Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newLinkedHashSet

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets newLinkedHashSet


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newLinkedHashSet.


public static <E> LinkedHashSet<E> newLinkedHashSet(Iterable<? extends E> elements) 

Source Link


Creates a mutable LinkedHashSet instance containing the given elements in order.


From source file:biz.ganttproject.impex.msproject2.CustomPropertyMapping.java

private static <T extends Enum<T>, S extends FieldType> Map<CustomPropertyDefinition, FieldType> buildMapping(
        final CustomPropertyManager customPropertyManager, final SortedSet<S> mpxjFields,
        final Class<T> enumClass) throws MPXJException {

    final Map<CustomPropertyDefinition, FieldType> result = new HashMap<>();
    class Filter {
        private LinkedHashSet<CustomPropertyDefinition> allDefs = Sets

        private void run(final Function<CustomPropertyDefinition, String> fxnFieldName) {
            run0(new Function<CustomPropertyDefinition, S>() {
                @Override//from  w  w  w.j a v a  2  s.c om
                public S apply(@Nullable CustomPropertyDefinition def) {
                    String msProjectType = fxnFieldName.apply(def);
                    return (msProjectType == null) ? null : (S) Enum.valueOf(enumClass, msProjectType);

        private void run0(Function<CustomPropertyDefinition, S> fxnTaskField) {
            for (Iterator<CustomPropertyDefinition> it = allDefs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                CustomPropertyDefinition def = it.next();
                try {
                    FieldType tf = fxnTaskField.apply(def);
                    if (tf != null) {
                        result.put(def, tf);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    // That's somewhat okay. We have not found such value in the enum, but it might come from the future
                    // versions of MPXJ, so it is not the reason to fail
    Filter f = new Filter();
    // First pass: search for saved MSPROJECT_TYPE attributes.
    f.run(new Function<CustomPropertyDefinition, String>() {
        public String apply(@Nullable CustomPropertyDefinition def) {
            return def.getAttributes().get(MSPROJECT_TYPE);
    // Second pass: find properties with predefined names
    f.run(new Function<CustomPropertyDefinition, String>() {
        public String apply(@Nullable CustomPropertyDefinition def) {
            return def.getName().toUpperCase();
    // Third pass: provide appropriate types for the remaining properties
    f.run0(new Function<CustomPropertyDefinition, S>() {
        public S apply(@Nullable CustomPropertyDefinition def) {
            String name;
            switch (def.getPropertyClass()) {
            case BOOLEAN:
                name = "FLAG";
            case INTEGER:
            case DOUBLE:
                name = "NUMBER";
            case TEXT:
                name = "TEXT";
            case DATE:
                name = "DATE";
                assert false : "Should not be here";
                name = "TEXT";
            for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) {
                S tf1 = (S) Enum.valueOf(enumClass, name + String.valueOf(i));
                if (mpxjFields.contains(tf1)) {
                    return tf1;
            return null;
    if (!f.allDefs.isEmpty()) {
        List<String> remainingColumns = Lists
                .newArrayList(Iterables.transform(f.allDefs, new Function<CustomPropertyDefinition, String>() {
                    public String apply(@Nullable CustomPropertyDefinition def) {
                        return def.getName();
        throw new MPXJException(
                String.format("Some of the custom columns failed to export: %s", remainingColumns));
    return result;

From source file:uk.ac.ebi.atlas.model.differential.DifferentialExperiment.java

public Set<Contrast> getContrasts() {
    return Sets.newLinkedHashSet(contrastsById.values());

From source file:net.hillsdon.reviki.web.urls.impl.ApplicationUrlsImpl.java

public Set<WikiUrls> getAvailableWikiUrls() {
    return Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.transform(_deploymentConfiguration.getWikis(),
            new Function<WikiConfiguration, WikiUrls>() {
                public WikiUrls apply(final WikiConfiguration wiki) {
                    return get(wiki.getWikiName());
                }//from www. j  a v a2  s  .  co m

From source file:au.id.wolfe.fxassetman.server.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl.java

public PaginatedResult<T> findAll(int start, int limit) {
    Set<T> resultSet = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(entityManager.createQuery("SELECT e FROM " + type.getName() + " e")

    PaginatedResult<T> paginatedResult = new PaginatedResult<T>(type);

    Long totalCount = (Long) entityManager.createQuery("select count(o) from " + type.getName() + " as o")
            .getSingleResult();/*from   w ww.  jav  a2 s .c om*/


    return paginatedResult;

From source file:org.jclouds.tmrk.enterprisecloud.domain.resource.memory.MemoryUsageDetails.java

private MemoryUsageDetails(Set<ComputePoolMemoryUsageDetailSummaryEntry> entries) {
    this.entries = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(entries);

From source file:org.jclouds.tmrk.enterprisecloud.domain.network.NetworkAdapterSettings.java

private NetworkAdapterSettings(Set<NetworkAdapterSetting> adapters) {
    this.adapters = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(adapters);

From source file:org.jclouds.tmrk.enterprisecloud.domain.template.TemplateCategories.java

private TemplateCategories(Set<TemplateCategory> categories) {
    this.categories = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(categories);

From source file:org.jclouds.trmk.vcloud_0_8.functions.OrgsForLocations.java

 * Zones are assignable, but we want regions. so we look for zones, whose
 * parent is region. then, we use a set to extract the unique set.
 *///from ww w .  ja v a  2s  .co  m
public Iterable<? extends Org> apply(Iterable<? extends Location> from) {
    return transformParallel(Sets.newLinkedHashSet(transform(filter(from, new Predicate<Location>() {
        public boolean apply(Location input) {
            return input.getScope() == LocationScope.ZONE;
    }), new Function<Location, URI>() {
        public URI apply(Location from) {
            return URI.create(from.getParent().getId());
    })), new Function<URI, ListenableFuture<? extends Org>>() {
        public ListenableFuture<? extends Org> apply(URI from) {
            return aclient.getOrg(from);
    }, userExecutor, null, logger, "organizations for uris");

From source file:org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.internal.DefaultNativeTestSuiteBinarySpec.java

public Set<LanguageSourceSet> getAllSources() {
    Set<LanguageSourceSet> sources = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(super.getAllSources());
    return sources;

From source file:org.jclouds.s3.blobstore.functions.ResourceToBucketList.java

public ListBucketResponse apply(PageSet<? extends StorageMetadata> list) {

    Iterable<ObjectMetadata> contents = Iterables
            .transform(Iterables.filter(list, new Predicate<StorageMetadata>() {

                public boolean apply(StorageMetadata input) {
                    return input.getType() == StorageType.BLOB;
                }/*from ww w.ja v  a 2 s  .co  m*/

            }), new Function<StorageMetadata, ObjectMetadata>() {

                public MutableObjectMetadata apply(StorageMetadata from) {
                    return blob2ObjectMd.apply((BlobMetadata) from);


    Set<String> commonPrefixes = Sets
            .newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.transform(Iterables.filter(list, new Predicate<StorageMetadata>() {

                public boolean apply(StorageMetadata input) {
                    return input.getType() == StorageType.RELATIVE_PATH;

            }), new Function<StorageMetadata, String>() {

                public String apply(StorageMetadata from) {
                    return from.getName();

    return new ListBucketResponseImpl(null, contents, null, null, list.getNextMarker(), 0, "/",
            list.getNextMarker() != null, commonPrefixes);