Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet.


public static <E extends Comparable> TreeSet<E> newTreeSet() 

Source Link


Creates a mutable, empty TreeSet instance sorted by the natural sort ordering of its elements.


From source file:co.cask.common.lang.InstantiatorFactory.java

private <T> Instantiator<T> getByKnownType(TypeToken<T> type) {
    Class<? super T> rawType = type.getRawType();
    if (rawType.isArray()) {
        return new Instantiator<T>() {
            @Override// www .  j a  v  a2s . c  o  m
            public T create() {
                return (T) Lists.newLinkedList();
    if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
        if (SortedSet.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
            return new Instantiator<T>() {
                public T create() {
                    return (T) Sets.newTreeSet();
        if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
            return new Instantiator<T>() {
                public T create() {
                    return (T) Sets.newHashSet();
        if (Queue.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
            return new Instantiator<T>() {
                public T create() {
                    return (T) Lists.newLinkedList();
        return new Instantiator<T>() {
            public T create() {
                return (T) Lists.newArrayList();

    if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
        if (SortedMap.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
            return new Instantiator<T>() {
                public T create() {
                    return (T) Maps.newTreeMap();
        return new Instantiator<T>() {
            public T create() {
                return (T) Maps.newHashMap();
    return null;

From source file:org.smartdeveloperhub.vocabulary.util.VocabularyHelper.java

List<String> uriRefs(final String... namespaces) {
    final Set<String> valid = Sets.newHashSet(namespaces);
    if (valid.isEmpty()) {
    }//  www  . ja  v a2 s .  co  m
    final SortedSet<String> named = Sets.newTreeSet();
    named.addAll(extractResourceURIs(this.vocabulary.listSubjects(), valid));
    named.addAll(extractResourceURIs(this.vocabulary.listAllOntProperties(), valid));
    named.addAll(extractResourceURIs(this.vocabulary.listObjects(), valid));
    return Lists.newArrayList(named);

From source file:org.richfaces.cdk.generate.freemarker.ModelElementBaseTemplateModel.java

public TemplateModel getImportClasses() throws TemplateModelException {
    Set<ClassName> result = Sets.newTreeSet();
    String targetPackage = model.getTargetClass().getPackage();
    for (PropertyBase entry : model.getAttributes()) {
        if (entry.getGenerate()) {
            addIfNecessary(targetPackage, result, entry.getType());
        }//from  www . ja  v  a  2s .c  om
    // Import all interfaces implemented by the generated class.
    if (model instanceof ComponentModel) {
        ComponentModel component = (ComponentModel) model;
        for (EventModel event : component.getEvents()) {
            addIfNecessary(targetPackage, result, event.getSourceInterface());
            addIfNecessary(targetPackage, result, event.getListenerInterface());
    // Collection<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(result);
    return this.wrapper.wrap(result);

From source file:co.mitro.core.server.data.DBGroupSecret.java

 * Adds all data about this to the RPC message secret, including encrypted data and ACLs.
 * Includes the critical data if critical ==  INCLUDE_CRITICAL_DATA.
 *///  w w w .  j  a va2s . c o m
public void addToRpcSecret(Manager manager, RPC.Secret secret, CRITICAL critical, String userId)
        throws MitroServletException, SQLException {
    secret.encryptedClientData = getClientVisibleDataEncrypted();
    Set<Integer> groups = Sets.newHashSet();
    Set<Integer> hiddenGroups = Sets.newHashSet();
    Set<String> users = Sets.newTreeSet();
    secret.groupIdToPublicKeyMap = new HashMap<>();
    secret.groupNames = new HashMap<>();
    secret.groupMap = new HashMap<>();
    // TODO: This performs many loads of ServerVisibleSecret, GroupSecret, and Group
    // can we avoid these? Do fewer? It makes ListMySecretsAndGroups slow
    final DBServerVisibleSecret svs = getServerVisibleSecret();
    secret.king = svs.getKing() == null ? null : svs.getKing().getName();
    secret.isViewable = svs.isViewable();

    for (DBGroupSecret dbGroupSecret : svs.getGroupSecrets()) {
        DBGroup group = dbGroupSecret.getGroup();
        secret.groupIdToPublicKeyMap.put(group.getId(), group.getPublicKeyString());
        if (dbGroupSecret.getGroup().isAutoDelete()) {
            // in this case we should add the users
            for (DBAcl acl : dbGroupSecret.getGroup().getAcls()) {
                if (null != acl.getMemberIdentityId()) {
                    DBIdentity identity = acl.loadMemberIdentity(manager.identityDao);

        } else {
            // add group names so we can display groups even if we don't have access to them
            // TODO: Should we only return this from GetSecret?

            secret.groupNames.put(group.getId(), group.getName());

            GroupInfo groupInfo = new GroupInfo();
            groupInfo.groupId = group.getId();
            groupInfo.name = group.getName();
            groupInfo.autoDelete = group.isAutoDelete();
            groupInfo.isTopLevelOrg = group.isTopLevelOrganization();
            secret.groupMap.put(group.getId(), groupInfo);

            if (null == secret.owningOrgId && groupInfo.isTopLevelOrg) {
                secret.owningOrgId = groupInfo.groupId;
            groupInfo.isOrgPrivateGroup = group.isPrivateUserGroup() && (groupInfo.owningOrgId != null);
            groupInfo.isNonOrgPrivateGroup = group.isPrivateUserGroup() && (groupInfo.owningOrgId == null);
    secret.hiddenGroups = Lists.newLinkedList(hiddenGroups);
    secret.users = Lists.newLinkedList(users);
    secret.groups = Lists.newLinkedList(groups);
    manager.addAuditLog(type, null, null, null, this.getServerVisibleSecret(), null);
        secret.encryptedCriticalData = getCriticalDataEncrypted();
    } else {
        secret.encryptedCriticalData = null;
    secret.secretId = getServerVisibleSecret().getId();
    // TODO: Figure out how to get icons and titles for sites that doesn't destroy privacy
    //    secret.icons = Manager.getOldJsonData().getIcons(secret.hostname);
    //    secret.title = Manager.getOldJsonData().getTitle(secret.hostname);

From source file:de.tuberlin.uebb.jdae.llmsl.Block.java

private Map<GlobalVariable, BlockVariable> makeBlockVars(DataLayout layout, Set<DerivedEquation> equations,
        final Map<Integer, Integer> gvIndex) {
    final Map<GlobalVariable, BlockVariable> blockVars = Maps.newHashMap();

    final Set<GlobalVariable> needed = Sets.newTreeSet();
    for (DerivedEquation eq : equations) {
        final int order = eq.maxOrder;
        for (int i = 0; i <= order; i++)
            for (GlobalVariable gv : eq.eqn.need())
                needed.add(gv.der(i));//from  w w  w.  j  a v a2 s  .co  m
    for (GlobalVariable gv : needed) {
        if (gvIndex.containsKey(gv.index)) {
            final int relIndex = gvIndex.get(gv.index);
            final BlockVariable bv;
            if (variables[relIndex].der > gv.der) {
                bv = new BlockState(gv, relIndex);
            } else {
                final int derDiff = gv.der - variables[relIndex].der;
                bv = new BlockIteratee(gv, relIndex + derDiff);
            blockVars.put(gv, bv);
        } else {
            blockVars.put(gv, new BlockConstant(gv));

    return blockVars;

From source file:com.android.tools.idea.sdk.SdkPackages.java

private void computeUpdates() {
    Map<String, UpdatablePkgInfo> newConsolidatedPkgs = Maps.newTreeMap();
    UpdatablePkgInfo[] updatablePkgInfos = new UpdatablePkgInfo[myLocalPkgInfos.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < myLocalPkgInfos.length; i++) {
        updatablePkgInfos[i] = new UpdatablePkgInfo(myLocalPkgInfos[i]);
    }/*from w w w .  ja va2s  .co  m*/
    Set<RemotePkgInfo> updates = Sets.newTreeSet();

    // Find updates to locally installed packages
    for (UpdatablePkgInfo info : updatablePkgInfos) {
        IPkgDesc localDesc = info.getLocalInfo().getDesc();
        for (RemotePkgInfo remote : myRemotePkgInfos.get(localDesc.getType())) {
            if (remote.getPkgDesc().isUpdateFor(localDesc, FullRevision.PreviewComparison.IGNORE)) {
        // the consolidated packages map is always keyed by the non-preview installid, whether or not the UpdatablePackage happens to
        // contain a preview package.
        newConsolidatedPkgs.put(info.getPkgDesc(true).getBaseInstallId(), info);

    // Find new packages not yet installed
    nextRemote: for (RemotePkgInfo remote : myRemotePkgInfos.values()) {
        if (updates.contains(remote)) {
            // if package is already a known update, it's not new.
            continue nextRemote;
        IPkgDesc remoteDesc = remote.getPkgDesc();
        for (UpdatablePkgInfo info : updatablePkgInfos) {
            IPkgDesc localDesc = info.getLocalInfo().getDesc();
            if (remoteDesc.compareTo(localDesc) == 0
                    || remoteDesc.isUpdateFor(localDesc, FullRevision.PreviewComparison.IGNORE)
                    || localDesc.isUpdateFor(remoteDesc,
                            FullRevision.PreviewComparison.IGNORE) /* shouldn't happen in the normal case */) {
                // if package is same as an installed or is an update for an installed
                // one, then it's not new.
                continue nextRemote;

        String key = remoteDesc.getBaseInstallId();
        UpdatablePkgInfo existing = newConsolidatedPkgs.get(key);
        if (existing != null) {
        } else {
            newConsolidatedPkgs.put(key, new UpdatablePkgInfo(remote));
    myConsolidatedPkgs = newConsolidatedPkgs;

From source file:org.kiji.schema.impl.KijiResultRowData.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override/*from  ww w  . ja v a 2s . c om*/
public NavigableSet<Long> getTimestamps(final String family, final String qualifier) {
    final KijiColumnName column = KijiColumnName.create(family, qualifier);
    final NavigableSet<Long> timestamps = Sets.newTreeSet();
    for (final KijiCell<?> cell : mResult.narrowView(column)) {
    return timestamps;

From source file:com.notifier.desktop.ApplicationPreferences.java

public ApplicationPreferences() {
    allowedDevicesIds = Sets.newTreeSet();
    allowedDevicesNames = Lists.newArrayList();
    notificationsSettings = Maps.newHashMap();
    groupsExpansion = Maps.newEnumMap(Group.class);

From source file:blockplus.model.Context.java

public Context forward() {
    if (this.isTerminal())
        return this;
    Context nextContext = new Context(this);
    if (nextContext.options().isEmpty()) {
        final TreeSet<IPosition> emptySet = Sets.newTreeSet(); // TODO extract constant
        nextContext = nextContext.apply(new Move(nextContext.side(), emptySet));
        nextContext = nextContext.forward();
    }/*w  w w . ja va2 s. co  m*/
    return nextContext;

From source file:org.geogit.api.plumbing.diff.TreeDifference.java

 * Finds child refs that exist on the right root tree, don't exist on the left root tree, and
 * are not renames./*w ww . j  ava 2s.c  om*/
 * @return
public SortedSet<NodeRef> findNewTrees() {

    SortedMap<String, MutableTree> leftEntries = leftTree.getChildrenAsMap();
    SortedMap<String, MutableTree> rightEntries = rightTree.getChildrenAsMap();

    SortedMapDifference<String, MutableTree> difference;
    difference = difference(leftEntries, rightEntries);

    Map<String, MutableTree> entriesOnlyOnRight;
    entriesOnlyOnRight = newHashMap(difference.entriesOnlyOnRight());

    // ignore renames
    Map<NodeRef, NodeRef> pureRenames = findRenames(difference);
    for (NodeRef renamedTo : pureRenames.values()) {

    SortedSet<NodeRef> newTreeRefs = Sets.newTreeSet();
    for (Map.Entry<String, MutableTree> newTree : entriesOnlyOnRight.entrySet()) {
        Node node = newTree.getValue().getNode();
        String parentPath = NodeRef.parentPath(newTree.getKey());
        // pass NULL to the NodeRef metadataId, to it defers to the one in the Node in case it
        // has one (see NodeRef.getMetadataId())
        ObjectId metadataId = ObjectId.NULL;
        NodeRef ref = new NodeRef(node, parentPath, metadataId);
    return newTreeRefs;