Example usage for com.google.gson JsonObject add

List of usage examples for com.google.gson JsonObject add


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gson JsonObject add.


public void add(String property, JsonElement value) 

Source Link


Adds a member, which is a name-value pair, to self.


From source file:ch.epfl.leb.sass.simulator.internal.DefaultSimulator.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns information on the simulation's current state as a JSON object.
 * //from   w ww  . j a  v  a 2 s .  c  o  m
 * Unlike {@link #toJsonMessages() toJsonMessages()}, which returns
 * information about previous changes in the simulation's state, this method
 * reports on the current state of the simulation.
 * @return A JSON object containing information on the simulation state.
public JsonElement toJsonState() {
    JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
    json.add(CAMERA_MEMBER_NAME, this.microscope.toJsonCamera());
    json.add(FLUOR_MEMBER_NAME, this.microscope.toJsonFluorescence());
    json.add(LASER_MEMBER_NAME, this.microscope.toJsonLaser());
    json.add(OBJECTIVE_MEMBER_NAME, this.microscope.toJsonObjective());
    json.add(STAGE_MEMBER_NAME, this.microscope.toJsonStage());
    return json;

From source file:ch.ethz.coss.nervous.pulse.sql.SqlRequestWorker.java

License:Open Source License

public void run() {
    try {//from w ww  .  jav a2 s.  co m

        JsonObject feature = null;
        JsonArray features = null;
        JsonObject featureCollection = null;

        try {

            /***** SQL get ********/
            // Fetch data
            PreparedStatement datastmt = sqlse.getSensorValuesFetchStatement(connection, ptmRequest.readingType,
                    ptmRequest.startTime, ptmRequest.endTime);
            ResultSet rs = datastmt.executeQuery();
            featureCollection = new JsonObject();
            features = new JsonArray();
            // System.out.println("SQL query result size =
            // "+rs.getFetchSize());
            long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
            while (rs.next()) {
                long volatility = rs.getLong("Volatility");
                long recordTime = rs.getLong("RecordTime");

                //               System.out.println("Volatility = " + volatility);
                //               System.out.println("currentTimeMillis = " + currentTimeMillis);
                //               System.out.println("left time = " + (currentTimeMillis - (recordTime + (volatility * 1000))));
                if (volatility != -1)
                    if (volatility == 0 || currentTimeMillis > (recordTime + (volatility * 1000))) {
                        //                  System.out.println("Continue");

                String lat = rs.getString("lat");
                String lon = rs.getString("lon");

                feature = new JsonObject();
                feature.addProperty("type", "Feature");
                JsonObject point = new JsonObject();
                point.addProperty("type", "Point");
                JsonArray coord = new JsonArray();
                coord.add(new JsonPrimitive(lat));
                coord.add(new JsonPrimitive(lon));
                point.add("coordinates", coord);
                feature.add("geometry", point);

                JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();

                properties.addProperty("volatility", volatility);
                if (ptmRequest.readingType == 0) {
                    String luxVal = rs.getString("Light");
                    // System.out.println("Reading instance of light");
                    properties.addProperty("readingType", "" + 0);
                    properties.addProperty("level", luxVal);
                } else if (ptmRequest.readingType == 1) {
                    String soundVal = rs.getString("Decibel");
                    properties.addProperty("readingType", "" + 1);
                    properties.addProperty("level", soundVal);
                } else if (ptmRequest.readingType == 2) {
                    String message = rs.getString("Message");
                    message = message.trim();
                    properties.addProperty("readingType", "" + 2);

                    if (message.length() <= 0) {
                        message = "***Empty Message***";

                    properties.addProperty("message", message);

                } else {
                    // System.out.println("Reading instance not known");

                feature.add("properties", properties);

                // if((features.getAsJsonArray()).size() >= 60000){
                // featureCollection.add("features", features);
                // pSocketServer.sendToSocket(ptmRequest.webSocket,
                // ptmRequest.requestID, featureCollection.toString(),
                // false);
                // featureCollection = new JsonObject();
                // featureCollection = new JsonObject();
                // features = new JsonArray();
                // try {
                // Thread.sleep(10);
                // } catch (Exception e) {
                // // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                // e.printStackTrace();
                // }
                // break;
                // }

            featureCollection.add("features", features);
            // System.out.println("Feature collection +
            // "+featureCollection.toString());
            pSocketServer.sendToSocket(ptmRequest.webSocket, ptmRequest.requestID, featureCollection.toString(),


        } catch (JsonParseException e) {
            System.out.println("can't save json object: " + e.toString());

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.getInstance().append(Log.FLAG_WARNING, "Generic error");
    } finally {

From source file:ch.ethz.coss.nervous.pulse.sql.SqlUploadWorker.java

License:Open Source License

@Override// w  w  w.j  a v a  2 s  .  c om
public void run() {
    // InputStream is;
    DataInputStream in = null;

    try {
        in = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
        boolean connected = true;
        while (connected) {
            connected &= !socket.isClosed();
            Visual reading = null;
            JsonObject featureCollection = new JsonObject();
            JsonArray features = new JsonArray();
            JsonObject feature = null;
            try {
                // String json = in.readUTF();

                // StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer();
                // String tmp;
                String json = null;
                try {
                    // while ((tmp = in.read()) != null) {
                    // json.append(tmp);
                    // }

                    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    byte buffer[] = new byte[1024];
                    for (int s; (s = in.read(buffer)) != -1;) {
                        baos.write(buffer, 0, s);
                    byte result[] = baos.toByteArray();
                    json = new String(result);

                    // use inputLine.toString(); here it would have whole
                    // source
                } catch (MalformedURLException me) {
                    System.out.println("MalformedURLException: " + me);
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    System.out.println("IOException: " + ioe);
                System.out.println("JSON STRING = " + json);
                System.out.println("JSON Length = " + json.length());

                if (json.length() <= 0)
                reading = new JSONDeserializer<Visual>().deserialize(json, Visual.class);
                feature = new JsonObject();

                feature.addProperty("type", "Feature");
                // JsonArray featureList = new JsonArray();
                // iterate through your list
                // for (ListElement obj : list) {
                // {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates":
                // [-94.149, 36.33]}
                JsonObject point = new JsonObject();
                point.addProperty("type", "Point");
                // construct a JSONArray from a string; can also use an
                // array or list
                JsonArray coord = new JsonArray();
                if (reading == null || reading.location == null)
                else if (reading.location.latnLong[0] == 0 && reading.location.latnLong[1] == 0)

                coord.add(new JsonPrimitive(new String("" + reading.location.latnLong[0])));
                coord.add(new JsonPrimitive(new String("" + reading.location.latnLong[1])));

                point.add("coordinates", coord);
                feature.add("geometry", point);

                JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
                if (reading.type == 0) {
                    // System.out.println("Reading instance of light");
                    properties.addProperty("readingType", "" + 0);
                    properties.addProperty("level", "" + ((LightReading) reading).lightVal);
                } else if (reading.type == 1) {
                    properties.addProperty("readingType", "" + 1);
                    properties.addProperty("level", "" + ((NoiseReading) reading).soundVal);
                } else if (reading.type == 2) {
                    properties.addProperty("readingType", "" + 2);
                    properties.addProperty("message", "" + ((TextVisual) reading).textMsg);
                } else {
                    // System.out.println("Reading instance not known");
                properties.addProperty("recordTime", reading.timestamp);
                properties.addProperty("volatility", reading.volatility);
                feature.add("properties", properties);
                featureCollection.add("features", features);

                if (reading.volatility != 0) {
                    /***** SQL insert ********/
                    // Insert data
                    System.out.println("before uploading SQL - reading uuid = " + reading.uuid);
                    System.out.println("Reading volatility = " + reading.volatility);
                    PreparedStatement datastmt = sqlse.getSensorInsertStatement(connection, reading.type);
                    if (datastmt != null) {
                        // System.out.println("datastmt - " +
                        // datastmt.toString());
                        List<Integer> types = sqlse.getArgumentExpectation((long) reading.type);
                        datastmt.setString(1, reading.uuid);
                        if (reading.type == 0) {
                            datastmt.setLong(2, reading.timestamp);
                            datastmt.setLong(3, reading.volatility);
                            datastmt.setDouble(4, ((LightReading) reading).lightVal);
                            datastmt.setDouble(5, reading.location.latnLong[0]);
                            datastmt.setDouble(6, reading.location.latnLong[1]);
                        } else if (reading.type == 1) {
                            datastmt.setLong(2, reading.timestamp);
                            datastmt.setLong(3, reading.volatility);
                            datastmt.setDouble(4, ((NoiseReading) reading).soundVal);
                            datastmt.setDouble(5, reading.location.latnLong[0]);
                            datastmt.setDouble(6, reading.location.latnLong[1]);
                        } else if (reading.type == 2) {
                            datastmt.setLong(2, reading.timestamp);
                            datastmt.setLong(3, reading.volatility);
                            datastmt.setString(4, ((TextVisual) reading).textMsg);
                            datastmt.setDouble(5, reading.location.latnLong[0]);
                            datastmt.setDouble(6, reading.location.latnLong[1]);
                        // System.out.println("datastmt after populating - "
                        // + datastmt.toString());



            } catch (JsonParseException e) {
                System.out.println("can't save json object: " + e.toString());
            // output the result
            // System.out.println("featureCollection=" +
            // featureCollection.toString());

            String message = featureCollection.toString();


    } catch (EOFException e) {
        Log.getInstance().append(Log.FLAG_WARNING, "EOFException occurred, but ignored it for now.");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.getInstance().append(Log.FLAG_WARNING, "Opening data stream from socket failed");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.getInstance().append(Log.FLAG_WARNING, "Generic error");
    } finally {
        try {
            in = null;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

From source file:ch.ethz.coss.nervous.pulse.WriteJSON.java

License:Open Source License

public static void sendGeoJSON(Socket socket, Object o) {

    try {//from   w w  w .  j ava  2 s.  c  o  m
        Scanner in = new Scanner(socket.getInputStream());

        while (!in.nextLine().isEmpty())

        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());

        Visual reading = (Visual) o;

        JsonObject feature = new JsonObject();
        try {
            feature.addProperty("type", "Feature");
            // JsonArray featureList = new JsonArray();
            // iterate through your list
            // for (ListElement obj : list) {
            // {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-94.149,
            // 36.33]}
            JsonObject point = new JsonObject();
            point.addProperty("type", "Point");
            // construct a JSONArray from a string; can also use an array or
            // list
            JsonArray coord = new JsonArray();
            coord.add(new JsonPrimitive(reading.location.latnLong[0]));
            coord.add(new JsonPrimitive(reading.location.latnLong[1]));
            point.add("coordinates", coord);
            feature.add("geometry", point);
            JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
            if (reading.type == 0) {
                // System.out.println("Reading instance of light");
                properties.addProperty("readingType", "" + 0);
                properties.addProperty("lightLevel", "" + ((LightReading) reading).lightVal);
            } else if (reading.type == 1) {
                properties.addProperty("readingType", "" + 1);
                properties.addProperty("noiseLevel", "" + ((NoiseReading) reading).soundVal);
            } else if (reading.type == 2) {
                properties.addProperty("readingType", "" + 2);
                properties.addProperty("message", "" + ((TextVisual) reading).textMsg);
            } else {
                // System.out.println("Reading instance not known");

            feature.add("properties", properties);

            // }
        } catch (JsonParseException e) {
            // System.out.println("can't save json object: " +
            // e.toString());
        // output the result
        // System.out.println("featureCollection=" + feature.toString());

        String message = feature.toString();

        out.println("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
        out.println("Content-Type: text/json");
        out.printf("Content-Length: %d%n", message.length());
        out.println("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

    } catch (IOException e) {

From source file:ch.ethz.inf.vs.hypermedia.corehal.block.CoREHalResourceFuture.java

License:Open Source License

public static JsonElement serializeToJsonTree(CoREHalBase base) {
    Class<? extends CoREHalBase> type = base.getClass();
    if (ProxyFactory.isProxyClass(type)) {
        type = (Class<? extends CoREHalBase>) type.getSuperclass();
    }//  ww  w  .  j ava  2  s .  com
    JsonElement s = CoREHalResourceFuture.getGson().toJsonTree(base, type);
    if (s.isJsonObject() && base.json() != null) {
        JsonObject json = s.getAsJsonObject();
        base.json().entrySet().forEach((el) -> {
            if (!json.has(el.getKey())) {
                json.add(el.getKey(), el.getValue());
    return s;

From source file:ch.gaps.slasher.views.main.MainController.java

License:Open Source License

 * To save the state of the software, the tab, the servers and the databases.
 *//*w w  w.  j a  va2 s . c o  m*/
public void saveState() {
    try {
        os = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("save.json")));
        Gson jsonEngine = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
        JsonArray mainArray = new JsonArray();

        for (Server s : servers) {
            JsonObject server = new JsonObject();

            server.addProperty("serverDescription", s.getDescription());
            server.addProperty("serverDriver", s.getDiverName());
            server.addProperty("serverHost", s.getHost());
            server.addProperty("serverPort", s.getPort());

            JsonArray databases = new JsonArray();

            for (Database db : s.getDatabases()) {

                JsonObject database = new JsonObject();

                database.addProperty("databaseDescritpion", db.getDescritpion());
                database.addProperty("databaseName", db.getName());
                database.addProperty("databaseUsername", db.getUsername());

                JsonArray tabsJson = new JsonArray();

                tabs.forEach(editorTab -> {
                    if (editorTab.getDatabase() == db) {

                        JsonObject tabJson = new JsonObject();
                        tabJson.addProperty("tabName", "name");
                        tabJson.addProperty("moduleName", editorTab.getModuleName());
                        tabJson.addProperty("content", editorTab.getEditorController().getContent());

                database.add("tabs", tabsJson);


            server.add("databases", databases);



    } catch (IOException e) {

From source file:cl.expertchoice.svl.Svl_RiskTier.java

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods./*from   ww  w  . j ava 2 s.c om*/
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException {
    try {
        String accion = request.getParameter("accion");
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

        switch (accion) {
        case "listar": {
            ArrayList<RiskTier> arr = new BnRiskTier().listar();
            //ArrayList<RiskTier> arr = null;

            if (arr != null) {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_OK);
                json.add("datos", new Gson().toJsonTree(arr));
            } else {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_NORESULTADO);
                json.addProperty("descripcion", "Sin datos");


        case "listar-riskindicator": {
            ArrayList<TablaRiskIndicator> arr = new BnTablaRiskIndicator().listar2();
            ArrayList<ValorTablaCore> vtc = new BnValorTablaCore().listar();
            if (arr != null) {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_OK);
                json.add("datos", new Gson().toJsonTree(arr));
                json.add("def", new Gson().toJsonTree(vtc));
                //                        json.add("def", vtc);
            } else {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_NORESULTADO);
                json.addProperty("descripcion", "Sin datos");


        case "guardar-risktier": {
            JSONObject jsonRiskTier = new JSONObject(request.getParameter("obRiskTier"));
            int idTipoRiskTier = jsonRiskTier.getInt("tipoRiskTier");
            int numFilas = jsonRiskTier.getInt("filas");
            int numCols = jsonRiskTier.getInt("columnas");
            int idOrigenX = jsonRiskTier.getJSONObject("variableX").getInt("id");
            int idOrigenY = jsonRiskTier.getJSONObject("variableY").getInt("id");
            JSONArray origenX = jsonRiskTier.getJSONObject("variableX").getJSONArray("datos");
            JSONArray origenY = jsonRiskTier.getJSONObject("variableY").getJSONArray("datos");
            JSONArray jsonClasificacion = jsonRiskTier.getJSONArray("datos");
            TablaRiskIndicator riskIndicator = new TablaRiskIndicator(BigInteger.ZERO,
                    new Variable(idOrigenX, null), new Variable(idOrigenY, null), numFilas, numCols);
            json = new JsonObject();
            if (new BnTablaRiskIndicator().guardarRiskInidcator(riskIndicator, origenX, origenY,
                    jsonClasificacion, idTipoRiskTier)) {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_OK);
                json.add("datos", new JsonObject());
            } else {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_NORESULTADO);
                json.addProperty("descripcion", "Error al guardar Risk Tier");


        case "listar-admin-risktier": {
            json = new JsonObject();
            ArrayList<AdminRiskTier> arr = new BnAdminRiskTier().listar();
            if (arr.size() > 0) {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_OK);
                json.add("datos", new Gson().toJsonTree(arr));
            } else {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_NORESULTADO);
                json.addProperty("descripcion", "Sin datos");

        case "update-detalle-admin": {
            JSONArray jsonData = new JSONArray(request.getParameter("detalles"));
            for (int i = 0; i < jsonData.length(); i++) {
                JSONObject ob = jsonData.getJSONObject(i);
                new BnAdminRiskTier().actualizar(ob.getString("valor"), ob.getInt("idDetalleAdminRiskTier"));

            json = new JsonObject();
            json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_OK);

        case "listar-detalle-admin-risktier": {
            json = new JsonObject();
            int idAdminRiskTier = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("idAdminRiskTier"));
            ArrayList<DetalleAdminRiskTier> arr = new BnAdminRiskTier().listarDetalles(idAdminRiskTier);
            if (arr.size() > 0) {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_OK);
                json.add("datos", new Gson().toJsonTree(arr));
            } else {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_NORESULTADO);
                json.addProperty("descripcion", "Error al listar Risk Tier");

        case "listar-depuracion-renta": {
            json = new JsonObject();
            //                    ArrayList<DepuracionRenta> arr = new BnDepuracionRenta().listar();
            //                    if (arr.size() > 0) {
            //                        json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_OK);
            //                        json.add("datos", new Gson().toJsonTree(arr));
            //                    } else {
            //                        json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_NORESULTADO);
            //                        json.addProperty("descripcion", "No data");
            //                    }
            //                    response.getWriter().print(json);

        case "guardar-depuracion-renta": {
            json = new JsonObject();
            //                    ArrayList<DepuracionRenta> arr = new ArrayList<>();
            //                    DepuracionRenta dr = new DepuracionRenta();
            //                    dr.setId(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id_deuda_cred_hipotecario")));
            //                    dr.setPorcentajeRenta(request.getParameter("deuda_cred_hipotecario"));
            //                    arr.add(dr);
            //                    dr = new DepuracionRenta();
            //                    dr.setId(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id_deuda_comercial")));
            //                    dr.setPorcentajeRenta(request.getParameter("deuda_comercial"));
            //                    arr.add(dr);
            //                    dr = new DepuracionRenta();
            //                    dr.setId(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id_deuda_credito_consumo")));
            //                    dr.setPorcentajeRenta(request.getParameter("deuda_credito_consumo"));
            //                    arr.add(dr);
            //                    boolean flag = new BnDepuracionRenta().actualizar(arr);
            //                    if (flag) {
            //                        json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_OK);
            //                    } else {
            //                        json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_NORESULTADO);
            //                        json.addProperty("descripcion", "Error al guardar datos");
            //                    }
            //                    response.getWriter().print(json);

        case "arbol-risk-tier": {
            json = new JsonObject();
            JsonObject resp = new BnRiskTier().listarArbol2();

            if (resp != null) {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_OK);
                json.add("datos", resp);
            } else {
                json.addProperty("estado", D.EST_NORESULTADO);
                json.addProperty("descripcion", "Sin datos");

    } catch (JSONException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Svl_RiskTier.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

From source file:cl.expertchoice.svl.Svl_Scoring.java

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods.//ww w. ja v a  2 s .  co m
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    try {
        String accion = request.getParameter("accion");
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
        switch (accion) {
        case "scoring": {
            int rut = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("rut"));
            String dv = request.getParameter("dv");
            JsonObject jsonCalculos = new JsonObject();

            int mesActual = BnScore.obtenerScoring(rut, dv, 0);
            int mes2 = BnScore.obtenerScoring(rut, dv, 1);
            int mes3 = BnScore.obtenerScoring(rut, dv, 2);
            int mes4 = BnScore.obtenerScoring(rut, dv, 3);

            jsonCalculos.addProperty("mes1", mesActual);
            jsonCalculos.addProperty("mes2", mes2);
            jsonCalculos.addProperty("mes3", mes3);
            jsonCalculos.addProperty("mes4", mes4);

            json.addProperty("estado", 200);
            json.add("datos", jsonCalculos);
        //Codigo A.M:
        case "ObtenerScore": {

            int score = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("score"));
            JsonObject jsonCalculos = new JsonObject();
            Metodos metodo = new Metodos();
            String scoreText = metodo.ObtenerScore(score);

            jsonCalculos.addProperty("scoreText", scoreText);
            json.addProperty("estado", 200);
            json.add("datos", jsonCalculos);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        //            response.getWriter().print("{ \"estado\" : " + D.EST_ERROR + ", \"descripcion\" : \"" + ex + "\" }");
        //            D.escribirLog(ex, "Svl_Cliente");
        //            ex.printStackTrace();

From source file:classes.analysis.Analysis.java

License:Open Source License

private static Analysis parseAnalysisGalaxyData(String origin, String emsuser, JsonObject analysisData) {
    JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
    JsonArray provenance = (JsonArray) parser.parse(analysisData.get("provenance").getAsString());

    //STEP 1. Find the associations between the steps (inputs and outputs)
    HashMap<String, JsonElement> outputs = new HashMap<String, JsonElement>();
    JsonObject stepJSONobject;
    for (JsonElement step_json : provenance) {
        stepJSONobject = step_json.getAsJsonObject();
        for (JsonElement output : stepJSONobject.getAsJsonArray("outputs")) {
            outputs.put(output.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString(), step_json);
        }/* w w  w. j a  va  2 s  .c  om*/

        if ("upload1".equalsIgnoreCase(stepJSONobject.get("tool_id").getAsString())) {
            stepJSONobject.add("step_type", new JsonPrimitive("external_source"));
        } else {
            stepJSONobject.add("step_type", new JsonPrimitive("processed_data"));
    for (JsonElement step_json : provenance) {
        stepJSONobject = step_json.getAsJsonObject();
        for (JsonElement input : stepJSONobject.getAsJsonArray("inputs")) {
            String id = input.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString();
            if (outputs.containsKey(id)) {
                if (!"external_source"
                        .equalsIgnoreCase(outputs.get(id).getAsJsonObject().get("step_type").getAsString())) {
                    outputs.get(id).getAsJsonObject().add("step_type", new JsonPrimitive("intermediate_data"));

                if (!stepJSONobject.has("used_data")) {
                    stepJSONobject.add("used_data", new JsonArray());
                ((JsonArray) stepJSONobject.get("used_data")).add(new JsonPrimitive(
                        "STxxxx." + outputs.get(id).getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString()));

    //STEP 2. Create the instances for the steps
    ArrayList<NonProcessedData> nonProcessedDataList = new ArrayList<NonProcessedData>();
    ArrayList<ProcessedData> processedDataList = new ArrayList<ProcessedData>();
    for (JsonElement step_json : provenance) {
        stepJSONobject = step_json.getAsJsonObject();
        if ("external_source".equalsIgnoreCase(stepJSONobject.get("step_type").getAsString())) {
            nonProcessedDataList.add(ExternalData.parseStepGalaxyData(stepJSONobject, analysisData, emsuser));
        } else if ("intermediate_data".equalsIgnoreCase(stepJSONobject.get("step_type").getAsString())) {
                    .add(IntermediateData.parseStepGalaxyData(stepJSONobject, analysisData, emsuser));
        } else if ("processed_data".equalsIgnoreCase(stepJSONobject.get("step_type").getAsString())) {
            processedDataList.add(ProcessedData.parseStepGalaxyData(stepJSONobject, analysisData, emsuser));
        } else {
            throw new InstantiationError("Unknown step type");


    //STEP 3. Create the instance of analysis
    Analysis analysis = new Analysis();
    analysis.setAnalysisType("Galaxy workflow");
    analysis.setNonProcessedData(nonProcessedDataList.toArray(new NonProcessedData[] {}));
    analysis.setProcessedData(processedDataList.toArray(new ProcessedData[] {}));
    analysis.setTags(new String[] { "imported" });

    return analysis;

From source file:client.commands.TwitchAPICommands.java

License:Apache License

public void run() {
    if (!this.isAllowed())
        return;/*from   w  w  w.  java  2 s .c o  m*/
    if (this.m.getMessage().startsWith("!game")) {
        String[] arr = this.m.getMessage().split(" ", 2);

        if (arr.length > 1) {
            JsonObject innerbody = new JsonObject();
            innerbody.addProperty("game", this.m.getMessage().split(" ", 2)[1]);
            JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
            obj.add("channel", innerbody);
            TwitchAPI api = new TwitchAPI(s.getClientid(), s.getOauth());
            api.PUT("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/" + this.m.getChannel(), obj.toString());
        } else {
            TwitchAPI api = new TwitchAPI(s.getClientid(), s.getOauth());
            this.mq.offer(new MessageOut(this.m.getChannel().toLowerCase(),
                    api.GET("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/" + this.m.getChannel()).get("game")