // Checkbox column. This table will uses a checkbox column for selection.
    // Alternatively, you can call cellTable.setSelectionEnabled(true) to enable
    // mouse selection.
    Column<User, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<User, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
        public Boolean getValue(User object) {
            // Get the value from the selection model.
            return selectionModel.isSelected(object);
    table.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>"));

    // Name.
    Column<User, String> nameColumn = new Column<User, String>(new ClickableTextCell()) {
        public String getValue(User object) {
            return object.getFullName();
    table.addColumn(nameColumn, constants.connectionsTableColumnName());
    // Headline.
    Column<User, String> headlineColumn = new Column<User, String>(new ClickableTextCell()) {
        public String getValue(User object) {
            return String.valueOf(object.getReputation());
    table.addColumn(headlineColumn, constants.connectionsTableColumnReputation());
    // Summary.
    Column<User, String> projectsColumn = new Column<User, String>(new ClickableTextCell()) {
        public String getValue(User object) {
            return String.valueOf(object.getAcceptRate());
    table.addColumn(projectsColumn, constants.connectionsTableColumnAcceptRate());

From source file:com.appspot.socialinquirer.client.view.PagesViewImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Inits the table columns./*from   w w w  .j av a  2 s. co m*/
 * @param table the table
 * @param selectionModel the selection model
private void initTableColumns(CellTable<Page> table, final SelectionModel<Page> selectionModel) {
    // Checkbox column. This table will uses a checkbox column for
    // selection.
    // Alternatively, you can call cellTable.setSelectionEnabled(true) to
    // enable
    // mouse selection.
    Column<Page, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<Page, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
        public Boolean getValue(Page object) {
            // Get the value from the selection model.
            return selectionModel.isSelected(object);
    table.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>"));

    // Name.
    Column<Page, String> nameColumn = new Column<Page, String>(new TextCell()) {
        public String getValue(Page object) {
            return object.getName();
    table.addColumn(nameColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnName());
    // Headline.
    Column<Page, String> tagsColumn = new Column<Page, String>(new TextCell()) {
        public String getValue(Page object) {
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for (String tag : object.getTags()) {
                builder.append(tag).append(" ");
            return builder.toString();

    table.addColumn(tagsColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnTags());
    // Description
    Column<Page, SafeHtml> descColumn = new Column<Page, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Page object) {
            SafeHtmlBuilder builder = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
            return builder.toSafeHtml();
    table.addColumn(descColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnSummary());

From source file:com.appspot.socialinquirer.client.view.QuestionsViewImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Inits the table columns./* ww w  .  j  a va  2s .c  o m*/
 * @param table the table
 * @param selectionModel the selection model
private void initTableColumns(CellTable<Question> table, final SelectionModel<Question> selectionModel) {
    // Checkbox column. This table will uses a checkbox column for selection.
    // Alternatively, you can call cellTable.setSelectionEnabled(true) to enable
    // mouse selection.
    Column<Question, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<Question, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
        public Boolean getValue(Question object) {
            // Get the value from the selection model.
            return selectionModel.isSelected(object);
    table.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>"));

    // Title.
    Column<Question, SafeHtml> titleColumn = new Column<Question, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Question object) {
            return SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(object.getTitle());
    table.addColumn(titleColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnName());
    // Description.
    Column<Question, SafeHtml> textColumn = new Column<Question, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Question object) {
            return SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(object.getContent());
    table.addColumn(textColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnSummary());
    // Status.
    Column<Question, SafeHtml> statusColumn = new Column<Question, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Question object) {
            return SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(object.getTags().toString());
    table.addColumn(statusColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnTags());
    Column<Question, SafeHtml> authorColumn = new Column<Question, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Question object) {
            return SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(object.getAuthor());
    table.addColumn(authorColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnAuthor());

    // Due Date.
    Column<Question, Date> dueDateColumn = new Column<Question, Date>(new DateCell()) {
        public Date getValue(Question object) {
            return object.getPublishedDate();
    table.addColumn(dueDateColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnPostedDate());

From source file:com.appspot.socialinquirer.client.view.QuestionViewImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Inits the table columns.//from w w  w . ja  va  2  s.  co m
 * @param table the table
 * @param selectionModel the selection model
private void initTableColumns(CellTable<Answer> table, final SelectionModel<Answer> selectionModel) {
    // Checkbox column. This table will uses a checkbox column for selection.
    // Alternatively, you can call cellTable.setSelectionEnabled(true) to enable
    // mouse selection.
    //       Column<Answer, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<Answer, Boolean>(
    //           new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
    //         @Override
    //         public Boolean getValue(Answer object) {
    //           // Get the value from the selection model.
    //           return selectionModel.isSelected(object);
    //         }
    //       };
    //       table.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>"));

    // Description.
    Column<Answer, SafeHtml> textColumn = new Column<Answer, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Answer object) {
            return SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(object.getContent());
    table.addColumn(textColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnSummary());
    // Status.
    Column<Answer, SafeHtml> authorColumn = new Column<Answer, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Answer object) {
            return SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(object.getAuthor());
    table.addColumn(authorColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnAuthor());
    // Due Date.
    Column<Answer, Date> dueDateColumn = new Column<Answer, Date>(new DateCell()) {
        public Date getValue(Answer object) {
            return object.getPublishedDate();
    table.addColumn(dueDateColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnPostedDate());

From source file:com.appspot.socialinquirer.client.view.QuizViewImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Inits the table columns.// w  w w .jav  a  2 s  .c om
 * @param table the table
 * @param selectionModel the selection model
private void initTableColumns(CellTable<Answer> table, final SelectionModel<Answer> selectionModel) {
    // Checkbox column. This table will uses a checkbox column for selection.
    // Alternatively, you can call cellTable.setSelectionEnabled(true) to enable
    // mouse selection.
    Column<Answer, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<Answer, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
        public Boolean getValue(Answer object) {
            // Get the value from the selection model.
            return selectionModel.isSelected(object);
    table.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>"));

    // Description.
    Column<Answer, SafeHtml> textColumn = new Column<Answer, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Answer object) {
            return SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(object.getContent());
    table.addColumn(textColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnSummary());
    // Status.
    Column<Answer, SafeHtml> authorColumn = new Column<Answer, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {
        public SafeHtml getValue(Answer object) {
            return SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(object.getAuthor());
    table.addColumn(authorColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnAuthor());
    // Due Date.
    Column<Answer, Date> dueDateColumn = new Column<Answer, Date>(new DateCell()) {
        public Date getValue(Answer object) {
            return object.getPublishedDate();
    table.addColumn(dueDateColumn, constants.templatesTableColumnPostedDate());

From source file:com.chinarewards.gwt.license.client.user.view.UserSearchWidget.java

private void initTableColumns(final SelectionModel<UserVo> selectionModel) {
    Column<UserVo, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<UserVo, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell()) {
        @Override/*  w  ww . java 2s . co m*/
        public Boolean getValue(UserVo o) {
            return selectionModel.isSelected(o);
    users = new HashMap<String, UserVo>();
    checkColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<UserVo, Boolean>() {
        public void update(int index, UserVo o, Boolean value) {
            if (value) {
                users.put(o.getId(), o);
            } else {
            selectionModel.setSelected(o, value);
    resultTable.addColumn(checkColumn, "");

    resultTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<UserVo>() {

        public String getValue(UserVo o) {
            return o.getName();
    }, "???");

    resultTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<UserVo>() {

        public String getValue(UserVo o) {
            return o.getEnterpriseName();
    }, "????");

    resultTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<UserVo>() {

        public String getValue(UserVo o) {
            return o.getMobile();
    }, "");

    resultTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<UserVo>() {

        public String getValue(UserVo o) {
            return o.getEmail();
    }, "");

    resultTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<UserVo>() {

        public String getValue(UserVo o) {
            return o.getCreatedAt() != null ? dateFormat.format(o.getCreatedAt()) : "";
    }, "?");

    resultTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<UserVo>() {

        public String getValue(UserVo o) {
            return o.getStatus();
    }, "?");
    resultTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<UserVo>() {

        public String getValue(UserVo o) {
            return o.getBalance() + "";
    }, "");

    resultTable.addColumn("?", new HyperLinkCell(), new GetValue<UserVo, String>() {
        public String getValue(UserVo userVo) {
            return "";
    }, new FieldUpdater<UserVo, String>() {

        public void update(int index, UserVo o, String value) {
            users.put(o.getId(), o);


From source file:com.chinarewards.gwt.license.client.widget.ListCellTable.java

private <C> Column<T, C> addColumn(final String text, final Cell<C> cell, final GetValue<T, C> getter,
        final FieldUpdater<T, C> fieldUpdater, final Comparator<T> ascComparator,
        final Comparator<T> descComparator, final Sorting<T> ref, final String sortingText) {
    // Create the column
    final Column<T, C> column = new Column<T, C>(cell) {
        @Override/*from www .jav a2s  .c om*/
        public C getValue(T object) {
            return getter.getValue(object);
     * ??HeaderHeader
    if (ref != null) {
        final SortableHeader header = new SortableHeader(text);

        // Hook up sorting
        header.setUpdater(new ValueUpdater<String>() {

            public void update(String value) {

                for (SortableHeader otherHeader : allHeaders) {
                    if (otherHeader != header) {
                // table.refreshHeaders(); // TODO remove this when
                // confirmed working.

                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sortingText)) {
                    ref.sortingCurrentPage(header.getReverseSort() ? descComparator : ascComparator);
                } else {
                    ref.sortingAll(sortingText, header.getReverseSort() ? "desc" : "asc");
        this.addColumn(column, header);
    } else {
        TextHeader header = new TextHeader(text);
        int fal = 0;
        for (TextHeader otherHeader : allTextHeaders) {
            if (otherHeader.getValue() == header.getValue()) {
                header = otherHeader;
                fal = 1;
        if (fal != 1)
        this.addColumn(column, header);
    if (fieldUpdater != null) {
    return column;

From source file:com.chinarewards.gwt.license.client.widget.ListImageTable.java

private <C> Column<T, C> addColumn(final String text, final Cell<C> cell, final GetValue<T, C> getter,
        final FieldUpdater<T, C> fieldUpdater, final Comparator<T> ascComparator,
        final Comparator<T> descComparator, final Sorting<T> ref, final String sortingText) {
    // Create the column
    final Column<T, C> column = new Column<T, C>(cell) {
        @Override/*w w  w. ja  va 2s . c o m*/
        public C getValue(T object) {
            return getter.getValue(object);
     * ??HeaderHeader
    if (ref != null) {
        final SortableHeader header = new SortableHeader(text);

        // Hook up sorting
        header.setUpdater(new ValueUpdater<String>() {

            public void update(String value) {

                for (SortableHeader otherHeader : allHeaders) {
                    if (otherHeader != header) {
                // table.refreshHeaders(); // TODO remove this when
                // confirmed working.

                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sortingText)) {
                    ref.sortingCurrentPage(header.getReverseSort() ? descComparator : ascComparator);
                } else {
                    ref.sortingAll(sortingText, header.getReverseSort() ? "desc" : "asc");
        this.addColumn(column, header);
    } else {
        final TextHeader header = new TextHeader(text);
        this.addColumn(column, header);
    if (fieldUpdater != null) {
    return column;

From source file:com.codenvy.ide.client.propertiespanel.common.namespace.NameSpaceEditorViewImpl.java

License:Open Source License

private CellTable<NameSpace> createTable(@Nonnull CellTableResources resource) {
    CellTable<NameSpace> table = new CellTable<>(0, resource);

    Column<NameSpace, String> nameSpace = new Column<NameSpace, String>(new TextCell()) {
        @Override//  www  . jav  a2 s . co m
        public String getValue(NameSpace object) {
            return object.toString();


    table.setColumnWidth(nameSpace, 570, Style.Unit.PX);

    final SingleSelectionModel<NameSpace> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<>();
    selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() {
        public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {

    return table;