List of usage examples for JsonObject getAsJsonArray
public JsonArray getAsJsonArray(String memberName)
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License:Open Source License
private void pose(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) { try {/*from ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ System.err.println("json POSE from browser"); String json = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("pose").getAsString(); System.err.println("json:\n" + json); JsonObject jsonObjects = gson.fromJson(json, JsonObject.class); JsonArray jsonArray = jsonObjects.getAsJsonArray("pose"); Iterator<JsonElement> itr = jsonArray.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { JsonElement jsonElm =; if (jsonElm.isJsonNull()) { System.err.println("Really Skip null"); continue; } System.err.println("Got: " + jsonElm); JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElm.getAsJsonObject(); int id = jsonObject.get("id").getAsInt(); int type = jsonObject.get("type").getAsInt(); //String id = jsonObject.get("id").getAsString(); //String type = jsonObject.get("type").getAsString(); float value = jsonObject.get("value").getAsFloat(); System.err.println("" + id + "#" + type + "#" + value); if (arFilter != null) { arFilter.setPose(id, type, value); } else { System.err.println("Start the filter first"); } } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); sendError(session, t.getMessage()); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Preferences deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { JsonObject object = (JsonObject) json; File indexesLocation = new File(object.getAsJsonPrimitive("indexesLocation").getAsString()); IndexList indexes = new IndexList(); JsonArray indexesArray = object.getAsJsonArray("indexes"); for (JsonElement index : indexesArray) { File indexLocation = new File(indexesLocation, index.getAsString() + ".json"); try (FileReader reader = new FileReader(indexLocation)) { indexes.add(new IndexBuilder().fromJson(reader, SyncIndex.class)); } catch (IOException ex) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); }/*from w ww . ja v a 2 s. c om*/ } boolean prereleases = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("prereleases").getAsBoolean(); return new Preferences(indexesLocation, indexes, prereleases); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public SyncDirectory deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { JsonObject object = (JsonObject) json; String name = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString(); long size = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("size").getAsLong(); long lastModified = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("lastModified").getAsLong(); boolean added = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("added").getAsBoolean(); SyncDirectory dir = new SyncDirectory(name, size, lastModified, added); JsonArray array = object.getAsJsonArray("files"); for (JsonElement file : array) { dir.add(new IndexBuilder().fromJson(file, SyncFile.class)); }/* w ww .j a v a 2 s. com*/ return dir; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public SyncFile deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { JsonObject object = (JsonObject) json; String name = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString(); long size = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("size").getAsLong(); long lastModified = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("lastModified").getAsLong(); boolean added = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("added").getAsBoolean(); if (object.has("files")) { SyncDirectory dir = new SyncDirectory(name, size, lastModified, added); JsonArray array = object.getAsJsonArray("files"); for (JsonElement file : array) { dir.add(new IndexBuilder().fromJson(file, SyncFile.class)); }/* w w w. ja v a 2 s . c om*/ return dir; } else { return new SyncFile(name, size, lastModified, added); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public SyncIndex deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { JsonObject object = (JsonObject) json; String name = object.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString(); JsonArray directoriesArray = object.getAsJsonArray("directories"); List<File> directories = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement path : directoriesArray) { directories.add(new File(path.getAsString())); }/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ SyncIndex dir = new SyncIndex(name, directories); dir.setSize(object.getAsJsonPrimitive("size").getAsLong()); dir.setLastModified(object.getAsJsonPrimitive("lastModified").getAsLong()); dir.setSchedule(new Gson().fromJson(object.get("schedule"), SyncSchedule.class)); JsonArray filesArray = object.getAsJsonArray("files"); for (JsonElement file : filesArray) { dir.add(new IndexBuilder().fromJson(file, SyncFile.class)); } return dir; }
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License:GNU General Public License
@Override public boolean exec(final Server server, final Channel channel, final Source user, final String primaryArgument, final String[] args) { final Receiver receiver = channel == null ? user : channel; if (args.length != 1) { return false; }// www .j av a 2 s. c o m final String userName = args[0]; String escapedUserName = IrcUtil.preventPing(userName); if (!MC_USER_REGEX.matcher(userName).matches()) { receiver.sendMessage(Codes.RED + '"' + userName + "\" is not a valid Minecraft username"); return true; } String realName; String uuid = "???"; try { final String resultString ="", "application/json", String.format("{\"name\":\"%s\",\"agent\":\"minecraft\"}", userName)); final JsonObject result = new JsonParser().parse(resultString).getAsJsonObject(); final JsonArray profiles = result.getAsJsonArray("profiles"); if (profiles.size() < 1) { receiver.sendMessage("The username " + Codes.BOLD + escapedUserName + Codes.RESET + " is " + Codes.BOLD + Codes.LIGHT_GREEN + "available"); return true; } else if (profiles.size() > 1) { receiver.sendMessage( Codes.RED + "Name '" + escapedUserName + "' matches multiple account, not supported yet"); Log.error("Name '" + userName + "' matches multiple account, not supported yet"); return true; } else { final JsonObject profile = profiles.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); realName = profile.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString(); escapedUserName = IrcUtil.preventPing(realName); uuid = profile.getAsJsonPrimitive("id").getAsString(); if (uuid.length() != 32) { receiver.sendMessage(Codes.RED + "Incorrect UUID"); Log.error("Incorrect UUID: " + uuid); } else { uuid = uuid.substring(0, 8) + '-' + uuid.substring(8, 12) + '-' + uuid.substring(12, 16) + '-' + uuid.substring(16, 20) + '-' + uuid.substring(20, 32); } } } catch (final Exception e) { receiver.sendMessage(Codes.RED + "Failed to get realName"); Log.error("Failed to get realName", e); } final boolean hasPaid; try { final String result = WebUtil.get("" + userName).trim(); switch (result) { case "true": hasPaid = true; break; case "false": hasPaid = false; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown result: " + result); } } catch (final Exception e) { receiver.sendMessage(Codes.RED + "Failed to get hasPaid state"); Log.error("Failed to get hasPaid state", e); return true; } if (hasPaid) { receiver.sendMessage("The username " + Codes.BOLD + escapedUserName + Codes.RESET + " (" + Codes.BOLD + uuid + Codes.RESET + ") is " + Codes.BOLD + Codes.RED + "taken" + Codes.RESET + " and " + Codes.BOLD + Codes.RED + "premium"); } else { receiver.sendMessage("The username " + Codes.BOLD + escapedUserName + Codes.RESET + " is " + Codes.BOLD + Codes.RED + "taken" + Codes.RESET + " but " + Codes.BOLD + Codes.YELLOW + "not premium"); } return true; }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Constructs a snapshot from a JSON export (including {@link * ItemStackSnapshot item snapshots} in the inventories). * * @param json The JSON export./*from w w w . j a v a2 s . com*/ * * @return The snapshot. */ public static PlayerSnapshot fromJSON(final JsonObject json) { final JsonArray jsonArmor = json.getAsJsonArray("armor"); final ItemStackSnapshot[] armor = new ItemStackSnapshot[jsonArmor.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArmor.size(); i++) { final JsonElement armorItem = jsonArmor.get(i); armor[i] = armorItem.isJsonObject() ? ItemStackSnapshot.fromJSON(armorItem.getAsJsonObject()) : null; } final JsonArray jsonEffects = json.get("effects").isJsonArray() ? json.getAsJsonArray("effects") : new JsonArray(); final List<PotionEffect> effects = .filter(jsonEffect -> jsonEffect != null && jsonEffect.isJsonObject()) .map(jsonEffect -> potionEffectFromJSON(jsonEffect.getAsJsonObject())).collect(Collectors.toList()); return new PlayerSnapshot(isNull(json, "level") ? 0 : json.getAsJsonPrimitive("level").getAsInt(), isNull(json, "exp") ? 0.0f : json.getAsJsonPrimitive("exp").getAsFloat(), isNull(json, "expTotal") ? 0 : json.getAsJsonPrimitive("expTotal").getAsInt(), isNull(json, "foodLevel") ? 20 : json.getAsJsonPrimitive("foodLevel").getAsInt(), isNull(json, "exhaustion") ? 0f : json.getAsJsonPrimitive("exhaustion").getAsFloat(), isNull(json, "saturation") ? 5f : json.getAsJsonPrimitive("saturation").getAsFloat(), isNull(json, "health") ? 20.0 : json.getAsJsonPrimitive("health").getAsDouble(), isNull(json, "maxHealth") ? 20.0 : json.getAsJsonPrimitive("maxHealth").getAsDouble(), inventoryFromJSON(json.getAsJsonObject("inventory")), inventoryFromJSON(json.getAsJsonObject("enderChest")), armor, effects); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void execute() throws ExecutionException { if (isInterrupted()) throw new ExecutionInterruptedException(); interrupted = false;//from w ww.j a v a2 s . c om try { if (jobId == null || jobId.longValue() <= 0) { throw new ExecutionException("Job ID must be provided"); } AnnotationSet tokens = getDocument().getAnnotations(tokenASName).get(tokenAnnotationType); AnnotationSet snippetAnnotations = getDocument().getAnnotations(snippetASName) .get(snippetAnnotationType); AnnotationSet resultAS = getDocument().getAnnotations(resultASName); List<Annotation> allSnippets = Utils.inDocumentOrder(snippetAnnotations); for (Annotation snippet : allSnippets) { if (isInterrupted()) throw new ExecutionInterruptedException(); Object unitId = snippet.getFeatures().get(resultAnnotationType + "_unit_id"); if (unitId != null) { if (!(unitId instanceof Long)) { unitId = Long.valueOf(unitId.toString()); } // find any existing result annotations within the span of this snippet // so we can avoid creating another annotation from this judgment if // one already exists AnnotationSet existingResults = Utils.getContainedAnnotations(resultAS, snippet, resultAnnotationType); // tokens under this snippet List<Annotation> snippetTokens = Utils .inDocumentOrder(Utils.getContainedAnnotations(tokens, snippet)); JsonArray judgments = crowdFlowerClient.getJudgments(jobId, ((Long) unitId).longValue()); if (judgments != null) { for (JsonElement judgmentElt : judgments) { JsonObject judgment = judgmentElt.getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject data = judgment.getAsJsonObject("data"); JsonArray answer = data.getAsJsonArray("answer"); Long judgmentId = judgment.get("id").getAsLong(); Double trust = judgment.get("trust").getAsDouble(); Long workerId = judgment.get("worker_id").getAsLong(); String comment = null; if (data.get("comment") != null) { if (data.get("comment").isJsonPrimitive()) { comment = data.get("comment").getAsString().trim(); if ("".equals(comment)) { comment = null; } } } if (answer != null && answer.size() > 0) { // judgment says there are some entities to annotate. Look for // sequences of consecutive token indices and create one result // annotation for each such sequence int startTok = 0; int curTok = startTok; while (curTok < answer.size()) { // we've reached the end of an annotation if either // (a) we want to annotate each token individually anyway or // (b) we're on the last element of answer or // (c) the next element is not this+1 if (!annotateSpans || curTok == answer.size() - 1 || (answer.get(curTok).getAsInt() + 1) != answer.get(curTok + 1) .getAsInt()) { Long startOffset = snippetTokens.get(answer.get(startTok).getAsInt()) .getStartNode().getOffset(); Long endOffset = snippetTokens.get(answer.get(curTok).getAsInt()) .getEndNode().getOffset(); startTok = curTok + 1; // check whether there's already an annotation at this location for this judgment AnnotationSet existingEntities = existingResults.getContained(startOffset, endOffset); boolean found = false; for (Annotation a : existingEntities) { if (judgmentId.equals(a.getFeatures().get(JUDGMENT_ID_FEATURE_NAME))) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // no existing annotation found, create one try { FeatureMap features = Utils.featureMap(JUDGMENT_ID_FEATURE_NAME, judgmentId, "trust", trust, "worker_id", workerId); if (comment != null) { features.put("comment", comment); } resultAS.add(startOffset, endOffset, resultAnnotationType, features); } catch (InvalidOffsetException e) { throw new ExecutionException( "Invalid offset obtained from existing annotation!", e); } } } curTok++; } } } } else { log.warn("Unit " + unitId + " has no judgments"); } } else { log.warn("Found " + snippetAnnotationType + " annotation with no " + UNIT_ID_FEATURE_NAME + " feature, ignoring"); } } } finally { interrupted = false; } }
From source
License:Apache License
private SimpleFeature convertToFeature(final JsonObject obj, final SimpleFeatureBuilder builder, final GeometryFactory factory, final DateTimeFormatter df) { builder.reset();//from w w w .j a v a 2s . c om // user info final JsonObject user = obj.getAsJsonObject(USER); final String userName = user.getAsJsonPrimitive(USER_NAME).getAsString(); final String userId = user.getAsJsonPrimitive(USER_ID).getAsString(); builder.set(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_USER_NAME, utf8(userName)); builder.set(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_USER_ID, userId); builder.set(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_TEXT, utf8(obj.get(TEXT).getAsString())); // geo info final boolean hasGeoJson = obj.has(COORDS_GEO_JSON) && obj.get(COORDS_GEO_JSON) != JsonNull.INSTANCE; if (hasGeoJson) { final JsonObject geo = obj.getAsJsonObject(COORDS_GEO_JSON); final JsonArray coords = geo.getAsJsonArray(COORDS); double lat = coords.get(0).getAsDouble(); double lon = coords.get(1).getAsDouble(); if (lon != 0.0 && lat != 0.0) { final Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(lat, lon); final Geometry g = new Point(new CoordinateArraySequence(new Coordinate[] { coordinate }), factory); builder.set(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_GEOM, g); } } // time and id final String tweetId = obj.get(TWEET_ID).getAsString(); final Date date = df.parseDateTime(obj.get(CREATED_AT).getAsString()).toDate(); builder.set(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_TWEET_ID, tweetId); builder.set(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_DTG, date); if (useExtendedFeatures) { conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_IS_RETWEET); conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_SOURCE); conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_RETWEETS); conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_IN_REPLY_TO_USER_ID); conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_IN_REPLY_TO_USER_NAME); conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_IN_REPLY_TO_STATUS); conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_FILTER_LEVEL); conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_LANGUAGE); conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_WITHHELD_COPYRIGHT); conditionalSetString(builder, obj, FEAT_WITHHELD_SCOPE); conditionalSetArray(builder, obj, FEAT_WITHHELD_COUNTRIES); JsonElement entities = obj.get("entities"); if (entities != null && entities != JsonNull.INSTANCE) { JsonObject e = (JsonObject) entities; conditionalSetObjectArray(builder, e, FEAT_HASHTAGS, "text"); conditionalSetObjectArray(builder, e, FEAT_URLS, "url"); conditionalSetObjectArray(builder, e, FEAT_SYMBOLS, "text"); conditionalSetObjectArray(builder, e, FEAT_USER_MENTIONS, "id"); conditionalSetObjectArray(builder, e, FEAT_MEDIA, "media_url"); } } return builder.buildFeature(tweetId); }
From source
License:Apache License
private void fillFeature(final JsonObject obj, final SimpleFeature sf, final GeometryFactory factory, final DateTimeFormatter df) { // user info/*from www .jav a 2 s. c om*/ final JsonObject user = obj.getAsJsonObject(USER); final String userName = user.getAsJsonPrimitive(USER_NAME).getAsString(); final String userId = user.getAsJsonPrimitive(USER_ID).getAsString(); sf.setAttribute(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_USER_NAME, utf8(userName)); sf.setAttribute(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_USER_ID, userId); sf.setAttribute(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_TEXT, utf8(obj.get(TEXT).getAsString())); // geo info final boolean hasGeoJson = obj.has(COORDS_GEO_JSON) && obj.get(COORDS_GEO_JSON) != JsonNull.INSTANCE; if (hasGeoJson) { final JsonObject geo = obj.getAsJsonObject(COORDS_GEO_JSON); final JsonArray coords = geo.getAsJsonArray(COORDS); double lat = coords.get(0).getAsDouble(); double lon = coords.get(1).getAsDouble(); if (lon != 0.0 && lat != 0.0) { final Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(lat, lon); final Geometry g = new Point(new CoordinateArraySequence(new Coordinate[] { coordinate }), factory); sf.setAttribute(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_GEOM, g); } } // time and id final String tweetId = obj.get(TWEET_ID).getAsString(); final Date date = df.parseDateTime(obj.get(CREATED_AT).getAsString()).toDate(); sf.setAttribute(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_TWEET_ID, tweetId); sf.setAttribute(TwitterFeatureIngester.FEAT_DTG, date); if (useExtendedFeatures) { conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_IS_RETWEET); conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_SOURCE); conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_RETWEETS); conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_IN_REPLY_TO_USER_ID); conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_IN_REPLY_TO_USER_NAME); conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_IN_REPLY_TO_STATUS); conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_FILTER_LEVEL); conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_LANGUAGE); conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_WITHHELD_COPYRIGHT); conditionalSetString(sf, obj, FEAT_WITHHELD_SCOPE); conditionalSetArray(sf, obj, FEAT_WITHHELD_COUNTRIES); JsonElement entities = obj.get("entities"); if (entities != null && entities != JsonNull.INSTANCE) { JsonObject e = (JsonObject) entities; conditionalSetObjectArray(sf, e, FEAT_HASHTAGS, "text"); conditionalSetObjectArray(sf, e, FEAT_URLS, "url"); conditionalSetObjectArray(sf, e, FEAT_SYMBOLS, "text"); conditionalSetObjectArray(sf, e, FEAT_USER_MENTIONS, "id"); conditionalSetObjectArray(sf, e, FEAT_MEDIA, "media_url"); } } //((FeatureIdImpl)sf.getIdentifier()).setID(Long.toString(tweetId)); //sf.getUserData().put(Hints.USE_PROVIDED_FID, Boolean.TRUE); }