List of usage examples for JsonArray JsonArray
public JsonArray()
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/** * @param postData/* w ww. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ * @param dataSource * @param configuration * @throws ParseException */ public static void updateActivity(PostData postData, ChannelDirectoryDataSource dataSource, Properties properties) { String channelJid = postData.getParentSimpleId(); try { if (!isChannelRegistered(channelJid, properties)) { return; } } catch (Exception e1) { LOGGER.error("Could not retrieve channel info.", e1); return; } Long published = postData.getPublished().getTime(); long thisPostPublishedInHours = published / ONE_HOUR; ChannelActivity oldChannelActivity = null; try { oldChannelActivity = retrieveActivityFromDB(channelJid, dataSource); } catch (SQLException e) { return; } JsonArray newChannelHistory = new JsonArray(); long summarizedActivity = 0; boolean newActivity = true; if (oldChannelActivity != null) { newActivity = false; JsonArray oldChannelHistory = oldChannelActivity.activity; JsonObject firstActivityInWindow = oldChannelHistory.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); long firstActivityPublishedInHours = firstActivityInWindow.get(PUBLISHED_LABEL).getAsLong(); int hoursToAppend = (int) (firstActivityPublishedInHours - thisPostPublishedInHours); // Too old if (hoursToAppend + oldChannelHistory.size() >= DAY_IN_HOURS) { return; } // Crawled already if (postData.getPublished().compareTo(oldChannelActivity.earliest) >= 0 && postData.getPublished().compareTo(oldChannelActivity.updated) <= 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < hoursToAppend; i++) { JsonObject activityobject = new JsonObject(); activityobject.addProperty(PUBLISHED_LABEL, thisPostPublishedInHours + i); activityobject.addProperty(ACTIVITY_LABEL, 0); newChannelHistory.add(activityobject); } for (int i = 0; i < oldChannelHistory.size(); i++) { JsonObject activityObject = oldChannelHistory.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); summarizedActivity += activityObject.get(ACTIVITY_LABEL).getAsLong(); newChannelHistory.add(activityObject); } } else { JsonObject activityobject = new JsonObject(); activityobject.addProperty(PUBLISHED_LABEL, thisPostPublishedInHours); activityobject.addProperty(ACTIVITY_LABEL, 0); newChannelHistory.add(activityobject); } // Update first activity JsonObject firstActivity = newChannelHistory.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); firstActivity.addProperty(ACTIVITY_LABEL, firstActivity.get(ACTIVITY_LABEL).getAsLong() + 1); summarizedActivity += 1; if (newActivity) { insertActivityInDB(channelJid, newChannelHistory, summarizedActivity, postData.getPublished(), dataSource); } else { updateActivityInDB(channelJid, newChannelHistory, summarizedActivity, postData.getPublished(), dataSource); } }
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@Override public JsonObject encode(CreatePresentationModelCommand command) { Assert.requireNonNull(command, "command"); final JsonObject jsonCommand = new JsonObject(); jsonCommand.addProperty(PM_ID, command.getPmId()); jsonCommand.addProperty(PM_TYPE, command.getPmType()); final JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray(); for (final Map<String, Object> attribute : command.getAttributes()) { final JsonObject jsonAttribute = new JsonObject(); jsonAttribute.addProperty(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, String.valueOf(attribute.get("propertyName"))); jsonAttribute.addProperty(ATTRIBUTE_ID, String.valueOf(attribute.get("id"))); final Object value = attribute.get("value"); if (value != null) { jsonAttribute.add(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, encodeValue(attribute.get("value"))); }/*from w w w.ja v a 2s. c om*/ jsonArray.add(jsonAttribute); } jsonCommand.add(PM_ATTRIBUTES, jsonArray); jsonCommand.addProperty(ID, "CreatePresentationModel"); return jsonCommand; }
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public static JsonObject toJson(Object dolphinModel) { if (dolphinModel == null) { return null; }/* www . java 2 s . c o m*/ JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); for (Field field : ReflectionHelper.getInheritedDeclaredFields(dolphinModel.getClass())) { if (ReflectionHelper.isProperty(field.getType())) { Property property = (Property) ReflectionHelper.getPrivileged(field, dolphinModel); Object value = property.get(); if (value == null) { jsonObject.add(field.getName(), null); } else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Double.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Float.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Long.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Integer.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { jsonObject.add(field.getName(), new JsonPrimitive((Number) value)); } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { jsonObject.add(field.getName(), new JsonPrimitive((String) value)); } else if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Boolean.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { jsonObject.add(field.getName(), new JsonPrimitive((Boolean) value)); } else { jsonObject.add(field.getName(), toJson(value)); } } else if (ReflectionHelper.isObservableList(field.getType())) { ObservableList list = (ObservableList) ReflectionHelper.getPrivileged(field, dolphinModel); JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray(); for (Object value : list) { if (value == null) { //TODO //jsonArray.add(null); } else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Double.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Float.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Long.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Integer.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { jsonArray.add(new JsonPrimitive((Number) value)); } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { jsonArray.add(new JsonPrimitive((String) value)); } else if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) || Boolean.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { jsonArray.add(new JsonPrimitive((Boolean) value)); } else { jsonArray.add(toJson(value)); } } jsonObject.add(field.getName(), jsonArray); } } return jsonObject; }
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@Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { Session s = com.certus.connection.HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); if (request.getParameter("cartList") != null) { String jsonList = request.getParameter("cartList"); Type type = new TypeToken<List<CartItem>>() { }.getType();//w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m List<CartItem> conList = new Gson().fromJson(jsonList, type); List<ProductHasSize> myList = getCompleteProductCart(conList, s); String element = new Gson().toJson(myList, new TypeToken<List<ProductHasSize>>() { }.getType()); response.getWriter().write(element); } else { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.add("error", new JsonPrimitive("Error response")); array.add(jo); String element = new Gson().toJson(array); response.getWriter().write(element); } }
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@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { Session s = com.certus.connection.HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); String catName = request.getParameter("catName"); if (catName != null) { Category category = (Category) s.createCriteria(Category.class, "cat") .add(Restrictions.eq("cat.catName", catName)).uniqueResult(); JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); JsonArray subCatAry = new JsonArray(); for (SubCategory sub : category.getSubCategories()) { JsonObject subJo = new JsonObject(); subJo.add("sub_id", new JsonPrimitive(sub.getId())); subJo.add("sub_name", new JsonPrimitive(sub.getSubCategoryName())); subCatAry.add(subJo);/*from ww w . java2s . co m*/ } jo.add("cat_id", new JsonPrimitive(category.getId())); jo.add("cat_name", new JsonPrimitive(category.getCatName())); jo.add("sub_categories", subCatAry); String element = new Gson().toJson(jo); response.getWriter().write(element); } }
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@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { Session sess = com.certus.connection.HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); FilterRecentItems im = new FilterRecentItems(); String path = ""; try {/*www . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ Context env1 = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env"); path += (String) env1.lookup("uploadpathproducts"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } JsonArray ary = new JsonArray(); for (Integer i : im.getRecentItems()) { Product pr = (Product) sess.load(Product.class, i); if (pr.isAvailability()) { JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.add("pid", new JsonPrimitive(pr.getId())); jo.add("p_name", new JsonPrimitive(pr.getName())); jo.add("cat_id", new JsonPrimitive(pr.getSubCategory().getCategory().getId())); jo.add("subcat_id", new JsonPrimitive(pr.getSubCategory().getId())); jo.add("disc_Per", new JsonPrimitive(pr.getDiscountPrice())); jo.add("brand", new JsonPrimitive(pr.getBrand().getBrandName())); jo.add("image", new JsonPrimitive(path + pr.getImageMain())); ary.add(jo); // Product pl = new Gson().fromJson(jo, Product.class); } } String element = new Gson().toJson(ary); sess.close(); response.getWriter().write(element); }
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@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String sliderImgPath = ""; try {/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ Context envSlide = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env"); sliderImgPath = (String) envSlide.lookup("sliderImgs"); } catch (NamingException ex) { Logger.getLogger(mobileSliderImagesAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } Session sez = com.certus.connection.HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); List<SliderFacts> sf = sez.createCriteria(SliderFacts.class).list(); JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); for (SliderFacts s : sf) { JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.add("img", new JsonPrimitive(sliderImgPath + s.getImage())); array.add(jo); } String element = new Gson().toJson(array); response.getWriter().write(element); }
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@Override public JsonElement serialize(ProductHasSize phs, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsc) { String path = ""; try {//from w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m Context env1 = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env"); path += (String) env1.lookup("uploadpathproducts"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.add("pid", new JsonPrimitive(phs.getProduct().getId())); jo.add("name", new JsonPrimitive(phs.getProduct().getName())); jo.add("price", new JsonPrimitive(phs.getPrice())); jo.add("disc_per", new JsonPrimitive(phs.getProduct().getDiscountPrice())); jo.add("brand", new JsonPrimitive(phs.getProduct().getBrand().getBrandName())); jo.add("desc", new JsonPrimitive(phs.getProduct().getDescription())); jo.add("img", new JsonPrimitive(path + phs.getProduct().getImageMain())); JsonArray sizesAry = new JsonArray(); JsonArray pricesAry = new JsonArray(); JsonArray qntyAry = new JsonArray(); for (ProductHasSize pp : phs.getProduct().getProductHasSizes()) { sizesAry.add(new JsonPrimitive(pp.getSize().getSizeName())); pricesAry.add(new JsonPrimitive(pp.getPrice())); qntyAry.add(new JsonPrimitive(pp.getQnty())); } jo.add("sizes", sizesAry); jo.add("prices", pricesAry); jo.add("avl_qnty", qntyAry); JsonArray reviewsAry = new JsonArray(); for (Review r : phs.getProduct().getReviews()) { JsonObject reviews = new JsonObject(); reviews.add("comment", new JsonPrimitive(r.getComment())); reviews.add("date", new JsonPrimitive(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(r.getDateComnt()))); reviews.add("user", new JsonPrimitive(r.getUser().getFName() + " " + r.getUser().getLName())); reviewsAry.add(reviews); } jo.add("reviews", reviewsAry); return jo; }
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/** * Import the data contained in {@code file} into {@link Concourse}. * <p>// w w w. j a va 2 s . c om * <strong>Note</strong> that if {@code resolveKey} is specified, an attempt * will be made to add the data in from each group into the existing records * that are found using {@code resolveKey} and its corresponding value in * the group. * </p> * * @param file * @param resolveKey * @return a collection of {@link ImportResult} objects that describes the * records created/affected from the import and whether any errors * occurred. */ public final Set<Long> importFile(String file, @Nullable String resolveKey) { // TODO add option to specify batchSize, which is how many objects to // send over the wire in one atomic batch List<String> lines = FileOps.readLines(file); String[] keys = header(); JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); boolean checkedFileFormat = false; for (String line : lines) { if (!checkedFileFormat) { validateFileFormat(line); checkedFileFormat = true; } if (keys == null) { keys = parseKeys(line);"Parsed keys from header: " + line); } else { JsonObject object = parseLine(line, keys); if (resolveKey != null && object.has(resolveKey)) { JsonElement resolveValue = object.get(resolveKey); if (!resolveValue.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray temp = new JsonArray(); temp.add(resolveValue); resolveValue = temp; } for (int i = 0; i < resolveValue.getAsJsonArray().size(); ++i) { String value = resolveValue.getAsJsonArray().get(i).toString(); Object stored = Convert.stringToJava(value); Set<Long> resolved = concourse.find(resolveKey, Operator.EQUALS, stored); for (long record : resolved) { object = parseLine(line, keys); // this is // inefficient, but // there is no good // way to clone the // original object object.addProperty(Constants.JSON_RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_NAME, record); array.add(object); } } } else { array.add(object); }"Importing {}", line); } } Set<Long> records = importString(array.toString()); return records; }
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/** * Do the work to jsonify (dump to json string) each of the {@code records}, * possibly at {@code timestamp} (if it is greater than 0) using the * {@code store}.//w w w . j a v a2 s .c om * * @param records * @param timestamp * @param identifier - will include the primary key for each record in the * dump, if set to {@code true} * @param store * @return the json string dump */ private static String jsonify0(List<Long> records, long timestamp, boolean identifier, Store store) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> data = timestamp == 0 ? :, timestamp); JsonElement object = DataServices.gson().toJsonTree(data); if (identifier) { object.getAsJsonObject().addProperty(GlobalState.JSON_RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_NAME, record); } array.add(object); } return array.size() == 1 ? array.get(0).toString() : array.toString(); }