Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSet

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSet


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSet.


public static <E> HashSet<E> newHashSet() 

Source Link


Creates a mutable, initially empty HashSet instance.


From source file:com.complexible.common.base.Instrumentor.java

 * Return all the classes loaded into the JVM which extend from the provided class
 * @param theClass the class//from   w  w  w.j ava  2  s  .  c o m
 * @param <T> the base class type
 * @return all the classes extending from the parameter. An empty collection will be returned if this java agent is not installed
public static <T> Collection<Class<? extends T>> instancesOf(Class<T> theClass) {
    Instrumentation aInst = instrumentation();

    if (aInst == null) {
        return Sets.newHashSet();

    Set<Class<? extends T>> aClasses = Sets.newHashSet();

    for (Class<?> aCls : aInst.getAllLoadedClasses()) {
        if (theClass.isAssignableFrom(aCls)) {
            aClasses.add((Class<T>) aCls);

    return aClasses;

From source file:com.android.build.gradle.integration.common.utils.DeviceHelper.java

 * Return the set of all ABIs supported by any of the connected devices.
 *///from   w  w  w .  ja v  a 2 s  . c  o m
public static Set<String> getDeviceAbis() throws DeviceException {
    ILogger logger = new StdLogger(StdLogger.Level.VERBOSE);
    ConnectedDeviceProvider deviceProvider = new ConnectedDeviceProvider(SdkHelper.getAdb(),
            DEFAULT_ADB_TIMEOUT_MSEC, logger);
    Set<String> abis = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (DeviceConnector deviceConnector : deviceProvider.getDevices()) {
    return abis;

From source file:com.twitter.distributedlog.messaging.RRMultiWriter.java

static <VALUE> Set<ServiceFactory<VALUE, DLSN>> initializeServices(String[] streams,
        DistributedLogClient client) {/*ww w.  ja  v  a  2 s  . c om*/
    Set<ServiceFactory<VALUE, DLSN>> serviceFactories = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (String stream : streams) {
        Service<VALUE, DLSN> service = new StreamWriter(stream, client);
        serviceFactories.add(new SingletonFactory<VALUE, DLSN>(service));
    return serviceFactories;

From source file:com.android.build.gradle.internal.dsl.PackagingOptionsImpl.java

public void exclude(String path) {
    if (excludes == null) {
        excludes = Sets.newHashSet();


From source file:us.samcraft.thaumickeeper.tile.TileSpaceKeeper.java

public void forceChunkLoading(Ticket ticket) {
    if (chunkTicket == null) {
        chunkTicket = ticket;//from  ww w  .j a  va2s .com

    isactive = true;
    Set<ChunkCoordIntPair> chunks = Sets.newHashSet();
    ChunkCoordIntPair keeperChunk = new ChunkCoordIntPair(xCoord >> 9, zCoord >> 9);
    ForgeChunkManager.forceChunk(ticket, keeperChunk);

From source file:com.ogomonkey.common.entity.business.Business.java

public void addPersonal(BusinessPersonal personal) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(personal, "personal cannot be null");

    if (null == businessPersonals) {
        businessPersonals = Sets.newHashSet();
    }//  w  w w .j  a va  2 s. co m

From source file:com.demigodsrpg.util.schematic.Schematic.java

public Set<Location> getLocations(Location reference) {
    Set<Location> locations = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (Selection cuboid : this) {
    }/*from w w  w .  ja v a2s.  co  m*/
    return locations;

From source file:org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.incremental.jar.JarClasspathSnapshotFactory.java

JarClasspathSnapshot createSnapshot(Iterable<JarArchive> jarArchives) {
    Map<File, JarSnapshot> jarSnapshots = Maps.newHashMap();
    Map<File, HashCode> jarHashes = Maps.newHashMap();
    Set<String> allClasses = Sets.newHashSet();
    Set<String> duplicateClasses = Sets.newHashSet();

    for (JarArchive jar : jarArchives) {
        JarSnapshot snapshot = jarSnapshotter.createSnapshot(jar);
        jarSnapshots.put(jar.file, snapshot);
        jarHashes.put(jar.file, snapshot.getHash());
        for (String c : snapshot.getClasses()) {
            if (!allClasses.add(c)) {
            }/*from  w  w  w .  j  a v  a 2s . c om*/
    JarClasspathSnapshotData jarClasspathSnapshotData = new JarClasspathSnapshotData(jarHashes,
    return new JarClasspathSnapshot(jarSnapshots, jarClasspathSnapshotData);

From source file:com.cognifide.aet.executor.xmlparser.xml.CompareConverter.java

public Compare read(InputNode node) throws Exception {
    Set<ComparatorStep> comparatorSteps = Sets.newHashSet();
    InputNode inputNode;/*from  w  w w. ja va2  s  .c o m*/
    while ((inputNode = node.getNext()) != null) {
        Map<String, String> parameters = getParameters(inputNode);

        String comparator = parameters.get("comparator");
        String name = parameters.get("name");
        String collectorName = parameters.get("collectorName");

        List<DataModifierStep> dataModifierSteps = Lists.newArrayList();
        InputNode childNode;
        while ((childNode = inputNode.getNext()) != null) {
            Map<String, String> dataModifierParameters = getParameters(childNode);
            dataModifierSteps.add(new DataModifierStep(childNode.getName(), dataModifierParameters));

        ComparatorStep comparatorStep = new ComparatorStep(comparator, inputNode.getName(), name, collectorName,
                parameters, dataModifierSteps);
    return new Compare(comparatorSteps);

From source file:com.netflix.curator.x.discovery.server.jetty_resteasy.RestEasyApplication.java

public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
    Set<Object> singletons = Sets.newHashSet();
    return singletons;