Example usage for com.google.gson JsonObject add

List of usage examples for com.google.gson JsonObject add


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gson JsonObject add.


public void add(String property, JsonElement value) 

Source Link


Adds a member, which is a name-value pair, to self.


From source file:com.adobe.acs.commons.workflow.bulk.execution.impl.servlets.InitFormServlet.java

License:Apache License

private JsonObject accumulate(JsonObject obj, String key, JsonElement value) {
    if (obj.has(key)) {
        JsonElement existingValue = obj.get(key);
        if (existingValue instanceof JsonArray) {
            ((JsonArray) existingValue).add(value);
        } else {// ww  w  .  j a  va 2  s.  co  m
            JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
            obj.add(key, array);
    } else {
        JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
        obj.add(key, array);
    return obj;

From source file:com.adobe.acs.commons.workflow.bulk.execution.impl.servlets.StatusServlet.java

License:Apache License

@SuppressWarnings({ "squid:S3776", "squid:S1192" })
protected final void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss aaa");


    Config config = request.getResource().adaptTo(Config.class);
    Workspace workspace = config.getWorkspace();

    final JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

    json.addProperty("initialized", workspace.isInitialized());
    json.addProperty("status", workspace.getStatus().name());

    if (workspace.getSubStatus() != null) {
        json.addProperty("subStatus", workspace.getSubStatus().name());
    }/* w w w.  j av  a2  s .c om*/

    json.addProperty("runnerType", config.getRunnerType());
    json.addProperty("queryType", config.getQueryType());
    json.addProperty("queryStatement", config.getQueryStatement());
    json.addProperty("workflowModel", StringUtils.removeEnd(config.getWorkflowModelId(), "/jcr:content/model"));
    json.addProperty("batchSize", config.getBatchSize());
    json.addProperty("autoThrottle", config.isAutoThrottle());

    json.addProperty("purgeWorkflow", config.isPurgeWorkflow());
    json.addProperty("interval", config.getInterval());
    json.addProperty("retryCount", config.getRetryCount());
    json.addProperty("timeout", config.getTimeout());
    json.addProperty("throttle", config.getThrottle());
    json.addProperty("message", workspace.getMessage());

    if (config.isUserEventData()) {
        json.addProperty("userEventData", config.getUserEventData());

    ActionManager actionManager = actionManagerFactory.getActionManager(workspace.getActionManagerName());
    if (actionManager != null && !Status.COMPLETED.equals(workspace.getStatus())) {
        JsonArray failures = new JsonArray();
        json.add("failures", failures);
        // If Complete, then look to JCR for final accounts as ActionManager may be gone
        addActionManagerTrackedCounts(workspace.getActionManagerName(), json);
        for (com.adobe.acs.commons.fam.Failure failure : actionManager.getFailureList()) {
            JsonObject failureJSON = new JsonObject();
            failureJSON.addProperty(Failure.PN_PAYLOAD_PATH, failure.getNodePath());
            failureJSON.addProperty(Failure.PN_FAILED_AT, sdf.format(failure.getTime().getTime()));
    } else {
        addWorkspaceTrackedCounts(workspace, json);
        JsonArray failures = new JsonArray();
        json.add("failures", failures);
        // Failures
        for (Failure failure : workspace.getFailures()) {

    // Times
    if (workspace.getStartedAt() != null) {
        json.addProperty("startedAt", sdf.format(workspace.getStartedAt().getTime()));
                (Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() - workspace.getStartedAt().getTime().getTime()));

    if (workspace.getStoppedAt() != null) {
        json.addProperty("stoppedAt", sdf.format(workspace.getStoppedAt().getTime()));
                (workspace.getStoppedAt().getTime().getTime() - workspace.getStartedAt().getTime().getTime()));

    if (workspace.getCompletedAt() != null) {
        json.addProperty("completedAt", sdf.format(workspace.getCompletedAt().getTime()));
        json.addProperty("timeTakenInMillis", (workspace.getCompletedAt().getTime().getTime()
                - workspace.getStartedAt().getTime().getTime()));

    if (AEMWorkflowRunnerImpl.class.getName().equals(config.getRunnerType())) {
        JsonArray activePayloads = new JsonArray();
        json.add("activePayloads", activePayloads);
        for (Payload payload : config.getWorkspace().getActivePayloads()) {

    json.add("systemStats", getSystemStats());

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    gson.toJson(json, response.getWriter());

From source file:com.adobe.acs.commons.workflow.bulk.removal.impl.servlets.InitServlet.java

License:Apache License

public final void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {


    final JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

    try {//  w  w  w .j  av a 2s. co  m
        // Only populate the form if removal is not running.
        json.add("form", this.getFormJSONObject(request.getResourceResolver()));
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        gson.toJson(json, response.getWriter());
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:com.adobe.acs.commons.workflow.bulk.removal.impl.servlets.InitServlet.java

License:Apache License

 * Get the JSON data to populate the Workflow Removal form.
 * @param resourceResolver/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/
 * @return
 * @throws WorkflowException
private JsonObject getFormJSONObject(final ResourceResolver resourceResolver) throws WorkflowException {

    final JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

    final WorkflowSession workflowSession = workflowService

    final WorkflowModel[] workflowModels = workflowSession.getModels();

    JsonArray models = new JsonArray();
    json.add("workflowModels", models);
    for (final WorkflowModel workflowModel : workflowModels) {
        final JsonObject jsonWorkflow = new JsonObject();
        jsonWorkflow.addProperty("title", workflowModel.getTitle());
        jsonWorkflow.addProperty("id", workflowModel.getId());

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    json.add("statuses", gson.toJsonTree(Arrays.asList(WORKFLOW_STATUSES)));

    return json;

From source file:com.adssets.api.Scout24.java

public String sortData(JsonObject outObj) {
    List<JsonObject> jsonValues = new ArrayList<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < outObj.get("offer").getAsJsonArray().size(); i++) {
        if (outObj.get("offer").getAsJsonArray().get(i).getAsJsonObject().has("amortizationData")) {
            JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
            obj.add("distanceToSearchLocation", outObj.get("offer").getAsJsonArray().get(i).getAsJsonObject()
            obj.add("logo", outObj.get("offer").getAsJsonArray().get(i).getAsJsonObject()
            obj.add("landingPageUrl", outObj.get("offer").getAsJsonArray().get(i).getAsJsonObject()
            obj.add("footnote", outObj.get("offer").getAsJsonArray().get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("footnote"));
            jsonValues.add(obj);// ww  w.  j  a v  a2 s .c om
    Collections.sort(jsonValues, new Comparator<JsonObject>() {
        private static final String KEY_NAME = "distanceToSearchLocation";

        public int compare(JsonObject a, JsonObject b) {
            int valA;
            int valB;

            try {
                if (!a.get(KEY_NAME).isJsonNull() && !b.get(KEY_NAME).isJsonNull()) {
                    valA = (Integer) a.get(KEY_NAME).getAsInt();
                    valB = (Integer) b.get(KEY_NAME).getAsInt();
                    return valA - valB;
                } else {
                    return -1;

            } catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;

    return jsonValues.toString();

From source file:com.adssets.ejb.DataAccess.java

public String buildFeedForMarket(String marketId, String lazyLoad) {
    JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray();
    JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();

    //        Feed feed = feedFacade.find(marketId);
    Market market = marketFacade.find(Integer.valueOf(marketId));

    List<Feed> feeds = em.createNamedQuery("Feed.findByMarketId").setParameter("marketId", market)
            .getResultList();/* ww w.  j av  a2 s .co  m*/
    if (feeds.size() > 0) {
        for (Feed feed : feeds) {
            JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
            obj.addProperty("id", feed.getId());
            obj.addProperty("marketId", feed.getIdmarket().getId());
            obj.addProperty("json", feed.getJson());

        JsonObject obj = jsonArray.get(0).getAsJsonObject();
        String objArray = obj.get("json").getAsString();

        JsonArray objArrayParsed = parser.parse(objArray).getAsJsonArray();
        JsonArray objData = new JsonArray();

        for (JsonElement objId : objArrayParsed) {
            JsonObject objElmParsed = parser.parse(objId.toString()).getAsJsonObject();
            //            try{
            //            isInteger(objId.getAsString());
            String value = objElmParsed.get("type").getAsString();
            if (value.equals("object")) {
                String result = scout24.getApartments(objElmParsed.get("objectid").getAsString());
                if (!result.equals("{\"error\":1}")) {
                    JsonObject resultObj = parser.parse(result).getAsJsonObject();
                    String link = "{\"link\": \"https://www.immobilienscout24.de/expose/"
                            + objElmParsed.get("objectid").getAsInt() + "?referrer=\"}";
                    JsonObject clickLink = parser.parse(link).getAsJsonObject();
                    resultObj.add("clickLink", clickLink);
                    resultObj.add("objectId", objElmParsed.get("objectid"));
                    resultObj.add("marketId", parser.parse(marketId));
                    // Use the selected image as ad image
                    JsonObject objHref = new JsonObject();
                    objHref.add("href", objElmParsed.get("url"));
                    resultObj.add("adpicture", objHref);
                    //If lazyLoad = yes dont return "allpictures" LazyLoad=yes is the parameter the ad will send so it does not get unneccesary data
                    if (lazyLoad.equals("yes")) {


            } else {
            //            }catch(UnsupportedOperationException ex){
            //            objData.add(objId);
            //            }

        return objData.toString();
    } else {
        return new JsonArray().toString();


From source file:com.afspq.model.Results.java

License:Apache License

 * Creates the Json object for the keywords space tree visualization.
 * //from   www . j  a v  a 2 s . c  om
 * @param query
 * @param search
 * @param searchResults
private void createKeywordsTree(String query, Search search, SearchResults searchResults) {
    ArrayList<?> visualizationList = search.getVisualizations(searchResults);
    HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> keywordsTreeMap = (HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>) visualizationList

    if (keywordsTreeMap == null) {

    keywordsTreeJson = new JsonObject();
    keywordsTreeJson.addProperty("id", "query");
    keywordsTreeJson.addProperty("name", query);

    JsonArray children = new JsonArray();
    keywordsTreeJson.add("children", children);

    int i = 0;
    for (String title : keywordsTreeMap.keySet()) {
        if (!keywordsTreeMap.get(title).isEmpty()) {

            JsonArray grandChildren = new JsonArray();
            JsonObject resultTitle = new JsonObject();

            String truncatedTitle = "";

            // Long titles don't fit nicely in the visualization tree node
            // so if the title is longer than 20 characters truncate it and
            // add "..."
            if (title.length() > 20) {
                truncatedTitle = title.substring(0, 21).concat("...");
            } else {
                truncatedTitle = title;

            resultTitle.addProperty("id", title);
            resultTitle.addProperty("name", truncatedTitle);
            resultTitle.add("children", grandChildren);

            HashSet<String> keywords = keywordsTreeMap.get(title);

            for (String keyword : keywords) {
                JsonObject key = new JsonObject();
                key.addProperty("id", "k" + i++);
                key.addProperty("name", keyword);


From source file:com.afspq.model.Results.java

License:Apache License

 * Creates the Json object for the page rank graph visualizaiton.
 * //from  w  ww  . j  ava2 s.  c o  m
 * @param query
 * @param search
 * @param searchResults
private void createPageRankGraph(String query, Search search, SearchResults searchResults) {
    ArrayList<?> visualizationList = search.getVisualizations(searchResults);
    HashMap<String, EdgeLinks> pageRankMap = (HashMap<String, EdgeLinks>) visualizationList.get(2);

    if (pageRankMap == null) {

    nodesArr = new JsonArray();

    // Colors for the nodes.  Selected randomly.
    String[] colorsArr = { "#003DF5", "#B800F5", "#F500B8", "#00B8F5", "#3366FF", "#F5003D", "#00F5B8",
            "#FFCC33", "#F53D00", "#00F53D", "#B8F500", "#F5B800" };

    HashMap<Integer, String> colorMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < colorsArr.length; i++) {
        colorMap.put(i, colorsArr[i]);

    SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
    for (Map.Entry<String, EdgeLinks> urlEntry : pageRankMap.entrySet()) {

        String key = urlEntry.getKey();
        EdgeLinks value = urlEntry.getValue();
        double dim = value.getPageRank() * 15000 / 23;

        // Adjusting the diameter of the node.
        dim = (dim > 70) ? dim / 15 : dim;

        JsonObject node = new JsonObject();
        JsonArray adjArr = new JsonArray();
        JsonObject data = new JsonObject();

        data.addProperty("$type", "circle");
        data.addProperty("$color", colorMap.get(sr.nextInt(colorsArr.length)));
        data.addProperty("$dim", dim);
        HashMap<String, Double> assocUrls = value.getEdgeUrls();

        int i = 0;
        int ranAdj = sr.nextInt(15);

        // Each node should have at least 3 edge connections if possible.
        ranAdj = (ranAdj < 3) ? 3 : ranAdj;

        for (Map.Entry<String, Double> urlEdge : assocUrls.entrySet()) {

            if (i < ranAdj) {
                JsonObject adj = new JsonObject();
                JsonObject empData = new JsonObject();

                adj.addProperty("nodeTo", urlEdge.getKey());
                adj.addProperty("nodeFrom", key);
                adj.add("data", empData);
            } else

        node.add("adjacencies", adjArr);
        node.add("data", data);
        node.addProperty("id", key);
        node.addProperty("name", key);

From source file:com.agateau.pixelwheels.stats.JsonGameStatsIO.java

License:Open Source License

public void save() {
    Assert.check(mGameStats != null, "setGameStats() has not been called");
    JsonObject root = new JsonObject();
    JsonObject trackStatsObject = new JsonObject();
    root.add("trackStats", trackStatsObject);
    for (Map.Entry<String, TrackStats> kv : mGameStats.mTrackStats.entrySet()) {
        trackStatsObject.add(kv.getKey(), createJsonForTrack(kv.getValue()));
    }//from   w w  w.ja va 2  s .  c  o  m
    String json = mGson.toJson(root);
    mHandle.writeString(json, false /* append */);

From source file:com.agateau.pixelwheels.stats.JsonGameStatsIO.java

License:Open Source License

private JsonObject createJsonForTrack(TrackStats trackStats) {
    JsonObject root = new JsonObject();
    root.add("lap", createJsonForResults(trackStats.get(TrackStats.ResultType.LAP)));
    root.add("total", createJsonForResults(trackStats.get(TrackStats.ResultType.TOTAL)));
    return root;//ww w .  j  av  a  2s. c  om