List of usage examples for JsonElement getAsString
public String getAsString()
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License:Apache License
/** * Execute MailChimp API method./*www . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ * * @param method MailChimp API method to be executed * @return execution result */ public <R> R execute(MailChimpMethod<R> method) throws IOException, MailChimpException { final Gson gson = MailChimpGsonFactory.createGson(); JsonElement result = execute(buildUrl(method), gson.toJsonTree(method)); if (result.isJsonObject()) { JsonElement error = result.getAsJsonObject().get("error"); if (error != null) { JsonElement code = result.getAsJsonObject().get("code"); throw new MailChimpException(code.getAsInt(), error.getAsString()); } } return gson.fromJson(result, method.getResultType()); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Gson invokes this call-back method during deserialization when it encounters a field of the * specified type. <p>/*from w w w . j a v a2 s.c om*/ * * In the implementation of this call-back method, you should consider invoking * {@link JsonDeserializationContext#deserialize(JsonElement, Type)} method to create objects * for any non-trivial field of the returned object. However, you should never invoke it on the * the same type passing {@code json} since that will cause an infinite loop (Gson will call your * call-back method again). * * @param json The Json data being deserialized * @param typeOfT The type of the Object to deserialize to * @return a deserialized object of the specified type typeOfT which is a subclass of {@code T} * @throws JsonParseException if json is not in the expected format of {@code typeOfT} */ @Override public LocalTime deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { return FORMATTER.parse(json.getAsString(), LocalTime::from); }
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public String solicitarToken(String token) throws ServiceException { LatchResponse pairResponse = latch.pair(token); String codigoPareado = null;/* ww w .j a v a2 s . co m*/ if (pairResponse.getError() == null) { //this.codigoPareado = pairResponse.getData().entrySet().toArray()[0]; //accountId => "ZeQ8PvnmB9L4hhKRLUkdcjLn7amBU9bn2rAjMRGHwTrR4QUzGgPxTY2PpQ8vbzgZ" //accountId => "TUan4VbQF2zvmZC9jEfh7BYaUJ7NppcGh27XePW4a9ARLz3G2HJYd3N7rtceUyxi" JsonElement element = pairResponse.getData().get("accountId"); codigoPareado = element.getAsString(); System.out.print("Codigo pareado " + codigoPareado); } else { throw new ServiceException(pairResponse.getError().getCode() + "", pairResponse.getError().getMessage()); } return codigoPareado; }
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private static boolean estaActivo(LatchResponse statusResponse) { //operations => {"cKbvzaZ6TYUWCCMsNUBU":{"status":"off"}} boolean salida = false; JsonElement operations = statusResponse.getData().get("operations"); Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> keys = operations.getAsJsonObject().entrySet(); for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> iterator = keys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> key =; JsonElement status = key.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("status"); if ("on".equals(status.getAsString())) { salida = true;//from w ww .j ava 2 s. c om } } return salida; }
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License:Open Source License
public static ObjectMetadata fromJson(String json) { JsonObject root = new JsonParser().parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement instanceClass = root.get("instanceClass"); if (instanceClass == null) { // might be data from an older version; make sure user is aware throw new RuntimeException( "could not parse meta-file. this could mean you used an older version of EcsSync to move data to the source location. either use that same version again or use --no-sync-user-metadata to continue using this version"); } else {/*from w w w . j a v a 2s . com*/ try { return ((ObjectMetadata) Class.forName(instanceClass.getAsString()).newInstance()) .createFromJson(json); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } }
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License:Open Source License
public static SyncMetadata fromJson(String json) { JsonObject root = new JsonParser().parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement instanceClass = root.get("instanceClass"); if (instanceClass == null) { // might be data from an older version; make sure user is aware throw new RuntimeException( "could not parse meta-file. this could mean you used an older version of EcsSync to move data to the source location. either use that same version again or use --" + CommonOptions.IGNORE_METADATA_OPTION + " to continue using this version"); } else {/*w w w . ja v m*/ try { return ((SyncMetadata) Class.forName(instanceClass.getAsString()).newInstance()) .createFromJson(json); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public LocalTime deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { return FORMATTER.parseLocalTime(json.getAsString()); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public Thing deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { if (!json.isJsonObject()) { throw new JsonParseException("Expected json object"); }/* w ww. j a v a m*/ JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject(); if (!jsonObject.has(KIND)) { throw new JsonParseException("Expected to have \"kind\" field"); } JsonElement kindElement = jsonObject.get(KIND); if (!kindElement.isJsonPrimitive()) { throw new JsonParseException("Expected to have a primitive \"kind\" field"); } if (!jsonObject.has(DATA)) { throw new JsonParseException("Expected to have a\"data\" field"); } String kind = kindElement.getAsString(); String id = null; String name = null; if (jsonObject.has(ID)) { JsonElement idElement = jsonObject.get(ID); id = idElement.getAsString(); } if (jsonObject.has(NAME)) { JsonElement nameElement = jsonObject.get(NAME); name = nameElement.getAsString(); } Thing thing = null; switch (kind) { case Link.KIND: Link link = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get(DATA), Link.class); thing = new Thing<>(id, name, link); break; case Listing.KIND: Listing listing = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get(DATA), Listing.class); // noinspection unchecked thing = new Thing(id, name, listing); break; case Subreddit.KIND: Subreddit subreddit = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get(DATA), Subreddit.class); // noinspection unchecked thing = new Thing(id, name, subreddit); break; case Comment.KIND: Comment comment = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get(DATA), Comment.class); // noinspection unchecked thing = new Thing(id, name, comment); break; } return thing; }
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License:Open Source License
public SkeletonData readSkeletonData(String folder, String file) { float scale = this.scale; SkeletonData skeletonData = new SkeletonData(); // = file.nameWithoutExtension(); = file;//from w w w . j ava2s. co m //JsonValue root = new JsonReader().parse(file); try (InputStreamReader isReader = new InputStreamReader( ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(folder + "/" + file + ".json"))) { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(isReader); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject root = (JsonObject) parser.parse(reader); // Skeleton. JsonObject skeletonMap = root.get("skeleton").getAsJsonObject(); if (skeletonMap != null) { skeletonData.hash = skeletonMap.has("hash") ? skeletonMap.get("hash").getAsString() : null; skeletonData.version = skeletonMap.has("spine") ? skeletonMap.get("spine").getAsString() : null; skeletonData.width = skeletonMap.has("width") ? skeletonMap.get("width").getAsFloat() : 0; skeletonData.height = skeletonMap.has("height") ? skeletonMap.get("height").getAsFloat() : 0; skeletonData.imagesPath = skeletonMap.has("images") ? skeletonMap.get("images").getAsString() : null; } // Bones. //for (JsonValue boneMap = root.getChild("bones"); boneMap != null; boneMap = { for (JsonElement boneMap : root.get("bones").getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject currentBone = boneMap.getAsJsonObject(); BoneData parent = null; String parentName = currentBone.has("parent") ? currentBone.get("parent").getAsString() : null; if (parentName != null) { parent = skeletonData.findBone(parentName); if (parent == null) throw new SerializationException("Parent bone not found: " + parentName); } BoneData boneData = new BoneData(currentBone.get("name").getAsString(), parent); boneData.length = (currentBone.has("length") ? currentBone.get("length").getAsFloat() : 0) * scale;//boneMap.getFloat("length", 0) * scale; boneData.x = (currentBone.has("x") ? currentBone.get("x").getAsFloat() : 0) * scale;//boneMap.getFloat("x", 0) * scale; boneData.y = (currentBone.has("y") ? currentBone.get("y").getAsFloat() : 0) * scale;//boneMap.getFloat("y", 0) * scale; boneData.rotation = currentBone.has("rotation") ? currentBone.get("rotation").getAsFloat() : 0;//boneMap.getFloat("rotation", 0); boneData.scaleX = currentBone.has("scaleX") ? currentBone.get("scaleX").getAsFloat() : 1;//boneMap.getFloat("scaleX", 1); boneData.scaleY = currentBone.has("scaleY") ? currentBone.get("scaleY").getAsFloat() : 1;//boneMap.getFloat("scaleY", 1); boneData.flipX = currentBone.has("flipX") ? currentBone.get("flipX").getAsBoolean() : false;//boneMap.getBoolean("flipX", false); boneData.flipY = currentBone.has("flipY") ? currentBone.get("flipY").getAsBoolean() : false;//boneMap.getBoolean("flipY", false); boneData.inheritScale = currentBone.has("inheritScale") ? currentBone.get("inheritScale").getAsBoolean() : true;//boneMap.getBoolean("inheritScale", true); boneData.inheritRotation = currentBone.has("inheritRotation") ? currentBone.get("inheritRotation").getAsBoolean() : true;//boneMap.getBoolean("inheritRotation", true); String color = currentBone.has("color") ? currentBone.get("color").getAsString() : null;//boneMap.getString("color", null); if (color != null) boneData.getColor().set(Color.valueOf(color)); skeletonData.bones.add(boneData); } // IK constraints. // TODO May return a JsonObject not Array //for (JsonValue ikMap = root.getChild("ik"); ikMap != null; ikMap = { if (root.has("ik")) { for (JsonElement ikMap : root.get("ik").getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject currentIk = ikMap.getAsJsonObject(); IkConstraintData ikConstraintData = new IkConstraintData(currentIk.get("name").getAsString()); //for (JsonValue boneMap = ikMap.getChild("bones"); boneMap != null; boneMap = { for (JsonElement boneMap : currentIk.get("bones").getAsJsonArray()) { String boneName = boneMap.getAsString(); BoneData bone = skeletonData.findBone(boneName); if (bone == null) throw new SerializationException("IK bone not found: " + boneName); ikConstraintData.bones.add(bone); } String targetName = currentIk.get("target").getAsString(); = skeletonData.findBone(targetName); if ( == null) throw new SerializationException("Target bone not found: " + targetName); ikConstraintData.bendDirection = (currentIk.has("bendPositive") ? currentIk.get("bendPositive").getAsBoolean() : true) ? 1 : -1;//ikMap.getBoolean("bendPositive", true) ? 1 : -1; ikConstraintData.mix = currentIk.has("mix") ? currentIk.get("mix").getAsFloat() : 1;//ikMap.getFloat("mix", 1); skeletonData.ikConstraints.add(ikConstraintData); } } // Slots. //for (JsonValue slotMap = root.getChild("slots"); slotMap != null; slotMap = { for (JsonElement slotMap : root.get("slots").getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject currentSlot = slotMap.getAsJsonObject(); String slotName = currentSlot.get("name").getAsString(); String boneName = currentSlot.get("bone").getAsString(); BoneData boneData = skeletonData.findBone(boneName); if (boneData == null) throw new SerializationException("Slot bone not found: " + boneName); SlotData slotData = new SlotData(slotName, boneData); String color = currentSlot.has("color") ? currentSlot.get("color").getAsString() : null;//slotMap.getString("color", null); if (color != null) slotData.getColor().set(Color.valueOf(color)); slotData.attachmentName = currentSlot.has("attachment") ? currentSlot.get("attachment").getAsString() : null;//slotMap.getString("attachment", null); slotData.additiveBlending = currentSlot.has("additive") ? currentSlot.get("additive").getAsBoolean() : false;//slotMap.getBoolean("additive", false); skeletonData.slots.add(slotData); } // Skins. //for (JsonValue skinMap = root.getChild("skins"); skinMap != null; skinMap = { for (Entry<String, JsonElement> skinMap : root.get("skins").getAsJsonObject().entrySet()) { Skin skin = new Skin(skinMap.getKey()); //for (JsonValue slotEntry = skinMap.child; slotEntry != null; slotEntry = { for (Entry<String, JsonElement> slotEntry : skinMap.getValue().getAsJsonObject().entrySet()) { int slotIndex = skeletonData.findSlotIndex(slotEntry.getKey()); if (slotIndex == -1) throw new SerializationException("Slot not found: " + slotEntry.getKey()); //for (JsonValue entry = slotEntry.child; entry != null; entry = { for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : slotEntry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().entrySet()) { Attachment attachment = readAttachment(skin, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject()); if (attachment != null) { skin.addAttachment(slotIndex, entry.getKey(), attachment); } } } skeletonData.skins.add(skin); if ("default")) skeletonData.defaultSkin = skin; } // Events. //for (JsonValue eventMap = root.getChild("events"); eventMap != null; eventMap = { if (root.has("events")) { for (Entry<String, JsonElement> eventMap : root.get("events").getAsJsonObject().entrySet()) { JsonObject currentEvent = eventMap.getValue().getAsJsonObject(); EventData eventData = new EventData(eventMap.getKey()); eventData.intValue = currentEvent.has("int") ? currentEvent.get("int").getAsInt() : 0;//eventMap.getInt("int", 0); eventData.floatValue = currentEvent.has("float") ? currentEvent.get("float").getAsFloat() : 0f;//eventMap.getFloat("float", 0f); eventData.stringValue = currentEvent.has("string") ? currentEvent.get("string").getAsString() : null;//eventMap.getString("string", null);; } } // Animations. //for (JsonValue animationMap = root.getChild("animations"); animationMap != null; animationMap = for (Entry<String, JsonElement> animationMap : root.get("animations").getAsJsonObject().entrySet()) { readAnimation(animationMap.getKey(), animationMap.getValue().getAsJsonObject(), skeletonData); } } catch (JsonIOException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /*skeletonData.bones.shrink(); skeletonData.slots.shrink(); skeletonData.skins.shrink(); skeletonData.animations.shrink();*/ return skeletonData; }
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License:Open Source License
void readCurve(CurveTimeline timeline, int frameIndex, JsonObject valueMap) { JsonElement curve = valueMap.has("curve") ? valueMap.get("curve") : null; if (curve == null) return;/*from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ if (curve.isJsonPrimitive() && curve.getAsString().equals("stepped")) timeline.setStepped(frameIndex); else if (curve.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray curveArray = curve.getAsJsonArray(); timeline.setCurve(frameIndex, curveArray.get(0).getAsFloat(), curveArray.get(1).getAsFloat(), curveArray.get(2).getAsFloat(), curveArray.get(3).getAsFloat()); } }