List of usage examples for JsonObject getAsJsonArray
public JsonArray getAsJsonArray(String memberName)
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License:Open Source License
private Exploit parseJsonExploit(JsonElement json) { Exploit exploit = new Exploit(); JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject(); String id = jsonObject.get("_id").getAsString(); String desc = jsonObject.get("description").getAsString(); String source = jsonObject.get("source").getAsString(); JsonElement jsonAuthor = jsonObject.get("author"); if (jsonAuthor != null && !jsonAuthor.isJsonNull()) { if (jsonAuthor.isJsonPrimitive()) { String author = jsonAuthor.getAsString(); exploit.setAuthor(author);//w w w .j a va 2 s . c o m } else { JsonArray array = jsonAuthor.getAsJsonArray(); if (array != null) { String resAuthors = ""; for (JsonElement element : array) { resAuthors += ", " + element.getAsString(); } exploit.setAuthor(resAuthors); } } } JsonElement jsonCode = jsonObject.get("code"); if (jsonCode != null && !jsonCode.isJsonNull()) { String code = jsonCode.getAsString(); exploit.setCode(code); } JsonElement jsonType = jsonObject.get("type"); if (jsonType != null && !jsonType.isJsonNull()) { String type = jsonType.getAsString(); exploit.setType(type); } JsonElement jsonVersion = jsonObject.get("version"); if (jsonVersion != null && !jsonVersion.isJsonNull()) { String version = jsonVersion.getAsString(); exploit.setVersion(version); } JsonElement jsonPrivileged = jsonObject.get("privileged"); if (jsonPrivileged != null && !jsonPrivileged.isJsonNull()) { boolean privileged = jsonPrivileged.getAsBoolean(); exploit.setPrivileged(privileged); } JsonElement jsonPort = jsonObject.get("port"); if (jsonPort != null && !jsonPort.isJsonNull()) { int port = jsonPort.getAsInt(); exploit.setPort(port); } JsonArray jsonBid = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("bid"); if (jsonBid != null) { String[] bid = new String[jsonBid.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < jsonBid.size(); i++) { bid[i] = jsonBid.get(i).getAsString(); } exploit.setBid(bid); } JsonArray jsonCve = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("cve"); if (jsonCve != null) { String[] cve = new String[jsonCve.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < jsonCve.size(); i++) { cve[i] = jsonCve.get(i).getAsString(); } exploit.setCve(cve); } JsonArray jsonMsb = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("msb"); if (jsonMsb != null) { String[] msb = new String[jsonMsb.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < jsonMsb.size(); i++) { msb[i] = jsonMsb.get(i).getAsString(); } exploit.setMsb(msb); } JsonArray jsonOsvdb = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("osvdb"); if (jsonOsvdb != null) { String[] osvdb = new String[jsonOsvdb.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < jsonOsvdb.size(); i++) { osvdb[i] = jsonOsvdb.get(i).getAsString(); } exploit.setOsvdb(osvdb); } try { JsonArray jsonPlatform = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("platform"); if (jsonPlatform != null && jsonPlatform.isJsonArray()) { String[] platform = new String[jsonPlatform.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < jsonPlatform.size(); i++) { platform[i] = jsonPlatform.get(i).getAsString(); } exploit.setPlatform(platform); } } catch (ClassCastException err) { JsonElement platPrimitive = jsonObject.get("platform"); if (platPrimitive != null && !platPrimitive.isJsonNull()) { exploit.setPlatform(new String[] { platPrimitive.getAsString() }); } } exploit.setId(id); exploit.setDescription(desc); exploit.setSource(source); return exploit; }
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License:Apache License
public void formAppVersionFromJson(JsonObject root) { log.debug("Parsing json to app version"); final String version = "tag_name"; final String browser_download_url = "browser_download_url"; final String assets = "assets"; final String name = "name"; final String size = "size"; final String info = "body"; appVersion.setVersion(root.getAsJsonObject().get(version).getAsString()); appVersion.setUpdateInfo(root.getAsJsonObject().get(info).getAsString()); appVersion.setUpdateTitle(root.getAsJsonObject().get(name).getAsString()); JsonArray asserts = root.getAsJsonArray(assets); for (JsonElement assert_ : asserts) { JsonObject userObject = assert_.getAsJsonObject(); if (userObject.get(name).getAsString().equals(WINDOWS_SETUP_DEFAULT_NAME)) { appVersion.setDownloadUrl(userObject.get(browser_download_url).getAsString()); appVersion.setSize(userObject.get(size).getAsLong()); }/* www. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ } }
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License:Open Source License
public HeadSweeperController(JsonObject input, HeadSweeper plugin) { this.sweeperGames = new ArrayList<>(); JsonArray sweeperGamesJSON = input.getAsJsonArray("sweeperGames"); if (sweeperGamesJSON != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sweeperGamesJSON.size(); i++) { HeadSweeperGame sweeperGame = new HeadSweeperGame(sweeperGamesJSON.get(i).getAsJsonObject(), plugin);/*from w w w . ja v a2 s . c om*/ sweeperGames.add(sweeperGame); } } this.plugin = plugin; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Params name and value are stored as strings. Params are backed by a * HashMap so order is not guaranteed. Duplicate keys are not allowed in a * HashMap.// w ww . j a va 2 s.c o m **/ public static void setParamsFromJson(final HttpParams httpParams, final JsonObject obj) { final JsonArray requestHttpParamsJson = obj.getAsJsonArray(R.params); for (int a = 0; a < requestHttpParamsJson.size(); a++) { final JsonArray nvPair = requestHttpParamsJson.get(a).getAsJsonArray(); httpParams.setParameter(nvPair.get(0).getAsString(), nvPair.get(1).getAsString()); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public IRequestLogRecord deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { // Follow same order as serializer for sanity. IRequestLogRecord record = null;// w w w. j a v a 2 s .co m final JsonObject recordJson = json.getAsJsonObject(); final long requestId = recordJson.get(R.requestId).getAsLong(); final long requestTimestamp = recordJson.get(R.timestamp).getAsLong(); final long requestMilliseconds = recordJson.get(R.requestMilliseconds).getAsLong(); // HttpHost JsonObject hostJson = recordJson.getAsJsonObject(R.httpHost); final String hostName = hostJson.get(R.hostName).getAsString(); final int port = hostJson.get(R.port).getAsInt(); final String schemeName = hostJson.get(R.schemeName).getAsString(); final HttpHost host = new HttpHost(hostName, port, schemeName); // Request final JsonObject requestJson = recordJson.getAsJsonObject(R.request); String requestEntityString = ""; HttpRequest httpRequest = null; if (requestJson.has(R.entity)) { requestEntityString = requestJson.get(R.entity).getAsString(); } // Must parse headers here. final Header[] requestHeaders = getHeaders(requestJson.getAsJsonArray(R.allHeaders)); // Request params final HttpParams requestHttpParams = new BasicHttpParams(); setParamsFromJson(requestHttpParams, requestJson); // Request RequestLine final JsonObject requestLineJson = requestJson.getAsJsonObject(R.requestLine); // Request RequestLine Protocol final ProtocolVersion requestProtocol = getProtocolVersion( requestLineJson.getAsJsonObject(R.protocolVersion)); final String method = requestLineJson.get(R.method).getAsString(); final String uri = requestLineJson.get(R.uri).getAsString(); // Request is finished. Build the HttpRequest Object. if (requestEntityString.isEmpty()) { // non-entity request httpRequest = new BasicHttpRequest(method, uri, requestProtocol); } else { httpRequest = new BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest(method, uri, requestProtocol); ByteArrayEntity requestEntity = null; if (entitiesExternalPath.isEmpty()) { // From internal string. try { requestEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(requestEntityString.getBytes(UTF8)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // From file. final String fileName = getEntityFileName(requestEntityString); try { requestEntity = new ByteArrayEntity( Files.toByteArray(new File(entitiesExternalPath, fileName))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ((BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest) httpRequest).setEntity(requestEntity); } httpRequest.setHeaders(requestHeaders); httpRequest.setParams(requestHttpParams); // HttpResponse final JsonObject responseJson = recordJson.getAsJsonObject(R.response); final Header[] responseHeaders = getHeaders(requestJson.getAsJsonArray(R.allHeaders)); // Response Entity String responseEntityString = ""; if (responseJson.has(R.entity)) { responseEntityString = responseJson.get(R.entity).getAsString(); } // Locale JsonObject localeJson = responseJson.getAsJsonObject(R.locale); final String language = localeJson.get(R.language).getAsString(); final String country = localeJson.get(; String variant = ""; // Variant might not exist. if (localeJson.has(R.variant)) variant = localeJson.get(R.variant).getAsString(); Locale locale = new Locale(language, country, variant); // Response params final HttpParams responseHttpParams = new BasicHttpParams(); setParamsFromJson(responseHttpParams, responseJson); // StatusLine JsonObject statusLineJson = responseJson.getAsJsonObject(R.statusLine); // StatusLine Protocol Version final ProtocolVersion responseProtocol = getProtocolVersion( statusLineJson.getAsJsonObject(R.protocolVersion)); final int statusCode = statusLineJson.get(R.statusCode).getAsInt(); final String reasonPhrase = statusLineJson.get(R.reasonPhrase).getAsString(); StatusLine responseStatus = new BasicStatusLine(responseProtocol, statusCode, reasonPhrase); // Default to using EnglishReasonPhraseCatalog final HttpResponse httpResponse = new BasicHttpResponse(responseStatus, EnglishReasonPhraseCatalog.INSTANCE, locale); httpResponse.setHeaders(responseHeaders); httpResponse.setParams(responseHttpParams); // Ensure entity exists before processing. if (!requestEntityString.isEmpty()) { ByteArrayEntity responseEntity = null; try { if (entitiesExternalPath.isEmpty()) { // From internal string. responseEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(responseEntityString.getBytes(UTF8)); } else { // From file. final String fileName = getEntityFileName(requestEntityString); responseEntity = new ByteArrayEntity( Files.toByteArray(new File(entitiesExternalPath, fileName))); } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } httpResponse.setEntity(responseEntity); } // RequestLogRecord's constructors are package private so use // reflection. try { final Constructor<RequestLogRecord> construct = RequestLogRecord.class.getDeclaredConstructor( long.class, HttpRequest.class, HttpResponse.class, HttpHost.class, long.class); construct.setAccessible(true); record = (RequestLogRecord) construct.newInstance(requestId, httpRequest, httpResponse, host, requestMilliseconds); // There's no get or set timestamp so use reflection. final Field timestampField = RequestLogRecord.class.getDeclaredField(R.timestamp); timestampField.setAccessible(true); timestampField.set(record, requestTimestamp); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return record; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public SnowplowEventModel apply(SnowplowEventModel event) { String context = event.getContexts(); try {/* w w w.ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ String platform = event.getPlatform(); if (platform.equals(SnowplowPlatform.Mobile.toString())) { // minimal tablet vs mobile detection if (isTablet(event.getUseragent())) { event.setDvce_type(SnowplowDeviceType.Tablet.toString()); event.setDvce_ismobile(Boolean.FALSE); } else { event.setDvce_type(SnowplowDeviceType.Mobile.toString()); event.setDvce_ismobile(Boolean.TRUE); } JsonObject rootObj = parser.parse(context).getAsJsonObject(); if (rootObj.has(JSON_DATA)) { JsonArray dataArray = rootObj.getAsJsonArray(JSON_DATA); // find the correct object by matching on the schema JsonObject mobileContextObject = null; for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.size(); i++) { JsonElement element = dataArray.get(i); if (element.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject jsonObject = element.getAsJsonObject(); if (jsonObject.has(JSON_SCHEMA)) { String schema = jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(JSON_SCHEMA).getAsString(); if (schema.contains(SCHEMA_TAG)) { mobileContextObject = jsonObject; break; } } } } // parse out the mobile fields we want if (mobileContextObject != null && mobileContextObject.has(JSON_DATA)) { JsonObject dataObject = mobileContextObject.getAsJsonObject(JSON_DATA); if (dataObject.has(JSON_OPEN_IDFA)) { // use as cross device user id - i.e network user id String openIDFA = dataObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(JSON_OPEN_IDFA).getAsString(); event.setNetwork_userid(openIDFA); } String deviceManufacturer = dataObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(JSON_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER) .getAsString(); event.setOs_manufacturer(deviceManufacturer); String osType = dataObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(JSON_OS_TYPE).getAsString(); event.setOs_family(osType); String osVersion = dataObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(JSON_OS_VERSION).getAsString(); String deviceModel = dataObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(JSON_DEVICE_MODEL).getAsString(); osNameBuffer.setLength(0); osNameBuffer.append(osType).append(" ").append(osVersion); if (deviceModel != null && deviceModel.trim().length() > 0) { osNameBuffer.append(" (").append(deviceModel.trim()).append(")"); } event.setOs_name(osNameBuffer.toString()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception applying operator to mobile context " + context, e); } return event; }
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License:Apache License
private static JsonArray getArray(JsonObject jsonObject, String label) { return jsonObject.getAsJsonArray(label); }
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License:Apache License
@Background void importCardsFrom(String jsonPath) { String json;// ww w .j a va 2 s. c om try { FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(jsonPath); json = TextUtils.join("", CharStreams.readLines(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))); } catch (IOException e) { activityHelper.showError(e); return; } JsonArray cards; try { JsonElement jsonElement = new JsonParser().parse(json); JsonObject object = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); cards = object.getAsJsonArray(JSON_KEY_CARDS); } catch (JsonIOException e) { activityHelper.showError(e); return; } for (JsonElement element : cards) { JsonObject cardData = element.getAsJsonObject(); Card card = new Card(cardData); try { databaseHelper.createCard(card); } catch (SQLException e) { activityHelper.showError(e); return; } } onImportCards(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Generate all the alerts for the given account IDs under the manager account. * * @param clientCustomerIds the client customer IDs * @param alertsConfig the JSON config of the alerts *///from w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m public void generateAlerts(Set<Long> clientCustomerIds, JsonObject alertsConfig) throws AlertConfigLoadException, AlertProcessingException { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); ImmutableAdWordsSession session = null; try { session = authenticator.authenticate(); } catch (OAuthException e) { throw new AlertConfigLoadException("Failed to authenticate AdWordsSession.", e); } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new AlertConfigLoadException("Failed to build AdWordsSession.", e); } if (clientCustomerIds == null) { clientCustomerIds = retrieveClientCustomerIds(session); // Write the client customer IDs into debug log. LOGGER.debug("Client customer IDs retrieved:{}{}", SEPARATOR, Joiner.on(SEPARATOR).join(clientCustomerIds)); } int count = 0; for (JsonElement alertConfig : alertsConfig.getAsJsonArray(ConfigTags.ALERTS)) { count++; processAlert(clientCustomerIds, session, alertConfig.getAsJsonObject(), count); } stopwatch.stop();"*** Finished all processing in {} seconds ***", stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / 1000); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Process one alert for the given account IDs under the manager account. * * @param clientCustomerIds the client customer IDs * @param protoSession the prototype adwords session used for downloading reports * @param alertConfig the JSON config of the alert * @param count the sequence number of current alert *//*w ww . j av a 2 s. co m*/ protected void processAlert(Set<Long> clientCustomerIds, ImmutableAdWordsSession protoSession, JsonObject alertConfig, int count) throws AlertConfigLoadException, AlertProcessingException { String alertName = alertConfig.get(ConfigTags.ALERT_NAME).getAsString();"*** Generating alert #{} (name: \"{}\") for {} accounts ***", count, alertName, clientCustomerIds.size()); JsonObject downloaderConfig = alertConfig.getAsJsonObject(ConfigTags.REPORT_DOWNLOADER); JsonArray rulesConfig = alertConfig.getAsJsonArray(ConfigTags.RULES); // optional String alertMessage = alertConfig.get(ConfigTags.ALERT_MESSAGE).getAsString(); JsonArray actionsConfig = alertConfig.getAsJsonArray(ConfigTags.ACTIONS); // Generate AWQL report query and download report data for all accounts under manager account. List<ReportData> reports = downloadReports(protoSession, clientCustomerIds, downloaderConfig); printReports(reports, "*** Downloaded report data:"); // Process the downloaded reports processReports(reports, rulesConfig, alertMessage, actionsConfig); }